キャプティブ 2025.01.13
CA 68 カリフォルニアの大火災が教える保険危機、そしてキャプティブの必要性
For those who prefer to read this column in English, the Japanese text is followed by a British English translation, so please scroll down to the bottom of the Japanese text.
「『想像絶する』高級住宅地が焼け野原に ロス山火事ルポ ロス山火事」というタイトルの記事が、2025年1月11日付「日本経済新聞WEB版」に掲載されている。各種メディアの報道を見ると、被害総額は1500億ドル(約23兆7000億円)と推定され、米国の山火事として最大規模になる可能性が高い大惨事が新年早々、米国カリフォルニア州で発生した。
1792年米国で初めて損害保険会社が誕生した、The Insurance Company of North America (INA)である。世界最大の損害保険会社であった。1982年、INAが世界最大級の生命保険会社であったThe Connecticut General Corporation(コネチカットゼネラル)と合併してできた会社が CIGNA Corporation(シグナ)であり、筆者が1994年米国フィラデルフィア本社に入社した会社である。
当時60階建ての本社ビルを2棟、国際本部ビル、国内本部ビルとしてフィラデルフィアの街に有していた。入社初日、「CIGNA Museum(シグナ・ミュージアム(博物館))に連れて行ってあげなさい」とCEOに指示された副社長と一緒に、その一つのビルの中にあった「シグナ・ミュージアム」に連れて行かれた。「これが、1792年、当社最初の保険証券、ロンドンからフィラデルフィアへの航海中の貨物にかかわる海上保険証券です」と見せられた記憶がある。伝統と格式を持った会社であった。
その伝統ある米国最古、最大の損害保険会社部門が、1985年バミューダに設立されたAmerican Casualty Excess Insurance Company Ltd.(ACE)によって1999年買収された。
このACEは、会社名に「会社の定義」が込められている。「Excess(エクセス:損害保険において損害額が免責金額を超えた場合に、その超過した損害額のみ補償する方式)」の名前が冠されているとおり、上記「保険危機」によって購入することが困難になった、Excess Liability(超過損害額賠償責任保険)とDirectors and Officers (D&O:会社役員賠償責任保険)を「自前で掛ける仕組み」、つまり「キャプティブ」として、米国を代表する大手化学品メーカーを中心とした34社で設立された会社であった。
「中世の巨大地震 (歴史文化ライブラリー)」矢田 俊文(著)他のデータを調べてみると、「平安時代後期900年から鎌倉時代に掛けて起きた大地震(可能性を含む)」は以下のようになっていた。
938年5月17日(承平8年4月15日) 京都地震:M(マグニチュード)7程度
976年7月17日(天延4年6月18日) 山城・近江地震:M6.7以上
1026年6月10日(万寿3年5月23日) 万寿地震 推定:M7.5~7.8
1088年6月4日(寛治2年5月13日) 三陸地震・大津波:M不明
1096年12月11日(嘉保3年11月24日) 永長地震:M8~8.5
1099年2月16日(承徳3年1月24日) 康和南海地震: M不明
1154年9月19日(仁平4年8月10日) 富山地震:M不明
1185年8月6日(元暦2年7月9日) 文治地震:M7.4程度
上記「中世の巨大地震 (歴史文化ライブラリー)」によると、1098(承徳2)年に「後の大地震の前震」のような地震が、1月、4月、6月と発生、1099(承徳3)年1月本震である大地震「康和南海地震」が発生した。
土佐(現在の高知県)での大津波被害については、「中世の巨大地震 (歴史文化ライブラリー)」には次のように記されている。
午後9時55分、気象庁は先程発生した地震が南海トラフ巨大地震につながるか調査を開始しました。 1月13日21時19分頃に発生した地震と南海トラフ地震との関連性についての調査を開始しました。南海トラフ地震で被害が想定される地域の方は、個々の状況に応じて、身の安全を守る行動を取ってください。
1月13日21時19分頃に日向灘を震源とするマグニチュード6.9(速報値)の地震が発生しました。 気象庁では、今回発生した地震と南海トラフ地震との関連性についての調査を開始しました。このため、13日22時30分から南海トラフ沿いの地震に関する評価検討会を開催します。南海トラフ地震で被害が想定される地域の方は、個々の状況に応じて、身の安全を守る行動を取ってください。
執筆・翻訳者:羽谷 信一郎
English Translation
Captive (CA) 68 – The California wildfires teach us about the insurance crisis and the need for captives
An article entitled ‘ “Unimaginable” Luxury Residential Areas Turned into a Scorched Field: Report on the Los Angeles Wildfire’ was published in the online edition of the Nihon Keizai Shimbun on 11 January 2025. According to reports in the various media, the total damage is estimated at 150 billion dollars (approximately 23.7 trillion yen), and it is highly likely that this will be the largest wildfire in the United States to date. This disaster occurred in the early days of the new year in the state of California.
