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リスク対応策 2020.02.26

RM 18 「テミス」の示唆 Implications of Themis

For those who prefer to read this column in English, the Japanese text is followed by a British English translation, so please scroll down to the bottom of the Japanese text.



















手書きの新聞は、16世紀イタリアで初めて発行されたと言われている。印刷された新聞は、1609年のドイツに始まり、 1650年頃には、世界初の日刊紙がドイツで創刊され普及していった。そして都市人口の増加や社会の変化に伴い新聞の大衆化が進んだ。江戸時代末期、「瓦版」に始まったのが日本の新聞である。

「新聞を読まない人が増えた」との嘆きが新聞業界から聞かれて久しいが、新聞の発行部数の減少は、とどまる所を知らない。日本全国で2006年には5230万部だった新聞全体の発行部数が、2016年には4327万部と、10年で1000万部の減少である。新聞がいまそのメディアの主役としての役割を終えようとしているのではないだろうか。この300年間、世界の「思考、思想」を牽引してきた新聞業界は衰退し、情報伝達の主役はSNS(Social Networking Service:ソーシャルネットワーキングサービス)、インターネットというデジタル技術を用いた「口コミ」に回帰しつつあると言えるだろう。




なぜ欧米では、リスクマネジメント部門の長であるリスクマネージャーをCOO(Chief Operating Officer:最高業務執行責任者)と同列のCRO(Chief Risk Officer:最高リスク業務責任者)と処遇して、CEO(Chief Executive Officer:最高経営責任者)の諮問役員とする企業が多いか、その理由はIT革命をはじめとして産業構造大変革の大波が押し寄せている現代において「リスク読む人」は、「最も重きを置かなければならない存在」だからである。


執筆・翻訳者:羽谷 信一郎

English Translation

Risk Management 18 – Implications of Themis

The twinkling of the stars in the sky is a refreshing sight. The beauty of the constellation of Virgo, which appears from spring to summer, is particularly special.

According to Greek mythology, when humans lived together in the past, the gods also lived on earth. The climate was warm, nature was bountiful, and man lived in peace without the need for civilization and laws. However, when conflicts arose due to disturbances in the human mind, the environment itself changed and the four seasons came. Therefore, people had to cultivate in order to get food and lived in dwellings to protect themselves from the cold and heat, but in addition, people created weapons out of their desires and various evil deeds spread on the earth. With gold and silver treasures in their hands, humans developed civilization and economy, but their greed drove them to fight and kill again and again.

Nevertheless, the goddess of justice and astronomy “Astraea” who remained on earth and appealed to people for justice until the end finally gave up and left the earth and ascended to heaven to become “Virgo”. At that time, the scale that she carried to measure good and evil is said to have been placed in the constellation of Libra.

1. The patron god of justice and order (Themis)

One theory is that the goddess of justice, Themis, who is also said to be her mother, holds a scale as well, only with a sword in her right hand. In the West, she is considered the patroness of justice and order, and her statue is always placed in courts and legal offices around the world. There are two types of this statue of Themis. One is the more common one, the one with a blindfolded figure, holding a scale high in her left hand and a sword in her right, and the other one with the scale in her left hand lowered and the sword in her right hand raised high. The other one shows a scale in her left hand and a sword raised high in her right.

The face of the attorney’s insignia is a sixteen-petaled sunflower, and at the center of the insignia is the scale, which represents fairness and equality. A lawyer is required to wear this insignia when he or she performs his or her duties. The debate is over whether the sword or the balance is the correct form of Themis, or whether a new Themis will be created.

2. The Number of Lawyers in Japan

About 10 years ago, the Japan Federation of Bar Associations announced that the number of lawyers in 50 years’ time will be more than five times the current number, to about 123,500. The number of citizens per lawyer is currently about 600 in Germany, 500 in the U.K., and 290 in the U.S. Japan will also reach the level of Western countries with 700 lawyers in 50 years’ time, according to the Japan Federation of Bar Associations website, and the number of lawyers in Japan as of March 2018 is about 40,000 (Japan Federation of Bar Associations website), steadily increasing. The increase in the number of people passing the bar exam is due to the start of the new bar exam for those who have completed law school.

In the last decade or so, the world of that lawyer has changed dramatically. There have been mergers between law firms and the creation of large law firms with hundreds of lawyers or more. In the past, even the “big” firms were small by global standards, with only about 50 lawyers.

The reason why this kind of merger drama is so common is that the amendments to the Law on Special Measures Concerning the Handling of Legal Services by Foreign Lawyers (the so-called “Gai Ben Law”) have made it easier for large Western law firms to enter the Japanese market, and this may be a counterbalance to these mergers. In fact, those firms that specialized in finance-related legal work have all been involved in large-scale mergers.

