企業戦略 2020.01.31
CS 2 責任の「隔壁構造」The “bulkhead structure” of responsibilities
For those who prefer to read this column in English, the Japanese text is followed by a British English translation, so please scroll down to the bottom of the Japanese text.
米国が32機運用中の「GPS(Global Positioning System:グローバル・ポジショニング・システム)全地球測位システム」、中国の「北斗」、ロシアの航法衛星測位システム「GLONASS(グロナス)」、一昨年から4機体制での運用が始まった日本の「みちびき」などがある。戦争が起きたときには、「飛んでくるミサイルの高度や位置などの座標を、正確に把握しなければ迎撃できない」というところから、これらの衛星が狙われる可能性がある。少なくとも3つの衛星からの電波を受信することで、衛星からの距離を割り出し、自身の位置を特定することができる、これらの「GPS型衛星」、その防御が未来の戦いの帰趨を制することになるのは、容易に想像がつく。
昨年、2019年末、暮れも押し詰まった12月20日、米国トランプ大統領は、2020年度の国防予算の大枠を定めた「国防権限法(NDAA)」に署名、陸海空軍、海兵隊など5つの軍と同格となる、「宇宙軍(Space Force)」を発足させた。独立軍の創設は、1947年朝鮮戦争の際に創設された空軍以来、70年ぶりである。国防予算全体の総額は、昨年の7160億ドル(約78兆3000億円)から7380億ドル(約80兆7000億円)に大幅に増加。実に防衛費だけで、日本の2020年度国家予算案(一般会計)の歳出総額、102兆6580億円の79%に相当する。
実は、米国には、過去にも「宇宙軍」という名称を付けた「軍」があった。1985年、「United States Space Command(米国スペースコマンド:宇宙軍)」が発足、その後2002年に、米国戦略軍に整理・統合されたが、「通信衛星、偵察衛星他、各種軍事衛星の運用のほか、ICBM=大陸間弾道ミサイルなどの早期警戒衛星の管理、無線通信やコンピュータネットワークの運用も担い、サイバーテロへの対応も受け持っていた組織」であった。
日本語に訳すと、同じく「宇宙軍」となるが、1985年発足の「米国宇宙軍」は「Space Command」という名称である。「運用が終わった人工衛星2基が衝突速度時速5万3000キロで衝突し、1万個以上の宇宙ごみが飛散する可能性」が指摘されていた問題で、両衛星は1月29日、衝突せずに通過したことをこの米国空軍宇宙軍は、30日明らかにした。この「Command(コマンド)」とは、「米国では、何らかの分野で、陸海空軍を統合して、運用する場合に使われる組織名」であり、新しく発足した「Space Force(スペースフォース)」は、陸海空軍と同格の「独立軍」である。実験成功以降も、中国は衛星破壊の実験と開発を繰り返してきたことをもはや米国は無視できなくなってきたことが、軍創立の背景にあると考えられる。
しかし、「なぜ、独立軍のレベルでの創設なのか」というところを考えていくと、「組織に対する指示系統、有事の際の瞬時の対応、責任の所在の明確化」等が、その背景にあるのが見て取れる。企業でいうところの「コーポレート・ガバナンス(corporate governance):企業統治」を追求する体制である。それが、官民問わず徹底されている姿の象徴である。これは、「責任の細分化」ということでもあり、責任を明確にして、指示命令系統を明確にするためである。
3.MR4とPC(Profit Center)
企業の構造、組織そして責任の所在に関しても、日本と欧米では大きな違いがある。筆者が勤務していた外資系の損害保険会社には、MR(Monthly Report:マンスリー・レポート)と称する、何種類かの「月例報告書」があった。
「この課の賃料をどうやって出すのですか?」と尋ねると、窓を指しながら、「前と横、それぞれの窓ごとに外に枠があるだろう、「1つの枠で囲まれたスペースをOne span(1スパン)」と言い、「課員10人の机のスペースをOne spanいくらで計算した合計数字に会議室のスペースの人数分の数字がそれだ」と、さらに「一番下、それがBottom line(ボトムライン)、最終損益だ、そこがプラスかマイナスで課の評価が決まる」という返事は、学校を出たばかりで、経費感覚など全く持たない新入社員を驚かせるには、十分過ぎるほどの「緻密な計算に基づいた責任の細分化」であった。
それは、外資系損害保険会社では、上述のMRを保険種目ごとの業務部門が持っていたのである。例えば、「火災保険」であれば、その引受け可否の判断、料率計算等をする組織である「火災保険業務部」が、その保険種目の最終損益にも責任を持つ「Profit Center(プロフィットセンター)」として位置づけられていた。当然、営業部店は全種目の営業数字の責任を負うが、保険種目ごとの責任は「各保険業務部」が負う、つまり「企業全体をマトリックス(碁盤の目)で、営業成績に関する責任を細分化している」のである。
執筆・翻訳者:羽谷 信一郎
English Translation
Corporate Strategy 2 – The “bulkhead structure” of responsibilities
In the United States, risk managers exist in every aspect of the organization, even in the military, which would have been unthinkable in the former Japanese military, which was defeated for ignoring the logistics of its operations. The military, both in name and in deed, is a professional risk management organization, and the military also has risk management experts and risk managers.
Each of today’s armed forces has become increasingly sophisticated and specialized. At the same time, the division of the command structure among the armed forces has become an impediment to operations, and it is necessary to establish a unified, cross-military command. The U.S. military follows this basic principle by organizing and establishing a joint force that combines two or more militaries (from the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps) by region and function.