1. Huge claims for insurance payouts
The wildfires that broke out near Los Angeles in California are the largest wildfire disaster in the US to date, and it is predicted that the amount of fire insurance payouts will exceed 20 billion dollars (around 3 trillion yen).
One concern that has arisen as a result of this disaster is the sharp rise in fire insurance premiums, and the resulting rapid increase in the number of households that are unable or unwilling to pay their insurance premiums.
According to the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the number of disasters in which the damage caused by wildfires, hurricanes and floods exceeded $1 billion (about 150 billion yen) was 10 per year 10 years ago, but due to the effects of climate change, this increased to 18 in 2022, and in 2023, the highest number on record of 28 disasters occurred.
In the wake of the Great East Japan Earthquake, a massive earthquake of magnitude 9.0 that struck on 11 March 2011, the total amount of insurance claims paid out by earthquake insurance (in Japan, earthquake insurance only covers personal residences and household goods: the household sector) jointly operated by the government and private non-life insurance companies was 1.2891 trillion yen. This shows just how huge the damage and losses were from the California wildfires.
2. Rising fire insurance premiums and the increase in households without insurance
As natural disasters increase, as mentioned above, there is a rise in fire insurance premiums to cover the risk of fire. In the US, home fire insurance premiums have risen by tens of percentage points in recent years. The above article, from the 11th January 2025 edition of the Nikkei Web Edition, states that ‘According to the Washington Post, the number of homeowners who said they did not have home insurance to cover damage from wildfires and hurricanes rose to 12% in 2022. This means that one in eight people did not have insurance. According to the same paper, in 2019, the figure was only 5%. The risk of not being able to restore your home after a disaster is also increasing.’
As a result of this fire, many victims who did not have insurance will not be able to rebuild their homes and may end up losing ‘all their possessions’ and being left homeless.
3. Property insurance companies refusing to renew or issue new policies
According to CNN, since 2020, a total of 2.8 million renewals of ‘homeowner’s insurance’ policies in California have been refused. It has recently become very difficult to purchase fire insurance for homes in California, and it has been pointed out that many of the properties that were destroyed in the recent disaster may have been uninsured.
In the aftermath of this recent disaster, it is predicted that there will be further rises in fire insurance premiums and insurance companies will withdraw from underwriting, and as a result, the number of households that do not (cannot) take out insurance will increase, and housing prices in California as a whole will fall.
4. Insurance Crisis
In the United States, there have been two major insurance crises in the last 50 years, in 1975 and 1985. The term ‘insurance crisis’ refers to a situation where ‘insurance, generally speaking, property insurance, is not accepted by any insurance company, even if you want to take it out’.
For example, ‘the car insurance premium that you have been paying until now is $1000 (150,000 yen), but after the insurance is renewed, it will become $10,000 (1,500,000 yen), or you will receive a notice from the insurance company saying that “the insurance cannot be renewed this year”’, refers to a situation that ‘normally occurs’.
In the past, insurance crises have mainly occurred in the area of liability insurance, which includes automobile insurance, but it is thought that the recent major fires in California have triggered a crisis in the area of fire insurance, which is the other main pillar of non-life insurance.
The first non-life insurance company in the United States was The Insurance Company of North America (INA), which was established in 1792. It was the world’s largest non-life insurance company. In 1982, INA merged with The Connecticut General Corporation, which was one of the world’s largest life insurance companies, to form CIGNA Corporation, the company where the author joined the head office in Philadelphia in 1994.
