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キャプティブ 2021.06.25

CA28 mRNAワクチンが教える「キャプティブの効用」What mRNA vaccines can teach us about the benefits of captives

For those who prefer to read this column in English, the Japanese text is followed by a British English translation, so please scroll down to the bottom of the Japanese text.




DNAが有する情報によって、体格、顔、髪や目の色等の外見的な特徴やその他親の様々な特徴が子孫に受け継がれていく。生体を構成する、骨格、内臓、筋肉、皮膚等の細胞の中心には「細胞核」がある。この細胞核は酸性を示すことから、細胞核に存在する物質を「核酸」と呼んでいる。この核酸には、上述のデオキシリボ核酸(DNA) とリボ核酸(RNA)の2つがある。

















問1 「新型コロナウイルス」とは、どのようなウイルスですか。





新型コロナウイルスが「コロナ」と呼ばれている理由は、上述の「エンベロープ」の外側に王冠 “crown”に見られるような「突起」があり形状が似ている。このことから、ギリシャ語で王冠を意味する「corona」という名前が付けられ、我々が冬になるとひく「風邪」も同様な形状を持っているため、風邪のウイルスも「コロナウイルス」と呼ばれているからである。





「CA27ー夏目漱石(「人間万事塞翁が馬」)Soseki Natsume (”fortune is unpredictable and changeable”)」に夏目漱石の生き様を、彼自身が「倫敦消息」に記した以下の言葉で紹介した。






















しかし、「明らかに本人のミス」と思われるような罹患ではなく、「非常に気をつけていたのですが・・」という場合、その人が勤務する企業、組織、団体の手厚い「福利厚生制度」として、何らかの補償策を設計、提供できないだろうか、そう筆者は考えた。しかしごく最近ある損害保険会社が「役員および従業員の疾病リスクを補償する疾病保険」の 発売を開始した例を除いて、「福利厚生制度」として手厚い補償を従業員、所属員に提供するような保険を見つけることはできなかった。



グローバル・リンクのホームページ、その「Merit キャプティブを活用するメリット」のページに以下を記している。






執筆・翻訳者:羽谷 信一郎

English Translation

Captive (CA) 28 – What mRNA vaccines can teach us about the benefits of captives

The term “mRNA” (messenger RNA) is suddenly in the spotlight as covid-19 vaccine.

DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) is a word that I learned in junior high school science. DNA is a double-helix structure that exists in cells. This DNA is folded together to form a large organism called a chromosome. The answer to the question “why do parents and children look alike” is often heard as “because we inherit our parents’ DNA”. The area of DNA that contains the genetic information is called the “gene” and it is the one that passes on the characteristics of the organism from parent to child.

In humans, DNA is present in every cell, numbering in the tens of trillions. It is also known as the “blueprint” of the body, as the cells, organs and systems of the body are built on the information contained in DNA. Naturally, this DNA is also present in the sperm and egg, so through fertilisation the characteristics of the parents are passed on to the child.

The information contained in the DNA allows us to pass on to our offspring the physical characteristics of our parents, such as physique, face, hair and eye colour, and many other features. At the heart of the cells that make up a living organism, such as the skeleton, internal organs, muscles, and skin, is the cell nucleus. The nucleus is acidic, and the substances present in the nucleus are called “nucleic acids”. There are two types of nucleic acids: deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and ribonucleic acid (RNA).

The proteins synthesised by RNA are essential to all parts of the human body, including muscles, bones, organs, skin, hormones, and enzymes. The proteins synthesised by RNA are essential to all parts of the human body, including muscles, bones, organs, skin, hormones, and enzymes. DNA and RNA play a significant role in the production of these proteins, which are produced every second of every day in living cells.

1. RNA

By the time Darwin published “The Origin of Species”, DNA had already been discovered as the main material of the cell nucleus. One of the types of RNA that has the role of “temporarily creating” the genetic information is messenger RNA (mRNA), which “transcribes or copies the genetic information of DNA” in the cell nucleus, and in the cytoplasm outside the cell nucleus, “translates” the “genetic code” into amino acids to produce proteins, which are used to form living organisms. This is the entity that shapes the organism.

RNA copies the genetic information of DNA, but because its chemical structure is slightly different from that of DNA, it is much more fragile than DNA. This method of using fragile RNA as the main component of a vaccine is very convenient for controlling genetic information, because it can be expected to disappear as soon as its presence is no longer needed. That is why it has become the entity used in the new coronary vaccine. But it has taken decades of challenging work by researchers who have devoted their lives to RNA to get to that point.

2. Vaccines

When a virus or other “external enemies” invades the human body, the body’s own mechanisms are triggered to attack the virus. Vaccines help the body’s immune system to work more smoothly against the invading “external enemy”.

