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リスク対応策 2020.03.08

RM 23 「秘密諜報員ベラスコ」(情報の無視) “Secret Agent Velasco” (Ignoring Information)

For those who prefer to read this column in English, the Japanese text is followed by a British English translation, so please scroll down to the bottom of the Japanese text.












1941年12月7日(日本時間12月8日)の真珠湾攻撃により始まった太平洋戦争。日独伊三国軍事同盟に反対、米国との開戦にも反対した、当時の連合艦隊司令長官 山本五十六の「1年や1年半は存分に暴れてみせますが」との言葉よりも早く、米軍の大反攻は、ベラスコの言葉通り、開戦より半年後には中部太平洋上の島、ガダルカナル島で始まった。




























執筆・翻訳者:羽谷 信一郎

English translation

Risk Management 23 – “Secret Agent Velasco” (Ignoring Information)

When I was casually browsing the NHK On Demand program list, I found a program that I vaguely remembered seeing a long time ago: “I was a Japanese spy – Belasco the secret agent,” which was aired on September 20, 1982. Perhaps because it was the Grand Prize winner at the Art Festival, I was immediately drawn to the film.

1. Japanese Spy – Velasco

Watching this program made me realize how reckless and defenseless Japan was in terms of risk at the time of the Pacific War. The same is true today, and although there was no way Japan could have won the war without winning the information war, all of Japan’s codes had been deciphered a year before the war began, and the plan to attack Pearl Harbor was known to the United States.

NHK learned that the “deciphered code” was in the U.S. National Archives and Records Administration and examined the records of Japanese communications. As a result, “it was discovered that there was an organization that spied for Japan on U.S. soil during World War II. The organization was named after a man who “stole” information and whose name, in English, was “TO” because of its phonetic pronunciation by reading aloud “steal”, but later the Japanese name was changed to “TO (agency) “, reading “east” aloud, because “stealing” was a bad idea.

The staff of NHK discovered that the central figure was a Jewish-Spanish man named “Velasco”, and they contacted him while he was still alive and interviewed him in “Velasco the Secret Agent”. Alcazar Velasco was a top-notch spy who was still unknown in Japan at the time, but was well known throughout the world. He was a trusted figure in Nazi Germany, especially by Hitler.

2. Disregard for information

This organization had been created in the United States by the Japanese minister to Spain, using his contacts in Spain. Despite the fact that it continued to send valuable information to Japan, most of it was never used in the formulation of strategy. One of these was information about the atomic bombs, then the most secret of secrets. More than three years before the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan was informed that it had developed a new type of bomb capable of producing a widespread temperature of more than 1,000 degrees Celsius, but for some reason this information was ignored.

In the summer of 1942, he also reported to Japan that a large fleet had sailed from a naval base on the west coast of the United States, but the General Staff ignored this information, adhering to the intelligence judgment from the beginning of the war that the U.S. military would not launch a counterattack until mid-1943. Alcazar Velasco, a top intelligence officer, looks back on the film with regret: “I was only an intelligence officer, but I knew that a large-scale American counter-offensive was going to take place in the Central Pacific region in the near future, but why didn’t Japan take up the information?

Later, the United States deciphered the code and obtained information from the “To (East) Agency” from Madrid, and in 1944, when the reality of the situation was fully grasped, the “To (East) Agency” was driven to extinction.

3. Naval Warfare Order

War is “an arena in which nations, the pinnacle of organizations, compete for survival by throwing all their resources at each other, people, goods and money”.

The Pacific War began with the attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941 (December 8 in Japan). The U.S. military launched a major counterattack on Guadalcanal Island, an island in the central Pacific, six months after the war began, just as Velasco had said, and even before Isoroku Yamamoto, then commander-in-chief of the Allied Fleet, who opposed the Tripartite Pact and the outbreak of war with the U.S., had said, “I’m going to rampage for a year or a year and a half”.

Strategies are often formulated based on “success stories.” The same was true of the Imperial Japanese Navy. “The naval task order”, which was based on the great victory at the Battle of the Sea of Japan in the Russo-Japanese War, and its central idea was the principle of big guns and fleet decisiveness.Since its enactment in 1901, the order has been revised five times to reflect subsequent changes in circumstances, but its central idea has remained unchanged despite the fact that aircraft were instrumental in the victory at Pearl Harbor.

This strategy, the Naval Warfare Order, was fatally flawed in its “strategic vision” for the conduct of the broader war in the Pacific, but it became the bible for the navy in the conduct of the war. The Russo-Japanese War was a battle in the Sea of Japan in which the oncoming enemy was defeated. However, the battlefield of the Pacific War was thousands of miles away from Japan.

The major strategic issue of logistics, the supply and transport of troops, weapons, food, etc., was not envisioned. Japan ignored this most important strategic factor in the expansion of the front line, and expanded the battlefield in vain. But this was not the case 70 years ago. In the revival models of many bankrupt companies, the phrase “restructuring of the business and return to the core business” appears inevitably even today. The reason why I have chosen to focus on a fact from more than 70 years ago is because I believe that it is still prevalent in Japanese corporate society.

4. Strategic Domain

Deciding on a company’s business domain is central to corporate strategy. A company’s business structure and corporate strategy will change dramatically depending on whether it chooses the Japan Sea or the Pacific Ocean as its target area. Naturally, the risks that arise will also change depending on the decision. For this reason, risk management, which provides solutions to corporate strategies, will also change.

In a sense, the clash between companies is like a war. This is because, depending on the area in which limited capital is invested, the outcome will naturally vary greatly. In this sense, there is no other strategic issue as important as determining the battlefield.

