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リスク対応策 2021.04.30

RM62 日本刀 Japanese sword

英国の新聞、「デイリー・メール」紙の電子版「Mail Online」が、昨年2020年12月17日「強盗と対決した主婦が日本刀振り回して撃退」という内容の記事を配信した。同記事は、「民家に押し入った3人組の強盗が日本刀を持った主婦に返り討ちにあった事件の裁判があり、犯人に大けがを負わせた主婦の正当防衛が認められた」と記している。













同書 によると、古代、日本では青銅製の刀剣類が生産されていたが、古墳時代の頃には鉄製の刀剣類の生産が始まっていた。平安時代後期、特に武家の力が強くなることと比例して日本刀が発達していった。その生産地は原料となる良質の砂鉄がとれる地域、現在の岡山県にあたる備前国、また政治文化の中心であった近畿地方、山城国、大和国などで活発に生産されていった。武家政権、鎌倉幕府の成立であり、それ以降、武士の台頭という事象によってこの流れが加速された。現在、100点以上の日本刀が国宝に指定されているが、実にそのうちの8割が鎌倉時代の刀剣である。














執筆・翻訳者:羽谷 信一郎

English Translation

Risk Management 62 – Japanese sword

The Mail Online, the electronic version of the British newspaper ”Daily Mail, published an article last December 17, 2020, titled “Housewife fights off burglars by wielding Japanese sword”. The article said: “A trial has been held in which three burglars who broke into a house were beaten back by a housewife carrying a Japanese sword, who was found to have acted in self-defence when she inflicted serious injuries on the attackers”.

The robbery took place in October last year. Three masked men broke into the home of a British couple living in Bradford in the north of England and demanded that the couple hand over the keys to their luxury car, which was parked outside in their living room. The husband casually instructed his wife to go to the bedroom and call the police.The wife, who was interested in Japanese culture and had bought a Japanese sword about 10 years ago and had it displayed on the wall of the house, remembered seeing the movie ”Kill Bill ” and grabbed the sword and pulled it out of its sheath to intimidate the attackers.

One of the suspects grabbed the Japanese sword with both hands, thinking it was a “fake sword”. In order to shake it off, his wife pulled the sword as hard as she could. The Japanese sword was “a real one” and the blade cut deeply into the suspects’ hands, who, startled by the gushing blood, fled and were rushed to a hospital some distance from the scene.

The doctor who treated him said that the wound was so deep that he would have bled to death had been left untreated. After a trial, the suspects were sentenced to three years and eight months in prison, while the brave housewife was acquitted on the grounds of self-defence.

1. The material of the Japanese sword

Unlike modern steelmaking methods, which use iron ore as the raw material, Japanese swords are made from iron sand, which has fewer impurities. This allows for fast reduction at low temperatures and produces a higher quality steel than is possible with the standard steelmaking method. This steel is known as “Tama-hagane”. Tama-hagane is made by “tatara-buki,” a unique Japanese steel-making method that was responsible for almost all domestic iron production until the Meiji Restoration and the establishment of Western-style ironworks. Even today, Japanese swords are made using the tatara-buki method.

This is because the geology of the Japanese archipelago is relatively new, and the only way to make iron products was to use iron sand until the development of the Kamaishi mine in Iwate prefecture in the Meiji era.

2. Japanese Sword Forging

One of the most iconic scenes in sword-making films is that of the swordsmith and his apprentice alternately hammering away at the blade. The word “forging” has come to mean the refinement of body, mind and technique through rigorous training and discipline.

The Chinese character “forging” is read in the kun’yomi (Japanese reading) as “kitaeru”, which means to “temper” the sword, and “ren” is read in the same way as “neru”, which means to beat up the steel with a mallet and stretch it over and over again, and then fold it in the centre.

The steel used to make Japanese swords is divided into three types: tama-hagane, pig iron and knife iron. These are then pounded with a mallet into pieces of steel, selected to have the right mix of each type of steel, and piled up again and again to be melted and hardened into four different types of steel: shin-gane (heart metal), mune-gane (wing metal), hano-kane (blade metal) and gawa-gane (side metal). The steel is then “folded” many times to remove impurities such as sulphur and excess carbon to create thousands of layers of homogeneous and tough steel.

This is followed by quenching. The light in the workshop is dimmed and the temperature of the steel is judged by the amount of light, the blade is heated deeply in the fire and then submerged in a water tank to cool it down. The difference in the steel causes the sword to warp in the water, a characteristic of Japanese swords. In addition to the warping effect of quenching, there is another purpose. In addition to warping, quenching has another purpose: it produces a very hard structure on the surface of the sword, called martensite.

3. History of Japanese swords

The book,“the Japanese sword” was written in 1939 by Junji Honma (publised by Iwanami Shoten, the “foremost scholar of Japanese swords”, and will be reprinted in 2019 in a limited edition by Iwanami Shinsho as “Iwanami Shinsho Classics”. The book has been an exceptional hit with fans of the game “Token(sword) Ranbu(dance)”, and despite the fact that it is still in the same old font as it was at the time, it seems to be popular with women who are known as “sword girls”.