3. “The Black Ship” of Business Model Reform

In the world of accounting standards, the U.S., Canada, Australia, and China also announced their intention to shift to international accounting standards, but only Japan insisted on its own course. In 2006, the London Stock Exchange announced a rule stating that the current Japanese accounting standards are not to be accepted, and this was the beginning of the trend towards “international accounting standards”. Accounting standards, the drama of stock exchange consolidation, the entry of foreign law firms, and the massive increase in the number of lawyers, but what lies ahead?

In 1853, four black ships arrived off the coast of Uraga and broke a 300-year national isolation. After the Treaty of Peace and Amity and the Treaty of Amity and Commerce between the United States and Japan, Japan struggled to amend the unequal treaty, but this was not accomplished until the end of the Meiji period. The article “Many measures to respond to investment funds’ offensive” had previously appeared in the newspapers. Even today, nearly 170 years later, it is hard to imagine how many companies are “responding to the situation as it arises”. The reason why investment funds and foreign law firms are coming to Japan in droves, and the number of lawyers is on a par with those in the West,” the answer should be obvious.

Every year, the major megabanks used to be the top ten most popular companies for university students to work for. However, this has changed dramatically in the last few years, and they are no longer in the top 10. This is probably because the top three domestic megabanks in the banking industry are under pressure to carry out major restructuring despite the fact that they are not experiencing a financial crisis such as the bursting of the bubble economy or the Lehman Brothers’ collapse. This reflects the plight of the banking industry, which has come to be known as a “structurally depressed industry”.

The same is true of megabanks, and more recently of regional banks, which have been merging with each other or becoming subsidiaries of other industries. The reason, I believe, is the development of information technology, and moreover, “the development of information technology in households, not in companies”. This does not mean big computers, of course, but the high performance and dramatic spread of smart phones, which most people, even elementary school students, now have.

Smartphones have become an alternative to the personal computers that have become popular in many households thanks to the development of Windows. Some cars are now equipped with smart phones that are linked to the computers built into the car, allowing drivers to park their cars in the garage automatically by operating their smartphones. It would not be an exaggeration to say that this “revolution in industrial structure” is occurring in all industries.

4 The Decline of Paper Culture

The great wave of industrial structural reform is also occurring in the “place of work”. In the past, documents were filed in a paper file and bound in a paper file by punching holes in it with a small desktop punching machine called a “paper punch”. However, these “paper punches” are now extremely difficult to see in the office. All the documents are digitized as PDFs, etc., and the backup data is stored in a server and several hard disks (HDDs) to avoid unforeseen circumstances such as data loss. The file and document storage, which used to take up a lot of space in the office, has been reduced to storing only a small portion of the documents with stamps and signatures, and a lot of space is now available.

The first handwritten newspaper is said to have been published in 16th century Italy. Printed newspapers were first published in Germany in 1609, and around 1650 the world’s first daily newspaper was established and spread in Germany. With the growth of the urban population and social changes, newspapers became popularized. In the late Edo period, Japanese newspapers were first published in “kawaraban” (tile plates in Japanese).

For some time now, the newspaper industry has been complaining that the number of people who do not read newspapers has increased, but the decline in newspaper circulation shows no sign of abating. Overall newspaper circulation across Japan was 52.3 million in 2006, but by 2016 it had fallen to 43.27 million, a decline of 10 million copies in 10 years. Newspapers may now be coming to the end of their role as the mainstream media. It can be said that the newspaper industry, which led the world’s “thinking and ideas” for the past 300 years, is in decline, and that the mainstay of information transmission is returning to word of mouth through the digital technology of social networking services (SNS) and the Internet.

Many people may simply call this “a trend of the times,” but from the point of view of a company’s survival, this is a major risk that will undoubtedly affect the very survival of the company. This is why I have said loudly that risk management is the core of corporate strategy.

Summary of this issue

It is now important to carefully examine “whether the industry in which one’s business operates is undergoing structural change and to what extent it is affected by external structural changes”. Therefore, it is important not to view risk management for this purpose as “just another area of insurance”.

Why do many Western countries treat risk managers, who are the heads of risk management departments, as chief risk officers (CROs) on a par with chief operating officers (COOs), and make CRO an advisory board to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO)? It is because they need to place the greatest importance on people who read risk in today’s era of the IT revolution and other major waves of industrial structural reform.

This is the time to get serious about risk management, with a view to establishing a captive, as this huge wave of change is sure to hit Japan. To avoid regrets later.

Author/translator: Shinichiro Hatani