As of the end of January 2020, there will be six regional joint forces and five functional joint forces, and in the event of a contingency, there will be a headquarters to integrate them. It is truly a “matrix organization.
1.The lifeblood of car navigation
In 2007, China conducted a successful ASAT test targeting its aging satellites. This test showed the world that China has the ability to shoot down satellites. This event suggested that China could destroy U.S. satellites and degrade U.S. military capabilities should the conflict between the U.S. and China eventually escalate.
The “car navigation system” that is now installed in most cars, as well as the “smartphone navigation system,” which is involved in the operation of airplanes, ships, and private cars in space, will be able to accurately guide the location of your car and its destination by having a “location system satellite” in space.
The United States is currently operating 32 Global Positioning System (GPS) satellites, China’s Beidou, Russia’s GLONASS navigation satellite positioning system, for example, and the year before last, Japan’s MICHIBIKI began operating with a four-plane fleet. In the event of war, these satellites are likely to be targeted because “we cannot intercept a missile without knowing the exact altitude and position of its coordinates”. It is easy to imagine that the defense of these “GPS satellites,” which can determine their distance and locate themselves by receiving radio signals from at least three satellites, will determine the outcome of future battles.
2. The Creation of the U.S. Space Force
Last year, at the end of 2019, on December 20, as the end of the year was winding down, US President Trump signed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which set out the broad outlines of the defense budget for fiscal year 2020, and launched the Space Force, which is on par with five other militaries, including the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps. This is the first time in 70 years that an independent military force has been created since the Air Force was created during the Korean War in 1947. The total defense budget has increased substantially from last year’s $716 billion (¥78.3 trillion) to $738 billion (¥80.7 trillion). In fact, defense spending alone is equivalent to 79% of Japan’s proposed FY2020 national budget (general account) expenditures of ¥102.65 trillion.
In fact, in the past the United States had a “military” with the name of “Space Force”, and in 1985 the United States Space Command was established, which was later consolidated into the U.S. Strategic Command in 2002 The U.S. Space Command was an organization that was “responsible for the operation of communications satellites, reconnaissance satellites, and other military satellites and ICBMs (intercontinental ballistic missiles) early warning satellites, wireless communications and computer networks, and also the response to cyber-terrorism.