At the time, the company had two 60-storey head office buildings in the city of Philadelphia, one of which was the international headquarters building and the other the domestic headquarters building. On my first day at the company, I was taken to the CIGNA Museum in one of the buildings by the vice president, who had been instructed by the CEO to take me there. I remember being shown a ‘This is our first insurance policy from 1792, a marine insurance policy for cargo on a voyage from London to Philadelphia’. It was a company with a long tradition and a sense of dignity.
In 1999, the oldest and largest property and casualty insurance company in the United States, with a long tradition, was acquired by American Casualty Excess Insurance Company Ltd. (ACE), which was established in Bermuda in 1985.
The name ACE is a ‘company definition’ in itself. As the name ‘Excess’ (in the context of non-life insurance, a method of compensation that only covers the excess amount of damage when the amount of damage exceeds the deductible) suggests, ACE is a ‘captive’ insurance company that provides Excess Liability (insurance that covers excess damage) and Directors and Officers (D&O: insurance that covers company directors’ liability) insurance, which became difficult to purchase due to the “insurance crisis” mentioned above. and Directors and Officers (D&O: company officer liability insurance) as a ‘captive’ system, or a system where the insurance is purchased independently, was established by 34 companies, mainly major chemical manufacturers representing the United States.
5. Preparing for a huge earthquake in the Nankai Trough
‘Medieval Earthquakes (Historical and Cultural Library)’ (written by Toshifumi Yada) Looking at other data, the following “major earthquakes (including possible ones) that occurred between the late Heian period (900 AD) and the Kamakura period (1185 AD)” are listed.
17 May 938 (15 April 938) Kyoto earthquake: magnitude 7
17 July 976 (18 June 1013) Yamashiro-Omi earthquake: M6.7 or greater
10 June 1026 (23 May 1026) Manshu earthquake: estimated M7.5-7.8
4 June 1088 (13 May 1090) Sanriku earthquake and tsunami: M unknown
11 December 1096 (24 November 1111) Eicho earthquake: M8-8.5
16 February 1099 (24 January 1111) Kowa Nankai earthquake: M unknown
19 September 1154 (10 August 1154) Toyama earthquake: M unknown
6 August 1185 (9 July 1205) Bunji earthquake: M7.4
According to the above ‘Great Earthquakes in the Middle Ages (Historical and Cultural Library)’, in 1098 (Shotoku 2) there were earthquakes in January, April and June that were ‘pre-shocks of the great earthquake that was to come’, and in January 1099 (Shotoku 3) the great earthquake ‘Kouwa Nankai earthquake’ occurred.
The ‘Nijo Shichijo Ki’ (a chronicle of the Kamakura Shogunate) states that ‘there was great damage at Kofukuji in Nara and Tennoji in Osaka’, but the ‘Rika Nenpyo’ (a chronicle of natural science compiled by the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan) states that ‘there was damage at Kofukuji and Settsu Tennoji. There was apparently a tsunami that submerged over 1,000 rice fields in Tosa’. Due to this major earthquake and the epidemic that was occurring at the same time, the era name ‘Shoutoku’ was changed to ‘Kouwa’ on the 28th day of the 8th month of the 3rd year of Shoutoku.
Regarding the major tsunami damage in Tosa (present-day Kochi Prefecture), the following is written in ‘Medieval Japan’s Giant Earthquakes (Historical Culture Library)’.
Damage in Tosa
What is the basis for the article in the ‘Rika Nenpyo’ (Chronological Scientific Tables) that we looked at earlier, which says ‘In Tosa, over a thousand rice fields were all submerged by the sea’? The following article provides the answer.
On the 4th day of the first month of the second year of Kōwa, at the time of the earthquake, over a thousand rice fields in the country were all submerged by the sea. The same was also true of the Sharyō□Egosho, which was close to the seashore.
The article is taken from a document (a document written by hand and kept at the National Museum of Japanese History) on the back of a letter from the Kanenaka Shoshi (a document issued by the Office of the Grand Council of State to convey imperial orders, signed by the Office of the Grand Council of State) to Tosa Province.