The vaccines that have been used in Japan so far are based on a system in which “some proteins of a virus” are administered to the human body and immunity is expected to develop against them. In other words, the invading “foreign enemy” was diluted to the extent that it did not cause illness in the human body and was introduced into the body to make it easier for the immune system to recognise the “foreign enemy”. These live vaccines are still used today for measles and chicken pox, but they were developed by inserting fragments of the virus into the body for the sole purpose of making the virus recognisable to the immune system, rather than inserting a live virus, which is considered risky. These are called “inactivated vaccines”. They are used in the seasonal influenza vaccine given annually. Inactivated vaccines are safer because they are “non-living viruses”, but they are also less effective, with a lower efficacy of 30-40% for influenza vaccines compared to the extremely high efficacy of 95% for covid-19 vaccines. Another type of vaccine is the “toxoid” vaccine, which is made by extracting only the toxin produced by the pathogenic virus or bacterium and making it less toxic.

There are two main types of vaccine against covid-19 that have been developed worldwide over the past year. The first, developed by AstraZeneca in the UK, developed by China, the Gamaleya Institute in Russia and Johnson & Johnson (J&J) in the US, is a vaccine that uses a different virus to fight covid-19.

This type of vaccine, called a “virus vector vaccine”, uses a harmless virus as a “carrier” (vector) to carry the genes of covid-19, the new coronavirus, into human cells. This is because the human body may develop immunity to the vector itself, and researchers are concerned that the effectiveness of the vaccine may be lost if annual vaccination is required to cope with mutated strains.

This is because, in 2007, clinical trials of an AIDS vaccine that was being developed using this approach were discontinued after it was found that it could increase the risk of infection in people who were highly immune to the virus that had become the “vector”.

The other type of vaccine available in Japan is the “mRNA (messenger RNA) vaccine”, which is a completely innovative technology “developed jointly by Germany’s BioNTech and the US company Pfizer” and “made by the US company Moderna”. This vaccine is “a vaccine that puts the ‘blueprint of the virus’ into the body to kill the virus”. In other words, it is a vaccine that does not introduce the virus itself (a live object or fragment) into the body, but the RNA (mRNA) that contains the structure of the virus. Thus, the mRNA vaccine is a substance that only encodes a gene and is regarded as a very safe vaccine.

This idea of “mRNA medicine” made from “mRNA”, which is not a “living thing”, and the method of its development attracted attention in Europe and the United States from early on, but Japan, which could not change its old way of thinking that “vaccines are made by cultivating eggs”, did not pay attention to mRNA, and has therefore fallen behind Europe and the US in the “race to develop vaccines”.

The mRNA that enters the human body in the form of an mRNA vaccine is not incorporated into the human genetic information (DNA), as it is degraded in a matter of minutes or days to produce “antibodies”. In the human body, mRNA is produced from DNA, but the flow of mRNA is one-way, and DNA is not produced from mRNA. This means that the mRNA information does not remain in the body for extended periods of time, nor is it incorporated into the genetic information of sperm or eggs, making it an extremely safe vaccine. This is because, unlike conventional vaccines, which use live or dead viruses or parts of the virus shell to activate the body’s immune system, this vaccine is a short-lived “courier” whose only function is to carry copies of genes into our cells where they can be directed to produce proteins.

3. Characteristics of covid-19 (new coronaviruses)

The new coronavirus, commonly known as covid-19 in Europe and the United States, is a virus that, before a major pandemic broke out early last year, former US President Trump said, “It’s just like the common cold”. The world already knows that the phrase “it’s just like the common cold” is a gross underestimate when it comes to post-infection symptoms, but from the point of view of coronaviruses, the virus is the same as the common cold.

According to the official website of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW), the characteristics of new coronaviruses are as follows

Q1 What kind of virus is a “new coronavirus”?

  The SARS-CoV2 coronavirus is a coronavirus. Coronaviruses include viruses that cause the common cold, the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) virus, which has been present since 2012.

 Coronaviruses are a type of RNA virus (single-stranded RNA virus) that contains RNA as its genetic information and has a double-layered lipid membrane called an “envelope” on the outermost surface of the particle. They cannot grow on their own but can grow by attaching themselves to cells such as mucous membranes.

 Viruses can enter mucous membranes, but they cannot enter healthy skin and only attach to surfaces. The virus on the surface of an object will break down over time. However, depending on the type of object, the virus can remain infectious for 24 to 72 hours.

 Washing your hands, even if only with running water, is effective because it helps to flush out the virus and washing with soap is even more effective because it breaks down the coronavirus film. The fingertips, inter-fingers, wrists, and creases of the hands are most likely to be contaminated, so it is important to wash these areas very carefully. If washing with running water and soap is not possible, hand rubbing alcohol can also be used to break down the fatty film and make it less infectious.

