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キャプティブ 2024.06.29

CA 61 「サイバー攻撃」の焦土と化すか、日本

For those who prefer to read this column in English, the Japanese text is followed by a British English translation, so please scroll down to the bottom of the Japanese text.
















米国の保険専門誌(Business Insurance)によると;










執筆・翻訳者:羽谷 信一郎

English Translation

Captive (CA) 62 – ‘Cyber-attacks’ scorched earth, Japan

Various media reports indicate that cyber-attacks are intensifying all over the world. One of the most rapidly increasing attacks is a server attack called ‘ransomware’.

The English word ‘ransom’ translates to ‘ransom’. In other words, a cyber-attack is launched against a company, holding its ‘confidential information data’ ‘hostage’, rendering it unusable and demanding money, or ‘ransom’, in exchange for ‘restoring’ it.

According to a major cyber security company, which has many major US companies as clients, the average demand for a ‘ransomware attack in the US in 2021’, for which statistics are available, was USD 2.2 million, an increase of 144% since 2020.

Furthermore, this is only the amount of ‘ransom’, with the average loss suffered by cyber-affected companies amounting to USD 15 million (approximately 2.4 billion yen), and the average number of days that business continuity was impossible was 50 days, or one and a half months on average.

1.METI’s response

The Government of Japan has also moved to address the situation, and it was reported that “the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) will implement a ‘rating system for corporate cyber-attack countermeasures’ from fiscal year 2025 to enhance the ability to respond to cyber-attacks”. The main objective of the system is to rate companies’ countermeasures on a five-point scale so that stakeholders can evaluate ‘how far the measures have been taken’.

In February 2022, a cyber-attack targeting a supplier of parts to a major car manufacturer brought production to a halt at a major car manufacturer, and since attacks targeting weaknesses in the supply chain (supply network), including not only the ‘main company’ but also the ‘supplier’, are increasing, the industry concerned The aim is to improve the ability of the industry as a whole to respond to cyber-attacks and risks.

An article in the morning edition of the Nihon Keizai Shimbun dated 5 April 2024 stated

The degree of cyber countermeasures is rated on a five-point scale. Criteria for each stage will be established based on guidelines for each sector, such as automobiles and factories, as well as overseas examples. Details will be worked out in the future.

Levels 1-2 refer to the minimum measures required of companies. The standards are expected to include: 1) regular software updates; 2) restrictions on access to confidential information; and 3) response procedures in the event of an information leak.

Levels 3-4 are for companies that play a part in the supply chain and will consider criteria such as the development of a robust information management system. Up to Level 3, companies will be required to check their own situation and self-declare their level of response.

To obtain Levels 4-5, companies will be required to obtain third-party certification of their countermeasure status from an external certification body.

Level 5 in particular will be targeted at social infrastructure companies such as electricity, gas and railways, and companies supplying products to these companies. The criteria are expected to include: (1) rapid sharing of information to the public and private sectors in the event of an attack; and (2) formulation of procedures for early restoration.

The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) believes that the ratings will not only encourage companies to strengthen their own initiatives, but also make it easier to understand how well their business partners are dealing with cyber countermeasures. Companies with a low rating may avoid doing business with them, which is expected to have the effect of increasing the industry as a whole’s ability to deal with the issue.

2. Ransomware losses

According to the US insurance magazine (Business Insurance);

A leading US insurance broker (agency) surveyed its clients affected by ‘cyber extortion’ in 2023 and found that while only around 20% paid a ‘ransom’, its clients suffered around 2,000 cyber-attacks, of which 300 were cyber extortion cases. The number of cases had jumped from the previous year to nearly 300.

This suggests that while ‘ransomware’ losses appear to be declining – ‘the number of ransomware attacks suffered appears to be decreasing’ – ‘insurance payouts’ have increased from around USD 300 000 in 2022 to USD 7 million in 2023. Perhaps due to this trend, the average ‘total cyber insurance coverage limit (total claims paid)’ required by companies increased to over USD 20 million from USD 1.5 million in the previous year.

The question remains, due to the nature of ‘ransom’, ‘are these companies answering all these surveys with open arms?

Summary of this issue.

The aforementioned cyber-attack on a supplier of a major car manufacturer overturned the assumption that cyber-attacks occur at very large companies, and this may indicate that cyber-attacks are changing from targeting “one giant company” to targeting “supply chains”.

Instead of targeting “a giant company that has a lot of money and a lot of staff to deal with various cyber-attacks”, cyber-attacks are now targeting “Achilles’ heel” or “companies that seem to have weak supply chains”.

In fact, in the ‘London insurance market’ (London Market), led by Lloyd’s of London, which is renowned as ‘the last stop for global non-life insurance to diversify risk’, the need for cyber insurance has become more diversified, changing from the previous requirement for giant companies only, to a need for many mid-sized companies that are part of the supply chain. A Lloyd’s of London syndicate cyber underwriter I spoke to on the phone yesterday told me that they are seeing a surge in staff moving from other insurance departments to the cyber insurance department as they are receiving more enquiries from companies, many of which are part of the supply chain.

How, on the other hand, are Japanese companies prepared? It’s too late to tell until after it has happened”. Why not get the world’s most advanced cyber insurance from the London market by setting up a captive to cover the “critical risk areas” not covered by the cyber insurance available in Japan?

Author/translator: Shinichiro Hatani