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リスク対応策 2020.02.27

RM 19 「桜えびの不漁」が意味するもの The Meaning of “Poor catch of Sakura (Cherry ) Shrimp”

For those who prefer to read this column in English, the Japanese text is followed by a British English translation, so please scroll down to the bottom of the Japanese text.





























執筆・翻訳者:羽谷 信一郎

English Translation

Risk Management 19: The Meaning of “Poor catch of Sakura (Cherry ) Shrimp”

The only place in Japan where you can catch sakura shrimp is Suruga Bay, but the catch is quite poor these days. Some people say that the reason for this is because of overfishing, but some people also say that the reason why the Sakura shrimp, which lives at a depth of 200 to 400 meters, is because something happened near the Suruga Trough due to the activation of the Philippine Sea Plate.

The earth’s surface is covered with 14 to 15 plates, and when one of them moves, a chain of events moves in a short period of time to generate earthquakes, a mechanism known as “platelet-type” earthquakes.

The Japanese metropolitan area is an interlocking plate zone where the Pacific plate, the Philippine Sea plate, and the North American plate overlap, which is rarely seen in the world. The Suruga Trough, located in Suruga Bay, extends to the southwest, and if the Philippine Sea Plate dives into it, it is said to have the potential to trigger a chain reaction of major earthquakes in the Nankai (Tokai, Tonankai, and Nankai) Trough.

1. The Structure of the Earth

The structure of the earth is often compared to a “half-boiled egg”. The center of the earth is the core, the mantle covers the core, and the surface of the earth is the crust. Although no one has actually seen it, various data show that the main component of the “core” is iron and the temperature is about 6,000 degrees Celsius, and the mantle is solid rock, but a part of the upper part is soft “magma (lava)” due to the high temperature. The hard rock above it is called a “plate”. In addition, the uppermost part of the plate is the crust, which is the part of the plate on which the oceans and land rest.

2. Plate

According to current geophysical theory, 300 million years ago, there was only one continent on Earth, called Pangaea, but 200 million years ago it began to break up. Since then, the split has resulted in more than a dozen plates, which are now more than a dozen in number. As it moves, the land on which it rests has moved as well. It is said that Hawaii is moving closer to Japan by about 8 cm per year. This plate movement is known as “plate tectonics,” and it is one of the most powerful theories behind the occurrence of earthquakes.

Plate tectonics is a powerful theory behind the occurrence of earthquakes. India moved in from the coast of Australia and collided with the Eurasian plate, creating wrinkles in the earth due to the energy of the collision, creating the Himalayas. The Izu Peninsula is a small-scale example, but it was formed by the collision. Magma, the raw material for plates, is produced by long undersea volcanoes (ridges) and solidifies to form plates. Then they migrate and sink back into the deep ocean trenches, where they disappear.

There are two types of plates: continental plates and oceanic plates. Because oceanic plates are stronger and more dense than continental plates, when the two plates collide, the oceanic plate sinks beneath the continental plate. It is believed that there are 14 or 15 large plates that cover the Earth, but it has been discovered that some of these plates move at different speeds than others. This does not fit the theory and is unnatural, so the idea that there are more than 40 small plates was proposed.

3. Mechanism of the Great Kanto Earthquake

Major earthquakes in the Kanto region, such as the Great Kanto Earthquake of 1923, occurred along the Sagami Trough, the plate boundary between the Pacific Ocean and Sagami Bay. A few years ago, a tsunami survey conducted by Kanagawa Prefecture and others found seismic deposits near the coast of Zushi, near Kamakura and Zushi, that provide evidence that the Great Kanto Earthquake, a massive earthquake of magnitude 8, which repeats every 400 years, occurred as early as the 9th century of the Heian period. It is the result of the Gangyou earthquake of 878.

The government’s Earthquake Research Committee has identified the Einin-Kamakura Earthquake of 1293 and the Genroku-Kanto Earthquake of 1703, as earthquakes of the magnitude 8 class, but there has been no clear judgment on the earlier earthquakes.In the Shonan area, a stratigraphic survey found that the area has been “uplifted by about 4 meters during the past 6,000 years,” but there has been no evidence of uplift during the past 1,000 years, revealing that “an unknown earthquake occurred more than 1,000 years ago and caused uplift”.