The new coronaviruses are called “coronas” because of the similarity in shape of the outer “envelope”, which has a “projection” like that of a crown. Therefore, they are called “coronaviruses”, which means “crown” in Greek, and because the common cold, which we catch in winter, has a similar shape.

The outer “protrusions” of the new coronaviruses are called “spike proteins”, which can attach to human cells and invade them, causing the virus to multiply, leading to the development of the new coronavirus condition.

4. Dr. Katalin Karikó

Last month, on May 27th, NHK’s “Close-up Gendai+” broadcasted an article entitled “Overcoming the Crisis with Vaccines? Dr. Katalin Karikó, Senior Vice President of BioNTech, an Associate Professor at the University of Pennsylvania, and Dr. Shinya Yamanaka, Director of the Kyoto University iPS Cell Research Institute and winner of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2012, talked about the development of the new coronavirus vaccine. I was extremely interested to watch the broadcast.

Katalin Karikó was 30 years old when her home country, Hungary, went into economic crisis and all research funding was cut off. In search of “a way out of RNA research”, she decided to sell her car, hide the money in her daughter’s stuffed animals and travel to the USA, where she had no other contacts, based on an invitation from Temple University. Fortunately, she found a place to work and immersed herself in basic research on mRNA, but in those days, when genes were DNA, RNA was not particularly valued, and her research funding was reduced, and she was demoted from her job.

In “CA27 – Soseki Natsume (“Fortune is unpredictable and changeable”)”, I introduced the life of Soseki Natsume in the following words, which he himself wrote in his “London Shosoku” (Notes from London).

It is the principle of Daiko (ie: (pompous) me) to work in the present with all one’s strength, not to cling to the past or to hope for the future unnecessarily.

Dr. Karikó said the same thing on the programme: “You can’t change other people or your environment, you have to concentrate on what you have to do now”.

Now, Dr. Karikó’s research has finally had the chance to see the light of day. While the rest of the world was studying the iPS cells announced by Professor Yamanaka, researchers at Harvard University in the US discovered that”Dr. Karikó could efficiently create iPS cells using mRNA technology”. It was now 30 years since she left Hungary.

Last year, on 23 December 2020, the University of Pennsylvania in the eastern United States released a video of two of the researchers behind the development of the new coronavirus vaccine, Katalin Karikó, associate professor at the university, and Drew Wiseman, professor at the university, receiving the vaccine as part of a promotional campaign to encourage people to get vaccinated against the new coronavirus. Thanks to their discovery of mRNA-based technology, the vaccine was produced, trialled, and administered less than a year after it was launched.

Both the US Moderna vaccine, used for “mass vaccination” in Japan, and the local government-led vaccine developed in collaboration with BioNTech of Germany and Pfizer of the US, were developed based on their discoveries. While many pharmaceutical companies were unaware of the potential, BioNTech took notice of the research results and invited Dr. Karikó, who is now working as Senior Vice President of BioNTech.

5. The future

The successful development of covid-19 (the new coronavirus) vaccine not only has the potential to end a pandemic, but also shows that “mRNA” can become a new tool for drug production. For example, mRNA vaccines, “a type of vaccine that delivers temporary genetic information into cells”, could be used to develop vaccines against herpes, malaria, HIV (“AIDS”: human immunodeficiency virus) and other diseases, as well as to increase the effectiveness of conventional vaccines.

Although mRNA is valued for its “immense power”, it has not been used in any pharmaceutical products for many years. The first attempt to use mRNA to produce a protein in animals was made in 1990, but it was a long way from being practical, and the new coronavirus pandemic came just when it was ready. If this had been done ten years ago, or even five years ago, we would not have had a vaccine production system in place, and we would not have been able to talk about the possibility of an end to the new coronavirus pandemic.

Summary of this issue

1.The following conversation took place in the NHK’s “Close-up Gendai+” program, “the man and woman played a key role in the development of the vaccine and Professor Shinya Yamanaka”, as “An out-of-the-box idea that surprised the world”.

Ms.Karikó and Mr. Yamanaka made a discovery that surprised the world. What resonated with both during the conversation was their “out-of-the-box” approach to research.

Ms. Karikó’s research has paved the way for the mRNA vaccine. In the past, it was common knowledge that practical application of mRNA vaccines would be difficult, and Ms. Karikó also hit a wall. Adding artificially created mRNA to cells could cause an inflammatory reaction that could kill the cells themselves.

Nevertheless, Ms. Karikó and his colleagues repeated their experiments. They found that replacing part of the mRNA with another substance suppressed the inflammatory reaction. This was a breakthrough.

Mr. Yamanaka also succeeded in producing iPS cells, which were previously thought to be impossible in animals. This has opened the possibility of treating Parkinson’s disease and other intractable diseases.