The ‘shrine estate’ mentioned in the article refers to the Kamomioya Shrine estate. The Kamomioya Shrine estate, Shioe-so, is located to the south of JR Kochi Station in Kochi City, Kochi Prefecture. In the Middle Ages, this area was close to the coast. It is recorded that the rice fields of Shioe-so and the other 1,000 towns in Tosa Province were submerged by the sea.
In 1090 (the 4th year of the Kanji era), Kamo-no-mioya Shrine established ‘Shioe-so’ in present-day Kochi City as a ‘manor’, but this earthquake caused 1,000 or so rice fields, or about 10 km2, to sink into the sea, and Shioe-so was also badly damaged, so it was decided to move it to a new location the following year. It is written that ‘10㎢’ is the area along the coast of present-day Kochi City, which was ‘submerged’ due to the earthquake’s crustal movement, in other words, ‘suffered catastrophic damage from submerging’.
The important point is that this document does not refer to ‘mere tsunami damage’, but rather to ‘the sinking of over a thousand rice fields and fields into the sea’ – that is, the widespread land subsidence caused by the earthquake extended over a vast area of over 10 km2, causing the rice fields and fields to sink into the sea.
Summary of this issue
In the world of non-life insurance, ‘damage’ refers to the physical impact suffered by an object due to an accident or other event, while ‘loss’ refers to the economic impact suffered by a person who has a certain relationship with the object as a result of the damage. It is an important management strategy to reduce ‘uncertainty in corporate management’ by making use of earthquake insurance, a system that fixes the uncertain element of ‘earthquake risk’ – the possibility of suffering a loss – as a cost in the form of an insurance premium.
However, even if you use earthquake insurance, it will only be effective if you have carefully considered the possibility of not just the risk of damage to buildings caused by earthquakes, but also the possibility of the kind of ‘total loss’ described above, where a large-scale tectonic shift occurs, and the building is swallowed up by the sea. For this reason, ‘the way you take out earthquake insurance must also take into account the characteristics of the area’.
In order to avoid using the phrase ‘outside expectations’ that was bandied about after the Great East Japan Earthquake, it may be an important business strategy to ‘enhance the amount of compensation, the content of compensation, and the scope of coverage’ of the earthquake insurance that can normally be obtained by making good use of the ‘captive’ system.
What is also important is to focus on the fact that ‘fire risk still exists’ even after a disaster like the recent large fires in California.
In other words, as we must expect the occurrence of a Nankai Trough mega-quake, we also need to pay attention to the question of ‘what to do about earthquake insurance after a Nankai Trough mega-quake occurs’. Even if non-life insurance companies withdraw or stop underwriting, ‘earthquake risk will continue to exist’.
Can we really say, ‘Don’t worry about earthquake risk, because we have a long-standing relationship with a non-life insurance company that will take care of us? It is possible that a situation may arise where they cannot say that they will not stop underwriting.
Shouldn’t we learn from the recent disaster in California that we need to have our own risk hedging measures, such as a captive insurance company? As I was writing this and about to post it, the following article appeared on the Kagoshima Yomiuri Television website.
The Japan Meteorological Agency has issued a special bulletin (under investigation) on the Nankai Trough.
At 9:55pm, the Japan Meteorological Agency has begun investigating whether the earthquake that just occurred will lead to a huge earthquake in the Nankai Trough. They have begun investigating the relationship between the earthquake that occurred at around 21:19 on 13 January and the Nankai Trough earthquake. If you live in an area that is expected to be affected by a Nankai Trough earthquake, please take action to protect yourself depending on your individual circumstances. At around 21:19 on 13 January, an earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.9 occurred with its epicentre in Hyuganada. The Japan Meteorological Agency has started an investigation into the relationship between this earthquake and the Nankai Trough earthquake. For this reason, an assessment and review meeting regarding earthquakes along the Nankai Trough will be held from 22:30 on the 13th. If you live in an area that is expected to be affected by a Nankai Trough earthquake, please take action to protect yourself according to your individual circumstances.
Author/translator: Shinichiro Hatani