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キャプティブ 2021.07.30

CA30 なぜキャプティブが必要なのか Why do we need a captive?

For those who prefer to read this column in English, the Japanese text is followed by a British English translation, so please scroll down to the bottom of the Japanese text.











さらに、「海外の再保険市場に直接アクセスできることによって、保険料の内外価格差をキャプティブが収益化すること」が可能となり、キャプティブ設立前は単なる「コスト」であった保険リスクを事業収益に換える(Turning Risk to Profit ®)ことも可能にする存在となる。この意味から、グローバル・リンクが設立のサポートをおこなう、リスクマネジメントの本義にかなう的確なキャプティブは、「企業のリスク課題に対して効果的な解決策(=ソリューション)となるキャプティブ」という意味で、弊社では「ソリューション・キャプティブ ®」と呼称している。

3.なぜ、キャプティブは「Turning Risk to Profit ®」をもたらすのか












だからこそ、キャプティブからの再保険手配を的確におこなうキャプティブが設立されれば、本来は「リスクを事業収益に換えること(Turning Risk to Profit ®)」が可能となる。そのためには、損害保険に関するプロフェッショナル、世界の保険・再保険市場に関して豊富な知見を有するキャプティブのコンサルティング会社のサポートとアドバイスを得てキャプティブを設立することが肝要であることは言うまでもないことではないだろうか。






















海外に設立したキャプティブを通じて、海外の保険市場からキャプティブの再保険(元受保険会社から見れば、再々保険)を廉価で確保できれば、元受保険会社と海外の保険会社との保険料の差額はキャプティブの利益となる。事実、キャプティブの年次総会の度に、「Turning Risk to Profitが大きく達成できていますね」と「キャプティブの財務諸表」をご覧になるお客さま方からそういうお声をいただいている。



執筆・翻訳者:羽谷 信一郎

English Translation

Captive 30 – Why do we need a captive?

“I have read the website and your column and understand the benefits of captives, but how can I explain them to my management team who are not familiar with insurance?” This is the question we received on our website.

To answer this question, I would like to go back to the basics and explain why we need captives and what they can do for us.

1. Why captives exist

Risk management is a corporate strategy for eliminating or limiting impediments and uncertainties that prevent a company from achieving its objectives. In Japan, risk management has always been understood as “loss prevention and mitigation activities”, as this is what non-life insurers recommended to their clients to improve their own insurance profits. However, risk management is not just “damage prevention and mitigation activities”. It is about identifying the many risks that companies, groups, and organisations face, calculating and analysing the magnitude of those risks, assessing whether they are acceptable or not, developing and implementing risk-response measures for each risk, and then making steady improvements through the PDCA cycle on a regular basis.

To achieve this, it is important to establish a system “within the company” to clearly understand the magnitude and frequency of the risks, and to regularly clarify “what measures, including insurance, can be taken or are being taken” to deal with those risks.

“The act of placing an insurance policy with a non-life insurer” is understood to be “hedging” (reducing or eliminating risk)” because the company is taking the risk out of its own hands and is considered to have “eliminated the risk”, but there is a fact that “insurance policies also clearly state risks that non-life insurance companies do not assume as ‘exclusions'”. There are also “limits on the amount of cover”. A captive programme, led by a captive, provides a clear and continuous overview of the risks that a company has or may have, including those risks that cannot be simply eliminated by insurance.

2.Objectives of the captive

A captive is a means to ensure that a company has sufficient and broad coverage beyond what Japanese non-life insurance companies can provide for “risks that are deemed to be insurable due to their nature, i.e. risks that occur infrequently but are likely to cause significant losses when they do occur, such as earthquake risks”.

②In addition, even if a captive “arranges for reinsurance from the captive as necessary and sufficient to hedge the captive’s risk”, the captive is an “in-house insurance company” that underwrites its own risks, and therefore, the captive should not take the view that “insuring” means “hedging risks with external non-life insurance companies”. As a result, captives are expected to develop a “high level of risk management” within their companies, and in fact, many captives have found that this side effect has led to better insurance returns for their captives. 

③Furthermore, “captives can monetise the difference between domestic and foreign premiums by accessing the overseas reinsurance market”, which enables them to convert insurance risk, which was a mere “cost” before the establishment of the captive, into business profit (Turning Risk to Profit ®).Therefore, we call the captives that Global Link helps to establish “Solution Captives ®”, as they can be an effective solution to a company’s risk challenges.

3.Why Captives bring “Turning Risk to Profit ®”

A captive is clearly an “insurance company”. To understand the profit structure of an insurance company, I would like to describe the profit structure of a non-life insurance company in Japan. The profit structure of a non-life insurance company can be simplified as follows: (1) premium income, (2) personnel and property costs are required to obtain the premium income, and (3) money is required to be paid in the event of a loss due to an insurance accident. (1) is called “insurance premium”, (2) is called “business expense”, and (3) is called “insurance payment”.

