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リスク対応策 2020.12.18

RM 53 クリスマス Christmas 

For those who prefer to read this column in English, the Japanese text is followed by a British English translation, so please scroll down to the bottom of the Japanese text.

街にはクリスマスの装飾が飾られ、クリスマスムード一色になっている。1918年から1920年に掛けて世界的に大流行、5億人が感染して数千万人が犠牲になり、人類史上最悪の感染症の1つとされている「スペイン風邪」以来最悪の感染症、中国武漢に端を発する「新型コロナのパンデミック(世界的感染拡大)」の終息を祈るクリスマスの様相を呈しているが、米国大使館のホームページの「American Center Japan」にはクリスマスに関して次のような記述がある。






2006年米国での公開を封切りに全世界で記録的な興行収入を達成した一方で、宗教的な理由から物議を醸して、国によっては上映禁止措置や上映反対運動が行なわれた映画「ダ・ヴィンチ・コード」の原作が全世界で8000万部売り上げた「The Da Vinci Code:ダ・ヴィンチ・コード」(Dan Brown著)である。この本を出張先のロンドンの書店で買い求めホテルで読み始めたが、途中で見慣れない「pagan」という単語が頻繁に出てきて「これは何?」と思って辞書を引いてみたら「異教徒」とあった。「異教徒」という言葉が普通にはあまり使われない日本と違って、ごく当たり前に使われる、それほど「宗教が社会に深く根付いている」のが欧米である。

キリスト教を背景にしたクリスマスは、日本では12月25日一日であり、翌日になるとクリスマスの飾り付けは一斉に姿を消し、和式の飾り付けが街を飾る、お正月の飾り付けである。しかし、欧米では「クリスマスは12日間続く」と言われていて、「大晦日のカウントダウン」以外にお正月を祝う習わしは無い。13日目になってもクリスマスの飾りをそのままにしておくことは縁起が悪いとされている、この12日間(The Twelve Days)」とは、クリスマスの日(12月25日)から1月6日の「Epiphany」までの12日間を指している。「Epiphany(公現祭・顕現日/エピファニー)」とは、人としてこの世に現れたイエス・キリストが神性を人々の前で表したことを記念するキリスト教の祭日であるが、その淵源はトルコなど東方地域にあるとされているものでもある。






「サンタクロースの秘密」(クロード レヴィ=ストロース (著), 中沢 新一 (著, 翻訳)、せりか書房出版)の冒頭には以下のような記述がある。





上記「サンタクロースの秘密」に興味を持ち、「キリストがいつ生まれたのか」を色々と調べたが、驚くことに色々な説があるようである。一般的に西暦とは、「イエス・キリスト」生誕年を紀元元年としているが、「キリストの生誕はBC(Before Christ) 4年」と記述をしている文献もあった。











ポーランド出身の天文学者であり、かつカトリック司祭であった、ラテン語名「ニコラウス・コペルニクス:Nicolaus Copernicus」、ポーランド語名「ミコワイ・コペルニク Mikołaj Kopernik」が、その晩年に「天球の回転について」を著し、当時主流だった地球中心説(天動説)を覆す、紀元前3世紀の天文学者、「サモスのアリスタルコス」が初めて唱えた太陽中心説(地動説)を集大成したことによってそれが決定的となった。その約80年後、イタリア人のガリレオ・ガリレイは、当時発達しつつあった望遠鏡でコペルニクスの仮説を検証して、その正しさを確認した。しかし、ローマ・カトリック教会の異端審問裁判に屈して、地動説を放棄せざるを得なかったのである。





執筆・翻訳者:羽谷 信一郎

English Translation

Risk Management 53 Christmas.

The city is decorated with Christmas decorations and the mood is all about Christmas. Spanish Flu, which spread worldwide between 1918 and 1920, infecting 500 million people and killing tens of millions, is considered one of the worst infectious diseases in human history. It’s a Christmas-like time to pray for an end to the “covid-19 (new corona) pandemic” that originated in Wuhan, China, the worst infectious disease since then. The US Embassy’s website, “American Center Japan”, has the following to say about Christmas.

Christmas is a joyous holiday celebrated by most Americans. Although its origins are Christian, today Christmas has become a holiday season celebrated by people of many different faiths in a variety of ways. The lore of Christmas comes from the Bible. According to it, an angel appeared to the shepherds and told them that a child had been born to Mary and Joseph in the stables of Bethlehem who would be their savior. And the three wise men (Magi) of the East, led by a mysterious star, came to that baby Jesus. The three wise men presented gold, frankincense, and myrrh in honor of the newborn baby, and the three wise men welcomed the birth of the baby and gave him gifts, which led to the tradition of giving gifts at Christmas.

On Christmas Eve, December 24, many people attend an evening service in church. This is often held at midnight. The focus of the service is on the puppets of the Jesus birth scene, the nativity story, and the spirit of Christmas. Christmas Eve services often include the singing of Christmas carols. While some families attend the service on Christmas Day morning, many families spend the morning at home opening presents and eating Christmas food. Others visit friends and neighbors at their homes.

