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キャプティブ 2021.03.19

CA25 もう一人の「ミケランジェロ」ーカラヴァッジヨ Another “Michelangelo” – Caravaggio

For those who prefer to read this column in English, the Japanese text is followed by a British English translation, so please scroll down to the bottom of the Japanese text.

昨年2月18日に本コラムに投稿した「RM 13ー『レンブラント』の示唆」にも記したが、ロンドン出張の度に楽しみに訪れていた場所が「ナショナル・ギャラリー」である。

イタリア・ルネッサンスを代表する彫刻家、画家、建築家の最高峰の一人が、「ダビデ像」の彫刻、バチカン・システィーナ礼拝堂の「最後の審判」、「天井画」で有名なミケランジェロ・ブオナローティである。ロンドン、ナショナル・ギャラリーに行く度に、その鮮烈な筆遣いに魅せられて、必ず見ていた画家が「カラヴァッジヨ」。実は、「カラヴァッジヨ」とは彼の姓であり、姓名は「ミケランジェロ・メリージ・ダ・カラヴァッジヨ(Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio Caravaggio)」ナショナル・ギャラリーには、彼の絵が34点展示されている、「もう一人のミケランジェロ」である。











「十字軍騎士団」(橋口倫介著 講談社学術文庫刊)によると、上記の正式名称からも明らかなように、病院を持ち、巡礼者の保護に務め、1113年ローマ法王より「聖ヨハネ騎士団」として公認された。しかし、13世紀後半に聖地エルサレムが陥落すると、騎士団はロドス島へ逃れて1309年より「ロドス騎士団」に名を変えイスラム勢力と独自に戦い、巡礼をするキリスト教徒の保護をおこなっていた。




「ロイズ (Lloyd’s of London) 金融機関ビジネス委員会」の会長を務めた筆者の長年の友人も、1年の大半をこのマルタ共和国のゴゾ島にある別荘で過ごしている。上の写真は、その彼が昨年11月14日に写し、“Lockdown sunsets in gozo . still in shorts and t-shirt”(ゴゾでのロックダウンの夕日.まだ短パンとTシャツで)というコメントを付けて送ってきてくれたものである。

A long-time friend of mine, who was Chairman of the Lloyd’s of London Financial Institutions Business Committee, spends most of the year in his holiday home on the Maltese island of Gozo. The photo above was taken by him on the 14th of November last year and shows “Lockdown sunsets in gozo . Still in shorts and t-shirt”.  




法律上、その「ローマ市コンドッティ通り68」のビル(マルタ宮殿)を「領土」としており、建物内はイタリア政府から治外法権が認められている。また、主権国家 (sovereign entity) としても承認されており、パスポート、通貨、切手を発行、外交関係を有する国が100カ国以上存在する、国連及びEUにもオブザーバーとして参加を許されている「国」である。















Innovations, Regulations and the Future of Captives in Malta

Join us on 17 Feb for our first webinar of 2021: Innovations, Regulations and the Future of Captives in Malta.

Our panel will be discussing the pros and cons of:

  • The impact of the hardening market and Brexit on the captive industry in Europe
  • Using less traditional captive structures and innovating in the PCC environment
  • The current tax and compliance implications for less traditional captive structures
  • Growth of the captive industry in Malta and Europe
  • The impact of Covid-19 and the hardening market on captive investment portfolios
  • Loan backs and other investment strategies
  • The Malta regulatory environment
  • Putting BI and D&O into a PCC


17 February (14:00 GMT 15:00 CET 09:00 EDT)







執筆・翻訳者:羽谷 信一郎

English Translation

Captive 25 – Another “Michelangelo” – Caravaggio

As I wrote in my column “RM 13 – Implications of “Rembrandt”” on 18 February last year, the National Gallery was a place I looked forward to visiting on every business trip to London.

One of the greatest sculptors, painters and architects of the Italian Renaissance was Michelangelo Buonarroti, famous for his sculpture of David, the Last Judgement in the Vatican Sistine Chapel and his ceiling paintings. Caravaggio is a painter that I have always looked at every time I went to the National Gallery in London, because of his vivid brushwork. In fact, “Caravaggio” is his surname: Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio Caravaggio. He is another Michelangelo, with 34 of his paintings on display at the National Gallery.

In the midst of Covid-19 disaster, not knowing when I would be able to go to London, I thought “I won’t be able to visit the National Gallery to see these treasures”. Instead, I was looking forward to the exhibition of his paintings at The National Art Center, Tokyo, which will be open from 24 March to 10 May 2021. The exhibition, “Caravaggio: The Burial of Christ”, centres on one of Caravaggio’s greatest masterpieces, “The Burial of Christ”, one of the masterpieces of the Vatican Museums. Unfortunately, however, the official website of The National Art Center, Tokyo has posted the following notice.

In view of the widespread outbreak of the new coronavirus infection (covid-19), it has been decided to cancel this exhibition due to the difficulty in transporting the works from the Vatican. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause to those who have been looking forward to the exhibition.

