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リスク対応策 2020.03.26

RM 30 ハリウッド・セクハラ事件 Hollywood Sexual Harassment Case

For those who prefer to read this column in English, the Japanese text is followed by a British English translation, so please scroll down to the bottom of the Japanese text.

今や米国のニュースは「新型コロナ・ウイルス」と「株価」のことがほとんどであるが、昨年暮れ、「ハリウッド」の注目の裁判に関する報道があった。2019年12月、「性的暴行などの罪で起訴されている米国ハリウッドの元大物プロデューサー、ハーヴェイ・ワインスタイン(Harvey Weinstein)被告が、セクシャルハラスメント(性的嫌がらせ)被害を訴えた女優や元従業員30人以上と和解金2500万ドル(約27億円)の支払いで合意したこと」が、広く欧米のメディアで報道されたのである。

驚くことに、ワインスタイン被告は、過ちを犯したと認める必要もなければ、また和解金を自分で支払う必要もなく、「破産した自身の映画会社ワインスタイン・カンパニー(The Weinstein Company)の保険会社が和解金の支払いを引き受ける」というものであった。

1. セクシュアルハラスメント(性的嫌がらせ)










職場でのリスクに関して、「セクシュアルハラスメント」に続いて出てきた言葉が、「パワーハラスメント」、略称、パワハラである。英語で「power harassment」と書かれることが多いが、米英にこの言葉は無く、「和製英語」である。社会的な地位の強い者(政治家、会社上司、役員、大学教授など)による、「自らの権力や立場を利用した嫌がらせ」のこと」をいう。国際的には、1993年以降、欧米諸国で法制化が行われ、日本では2001年パワーハラスメントという言葉が提唱され、その例として「身体的な暴力、精神的なものである強迫や暴言、人間関係の切り離し、遂行できない過大な要求、私的な領域への侵害」とされた。

「このような事柄によって、従業員から、会社及び役職員が訴訟されるリスクを補償するための保険」が訴訟大国、米国で商品化された、「雇用慣行賠償責任保険(EPL保険: Employment Practices Liability Insurance)」である。上記のとおり、その歴史は浅く1990年代初頭であった。









執筆・翻訳者:羽谷 信一郎

English Translation

Risk Management 30 – Hollywood Sexual Harassment Case

While most of the news in the U.S. is now about the “new corona virus” and “stock prices,” late last year there were reports about a high-profile trial in “Hollywood” : in December 2019, Harvey Weinstein, a former major U.S. Hollywood producer who has been charged with sexual assault and other crimes, was charged with sexual assault. It was widely reported in the Western media that “Harvey Weinstein has agreed to pay $25 million in settlements with more than 30 actresses and former employees who accused him of sexual harassment”.

Surprisingly, the Weinstein defendant was not required to admit that they had made a mistake, nor were they required to pay the settlement themselves, but “the insurance company of their own bankrupt film company, The Weinstein Company, will assume payment of the settlement”.

1. Sexual harassment

The $25 million settlement on the lawsuit against film producer Harvey Weinstein will be paid by an insurance company,” the plaintiffs’ lawyer said in a media interview. The insurers are several global insurance companies, both in the United States and Europe. Although the names of the insurers are already known and have been reported in the US and UK insurance press, and I have detailed data on them, I am refraining from naming the insurers because I believe that the insurance policies that Mr. Weinstein uses as the “basis for insurance reimbursement” for this “payment” “fall under the insurance exclusion”.

One of the insurers, Company A, which received the insurance claim, filed a complaint in New York State Court alleging that “the insurance policy issued to Mr. Harvey Weinstein did not cover ‘defense costs or damages arising out of a lawsuit for sexual assault or sexual harassment.'”

Mr. Weinstein sought insurance reimbursement for this case because Mr. Weinstein carried a number of insurance policies with Company A between 1994 and 2018, including “homeowners insurance (comprehensive fire insurance), art insurance, auto insurance, personal liability insurance, and excess casualty liability insurance “.
However, Company A argued that this case fell within the “policy exclusion” and that “the ‘personal liability coverage’ clause in all policies provides that ‘losses arising from intentional acts, director liability, sexual harassment or molestation, misconduct, or abuse’ are not covered by the policy.