However, in the United Kingdom, a former sovereign state of the United States and a place where many immigrants came to the New World, many people seem to have a different understanding of Christmas than the above description. The reason is that although Christmas is a day to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, the original festival was actually celebrated by native English pagans long before that.

1. Christmas in Great Britain

There are two kinds of cakes you’re likely to see at Christmas.One is called a “decorated cake,” consisting of several layers of cylinders, and the other is a “wood-fired chocolate cake” called a “bûche de Noël,” the latter of which is actually a remnant of a pagan ritual.

While the film made record-breaking box office receipts worldwide after its 2006 US release, it has been the subject of controversy on religious grounds, and despite bans and anti-screening campaigns in some countries, the film has been the subject of an 80-million-copy worldwide release of ”The Da Vinci Code (Dan Brown) ”.I bought this book at a bookshop in London on a business trip and started to read it at the hotel, but halfway through the book I kept hearing the word “pagan” which I wasn’t familiar with, and I asked myself, “What’s this?” So I looked up the word “pagan” in the dictionary. Unlike Japan, where the word “pagan” is not commonly used, it is commonplace in Europe and the US, where religion is so deeply rooted in society. 

In Japan, the Christian-backed Christmas is celebrated on December 25, and on the following day the Christmas decorations disappear en masse, leaving the streets decorated in the Japanese style for the New Year. The Twelve Days, or the Twelve Days of Christmas, is a time of year in which it is said that it is a bad omen to leave Christmas decorations in place even after the 13th day. The 12 days from Christmas Day (25 December) to Epiphany on 6 January. Epiphany is a Christian holiday to commemorate the manifestation of the divinity of Jesus Christ in the presence of his humanity, but it is also believed to have its origins in Turkey and other parts of the East.

It is said that the Roman Catholic Church, which had been celebrating the birth of Jesus on December 25, began to celebrate his birth on the 12 days from December 25 to January 6 as the Nativity Day, in order to maintain consistency between the Feast of the Epiphany on January 6 and Christmas. In fact, on the other hand, there is a theory that it originated in Yule, a Germanic tribe in England.

Yule is a festival held by the Germanic tribes and the Vikings in ancient Europe around the time of the winter solstice, which was held for 12 days to commemorate the rebirth of the sun after the winter solstice, and thus Christmas is still called Yule in Sweden, Norway and other northern European countries. The word Yule is an Anglo-Saxon word that means “sun and light”. One of the rituals of this celebration was the ritual of bringing “new oak wood” into the house on December 25 and setting it on fire from the “wood of the previous year” that continued to burn in the fireplace. Once the firewood had burned, the largest pieces were set aside to ignite the “next year’s firewood” and some of the burned ashes were wrapped in cloth and stored in the house as a “fire prevention spell”. A Parisian confectioner, in order to preserve the country custom, made a cake in the shape of a Yule log and sold it as a bûche de Noël, which has become one of the world’s most popular Christmas cakes.

The pagans of ancient Britain revered nature, and many of the decorations still used at Christmas reflect this reverence. While holly and ivy are common Christmas decorations, the holly represents the ”male” and the ivy the ”female”, and the evergreen ”green” tree is used to represent the life force of summer during the dark winter months

Thus, many of the Christmas events are said to have manifested from mixing with “paganism”.

2. Santa Claus.

“The Secret of Santa Claus” by Claude Lévi-Strauss, translated by Shinichi Nakazawa, published by Serika Shobo), begins with the following statement:

In the history of France, the Christmas of 1951 will be long remembered by a controversy. The press and public opinion reacted with great sensitivity to this controversy. The controversy created an unusually tense atmosphere at this particularly joyous time of year. Months before the events in question, sources of authority in the Catholic Church, in the form of statements by several high-ranking clergymen, had expressed regret at the increasingly important role being given to Santa Claus in the home and business world. The Catholic Church had voiced its condemnation of the disturbing signs of a possible “paganization” of the sacred Nativity. In other words, Santa Claus was being criticized for twisting the strictly Christian meaning of the celebration that the public had in mind and for threatening to turn it into a mere myth with no religious value.

It goes on to state that “Santa Claus was burned at the stake in the square in front of Dijon Cathedral in Burgundy, France, in front of the children of the diocesan youth group” and “the controversial incident”: “Santa Claus was hanged in Dijon Cathedral in Burgundy, France, and burned at the stake in front of the cathedral” on 24 December 1951.

Of course, he is not a flesh and blood man, but a “stuffed Santa Claus”. This is because of the Catholic Church’s “sin of paganizing the Holy Nativity” and because the Church strongly insisted that “the existence of Santa Claus is heretical” and that “a Nativity (Christmas) with Santa Claus in the lead role is not the original form of Catholicism”. However, the execution of Santa Claus sparked a strong reaction from the citizens, who “welcomed him back to the Cathedral Square on the night of the 25th”.