1. Caravaggio

A painting discovered in the attic of a private house in Toulouse, France, was due to be auctioned in June 2014, but was sold under private contract before the auction. The auction house stated that “the sale price and the buyer cannot be disclosed due to a confidentiality agreement”, but preliminary estimates put the winning bid at between €100 and €150 million ( ¥12.5-18.7 billion). The painting is “Judith and Holofernes”, attributed to the aforementioned Caravaggio.

Like Rembrandt, Caravaggio was a master of Italian Baroque painting, known for his dramatic use of light and dark.

At the age of 35, he stabbed a quarrel partner to death and became a murderer. He was offered a knighthood by the Knights of Malta, who ruled the island at the time, if he painted a picture, and he painted the famous “Beheading of St John”. The painting, which depicts the final moments of St John’s life after his baptism into Christ, is said to be “a requiem for the knights who sacrificed themselves in repeated battles against Islam”. For this reason, the Beheading of St John was hung in the knights’ chapel of the Cathedral of St John the Divine in Malta, and it is said that every knight who went into battle prayed in front of it before going into battle.

In 1608, after completing this painting, Caravaggio was pardoned by the Pope and made a knight of the Order of Malta.However, his natural temperament got the better of him and he was imprisoned in the Fortress of St. Angelo for another violent incident.He escaped a month later, but died of illness on the way to Rome.He escaped a month later, but died of illness on the way to Rome.

2. Knights of Malta

The official name of the Knights of Malta, a Catholic order of knights, is the “Order of the Knights of the Military Hospital of the Sovereignty of St. John of Jerusalem, Rhodes and Malta” and, as its name suggests, it still carries out charitable activities such as “medical work” in 120 countries.

The Order of the Knights of Malta, from which the island of Malta is named, originated during the Crusades in the 12th century, when a hospital and accommodation for pilgrims was built on the site of the monastery of St John in Jerusalem, the holy city of Christianity, to protect pilgrims.

According to the book “The Knights of the Crusades” by Tomosuke Hashiguchi, published by Kodansha Science Bunko, the Knights of St. John were recognised by the Pope in 1113 as the “Knights of St. John”, having a hospital and protecting pilgrims, as is clear from the official name above. However, when the holy city of Jerusalem fell in the second half of the 13th century, the Knights fled to the island of Rhodes, where they changed their name to the Knights of Rhodes in 1309 and fought independently against Muslim forces and protected Christians on pilgrimage.

The Knights of Rhodes were attacked by the Turks and Ottomans in the 16th century, but the Holy Roman Emperor, Karl V, recognised their fighting prowess and decided that Malta should be their base for defending the surrounding areas of the Mediterranean. In 1530, the Order fled to Malta and changed its name to the Knights of Malta, and from then on it played a more important role in the war against the Muslim powers as a “Mediterranean army” than as a “pilgrim protection”.

3. The Republic of Malta

The former territories of the Knights of Malta, including Malta and Gozo, are now known as the Republic of Malta. It is located in the south of Sicily, the toe of the Italian peninsula, which is often compared to the shape of a boot. It consists of the main island of Malta, Gozo, Comino and two other uninhabited islands, which together cover an area of 316 square kilometres – half the size of Tokyo’s 23 wards – and are home to around 400,000 people. The country is blessed with a mild Mediterranean climate all year round and is a well-established resort destination in Europe.

The Knights of Malta were expelled from Malta by Napoleon I of France at the end of the 18th century and fled to Italy. The invading French troops plundered and confiscated private property from the defenceless Maltese. Frustrated, the Maltese turned to Britain, then an enemy of France, for help. In 1814, in response to their request, British Admiral Nelson led a British fleet to occupy Malta, which officially became a British protectorate and was granted independence within the Commonwealth in 1964. In 1974, Malta declared itself a republic and became the Republic of Malta, a member of the Commonwealth of Nations, and in 2004 joined the European Union.

On the other hand, the “Knights of Malta” who fled the island of Malta went through the famous “Congress of Vienna” in 1814, where the aim was to restore order and divide the territories in Europe after the end of the Napoleonic Wars. At the Congress of Verona in 1822, it was recognised that “the Order of Malta possesses and maintains the sovereignty of the State” and exists as a “State” in Rome, Italy. It is another “Maltese State”. Italy has a number of small independent states within its borders. There is the famous Vatican City and San Marino.

These countries have their own “land”, but the Knights of Malta has lost all of its former land, including the island of Malta, and now exists as an “independent state” in a building in Rome.

Legally, the Knights of Malta occupy a building in Via Condotti 68 in the city of Rome (the Palace of Malta) as their “territory” and are granted extraterritoriality by the Italian government inside the building. It is also recognised as a sovereign entity, issues passports, currency and stamps, has diplomatic relations with more than 100 countries, and is an observer in the United Nations and the European Union.

