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キャプティブ 2023.09.19

CA54 バミューダのキャプティブに激震が走る

For those who prefer to read this column in English, the Japanese text is followed by a British English translation, so please scroll down to the bottom of the Japanese text.























OECDの世界的な最低税制基準である「Pillar IIイニシアチブ」に署名した(「せざるを得なかった」?)、タックス・ヘイブンの最著名地であるバミューダへの動きはこれが最初であるが、最後となると考えている人は少ない。「世界から不公平な税制地(タックス・ヘイブン)を無くすことがOECDの目的である」と考えられているからである。


税源浸食と利益移転(BEPS: Base Erosion and Profit Shifting)への取り組みについて -BEPSプロジェクト-

OECDでは、近年のグローバルなビジネスモデルの構造変化により生じた多国籍企業の活動実態と各国の税制や国際課税ルールとの間のずれを利用することで、多国籍企業がその課税所得を人為的に操作し、課税逃れを行っている問題(BEPS)に対処するため、平成24年よりBEPSプロジェクトを立ち上げました。このBEPSプロジェクトでは、 G20(財務大臣・中央銀行総裁会議)の要請により策定された15項目の「BEPS行動計画」に沿って、国際的に協調してBEPSに有効に対処していくための対応策について議論が行われ、平成27年9月に「最終報告書」がとりまとめられました(同10月にG20財務大臣・中央銀行総裁会議(於:ペルー・リマ)、11月にG20サミット(於:トルコ・アンタルヤ)に報告。)



世界のリスクマネジメントの専門家、損害保険のプロフェッショナルが年に1回米国で集まる、RIMS(リムズ:リスク及び保険マネジメント協会:Risk & Insurance Management Society)の年次総会に参加、その後ニューヨークで業務提携先候補の企業、法律事務所等との打ち合わせを終えて訪れた地がバミューダであった。





最高裁判所へ提出した鑑定意見書(2007 年 12 月 28 日付)17 ページ、「緖説」には、「1.原審判示の誤り」と題して、原審判決(東京高等裁判所)の判決概要が記されているなかに下記一文がある。

(2) キャプティブはそのようなリスクマネジメントのメカニズムの中において、重要なトゥール(道具)として重要視されている。


執筆・翻訳者:羽谷 信一郎

English Translation

Captive (CA) 54 – Big oscillations in Bermuda’s captive

The Supreme Court made a very important decision in the Guernsey case concerning the ‘tax haven taxation system’.

The anti-tax haven taxation system allows Japanese taxpayers (individuals or companies) to combine the income of a foreign company with the income of a domestic taxpayer when the company is established in a foreign country or territory where the tax rate is lower than the national tax rate (tax havens).

The taxation system is a response to Japanese taxpayers’ attempts to avoid taxation by establishing companies in countries with low tax rates and transferring income that would otherwise be taxed in Japan to those companies, with the typical target being overseas paper companies. Therefore, the anti-tax haven taxation regime does not apply to cases where there is an economic rationale for establishing a subsidiary abroad.

A Japanese company established a subsidiary in a ‘tax haven’, namely ‘Guernsey Island’ in the English Channel, and paid taxes there. However, on Guernsey, a system was adopted whereby “income tax of foreign capital corporations” (corporate tax in Japan) that met certain requirements could apply for a tax rate selected from a rate of more than 0% and less than 30%, subject to approval by the tax authorities.

In Japan at that time, the ‘anti-tax haven taxation system’ was applied to foreign countries and territories with a tax rate of 25% or less, so if the Japanese company chose a tax rate of 25% or less, the anti-tax haven taxation system would be applied and the subsidiary’s income would be taxed at the Japanese tax rate, so the Japanese company would have to ‘opted for a 26% tax rate’ and paid tax.

However, the tax office with jurisdiction over the Japanese company argued that “what is paid as ‘tax’ does not fall under the category of ‘foreign corporation tax’ under the Japanese Corporation Tax Law, so the anti-Tax Haven taxation regime applies to the Guernsey subsidiary as well” and combined the income of the Guernsey subsidiary with that of the Japanese company and imposed a tax on it. The Japanese company appealed against this and filed a complaint against the Japanese company.

The Tokyo District Court (first instance) and the Tokyo High Court (court of appeal) “upheld the decision of the tax office”, with the plaintiff losing the case, but the Supreme Court reversed and awarded the case to the plaintiff, based on the “written opinion (dated 28 December 2007)” of Sakura Shiga, a lawyer and adviser to Global Link. The case was won by the plaintiff.

When we first met with Mr Sakura Shiga, who was well-known as a leading figure in tax havens, he said, “I think it is a very wise business model to establish a captive in the US and Hawaii, which are not tax havens, in order to accurately obtain reinsurance from the captive in the London market. So I would like to support it.” I remember as if it were only yesterday that he readily agreed to my request to become an adviser.

1.Subsequent developments

The ‘tax haven taxation system’ was substantially revised in the tax reform of 2017 (2017). Until then, it was determined whether or not a company was a ‘specified foreign subsidiary etc.’ according to whether or not its tax burden ratio was less than 20%. This 20% was known as the ‘trigger tax rate’ and had an important meaning.

However, the trigger tax rate was abolished, although the tax rate criteria (tax burden ratio) remained as the exemption criteria for the application of the system, due to the argument that it is problematic to exempt paper companies, etc. without economic substance from the system simply because their tax burden ratio is 20% or more.