Dr. Katalin Karikó, who spent 30 years of her life in Hungary and after she left Hungary doing research on RNA, which has never seen the light of day, and Professor Yamanaka, who succeeded in creating iPS cells, which were said to be “impossible”.
The following words from Professor Yamanaka in the above program stuck with me.

”When I started my research on iPS cells, a professor of plant biology said to me: ’You said it was very difficult, but with plants it is very easy’. Those words changed my thinking. I started to think that if plants can do it, then animals can do it too”.

In response to these words, Dr. Karikó said: “The belief that it is impossible prevents us from trying”.

My teacher in junior high school gave me a piece of paper with the words “If you think it is possible, you may do it, but if you think it is impossible, you will never do it”, which I have kept in my study room and now in my den, although the colour of the paper has changed since then.

In formulating a corporate strategy, the feasibility and effectiveness of the strategy is determined by the point at which it is evaluated as either impossible or possible. Should the evaluation be based on the strength of human will alone, or should it also include a logical and scientific evaluation of the effectiveness of the strategy? Do we evaluate, verify, and analyse our corporate strategy in terms of our strengths, weaknesses, positive and negative factors in the business environment? Or do we evaluate it only in terms of “lack of awareness” or “weak will”?

At the end of the day, it comes down to the “consciousness of the person responsible for implementation”, as I learned from the conversation between Dr. Karikó and Professor Yamanaka. With their “strong will”, they have “devoted unparalleled passion and unimaginable effort to research”. In this sense, this awareness is essential for the formulation of corporate strategy. It is for this reason that Global Link recommends full-scale risk management “with a view to setting up a captive, and with determination”.

2. “Insurance against covid-19 (new coronaviruses)” has been discussed in the media and in commercials as “life insurance and medical insurance against new coronaviruses”, i.e. “Insurance for individuals”. The idea is that it is the individual’s responsibility to take care of himself/herself in case of infection.

However, I wondered if it would be possible for the company, organisation, or group where the person worked to design and provide some form of compensation for cases where the person was “very careful” and not “clearly their fault”. However, except for a recent launch by a property and casualty insurer of a sickness insurance policy covering the risk of illness for directors and employees, I have not been able to find any “benefit plan” that would provide such generous coverage for employees and associates.

The Moderna vaccine from the USA and the vaccine developed in collaboration with BioNTech from Germany and Pfizer from the USA are both highly effective in preventing the onset of the disease by about 95% and in preventing infection by about 90%. However, they are not 100% effective. Moreover, it is said that the full effect of the vaccine does not appear until at least two weeks after the second dose. So, there is a clear risk of 100% – 95% = 5%. Even if “two doses of vaccine are properly administered over a period of two weeks”, there is still a 5% chance, i.e. “a 1 in 20 chance of contracting the new coronavirus if you have ‘encountered’ a significant amount of the new coronavirus that would allow you to develop the disease”.

If a person contracts the new coronavirus “despite having received two doses of vaccine and having been properly vaccinated for at least two weeks”, a “company, organisation or group indemnity scheme” could be set up to provide “various indemnities and costs” and “special responses and services” that are not covered even by the newly launched sickness insurance mentioned above. Such a captive program could be a “revolutionary employee benefit program”. The development of such a flexible insurance product would be the raison d’être of a captive.

The following is from “the Merit Captive Benefits” section of Global Link’s website.

Allows access to a wide range of insurance products that exist in overseas insurance markets

Earthquake insurance available in Japan does not cover the costs of restoring operations or lost profits due to business interruptions, which occur when it is impossible to continue operating due to the stoppage of production lines because of the earthquake. In addition, even in cyber insurance, which is the newest insurance field in Japan, coverage for new and special cyber risks such as ransomware (ransom-type virus) caused by cyber-attacks is not widespread, and it is difficult to secure such coverage from Japanese non-life insurance companies.

On the other hand, overseas insurance markets offer a variety of insurance products to meet the advanced insurance needs of global companies, including coverage for business continuity costs and lost profits related to earthquake risks, as well as coverage for other special risks. By approaching foreign insurance markets through captives established abroad, domestic companies can obtain insurance products that meet their coverage needs.

In many cases, the usefulness and utility of captives has been demonstrated around “earthquake risk coverage”, but the utility of captives is not only in the immediate issue of new coronary infections, but also in the “means to create” insurance “if such insurance is available”.

In the past, Japan was a world leader in vaccine development, but the situation has completely changed. Similarly, Japan is the least developed country in the G7 in terms of the number of companies that own captives. While the term “vaccine defeat” has been bandied about in the media, now is the time to take captives seriously to avoid a “corporate risk defeat” due to the lack of adequate insurance.

Author/translator: Shinichiro Hatani