(1) “Insurance premium” means “direct premiums” (premiums earned from insurance sales (excluding reserve premiums)), to which “net premiums received” (premiums received when reinsurance is underwritten by other insurance companies) is added, and “net premiums ceded” (premiums paid when reinsurance is ceded to other insurance companies) is deducted. In the case of an ordinary company, the figure is called “net premiums written”. In the case of general companies, this is equivalent to “net sales”.

(2) “Operating expenses” are the figures for “operating and general administrative expenses related to insurance underwriting, as well as commissions and collection expenses. Expense ratio”, a term often used to look at the profit structure of non-life insurance companies, refers to “the ratio of expenses used for soliciting and maintaining insurance to premiums received by non-life insurance companies”.

(3) “Claims” refers to ” claims paid” in general, and “net claims” is the sum of “claims paid” plus “net reinsurance received” (reinsurance paid to other insurance companies) and less “net reinsurance ceded” (reinsurance recovered from other insurance companies). The “loss ratio” is the ratio of “total claims paid and loss adjustment expenses” to premiums.

The profit structure of non-life insurance companies provides the answer to why some 7,000 captives have been established around the world. The reason is that they can generate large profits if (1) premium income is large and (2) claims payments are small. However, it is the amount of (2) “business expenses” that determines whether the company will make a profit. No matter how large (1) is or how small (3) is, if the program requires (2) “business expenses” more than the “income”, the situation will be completely different.

In fact, for general non-life insurance companies, (2) “operating expenses” are a major burden on management, with “personnel expenses” being the largest burden. To take one example, in April 1996, the revised Insurance Business Law came into force, and in August, six major life insurance companies set up their own non-life insurance subsidiaries and entered the non-life insurance market by using their own powerful insurance sales network of 500,000 “life insurance ladies”. The company began to concentrate its capital on automobile insurance sales, anticipating that this would be its main battleground. However, as of August 2021, a quarter of a century later, only one company, Meiji Yasuda General Insurance, exists as a “non-life insurance subsidiary”.

At that time, I was commissioned by Meiji Mutual Life Insurance Company and Meiji General Insurance Company (now Meiji Yasuda Life Insurance Company and Meiji Yasuda General Insurance Company) as a management consultant for their non-life insurance business. Having worked for a non-life insurance company in the U.S., I was aware of the future of automobile (Motor) insurance. Based on the knowledge I had gained during my time in the US, I believed that the auto insurance market would eventually be won or lost depending on how much IT investment was made. The wise and intelligent management of the time achieved this when they merged in 2004, “withdrawing from the sale of all motor insurance and transferring all motor insurance policies to other companies”.

Since then, as I have predicted, motor insurance has become an area of intense “new product development = IT investment” and the non-life subsidiaries of life insurers, unable to cope with rising costs, have merged or withdrawn from the market one after another.

Life insurers have a strong sales network but no claims assessment and payment network. They must keep a nationwide network for motor insurance because “a non-life insurer cannot function without a nationwide network of assessors, whether there is a motor accident or not”, whether they get a policy or not, whether there is an accident or not. It is the social mission of non-life insurers to do so. However, the cost is high. The choice of motor insurance as a main product by many life insurers’ non-life subsidiaries was a strategic error, a “failure of a non-life insurer to choose its main battleground (strategic domain)”. “It was a scenario of failure” that could have been avoided if the company had paid serious attention to the insurance situation in the US.

As we have seen, the cost of business is a major factor in the management of non-life insurance companies. By outsourcing these costs to captive consulting and management companies, and by having the primary insurer assess claims payments, captives can “significantly reduce operating costs” and achieve highly efficient non-life insurance management. Therefore, it is possible to “turn risk into profit ®”.

It is obvious that it is essential to set up a captive with the support and advice of a captive consulting firm that is a true professional in non-life insurance and has extensive knowledge of the global insurance and reinsurance markets.

4. Why do we need a “captive presence”?

Non-life insurers are subject to a number of business constraints due to their “social mission”. “Article 8 of the Law on Non-Life Insurance Rate Calculation Bodies” stipulates that “premiums shall be reasonable and proportionate and shall not be unreasonably discriminatory”, which places severe restrictions on the setting of premiums by domestic insurers.

On the other hand, in overseas insurance markets, where the principle of competition is strong, everything is based on the “principle of self-responsibility” and the calculation of premium rates is decided by each insurance company. As a result, the amount of coverage that can be provided and the level of premiums vary greatly depending on the risk judgement of the underwriter and the supply and demand for underwriting capacity in the insurance market. They tend to be considerably lower than those of domestic insurance products.

However, even with the development of the internet and its ability to drive the global economy, it is not possible in principle to directly place such overseas insurance, according to Article 186 of the Insurance Business Act. The main reason for this is that the Japanese market is confused by insurers who are not licensed in Japan.

Article 186 (Foreign insurers, etc. not having branches, etc. in Japan)

A foreign insurer which does not establish a branch office, etc. in Japan shall not issue insurance contracts (excluding insurance contracts specified by a Cabinet Order…) relating to a person having a domicile or residence in Japan, or property located in Japan, or a ship or aircraft having Japanese nationality.

