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設立・運営 2021.11.26

EM8 キャプティブの設立 No.8 (フェーズ2:設立)


For those who prefer to read this column in English, the Japanese text is followed by a British English translation, so please scroll down to the bottom of the Japanese text.


① ハワイのキャプティブ保険業界には、知識と経験が豊富で日英バイリンガルの専門家達が各分野で従事している。




② ハワイ州保険局とキャプティブオーナーとの間に、協力的で迅速な対応が可能な関係が既に築かれている。


③ 円建て資本金や運営資金の保有及び円建ての財務報告が可能であるので、日本の親会社との財務諸表の連結が容易である。


④ 海外の再保険及び投資市場を利用することが実現する。


⑤ 日本・世界とビジネスを行う上でのハワイの地理的に便利な位置に加え、年間を通して安定した快適な気候であるため、出張時期が限定されない。



⑥ ハワイの歴史的な日本との繋がりから日本文化に理解があり、全体的に親日感のある環境の中でビジネスを行うことができる。

現在の保険監督官(コミッショナー:保険局長)はMr. Colin Hayashida(ハヤシダ)であり、前保険局長はMr. Gordon Itoh(イトウ)である。

Family Nameから推察できるとおり、お二人とも日系3世であり、また銀行にも、法律事務所にも多くの日本人、日系人たちがいるため、ハワイは、海外というより「沖縄の少し先にある場所」という親しみの感覚を持てるところである。


Global Link was one of the main speakers at a seminar held jointly by the Hawaii Captive Insurance Council (HCIC) and the Hawaii State Department of Insurance at the Tokyo Station Hotel on November 14, 2017, with Global Link client Shizuoka Shimbun and Shizuoka Broadcasting Corporation. This is a photo of the reception party after the seminar.

筆者 イトウ前ハワイ州保険監督官(コミッショナー:保険局長) 菅原執行役員

Author (GLC), Itoh- former commissioner of Insurance in Hawaii , Executive Officer Sugawara (GLC)

⑦ 法律及び規制が柔軟である。



⑧ キャプティブ業界に特化した、安定的で世界的に評判の良い政府のインフラが存在する。



⑨ ハワイは米国のドミサイルのため、日米租税条約のメリットを享受できる。



⑩ 内部監査の要件がない。

ハワイ州はキャプティブに対して、保険局が独立監査人(Independent Auditor)として認定した公認会計士による独立監査を求めているが、「上場企業の監査要件として知られている、内部監査の要件を課していない」ことが特筆されるべきメリットである。







ドミサイルの保険監督当局からキャプティブ保険会社の営業認可を受けるため、当局が求める「キャプティブ」に関する情報を網羅した、ハワイ州の場合約200ページに及ぶ「キャプティブ設立申請書(Application Package)」をキャプティブ・マネジャーが中心となって、上記「有資格専門家・専門組織」と協同して、作成、オーナーは「キャプティブの現地代理人」となった法律事務所と連携してハワイ州のキャプティブ申請手数料$1,000を支払い、当局に申請、提出する。

「キャプティブ設立申請書(Application Package)」の審査を受け、保険監督当局からCOGGCertificate of General Good:キャプティブの適切性に関わる当局の認証)」を取得したら、キャプティブの法人登記をおこない、キャプティブが開設する「メインバンク」口座に資本金の払込を行ない、キャプティブ営業許可証(ライセンス)発行手数料$300を支払い「営業許可証明書」の交付を受ける。これをもってキャプティブの設立がすべて完了することになる。

キャプティブの設立が完了したら、「元受保険契約(日本の元受保険会社との契約)」および「再々保険契約(キャプティブからの再保険契約)」を締結してキャプティブが保険引受を開始、グローバル・リンクと「フェーズ3:キャプティブの運営」にかかわるコンサルティング契約書並びに「リスクマネジメントに関わるコンサルティング契約書」を締結、現地のキャプティブ・マネージャーとは「キャプティブの運営・管理に関する契約書(Management Agreement)」を締結、「フェーズ3(第3段階:キャプティブの運営)」に進むことになる。


