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企業戦略 2021.06.04

CS26 サクランボ(生き残り戦略の勝者)Cherries (winner of the survival strategy)

For those who prefer to read this column in English, the Japanese text is followed by a British English translation, so please scroll down to the bottom of the Japanese text.





聖母マリアが夫ヨセフに木になっているさくらんぼを採ってくれるようにねだりました。 しかしヨセフはいじわるをして採ってくれません。 そうしたら不思議なことにさくらんぼの枝がマリアの口もとまでたわんできたといいます。そのことから、さくらんぼはマリアの聖木とされ、花は処女の美しさを表し、果実は「幸福の果実」「天国の果実」にたとえられています。花ことばは教養と精神美。





現在、世界各地で栽培されているオウトウは欧州系オウトウで、そのうち日本では甘果オウトウ(Sweet cherry)が栽培されている。もう一つの欧州系オウトウである酸果オウトウ(Sour cherry)は日本では栽培されずに、ジャムやパイ等の加工用として輸入されている。中国で栽培されている中国オウトウ(漢名:桜桃)は江戸時代に日本に導入されたが、果樹としては広まらずに九州や四国で観賞用に植えられているらしい。明治6年(1874年)にフランスとアメリカから主要品種を導入、苗木を増殖して東北、北海道を中心に配布されたが、冷涼で雨が少ない気候と風土に合った山形と北海道に定着していった。官営栽培試験場や民間篤農家の努力で1890年頃にはオウトウ栽培は軌道に乗り、大正11年(1922年)には、現在でも生食用としては圧倒的な人気がある「佐藤錦」が生まれた。










上記にランクインされていない中国では、欧州系オウトウ(甘果オウトウ、酸果オウトウ)とは別種で果実が小さい中国オウトウを中心とする国産サクランボの生産量は113万トンもある。甘果オウトウの輸入量も19万トンあり、中国の収穫期と重ならず自由貿易協定(FTA)で関税がないチリ産が90%を占めるが、その他に米国、カナダ、近年はトルコ、ウズベキスタン、キルギスタン等が参入している。中国オウトウは、「支那の実桜 (シナノミザクラ)」と「白花シナノミザクラ」とが知られており、中国全土にわたって古くから栽培され、前漢時代(紀元前206年~8年)頃から宮廷の果樹として特に重要視されていたとされる。









執筆者:菅原 伸雄

翻訳者:羽谷 信一郎

English Translation

Corporate Strategy (CS) 26 – Cherries (winner of the survival strategy)

During the rainy season, cherries appear on the shelves of fruit shops and supermarkets. They have an elegant and refreshing taste with a good balance of sweetness and sourness, and are called “red jewels” or “early summer rubies” for their pretty appearance. If you are a fan of Osamu Dazai, the season of cherries will remind you of the “Outou-ki” (anniversary that celebrates author Dazai Osamu’s birthday,and incidentally,the day his body was found after he was involved in a double suicide:cherry blossom’s funeral) held on 19 June to remember him.

Cherries have a long history, and have been eaten since B.C. in areas from northern Iran to Spain, and also in China.They were first introduced to Japan in 1868 by the German Gantner in Hakodate, Hokkaido.

Since then, the cultivation of cherries has developed mainly in Yamagata Prefecture, which is blessed with good natural and geographical conditions, but it took many years of hard work and overcoming difficulties by cherry developers and growers before the cherries were successfully branded as a luxury fruit for early summer gift-giving and became universally popular.

1. The fruit of happiness

The Encyclopaedia of Cherries, a website run by the city of Sagae in Yamagata Prefecture, famous for its cherries, introduces the following European legend about cherries

The Virgin Mary asked her husband Joseph to pick some cherries from a tree. But Joseph was not willing to do so. Then, strangely enough, a branch of cherries bent down to Mary’s mouth. The flower represents the beauty of a virgin, and the fruit is likened to the “fruit of happiness” or the “fruit of heaven”. The language of flowers is culture and spiritual beauty.<

Cherries are produced in many parts of the world, including European countries such as Germany, Italy,bl, Chile, the Americas and China. Japan is the world’s 20th largest producer (2003-2005 average).

It was introduced to the USA by European settlers in the 17th century, who always brought the Eau Sauvignon to their new homes to save them from starvation when field crops failed and food shortages occurred. For European settlers, cherries were not only a source of spiritual support in their new home, but also a source of emergency food before the harvest season. The United States is one of the world’s leading producers of cherries (250,000 tons in 2005), along with Turkey.