Generally, a Japanese company cannot directly conclude an insurance contract with a foreign insurance company relating to “persons or property located in Japan”, even if it considers, for example, that “the products of a British insurance company are better and cheaper and provide a larger coverage limit”. However, a non-life insurance company licensed in Japan can underwrite the risk of the company as a “primary insurer”, and the “primary insurer” can re-insure the risk with a “captive” as a reinsurer. In other words, a captive established overseas can be insured through a Japanese primary insurer. However, ensuring your own risk with a captive that is “your own insurer” is not, of course, a “risk hedge”. This is true if the captive retains the risk hedged by the primary insurer (reinsurance), but not if the risk is further hedged externally as “reinsurance”.

If you have read this far, you must be wondering. “Even Japan’s leading property and casualty insurers are finding it difficult. How can a captive program provide high value coverage at a low price in an underwriting area as difficult as earthquake insurance?”

Normally, insurance risks flow in this way: “primary insurance → reinsurance → retrocession (reinsurance from a captive)”. However, with a captive programme, the first step is to “secure coverage” in the London market from a global, reputable reinsurance company that can underwrite the amount and scope of coverage that the primary insurer cannot.

The next step is to develop a captive programme with a primary insurer based on this “‘security of cover”. ​In other words, the arrows point in exactly the opposite direction when it comes to building a captive programme. In a sense, it is like sending vegetables directly from their place of origin, from London, the home of non-life insurance. Captives are the means to achieve this.

Japanese “primary insurers” also want to ensure the stability of the “reinsurance company”, which is the source of the “reinsurance money” that should be paid to policyholders in Japan in the event of an insurance accident. For this reason, reinsurance companies must be rated “A” by Moody’s, S&P, etc. to be eligible for reinsurance contracts.

A “captive” is a “small non-life insurance company” set up overseas by a company and does not “have to meet the rating requirements”. Instead, it is the “reinsurance contract” that is the “evidence of a reinsurance contract from the captive to a reinsurance company with an appropriate rating”. It is a “guarantee” that the underwritten primary insurer will be able to “reinsure” the captive.

Prior to the launch of Global Link’s captive business, most companies, except for the biggest names in the industry, had a captive as a piggy bank rather than a risk management vehicle. This is because there were no players in the global reinsurance market to encourage the establishment of captives, even though “captive risk management = reinsurance arrangements from captives”.

As noted in the “History” section of the website and in our web site and in previous columns, when Global Link began its operations, we first sought the advice of Dr. Go Kawada (former head of the Sendai Regional Taxation Bureau, former professor at Meiji University Graduate School, and certified tax accountant) for “proper and accurate business promotion”. During these meetings, we have discussed with our advisors how we can ensure that the reinsurance from the captive will be sufficient to cover the cost of the reinsurance. In meetings with our advisors, the question has always been: “Is the reinsurance from the captive being accurately placed with one of the world’s largest reinsurers in the London market?”

Summary of this issue

Despite Japan being a country of earthquakes and tsunamis, it continues to be difficult for companies to secure the prominent levels of coverage they require with the standard earthquake insurance products sold by domestic non-life insurers, even in the earthquake insurance sector. On the other hand, the huge underwriting capacity of overseas insurance markets means that there is an exceptionally good chance that companies will be able to obtain the prominent levels of coverage that are not available through standard earthquake insurance products for domestic companies.

However, as the Code of Conduct of the General Insurance Association of Japan states, “The social mission of the non-life insurance business requires the smooth operation of a mutual assistance system that contributes to the realization of a safe, secure and sustainable society and to the stabilization and improvement of the economy and people’s lives”. It is the social mission of the non-life insurance business to operate a system of mutual assistance smoothly,” and as such, non-life insurance companies are required to “provide compensation not only to one company, but also to individuals and companies throughout Japan. “They cannot be a company that meets the needs of only one company”.

Therefore, the role of a “captive” is so important. In addition, as mentioned above, captives are very efficient in terms of their cost structure.

If a captive can secure reinsurance (or reinsurance from the perspective of the primary insurer) from overseas insurance markets through a captive established overseas at a lower price, the difference in premiums between the primary insurer and the overseas insurer will be the captive’s profit. In fact, at every captive AGM, clients who read the “Captive Financial Statements” tell us that “Turning Risk to Profit has been achieved very well”.

Now that the Corona disaster is behind us, it is a suitable time to consider establishing a captive that can make a significant contribution to the recovery of corporate profitability.

Global Link’s” Solution Captive® Program” is a program that enables the world’s largest reinsurers and Japan’s largest insurers (primary insurers) to work together using captives as” couplers” to provide seemingly impossible” coverage”, much like the” double-coupled operation” (commonly known as” dragonfly coupling”) of two or more steam locomotives to cross a steep mountain before the advent of electric locomotives.

Author/translator: Shinichiro Hatani