ステップ1: キャプティブの設立申請


 書式名 内容
キャプティブ保険会社申請書: キャプティブのClass、所在地、オーナー、キャプティブの取締役・執行役員、キャプティブ運営に携わる専門組織等
キャプティブのオーナー等に関する追加情報: 保険契約の状況
フィージビリティ・スタディ: 損害率が50%、90%の場合の今後5年間のBS/PLシミュレーション
キャプティブ事業戦略: キャプティブ名称、営業開始予定日、決算日、会計帳簿の保管地、取引銀行、元受・再々保険(レトロセッション)保険プログラム等
キャプティブ設立申請者経歴書: 設立申請のため宣誓供述者としてのオーナー、キャプティブ・マネジャー、保険数理人の経歴
支払準備金証明申請書: 支払準備金証明に関わる保険数理人の申請書
独立会計士申請書: キャプティブの監査業務を担当する独立会計士の申請書
キャプティブ・マネジャー申請書: キャプティブ・マネジャーの申請書
アクチュアリー分析報告書: 保険数理人による保険数理分析の報告書

ステップ2: COGG取得

設立申請が承認されたら、COGG(Certificate of General Good:キャプティブの適切性に関わる当局の認証)が交付される。これは、「キャプティブ設立に向けて、この先のステップに進んでもよい」との当局の認証である。

ステップ3: 法人登記、銀行口座開設


ステップ4: 営業許可証明書の交付、キャプティブ設立の完了

資本金着金後、銀行口座残高証明書を保険局に提出し、「営業許可証明書(Certificate of Authority)」が交付されると、キャプティブの設立が完了する。

ステップ5: キャプティブの営業(保険引受)開始




現地キャプティブ・マネジメント会社は、保険監督当局から許可を受けてキャプティブの運営・管理において「キャプティブ・マネジャー」として中心的な役割を果たすことになる重要な立場を担う。そのため、米国ハワイ州においては、当局にキャプティブ管理代表者(Hawaii Administrative Rules Designed Representative)として登録される。





ハワイ州においては、当局に登録代理人(Hawaii Registered Agent)として登録される。キャプティブ設立までの間、オーナーとともにキャプティブ設立発起人(Incorporator)の役割を果たし、設立後は、当局への届出、キャプティブ設立後のキャプティブ内の決議等、現地の法律行為を担当する。







ハワイ州のキャプティブ法は、1987年Char Hamilton Yoshida & Shimomotoのジェリー吉田弁護士(現Goodsill Anderson Quinn & Stifel)が、法案作成やキャプティブの申請手続手順等の作成をおこなった。そのジェリー吉田弁護士、イトウ ハワイ州保険監督官(保険局長)(当時)、グローバル・リンクの法務顧問、志賀 櫻弁護士が講師を務めた。

後列: 上田執行役員、島津弁護士(CHY&S法律事務所)、筆者、志賀櫻弁護士、シモモト弁護士(CHY&S法律事務所)、シマムラキャプティブ検査官(ハワイ州保険庁)
前列: ヨシダ弁護士(CHY&S法律事務所)、サイトウ ハワイ州保険局副局長(キャプティブ保険監督官)、イトウハワイ州保険監督官(保険局長) 


Back row: executive officer Ueda (GLC), attorney Shimazu (CHY&S Law Office), the author (GLC), attorney Sakura Shiga (GLC), attorney Shimomoto (CHY&S Law Office), and captive inspector Shimamura (Hawaii Department of Insurance).
Front row: Attorney Yoshida (CHY&S Law Offices), Saito (Deputy Commissioner of Hawaii Department of Insurance-Director of Captive Insurance), Itoh Commissioner of Insurance) *Office and title titles are current at the time.









キャプティブ・マネージャーと同様、ある時は更に重要な存在となるのが「キャプティブの登録法務代理人(Legal Counsel)」となる法律事務所である。



執筆・翻訳者:羽谷 信一郎

It is strictly forbidden to publish, copy, quote or distribute the contents of this column without permission.

English Translation

EM (Establishment・Management) 8 – Establishment of the Captive No.8 (Phase 2: Establishment)

The Hawaii Captive Insurance Council (HCIC) has released the following list of the “Top 10 Reasons Why Japanese Companies Choose Hawaii as a Captive Domicile” in blue text (black text is author’s comment).