According to the book, bronze swords were produced in Japan in ancient times, but by the Kofun(tumulus) period, iron swords had begun to be produced. In the late Heian period (794-1185), Japanese swords developed in proportion to the growing power of the warrior class(samurai). Japanese swords were produced in Bizen Province (present-day Okayama Prefecture), where high quality iron sand could be found, and in Yamashiro and Yamato provinces in the Kinki region, the political and cultural centre of Japan. This trend was accelerated by the establishment of the Kamakura shogunate and the subsequent rise of the samurai. Today, over 100 Japanese swords are designated as National Treasures, 80% of which are from the Kamakura period.

In the Muromachi period (1333-1573) and the early Warring States period (1573-1573), the production of swords reached its peak, but with the rise of the teppo (gun), their role as weapons gradually changed and by the Edo period (1603-1868) they had become decorative items for the samurai. However, when the Tokugawa Shogunate decreed that a samurai’s formal attire should consist of two swords, a long battledress and a short wakizashi, the production of swords increased and the industry began to flourish. However, with the Meiji Restoration, the situation changed dramatically.

The Edo period’s security policy granted “autonomy to the feudal lords and others in the administration of land, people, politics and criminal law”, and the “five people group system”, a self-governing organisation of the local population, even granted the right to arrest those who wanted to be arrested. In fact, the number of “yoriki”(senior sumurai) and “doshin(samurai)” in the magistrate’s office, who are portrayed in movies and TV programs as being in charge of the security of the city, was very small.

As a result, even after the Meiji Restoration, when the expulsion of foreigners and the killing and maiming of foreigners caused by the movement to expel them from Japan, the police were unable to investigate the perpetrators or prevent their deaths, and were forced to allow British and French troops to be stationed in Yokohama to protect foreign residents.The situation was such that Yokohama could hardly be described as an “independent” country.

In the Meiji government, the clan soldiers of Satsuma (Kagoshima), Choshu (Yamaguchi), Tosa (Kochi) and Hizen (Saga), who formed the Restoration government, were in charge of maintaining public order. However, as the clan soldiers were the army and not the police, In 1871, about 3,000 “rasotsu”, a term used to describe “patrol officers”, were recruited and deployed in Tokyo.

This trend was followed by a similar move in all prefectures. As a result, Aritomo Yamagata, the first Minister of Home Affairs, who was in charge of maintaining public order and police forces throughout Japan, proposed the “Order for the Abolition of the Japanese Sword” in 1875 against the backdrop of a complete police system. The following year, in 1876, the “Abolition of the Sword Order” came into effect, forbidding the wearing of swords except in special cases authorized by the government, or by military or police officers in uniform. The sword industry declined rapidly, many sword smiths lost their jobs and many of the best swords went overseas.

In 1875, the Meiji government decided to preserve the tradition of the Japanese sword by adopting the military sword as the armour of the officers of the newly established Japanese Army and Navy. Initially, the sword was a sabre, in line with European and American models, but this was gradually replaced by the Japanese sword in order to protect the industry.

However, after the Pacific War, the General Headquarters of the Allied Powers (GHQ) considered Japanese swords to be weapons and conducted a “sword hunt”. However, in order to “protect the Japanese sword”, the Japanese sword was registered as a tool for “Iai-Do” and “Batto-Do” and as a work of art.

Summary of this issue

The Japanese sword was developed in the pursuit of achieving three contradictory qualities simultaneously: “unbreakable, unbendable and sharp”.

“Unbreakable and unbendable” is the coexistence of the two contradictory properties of strength and flexibility in materials engineering. Maintaining the right balance between the two is a difficult and highly technical task. It is also difficult to maintain a balance between “cutting” and “unbreakable”. In order to be able to cut, the edge of the blade has to be thinner, and if it is thinner, it is more likely to break. The solution to this problem is to use different steels with a hard edge, but with a gradual decrease in hardness towards the core of the blade.

In one profession, the sword smith I see many elements of the international superiority of modern Japanese companies.In the management of a company, the most important corporate strategy is to maintain a proper balance between the two contradictory characteristics of strength and flexibility, between offence and defence.

Risk management is the process of rigorously examining this advantage. In the Kamakura, Muromachi and later periods, when the term “risk management” did not exist, sword smiths were the forerunners of “Monozukuri Japan”, examining the process of sword making in minute detail and learning how to make better swords. The unimaginable labour of the sword smith and his unrelenting dedication to his craft have resulted in the towering beauty of the Japanese sword.

The vaccination of the world against covid-19 pandemic has helped to slow down its momentum. The key to recovery in the “post-Corona” period is management, which needs to adopt a new business strategy with risk management at its heart. In order to achieve this, the management of the company as a “sword smith” is required to consider the establishment of a captive, which is a full-fledged form of risk management.

Author/translator: Shinichiro Hatani