In addition, a new concept of paper companies or ‘de facto cashboxes’ was defined and a combined taxation regime was applied to such companies. Thus, even if the actual ‘tax burden ratio’ is 20% or more, if a company falls under the category of paper company, etc., it will be subject to combined taxation on all income of the company concerned.

Naturally, as a result, the ‘choice of domicile of the captive’ has become even more important.

2. Where to establish a captive

There are many reasons for establishing a captive, but the most common reason is probably that “as the company grows, the insurance products on the market are no longer able to cope with the complex and growing risks of the company”.

When considering the establishment of a captive, it is usually recognised that “the cost of risk using a captive is far lower than the current insurance programme” and that “it is easier to obtain broader coverage than is generally available in Japan”. As a result, the decision is made to create a captive, followed by detailed discussions with a captive consulting company such as Global Link, which results in the selection of the most appropriate captive location (domicile).

The first captive to be established by a Japanese company is said to be in Bermuda. Domicile is a well-known tax haven and has the largest number of captives in the world.

3. what happened in Bermuda

In the summer of 2023, Bermuda was rocked by an earthquake. The Bermudian Government announced a ‘new tax regime centred on a 15% corporate income tax designed to comply with the OECD’s minimum taxation requirements for multinational groups’.

The corporate income tax, which was announced on 8 August, will apply to Bermudian-owned subsidiaries of multinational companies with annual revenues of EUR 750 million or more and will come into force on 1 January 2025. It is expected that the majority of captives present in Bermuda will be affected, but the extent to which individual captives will be affected will depend largely on the amount of tax paid by the company in question.

Although not clearly indicated at the time of publication of this new tax proposal, it is said that for US capital captives that have adopted the 953(d) election (allowing them to be taxed as a US company), this will act as a deduction and it is likely that no additional tax will be payable. This means that the captives most likely to be affected are those owned by non-US multinationals.

As the new tax proposal states that the corporate income tax required for large multinationals with annual turnover of more than EUR 750 million is “limited to 15%”, it is likely that for “captives that pay more than 15% of their tax in other jurisdictions”, this will only affect the tax filing process, but not the amount of tax paid. Highly likely.

The OECD has signed up to (‘had to’?) the Pillar II initiative, the OECD’s global minimum tax standard. ‘The first move towards Bermuda, the most prominent of the tax havens, but few believe it will be the last’. This is because the OECD’s aim is to ‘rid the world of unfair tax havens’.

The reasons for this can be understood from the description in the preamble of the BEPS project on the ‘official website of the National Tax Administration’ below.

Tackling Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS: Base Erosion and Profit Shifting) – BEPS Project -.

In order to address the problem of multinational corporations artificially manipulating their taxable income and evading taxation (BEPS) by exploiting the gap between the actual activities of multinational corporations and national tax systems and international taxation rules that has arisen as a result of recent structural changes in global business models, the OECD has, since 2012 BEPS project was launched. The BEPS project discussed measures to effectively address BEPS in an internationally co-ordinated manner in line with the 15-point ‘BEPS Action Plan’ formulated at the request of the G20 (G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors’ Meeting), and the ‘Final Report’ was compiled in September 2015. The report was presented to the G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors’ Meeting (in Lima, Peru) in October 2015 and the G20 Summit (in Antalya, Turkey) in November 2015).

Summary of this issue.

It was in the spring of 1998, almost a quarter of a century ago, that I was commissioned to provide management consulting services for a non-life insurance subsidiary recently established by a conglomerate life insurance company, and went on an overseas business trip with the company’s executives to investigate business partners for “new product development”.

I attended the annual meeting of the Risk & Insurance Management Society (RIMS), a group of risk management experts and non-life insurance professionals from around the world who meet once a year in the US, and then went to New York to meet with potential business partners and law firms, After meeting with potential business partners, law firms and others in New York, I visited Bermuda.

The purpose of the visit was to meet with potential business partners in order to “make Captive business one of our future business areas”. At the time, there were 3,472 captives worldwide, of which 1,497, or 40%, were located in Bermuda. It was truly a “Mecca for captives”.

At that time, 78 captives were owned by Japanese companies worldwide, 29 of which were located in Bermuda. Today, the number of captives owned by companies worldwide has doubled to approximately 7,000, while the number of captives owned by Japanese companies is around 90, a figure that shows how little progress has been made in risk management and the development of captives in Japan.

The aforementioned Dr Shiga was a core member of the Private Sector Tax Commission, who “appealed for a tax system for the people from a position different from that of the government and ruling party, and made concrete proposals with consideration for the vulnerable (from the Private Sector Tax Commission website)” and had a very strong sense of justice. His overflowing sense of justice led to the establishment of the Solution Captive®, a qualified and appropriate captive in the State of Hawaii, USA, which is not a tax haven, under the guidance of Dr Tsuyoshi Kawada, Global Link’s CEO. He showed deep understanding and interest in the project to establish a “Solution Captive®” in the State of Hawaii, USA, which is not a tax haven, and gave us guidance.

Although the guidance given by Dr Shiga lasted only two years, the quality and quantity of his full-hearted guidance, as evidenced by the vast amount of data preserved, is on a par with decades of guidance.

In the opinion submitted to the Supreme Court (dated 28 December 2007), page 17, under the heading “緖説”, there is the following sentence in the summary of the judgment of the original trial (Tokyo High Court) under the title “1. Error in the judgment of the original trial”.

(2) Captives are regarded as an important tool in such risk management mechanisms.

I believe that it is Global Link’s remaining mission to share this guidance with many people and promote the establishment of Solution Captives®.

Author/translator: Shinichiro Hatani