① Hawaii’s captive insurance industry is staffed by knowledgeable, experienced, bilingual professionals in a variety of fields.

The operation and management of a captive is not the sole responsibility of the captive manager, but rather the responsibility of a number of service providers. There are banks, lawyers, accountants, actuaries, captive managers, and captive consulting firms such as Global Link.

Global Link’s business model is to establish and manage captives in the State of Hawaii, but as a “risk management company” it has also developed a “contingency plan” to avoid its own business contingencies. In order to select a captive location (domicile) to replace Hawaii as a “contingency plan” to avoid business contingencies, we conducted two full-scale surveys in the US and Europe, primarily to find a domicile with a service provider that could provide services in Japanese.

As a result, it was found that “there are no areas where Japanese language service is available” except in Hawaii. No other domicile in the world has such a strong base of local captive support and Japanese language capability as Hawaii. This is one of the main reasons why Hawaii is attracting the attention of major Japanese companies.

② A cooperative and responsive relationship has already been established between the Hawaii Department of Insurance and the captive owners.

I have visited and had several meetings with the Bermuda, Cayman, Isle of Man and other domicile insurance regulators, but when I visited the Hawaii Department of Insurance afterwards, I was struck by how different it was. I was impressed by the attitude and enthusiasm of the Director General of the Department of Insurance and all his staff to create a better captive as a business partner.

③ The ability to hold capital and operating funds in yen and to report financials in yen makes it easier to consolidate financial statements with the parent company in Japan.

As a subsidiary established in Hawaii, it is common to manage funds in dollars for “overseas expansion”, but if certain requirements are met, funds can be managed in yen, making the captive’s supervisory structure very flexible.

④  Access to overseas reinsurance and investment markets will be achieved.

By investing in the US, the world’s largest financial market, captives benefit from the security of remittance of reinsurance premiums.

⑤ In addition to Hawaii’s convenient geographic location for doing business in Japan and around the world, Hawaii’s stable and comfortable climate throughout the year allows us to travel at any time of the year.

The time difference between Japan and Hawaii is very useful in promoting and controlling captive business in Japan.

9:00am Japan time is 2:00pm Hawaii time, which means that the morning hours in Japan coincide with the work hours in Hawaii, which has the advantage of making daily contact very easy. The climate is mild all year round, with no rainy season, and the short 7-8 hour flight time makes it convenient for business trips.

⑥  Hawaii’s historical ties with Japan have led to an understanding of Japanese culture and an overall friendly environment in which to do business.

The current Director General of Insurance (Commissioner of Insurance) is Mr. Colin Hayashida and the former Director General of Insurance (Commissioner of Insurance) is Mr. Gordon Ito.

As can be inferred from from their family names, they are both third generation Japanese Americans, and there are many Japanese and Japanese-Americans in the bank and in the law firm, so Hawaii feels more like “a place just beyond Okinawa” than a foreign country.

⑦  The laws and regulations are flexible.

Captives incorporated in Hawaii are governed by the laws of the State of Hawaii, not the federal laws of the United States.

This is a feature not found in other US states or other domiciles, but Hawaii law gives the Director of Insurance considerable authority and discretion, so that, for example, while Hawaii law sets statutory minimum capital requirements, the final minimum capital requirements are determined by the Director of Insurance, taking into account the unique requirements of each captive program. This is a very flexible domicile, as the decision is made based on judgment.

⑧  There is a stable and globally reputable government infrastructure dedicated to the captive industry.

In many domiciles, the department that oversees general insurance companies also oversees the management of captives, but in Hawaii, the oversight department is a “captive specific oversight department”. This is a great advantage for captives and is worthy of special mention.

⑨  Because Hawaii is a U.S. domicile, it can enjoy the benefits of the U.S.-Japan tax treaty.

The Japan-U.S. tax treaty clearly defines the tax rules for commercial transactions between Japan and the U.S., and the captive can rest assured that it will be operated and managed in accordance with the Japan-U.S. tax treaty.

