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キャプティブ 2024.08.08

CA 62 南海トラフ巨大地震への備えは?

For those who prefer to read this column in English, the Japanese text is followed by a British English translation, so please scroll down to the bottom of the Japanese text.



202032、RM20「南海トラフ巨大地震」(https://glc-tokyo.com/news_column/p1088/)、2021910、 CA31 南海トラフ大地震(高知「黒田郡」沈没)(https://glc-tokyo.com/news_column/p6102/)、2022430、CA36「南海トラフ巨大地震」に備えるキャプティブ (https://glc-tokyo.com/news_column/p7513/)、2023315、 RM78 南海トラフ巨大地震は東日本大震災2つ分(https://glc-tokyo.com/news_column/p8540/) 、2023522、 CA51南海トラフ巨大地震(フィリピン海プレートの動き)への備え(https://glc-tokyo.com/news_column/p8734/)、202414、CA57南海トラフ大地震に備える、地震に強いキャプティブ(https://glc-tokyo.com/news_column/p8974/)と6本のコラムに記してきた。



執筆・翻訳者:羽谷 信一郎

English Translation

Captive (CA) 61 – How prepared are we for a huge Nankai Trough earthquake?

Since the launch of the new Global Link website in January 2020, 195 ‘columns’ have been posted on this website.

‘When the Great East Japan Earthquake struck on 11 March 2011, we were reminded of the limitations of the Japanese non-life insurance system, with Japanese insurers paying out far less than the premiums paid by companies for losses caused by risks that are not covered by the system. As stated in the “Message from the President” section of the website, the motivation for Global Link’s Captive business was to “create an insurance product that would provide a wider range of coverage, something that had never existed in Japan before”, and amongst other things, the main thing that we have repeatedly stressed in this column is the need to address “earthquake risk”. ‘earthquake risk’.

2 March 2020, RM20 ‘Nankai Trough Earthquake’ (https://glc-tokyo.com/news_column/p1088/); 10 September 2021, CA31 Nankai Trough Earthquake (sinking of Kochi ‘Kuroda County’) (https://glc-tokyo.com/news_ column/p6102/), 30 April 2022, CA36 Captive for “Nankai Trough Mega Earthquake” (https://glc-tokyo.com/news_column/p7513/), 15 March 2023, RM78 Nankai Trough Mega Earthquake is equivalent to two Great East Japan Earthquakes ( (https://glc-tokyo.com/news_column/p8540/); 22 May 2023, CA51 Preparing for a Nankai Trough Mega Earthquake (movement of the Philippine Sea Plate) (https://glc-tokyo.com/news_column/p8734/), 4 January 2024, Preparing for the CA57 Nankai Trough Earthquake, Earthquake Resilient Captives (https://glc-tokyo.com/news_column/p8974/) and six columns have been written.

And today, at around 4:43pm on 8 August 2024, following the occurrence of a severe earthquake in Miyazaki Prefecture with an epicentre in the Hyuga Sea and a maximum intensity of just below 6, the JMA issued its first ‘Nankai Trough Earthquake Temporary Information’, in which it stated that the possibility of a future giant Nankai Trough earthquake was “several times higher than usual The possibility of a huge Nankai Trough earthquake occurring in the future is “several times higher than usual”, he said, and added: “We cannot say when it will happen. We cannot tell you when it will happen, but we urge you to be fully prepared as you have been in the past”.

Are we making use of the valuable lessons from the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake? The need for a captive to enlist the help of overseas global earthquake compensation, a huge Nankai Trough earthquake that could cause twice as much damage as Japan’s national budget, may be confronting us.

Author/translator: Shinichiro Hatani