There are about 2,000 varieties of cherries in the world. About 80 varieties were introduced to Japan during the Meiji period (1868-1912), of which the ones most suited to the Japanese climate and taste have been cultivated and improved.Today, Yamagata Prefecture is the leading producer of cherries, accounting for over 78% of Japan’s total production (18,000 tonnes in 2020). Japanese cherries have become the “fruit of happiness” for growers, who have differentiated themselves by their quality and established their brand as a premium fruit in response to the liberalisation of imports of American cherries.

2. Sato Nishiki

The most common type of Eutau grown in the world today is the European Eutau, of which the Sweet cherry is grown in Japan. The other European species, the sour cherry, is not grown in Japan, but is imported for processing into jams and pies. The Chinese sour cherry was introduced to Japan in the Edo period (1603-1868), but it has not spread as a fruit tree and is only planted as an ornamental in Kyushu and Shikoku. In 1874, major varieties were introduced from France and the United States, and saplings were propagated and distributed mainly in Tohoku and Hokkaido, but it took root in Yamagata and Hokkaido, where the climate was cooler and less rainy. Thanks to the efforts of the government’s cultivation experiment stations and private farmers, the cultivation of the Eutau variety got off to a good start around 1890, and in 1922 the “Sato Nishiki” variety, which is still overwhelmingly popular for fresh consumption, was born.

It was named Sato Nishiki in 1928 after Eisuke Sato, a devoted farmer in Higashine City, Yamagata Prefecture, who worked to improve the variety. Since the 1975s, when cherries were mainly eaten fresh, more than 60% of all cherries have been grown as Sato Nishiki, which has a beautiful, bright red skin and a high sugar content. Higashine City, the birthplace of Eisuke Sato, accounts for about 20% of all cherries produced in Japan, and has played a role in the revitalization of the city by naming a station in Higashine that stops on the Yamagata Shinkansen Line “Sakuranbo Higashine” (Cherry Higashine), in reference to the fact that it has the largest cherry harvest in Japan.

3. Project X

In order to improve the gloss and sugar content of the fruit, it is necessary to cultivate cherries in areas where the night temperature is relatively cool during the growing period, and where there is little rainfall, especially during the ripening period, in order to reduce the incidence of disease and fruit splitting. It also requires well-drained, well-ventilated soils and is not suited to cold, frost-prone or windy areas.

The fruit is small, delicate and easily bruised, and harvesting and selecting the fruit is 60-70% of the total labour required. Therefore, in terms of agricultural management, it is necessary to ensure that the cherry harvest period does not overlap with the labour of other crops.

Indeed, Yamagata, the main producer of Sato Nishiki, is a relatively cool region with little frost or typhoon damage, and the harvest season for Sato Nishiki falls in early summer (late June), between the end of rice planting and the start of the harvest season for watermelons and other summer crops. It is easy to see why Yamagata has become by far the main producer of cherries. However, the harvest season for Sato Nishiki is right in the middle of the rainy season, and there is a high chance that the fully ripe fruit will crack before harvest due to rain. In the past, cracking of the fruit caused inconsistent harvests, but with the spread of rain shelters that cover the trees with tents or greenhouses, it is now possible to wait for the fruit to fully ripen without worrying about cracking, and this is also effective in controlling disease and preventing bird damage, making it possible to harvest high quality cherries efficiently. In recent years, cultivation in heated greenhouses has become widespread, with shipments continuing from early April, and a new variety called Benishuho (1991) has been registered for its fertility, longevity on the tree, high sugar content, large size and good appearance.

Over the years, improvements in breeding and cultivation techniques, as well as the development of refrigerated transport technology and high-speed transport networks, meant that the cultivation of Eutau got off the ground and the branding of cherries became widespread, but in 1992 the ban on the importation of American cherries was lifted. However, in 1992 the ban on the importation of American cherries was lifted, and there were great fears that the difference in cultivated area between Japan and the US would make it impossible to compete on price. As a result, the price of Japanese cherries has consistently outstripped that of foreign cherries, while consumption of domestic cherries has continued to increase and the area under cultivation has expanded.

The “Project X” of the cherry growers was to overcome the overwhelming disadvantage of the rainy season, to maintain consumer support for high quality cherries, and to separate themselves from the low-cost foreign cherries.