There are also benefits to insurance companies in terms of accounting and tax laws in the US. Since accounting standards and tax laws specifically for insurance companies have been in place for a long time, it is a significant advantage that the “captive as an insurance company” can also benefit from them.

⑩  There are no internal audit requirements.

A notable benefit is that Hawaii does not impose on captives “the internal audit requirement known as the public company audit requirement”.

As mentioned at the beginning of this article, we have been working with friends and acquaintances in the global P&C insurance industry since the “inception of the captive business” to determine the “best domicile” for Japanese captives. The more I researched, the more I became aware of Hawaii’s superiority and utility.

Most of the captives of Japanese companies located in tax havens were established in the 1970s and 1980s, and I believe that many of them would have been established in Hawaii if the state had been a “potential domicile” at that time.

This is supported by the fact that many of the new captives of leading Japanese companies have been established in Hawaii, including a very large captive of a very large Japanese company with a premium of over 100 billion yen that was recently established. I believe this is a testament to Hawaii’s dominance as a captive domicile.

1. The overall picture of ” Phase 2: Establishment”

“In “Phase 2: Establishment”, the parent company (the “Owner”) of the captive selects a local captive management company (the “Captive Manager”) to form the core of qualified local professionals, a law firm to act as the captive’s local representative and the captive’s main bank.

The Captive Manager will then recommend to the Owners, for approval, “qualified local professional organisations” with extensive captive experience, such as actuaries, auditors and tax accountants, who will be required to run the captive and set up the “local captive management structure”.

In order to obtain approval from the domiciliary insurance regulator to operate a captive insurance company, the captive manager is responsible for completing the 200-page “Application Package” in the case of Hawaii, which contains all the information required by the regulator to establish a captive. The owner pays a $1,000 Hawaii State Captive Application Fee and submits the Application Package to the Hawaii State Department of Corporations, in cooperation with a law firm acting as the “local agent” for the captive.

Upon review of ”the Application Package” and receipt of the Certificate of General Good (COGG) from the insurance regulators, the captive is registered as a corporation and capital is placed in an account with the “Main Bank”. The captive is then registered as a corporation, the capital is paid into the “Main Bank” account, and the $300 captive business license fee is paid and the “Certificate of Business License” is issued. The captive is then fully established.

Once the captive is established, the captive begins underwriting by entering into a primary insurance contract (with the Japanese primary insurer) and a retrocession contract (reinsurance contract from the captive), and enters into an agreement with Global Link for Phase 3: Operation of the Captive and a Risk Management Agreement. Management Agreement” with Global Link, and a “Captive Operations and Management Agreement” with the local captive manager.

2. The main steps to start a captive operation

Step 1: Application to establish a captive

The application must be filed with the domiciliary insurance regulator. For the State of Hawaii, the application includes the following documents;

Application for Captive Insurance Company: Class of captive, location, owners, directors and officers of the captive, and professional organizations involved in the operation of the captive.
Additional information on the captive’s owners: insurance policy status
Feasibility study: BS/PL simulations for the next 5 years with 50% and 90% loss ratios
Captive business strategy: name of captive, expected date of commencement of operations, date of closing, location of books of account, banks involved, primary and retro insurance programmes, etc.
Captive Applicant Biographies: biographies of owners, captive managers and actuaries as affidavits for the application to establish the captive.
Application for Proof of Reserves: Application of the actuary for proof of reserves.
Application for Independent Accountant: Application for an independent accountant to be responsible for the audit of the captive
Application for Captive Manager: Application for a captive manager.
Actuarial Analysis Report: the report of the actuarial analysis by the actuary
Financial statements of the captive’s owner company:
A copy of the resolution of the board of directors of the owner company to establish the captive:
A copy or draft of the company’s articles of association and by-laws:

Step 2: Obtaining a COGG

Once the application to establish a captive has been approved, a Certificate of General Good (COGG) will be issued. This is a certificate from the authorities stating that the company may proceed to the next step in the process of establishing a captive.

Step 3: Registration of company and opening of bank account

Within 30 days of obtaining the COGG, the company is registered and a bank account is opened. After opening the account, the owner will transfer the capital to the main bank account.