A major Japanese electronics manufacturer previously announced a plan to consolidate its group of about 800 companies to about 500 over the next few years, but the company has decided to accelerate the consolidation of an auto-related subsidiary and three auto parts companies affiliated with different manufacturers, and to sell off even one of its “Gosanke (three families)”. The company recently announced that it had four listed subsidiaries, down from 22 in 2009. The company is likely to consider selling other listed subsidiaries, which were also considered part of the “three families,” while assessing the synergies with its own business.

In this way, companies today are drastically restructuring their businesses, even going so far as to enter what used to be known as their “sacred territory”. It is no longer possible to see the “Japanese management style of labor-management cooperation” of the past. However, even in the process of “selection and concentration” of Japanese companies, it is difficult to say that corporate strategy is decided after the business domain is determined.

This “corporate business domain and survival domain” is called the “strategic domain”. From what I’ve read and heard in the press, it seems that the company first decides on its strategy to cut personnel and other strategies, and then later decides on such things as the downsizing and reorganization of its business domains.

Depending on whether the battlefield is on the Sea of Japan or the Pacific Ocean, the strategy will vary greatly. In this sense, it can be said that “the organizational characteristics of the old Japanese army were brilliantly inherited by Japanese companies”.

5. The Battle of Guadalcanal.

Few things end more miserably than “fighting without regard to logistics”. The number of Japanese generals on Guadalcanal Island was about 32,000. Of this total, 12,500 were killed, 1,900 were wounded, 4,200 died of war-related illnesses, and 2,500 were missing, many of whom are believed to have died of starvation. In contrast, U.S. military casualties were 1,000 killed and 4,245 wounded out of 60,000 generals, and of course not a single U.S. soldier died of starvation.

In addition, the upper echelons of the government, burning with the belief in a must-win strategy, even resented information from the front lines based on factual information as “pessimistic” and did not take it up. They also disregarded information from the outside, such as Velasco information. With such a rigid mindset, he formulated a theoretical plan, dismissed the general who said, “With our military strength, the decisive battle on the 1,000-kilometer remote islands should not be conducted,” and began a war in which the only basis for strategy was a theory that was not based on the recognition of facts.

Subjective strategic planning without regard to information misjudged the men and even equipment of the enemy. The Japanese troops, which did not expect “an enemy with a 13,000-strong division that was heavily armed and came for a great counterattack”, and only set their supreme objective to rush to the battle, assumed that the enemy was weak, and challenged the battle with only 900 men. The result was total destruction. A month later, they challenged a decisive battle with 3,000 men against the U.S. forces that were landing with reinforcements one after another, but they were defeated again in the face of the abundant heavy weapons. It was only here that the “Daihonnei” (the Imperial General Headquarters) decided to administer division-sized troops. However, they were forced to withdraw four months later due to the inadequacy of the logistics line that made this possible. It was the folly of successive inputs.

6. Things left for modern Japanese companies

The U.S. military “desperately wanted Guadalcanal Island for its strategy of attacking the Japanese mainland”. However, “there were some in the core of the Japanese military at the time who did not even know the name of Guadalcanal Island”. Many cite the lack of an integrated naval and army strategy as one of the reasons for the defeat. Others blame the lack of a system that would tolerate feedback from the front lines. As a result, this battle became a turning point in the Pacific War and accelerated the U.S. military’s counter-offensive.

What about modern corporate organizations? Are there any bosses who say, “It’s not time for me to go in there, so why don’t you do it? “In foreign companies, top-down strategy is the cornerstone of the strategy, and this is because the top management takes the lead in the battle from the early stages. Today’s companies can learn a great deal from this battle.

7. The key to counter cyber-attacks is

In today’s business world, the “cornerstone of information” is, as the name implies, “IT”. However, it is no exaggeration to say that IT is exposed to the risk of attack by the enemy, just like codebreaking. Cyber insurance is designed for this purpose.

According to the website of the General Insurance Association of Japan, “Cyber insurance is designed to cover a variety of losses caused by cyber risks. Cyber insurance provides comprehensive coverage for ‘liability’ to third parties caused by a cyber accident to a company, as well as ‘expenses’ and ‘lost profits’ for the company in the event of an accident”.

If you look at the contents of each insurance company’s cyber insurance policy, you’ll see that it includes coverage for “Liability,” “Expenses” and “Lost Profits” in full. However, can we really say that “this cyber insurance will protect you from a cyber attack”? For example, when “ransomware” (ransom demand cyber-attack) attacks your IT system, you will be compensated up to the limit of your payout in terms of “cost” and “lost earnings”, but what about the “main risk”, the “ransom”?

Cyber insurance does not cover all damages and losses caused by cyber attacks. It is important to check the contents of the insurance products and consider the pros and cons in light of your company’s expected risks. There is no such thing as ‘insurance is sufficient’ because there is an ‘exclusion of liability’ (an event for which no insurance payment is made) in the scope of insurance coverage. It is important to establish a risk management framework that provides a solution to the corporate strategy, and the implementation of full-scale risk management with a view to the Solution Captive® will maximize its effectiveness.

Summary of this issue

If your company needs coverage but is unable to purchase “adequate insurance coverage” from a Japanese P&C insurance company, we recommend that you establish a “Solution Captive®”. This is because it is a way to obtain coverage that Japanese P&C insurance companies cannot provide by way of “reinsurance” from overseas insurance markets and provide it to Japanese P&C insurance companies as a means of obtaining unavailable coverage.

There are huge insurance markets overseas that make this possible. We are aware that the difference in coverage for cyber insurance is significantly different from that available in Japan.

“With the emergence of a new coronavirus(covid-19), a risk at the level of an enemy of humanity, it is time for serious risk management with a view to establishing a captive.

Author/translator: Shinichiro Hatani