4. Expanding overseas sales

Japan’s imports of cherries (2020) will amount to 4,262 tonnes (4.8 billion yen), of which 92% (3,931 tonnes) will come from the USA. Exports (2020), on the other hand, are only about 1 tonne (3.93 million yen), and by country/region are as follows: Hong Kong 300kg (1.11 million yen), Singapore 240kg (830,000 yen), Taiwan 230kg (1.09 million yen), Malaysia 191kg (560,000 yen), Thailand 104kg (340,000 yen). Trade statistics from the Ministry of Finance). Exports are mainly made by air, but due to improvements in refrigeration technology, sea freight is also used to Taiwan.

China, which is not listed above, produces 1.13 million tonnes of domestic cherries, mainly Chinese cherries, which are a different species to the European Eutau (sweet and sour cherries) and have smaller fruit. Imports of sweet-fruited Eutau also amount to 190,000 tonnes, 90% of which come from Chile, where there are no tariffs under the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) and where the harvest season does not coincide with the Chinese harvest, but also from the United States, Canada and, in recent years, Turkey, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan. The Chinese apple, known as the “Chinese cherry” and the “white flowered cherry”, has been cultivated throughout China since ancient times and was particularly important as a fruit tree for the court from around the time of the Western Han Dynasty (206-8 BC).

Japanese apple exports (2020) totaled 26,927 tonnes (10.7 billion yen), 68% of which went to Taiwan (18,279 tonnes), Hong Kong (7,068 tonnes) and Thailand (806 tonnes), while Japanese strawberry exports (2020) totaled 1,179 tonnes (2.6 billion yen), 79% of which went to Hong Kong (929 tonnes (929 tonnes), Taiwan (97 tonnes) and Singapore (87 tonnes) (Ministry of Finance trade statistics).

In this way, Japanese cherries, with their high added value, seem to have as much room to expand overseas as apples and strawberries, which are a step ahead. China, in particular, is an extremely attractive market due to the traditional luxury image of cherries among the Chinese and the taste for luxury food among the thickly populated wealthy, as shown by the 150,000 tonnes of cherries imported from Chile in 2017.

On the other hand, the revised Seeds and Seedlings Law came into force on 1 April this year. The main purpose of the law is to stop the outflow of Japanese registered varieties to overseas producers, but there are a number of issues to be addressed, such as its effectiveness and the risk of foreign companies gaining control of the seeds. New varieties of apples and strawberries are considered to be “registered varieties”, but cherries are not, as they are considered to be common varieties (indigenous, never before registered or overdue). The strawberries that the Japanese women’s curling team of the PyeongChang Olympics commented on during their mugging time that “Korean strawberries are delicious” were actually Japanese branded strawberries such as “Tochiotome” that had been brought to Korea without permission, crossbred without permission and sold in Korea under the brand name “Seolhyang”. It became a hot topic.

The risk of seed leaks of Japanese brand cherries is also a concern, but the production of cherries is greatly affected by the climate of the region and requires meticulous cultivation techniques to achieve the highest quality. The hurdle to becoming a copy-cat of Sato Nishiki and other high quality cherries seems to be much higher than for other agricultural products. We hope that Japan’s red jewel, the cherry, will be able to expand its sales overseas.

Summary of this issue

The work involved in the cultivation of cherries begins with the clearing of snow from the branches in January and February, followed by pruning (February and March), artificial pollination (late April and early May), covering with rain tents (late May and early June), harvesting (early June and early July), packing of fruit (at harvest), weeding and pest control (as appropriate), and preparation for wintering (November), including snow protection. The work is carried out throughout the year by the diligent and studious Japanese cherry growers, with their meticulous attention to detail.

By overcoming the weaknesses of the cherries through steady efforts over many years, and through meticulous cultivation management throughout the year, we have been able to produce cherries of the highest quality in the world, such as Sato Nishiki, the “red jewel”, which is well differentiated from cheaper foreign cherries. If we can expand our sales overseas, we will be able to move from a defensive to an offensive position.

The “Project X” cherry cultivation project is a modest but impressive success story that can be applied to corporate survival strategies and risk management. By placing a captive at the heart of a company’s response to risk, a captive programme can help to manage risk and increase the company’s profit opportunities. We recommend the establishment of a captive to support the “proactive” management of your business.


Author:Nobuo Sugawara

translator: Shinichiro Hatani