2. The reality of litigation in the United States.

The U.S. court system and lawsuits are quite different from Japan’s. When you try to file a lawsuit, you will knock on the door of a law firm and meet with an attorney to discuss your case. At that time, Japanese lawyers “judge the case and examine it carefully to see if they can win the case in court before deciding whether or not to proceed to the next step”. However, U.S. lawyers usually “put ‘suing’ first and take the next step”.

I believe that Mr. Weinstein’s lawyer may have taken such a course of action. In the United States, it is “quite normal” for a lawyer to think that “even if the insurance exemption is granted, it is up to the negotiation”. One of the reasons for this is the contingency fee system, which is a real lawsuit that looks like a lie. The United States is full of “cases”.The U.S. is full of “real, false lawsuits,” such as “A suicidal man who tried to jump into the New York City subway system and only sustained injuries but survived, sued the city of New York (New York City subway) and was awarded $5 million in damages.

The reason for this is the jury system in the United States. In Japan, civil lawsuits are judged by judges, but in the United States, cases are tried by jury. For this reason, “juries tend to issue judgments that protect the rights of the individual and seek to protect the individual, thinking that what would happen if it happened to them,” and if a product sold to or service provided to a large number of consumers is considered to be defective, “punitive damages” may be imposed, resulting in very high damages.

In addition, the legal system is also based on state laws enacted by each state’s government as the backbone of U.S. law, so that judgments rendered in similar cases in each state’s courts serve as precedents for each state and are binding for subsequent trials in similar cases. In other words, because judicial decisions are made based on customary law (law established by custom), judgments may also vary from state to state. In addition, because of this “risk generated by a legal system different from that of other countries”, insurance has evolved in response to this, which is the case in the United States.

3. Employment practices liability insurance (EPL insurance)

With regard to risks in the workplace, the term “power harassment,” abbreviated as “power hara,” has emerged after “sexual harassment. It is often written in English as “power harassment,” but the term does not exist in the U.S. and the U.K.; it is a “Japanese English” term. It refers to “harassment by a person with a high social status (politician, company boss, executive, university professor, etc.) who takes advantage of his or her power or position”. In Japan, the term “power harassment” was proposed in 2001, and examples of power harassment include “physical violence, mental coercion and verbal abuse, separation from relationships, excessive demands that cannot be carried out, and invasion of the private sphere”.

EPL insurance was commercialized in the U.S., a country of litigation, as “insurance to protect the company and its officers and employees against the risk of being sued by the employees for such matters”. As mentioned above, the history of EPL is young, dating back to the early 1990s.

EPL covers “damages and defense costs” for claims arising out of unfair dismissal, employment discrimination, and (sexual power) harassment, and the “insureds include the company and its officers and employees”. In addition, EPL insurance is one type of liability insurance for pure economic losses other than physical damage, such as bodily injury and property damage, and although it is often considered to be mainly for “compensation for damages,” when companies use this insurance, “defense costs” become quite important.

Traditionally, many large companies that expand overseas and often employ local people have taken out this insurance policy for “overseas risk”, but EPL insurance has recently begun to sell rapidly.

The reason for this, according to the report, is that “mid-sized and small businesses have begun to be aware of those risks”. In fact, this is because of the increasing EPL risks that companies are facing. According to the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, there were 255,460 consultations on individual civil labor disputes received by labor bureaus nationwide in fiscal 2016, of which 75,917 were related to “bullying/harassment,” a 6.5 percent increase over the previous year.

In recent years, employment patterns have become increasingly complex, with permanent and temporary employees, new graduates and mid-career workers in a variety of positions and conditions, and the unconscious words and actions of management and superiors can lead to damages, so employment issues are no stranger to most companies. It can be said that we have entered an era in which workers are beginning to become more aware of their rights, and that we must be very conscious of these issues.

Summary of this issue

The shortage of workers also creates new risks.I have heard that many companies are concerned about the possibility of being sued for unfair dismissal, despite the fact that they tried to make a problematic employee quit after hiring him for the first time due to a shortage of workers.Many companies are concerned that they may be sued for wrongful dismissal.

A company is an organization made up of people. In the past, risk management tended to deal with the risk of hiring a certain person by saying that the risk was dealt with in terms of a thorough implementation of an appropriate personnel system. However, with the rise in awareness of workers’ rights, we have entered an era in which we need to be aware that employment risks have become apparent and have developed into litigation risks.

We have entered an era in which we need to conduct full-scale risk management with a view to captives under the guidance of experts to determine whether we are prepared for this and whether we can respond to it.

Author/translator: Shinichiro Hatani