4. The Anglo-Japanese Alliance and Malta

During the First World War, Japan, a member of the Anglo-Japanese Alliance, dispatched a fleet at the request of Britain in 1917 to protect Malta, a supply line hub, from German submarine U-boats in the Mediterranean and to escort shipping. The fleet consisted of the cruiser “Akashi” and eight destroyers, which arrived in Malta in April of the same year.

During the year and a half until the end of the First World War, the fleet made more than 300 escort missions. Her successes were remarkable and she was highly praised by many nations, and she was often referred to as the “Defender of the Mediterranean”, but she also suffered heavy casualties. The destroyer “Sakaki” was heavily torpedoed and 59 men were killed in action. Seventy-one men, including 12 who died of disease, are buried in the Commonwealth Cemetery at Carcara, Malta.

The official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan (dated 27 May 2017), titled “Prime Minister Abe’s visit to the Cemetery of the Former Japanese Navy War Dead in Malta”, has the following to say.

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, during his visit to Malta, held a memorial service at the former Japanese Navy War Cemetery on 27 May local time. Later, in the Joint Press Conference of the leaders of Japan and Malta, which followed the Japan-Malta Summit, Prime Minister Abe delivered the following message on this memorial service.

Prior to the meeting with Prime Minister Muscat, I visited the former Japanese Navy War Cemetery. There we commemorated 71 war dead from the Imperial Japanese Navy’s operations in the Mediterranean based in Malta in 1917 under the Anglo-Japanese Alliance.

The cemetery was also visited by the then Crown Prince, Emperor Showa, in 1921 to pay his respects to the war dead.One hundred years ago, in the Mediterranean, our ancestors won the great respect of Britain and other countries by protecting hospital ships and saving many nurses from sinking passenger ships.

I am reminded of the achievements of my predecessors and renew my determination to contribute further to the peace and stability of the international community, based on the principle of international cooperation and positive pacifism.

5. Malta today

In the CNN survey of the world’s top 20 most beautiful World Heritage Sites, published last year, Valletta, the medieval capital of Malta, is included alongside Machu Picchu in Peru, the Pyramids in Egypt and Mont Saint-Michel in France, in a list rich in ancient historical sites.

Golden Bay, in the north of the island, is famous as the most beautiful beach in Malta, where Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and Her Royal Highness Prince Philip spent their honeymoon and where they returned to celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary. It is also home to one of the world’s largest underwater film studios and has been the filming location for many films, including 007, and many film stars have built their villas here.

Malta has also become a hotspot for the financial world. It is also the location of a captive insurance company.

In February this year, I received an invitation to attend a webinar on the attractions of Malta and its domiciles. The outline of the webinar was as follows:

Innovations, Regulations and the Future of Captives in Malta

Join us on 17 Feb for our first webinar of 2021: Innovations, Regulations and the Future of Captives in Malta.

Our panel will be discussing the pros and cons of:

The impact of the hardening market and Brexit on the captive industry in Europe
The impact of the hardening market and Brexit on the captive industry in Europe
The current tax and compliance implications for less traditional captive structures
Growth of the captive industry in Malta and Europe
The impact of Covid-19 and the hardening market on captive investment portfolios
Loan backs and other investment strategies
The Malta regulatory environment
Putting BI and D&O into a PCC


17 February (14:00 GMT 15:00 CET 09:00 EDT)

Summary of this issue

The Mediterranean Sea, now regarded as a “scenic resort”, has been the scene of many battles and defences since ancient times, as civilisations developed around it, and as countries and religious powers clashed for supremacy. The Republic of Malta is a country in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea, with a resort industry that takes advantage of its scenic beauty, and a captive domicile industry that has survived the wars and defences of the past.

Unlike many other domiciles, which say “any insurance”, the Malta Financial Services Authority (MFSA), in its Malta 2021 Report on “Insurance that would benefit strongly from captive status”, says: “In the face of shrinking global insurance underwriting capacity and the need to reduce insurance premiums, the Malta Financial Services Authority (MFSA) is committed to the development of captive insurance. In the Malta 2021 Report, the Malta Financial Services Authority clearly states that “there is merit in making professional indemnity insurance (E&O insurance) and company directors and officers liability insurance (D&O insurance) captive programmes against a background of shrinking capacity and dramatically rising premiums”. The way in which the company differentiates itself from other dossiers is reminiscent of the “Knights of Malta” of the past.

The covid-19 disaster has had a significant impact on the bottom line of many companies, but whether you read the word “Taihen in Japanese” as “very difficult” or “Taihen in Japanese” as “a time of great change” will determine whether you succeed or fail.

We are at a crossroads where it is possible to expand our business by making major changes. This can only be achieved by examining our own strengths and weaknesses, the market environment and the strengths and weaknesses of our competitors. Now is the time for full-fledged risk management, with captives in mind.

Author/translator: Shinichiro Hatani