Step 4: Issuance of business license certificate and completion of captive establishment

Once the capital has been paid in and the bank account balance has been submitted to the Insurance Department and the Certificate of Authority has been issued, the establishment of the captive is complete.

Step 5: Commencement of business (underwriting)

A copy of the Certificate of Authority is submitted to the primary insurer. An internal application is then made to the primary insurer for the underwriting of the captive’s policies, and the underwriting process begins.

3. Local Expertise

① Local Captive Management Company

The local captive management company is authorized by the insurance regulator to play a central role in the operation and management of the captive as the “captive manager”. In the State of Hawaii, the local captive management company is registered with the regulator as a Captive Management Representative (Hawaii Administrative Rules designed Representative).

The captive management company is responsible for accounting for the captive, arranging for the transfer of funds, closing accounts, underwriting, holding annual meetings of shareholders and the board of directors, and recommending other local service providers (e.g., audit and tax accounting firms, actuaries, etc.) for the operation of the captive.

As they are responsible for the professional operation and management of the captive insurance company, it is important that they have expertise and experience in the captive business, as well as the ability to report and explain in Japanese to the Japanese owners in an easy-to-understand and detailed manner.

② Local Law Firms

A local law firm is required to enter into a legal representation agreement with the Japanese owner prior to the commencement of the captive formation process, and to act as the local legal representative for the captive formation process and post-formation captive management.

In the State of Hawaii, they are registered as a Hawaii Registered Agent. Together with the owners, they serve as the incorporators of the captive and are responsible for the local legal affairs of the captive, including the filing of filings with the authorities and the management of the captive.

They also play a key role in the organisation of annual general meetings and board meetings. In selecting a law firm, familiarity with captive legislation is a prerequisite, but the availability of a Japanese language service system is also important.

③ Actuaries, audit and tax accounting firms and banks

As a captive is an insurance company, an actuary prepares the actuarial report which is required to be submitted as audit material.

They calculate and report on the IBNR reserve and certify that the IBNR reserve shown in the financial statements has been calculated using appropriate actuarial methods. The tax accountant’s office prepares the tax returns, processes the taxes and forecasts the corporate income tax. Audit firms provide audit services and prepare audit reports, and in the State of Hawaii must be approved for appointment by the Department.

When appointing an accounting firm, it is important that the firm have a high level of expertise in the captive area. When selecting a bank, it is important that the bank is willing to accept captive insurance companies and has a Japanese language service system in place.

4. Insurance companies and insurance brokers

① Primary insurers

For captives, the primary insurer is the ” reinsured ” who cedes reinsurance under the primary insurance contract with the Japanese owner. The Japanese owners will handle all negotiations. Global Link is the “insurance agent” for the reinsurance ceded to the captive.

②    Reinsurance brokers and reinsurers

The captive will enter into a reinsurance agreement with the reinsurance broker, pay reinsurance premiums and collect reinsurance proceeds, and Global Link will act as the “risk manager” for the Japanese owner.

Summary of this issue

The process of setting up a captive takes about three months at Domicile, with the captive management company (captive manager) and a local law firm playing a central role in preparing the large number of application documents and making representations to the insurance regulator. In particular, a captive management company needs to have a high level of expertise and experience in setting up and managing captives, a strong network of contacts with the regulators and local service providers, and a deep understanding of the Japanese business environment.

In view of this, Global Link has entrusted the establishment and operation of all captives it has managed over the past 10 years to Alakai Global, a captive management company with a wealth of experience in captive establishment and operation, and has also entered into a business alliance with FiRMS to ensure that all captives are well managed.

Just as important as the captive manager, and at times even more important than the captive manager, is the law firm that acts as the “registered agent of the captive”. Ms. Shimazu lived in Japan until his graduation from high school, then went to college in New York, graduated from law school, and became a lawyer. Ms. Shimazu’s fluency in English and her knowledge of Japanese companies and people make her a perfect fit for the role of a captive representative. All of Global Link’s captives are represented by Ms. Shimazu.

By creating a truly “global” “link” of experts, Global Link is well placed to respond to the needs of our clients during the establishment of a captive and the subsequent “Phase 3: Operation of the Captive”.

Author/translator: Shinichiro Hatani