This was only fifty years ago, when the image of Christmas as “Santa Claus riding in a reindeer chariot” was well established.

3. Jesus Christ

Intrigued by the above ”Secrets of Santa Claus”, I did some research on ”When was Christ born” and to my surprise, there are many theories on when he was born. The Western calendar generally refers to the year of birth of “Jesus Christ” as the year of A.D., but I also found some references that describe the birth of Christ as being in the 4th year BC (Before Christ).

Since Christ was not born of a noble class, of course there can be no “record” of his birth. It was only in the modern era that the date of a person’s birth came to be recorded. In Japan, it has been done since the Meiji era. Before that time, unless you were an exceptional person, there was no record of your birthday. Of course, there was no custom of celebrating the day of birth. What is recorded in the “living data of man” is the date of death. While the date of death is passed down through the ages, it is very common for the date of birth to remain unrecorded.

In the modern era, the government required all citizens to keep a record of their date of birth because “it was necessary to record their age in order to accurately promote the ‘conscription system,’ which imposes military service on citizens who have reached a certain age,” and also because “it was necessary to accurately collect taxes from all citizens”.

4. The Essence of Risk Management

A mere 50 years ago, at a time when “Christmas is Santa Claus,” the events of the Burning of Santa Claus show that Santa Claus has nothing to do with Christianity, “Father Christmas”. In addition, Bethlehem (Israel), the birthplace of Jesus Christ, is about the same latitude as Kagoshima Prefecture,southernmost part of the Japanese archipelago, where the fir trees do not grow, and the snow that comes with Santa Claus does not fall in the desert.

The prototype of the Christmas tree is the oak tree used in the winter solstice festival ”Yule” of the ancient Germanic peoples in Northern Europe as mentioned above, and it is said to have been a symbol of life as it did not wither away in winter. The ancient Germanic peoples were so deeply rooted in the belief in trees that they converted the oak tree into a fir tree and Christianized the “pagan festival”.

The essence of risk management is not “Christmas = Santa Claus” and accepting the events in front of us with an indefinite view, but rather a persistent and steady effort to examine and analyze the events from various angles. In this process, we carefully examine and analyze each event one by one, and in a sense it is similar to an experiment in a chemistry laboratory. This is why it is said that there is no royal road to risk management. Every organization, company, or entity has its own unique risks, and because of this, the opportunities (positive aspects) and threats (negative aspects) are different for each organization.

In risk management, you can’t just say, “We’re in the same industry, so we can’t just take that company’s risk management manual”. This is why the presence of experts is necessary.

Summary of this issue

A typical example of the act of accepting what is right in front of our eyes with an indefinite view is the “heliocentric theory” which believes that the center of the universe is the earth.

In the morning, the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, and this is the unquestioned “truth” that everyone can see. In the mid-fifteenth century, the Age of Discovery, which began with the Spanish and Portuguese expeditions, broke down this theory, and in the coastal voyages up to that time, the breakup of the celestial movement theory could not be seen, but when observing the twinkling starry sky in the course of ocean voyages, many phenomena were discovered that could only be thought of as the earth moving, and the earth was not. The reason for this is that many breaks in the theory of the heavens have been identified.

A Polish-born astronomer and Catholic priest, with the Latin name “Nicolaus Copernicus” and the Polish name “Mikołaj Kopernik”,In his last year of life, he wrote “On the Rotation of the Celestial Spheres,” which became definitive when he compiled the first heliocentric theory (geocentric theory) advocated by Aristarchus of Samos, a third-century B.C. astronomer who overturned the then prevailing theory of the earth center (celestial motion theory). About eighty years later, the Italian Galileo Galilei tested Copernicus’ hypothesis with the then-developing telescope and confirmed its correctness. However, he was forced to abandon his geocentric theory when he succumbed to the Roman Catholic Church’s Inquisition trials.

On that occasion, he is said to have muttered, “Nevertheless, the earth revolves,” and from these words, which are said to have been invented in later times, the correctness of the geocentric theory was proven everywhere, and the heliocentric theory was to disappear into the distance of history.

The same thing happened everywhere in this year’s corona (covid-19) disaster. The symbol of this event is the “seal,” which has been regarded as a “golden rule” in the past. The government itself, with its symbolic bureaucracy, has taken a stand against the significance of the seal and has embarked on an administrative reform to abolish it.

The “corona (covid-19) epidemic” is an infectious disease that has caused great misfortune for humanity, but the need to turn this disaster into a source of nourishment for growth can be found not only in the abolition of stamps, but also in the work of many companies.

This process is exactly what risk management is all about. What are the chances of ”new risks arising from the abolition of business operations?” The idea is to promote the idea that the company should be able to do this. The ultimate in risk management is the establishment of a captive insurance company, a form of risk management in which a company does not leave its own business risks to insurance companies, but rather takes on its on risks.

This is a good opportunity to steer corporate strategies in the direction of returning the worst-case scenario of the Corona (covid-19) plague and making the most of it.

Author/translator: Shinichiro Hatani