Translated into Japanese, it’s “Space Force” as well, but the U.S. Space Force, which was established in 1985, is known as Space Command. On Jan. 30, the U.S. Air Force Space Command announced that on Jan.29 the two satellites passed through without collision, in response to the issue of “the possibility of two satellites colliding at 53,000 kilometers per hour and releasing more than 10,000 pieces of space debris. This “Command” is “the name of the organization used in the United States to integrate and operate the land, sea and air forces in some field,” and the newly established “Space Force” is an “independent force” of the same rank as the land, sea and air forces. The fact that the United States can no longer ignore the fact that China has repeatedly tested and developed satellite destruction, even after its successful experiments, is thought to be the reason behind the founding of the military.
However, when one considers the question of why the establishment of the military at the level of an independent force, one can see that the background to the creation of the military is the “chain of command for the organization, instantaneous response to emergencies, and clarification of responsibility,” among other things. This is a system that pursues what is known as “corporate governance” in the corporate world. This is a symbol of the thoroughness of this system in both the public and private sectors. The purpose of this is to clarify responsibilities and clarify the chain of command.
3. MR4 and the Profit Center (PC)
There is a big difference between Japan and the West in terms of corporate structure, organization and responsibility. The foreign P&C insurance company I worked for had several kinds of monthly reports called MR (Monthly Report).
Since I belonged to the International Marketing Division, there were reports on business insurance premium income down to the final profit and loss, reinsurance, etc., among which there was a report called MR4. It was a “Breakdown of Expenses” and on the top line, “Gross Profit” was posted from other MR reports, along with personnel expenses, entertainment expenses, conference expenses, etc. At the bottom line there was a section called “Rent” and when I asked my boss, he replied, “That’s the rent for space in this section”.
‘How do you come up with the rent for this section?’ When I asked him, he pointed to the windows and said, “There will be a frame outside for each window, front and side, and each window will have an outside frame”, and he said, “One span of space enclosed by one frame, that’s the total number of people in the conference room space to the total number of desk spaces for 10 section members at One span amount”, he added, “The most bottom is “the bottom line”, the final profit and loss, and the division’s evaluation is determined by the plus or minus points”.
At the time, I thought the organization of the entire company was “normal,” but I was made to understand how completely different it was from that of Japan when I took on a management consulting assignment for a non-life insurance subsidiary of a conglomerate life insurance company in later years.
That is, foreign non-life insurance companies had their own MRs (Monthly Reports for profit & loss) for each line of business, as described above. For example, in the case of fire insurance, the Fire Insurance Business Department, which was responsible for deciding whether or not to underwrite, calculating premium rates, etc., was positioned as the Profit Center, which was also responsible for the final profit and loss for that line of insurance. Naturally, the sales departments were responsible for the sales figures for all lines of business, but the responsibilities for each line of business were borne by the individual business departments, in other words, the entire company was laid out in a matrix, with responsibilities for sales performance divided into small groups.
It is similar to the “ship’s bulkhead structure” and is a mechanism to prevent a company from sinking due to large losses.
On the other hand, in the management consulting for a non-life insurance company that I was commissioned in later years, the corporate organization had a completely different structure. While only the sales department was responsible for premiums and profits and made the final underwriting decision, each insurance business department was not responsible for figures at all.
I suggested that the establishment of a separate insurance office for each line of business, saying, “We can’t expect to achieve sales figures in this way. In the spring of the following year, Its plan was implemented. Despite the twists and turns that followed, in 1996, among the six non-life insurance subsidiaries established by major life insurers, it is the only one surviving on its own.
Summary of this issue
The phrase of “place of responsibility” is always dancing in the media whenever a scandal occurs. But if you ask, “Did you implement measures to prevent it from happening?” the answer is often cringeworthy.
No matter what kind of company it is, companies take risks, they put their capital at risk, and that’s why their business goes on. If a company’s mission is to take that risk, and its response to that risk is inadequate, there will naturally be appropriate consequences. That’s why Global Link recommends full-scale risk management with a view to establishing a captive in order to see corporate responsibility in a detailed matrix (grid).
Author/translator: Shinichiro Hatani