As mentioned in Captive 7 of this column, the book “Nihon Sandai Jitsuroku”, a history book compiled in the Heian period (794-1192), states that there were major earthquakes in what is now Kanagawa, Tokyo, and Saitama prefectures, and “the death toll was too great to count”. It should be noted that there were two more major earthquakes that occurred between these two.

869: Jogan Earthquake 
878: Gangyou Earthquake
887: Ninna Earthquake

The Jogan Earthquake is said to have occurred off the coast of the Pacific Ocean in northeastern Japan, and as a result of the massive tsunami that swept over the area, the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake is believed to be a repeat of the Jogan Earthquake. Nine years later, the Great Kanto Earthquake, estimated to be over magnitude 7.4 on the Richter scale, hit the Kanto region, causing extensive damage to the then Sagami and Musashi provinces (today’s southern Kanto region).

If we assume that the Jogan Earthquake was the Great East Japan Earthquake of 2011, nine years later would be the year 2020, which is why some people are concerned about the occurrence of the Great Kanto Earthquake.

Furthermore, nine years after the Gangyou Earthquake, the Nankai Trough was hit by the Ninna Earthquake, a huge earthquake with an estimated magnitude of 8.6 on the Richter scale, with an epicenter in the Nankai Trough.

4. The Nankai Trough Giant Earthquake

In December 2019, a series of major earthquakes hit the Kanto region. And this year, on January 3, 2020, another earthquake “with a maximum intensity of 4 on the Japanese scale, estimated to be magnitude 5.9 on the Richter scale, with an epicenter off the east coast of Chiba Prefecture and an epicenter depth of about 30 km” occurred in the Kanto region. The government’s Earthquake Research Committee has already announced that there is a 70-80% chance of a Nankai Trough earthquake occurring within the next 30 years.

The Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC) says on its Web site titled “Preparing for an Outer-Rise Earthquake”.

“Past seismic observations have indicated that major earthquakes of the normal fault type occur within the oceanic plate (outer-rise) prior to subduction, following major earthquakes of the plate boundary type, such as the 2011 Tohoku earthquake. A tsunami inundation prediction system has been developed for the outer-rise earthquakes, which is based on the comparison of realistic scenario tsunamis with earthquake waveforms. However, we have not been able to create a scenario earthquake for an outer-rise earthquake due to the lack of information on the earthquake’s epicenter fault.”

During a period of several to 10 years after a major earthquake, the friction between the plates decreases and “the tip of Plate A sinks beneath Plate B too fast, causing Plate A to tear apart, in a chain reaction,” as in the aforementioned 869 Jogan earthquake, 878 Gangyou earthquake, 887 Earthquakes like the Ninna earthquake are called “outer-rise earthquakes,” which is why there is strong concern about the occurrence of a major earthquake in 2011, the Great East Japan Earthquake Outer-Rise Earthquake.

Summary of this issue

After a major earthquake, colliding plates creak together for a period of several years to nearly 10 years, and the energy of the colliding plates seeks a way out, resulting in an aftershock, or outer-rise earthquake.The history of more than 1,000 years ago proves that the larger the size of the earthquake that triggered it, the larger the magnitude of the later “outer-rise earthquake” will be.

I feel that after a big earthquake, Japanese people always think that it won’t happen again, even out of wishful thinking. From my long experience of working with Westerners through business, I can tell you that Westerners react in the opposite way. It happened, so it will happen again.

Many Japanese companies did not take out earthquake insurance despite the fact that it was necessary because “the insurance companies wouldn’t take out earthquake insurance,” as they claimed it was inevitable in the wake of the Great East Japan Earthquake.

However, a surprisingly large number of foreign companies had earthquake insurance in place. The major foreign companies that have already established or owned captives are the ones that are “steadily preparing for the worst case scenario”, and we believe this is a corporate strategy that Japanese companies should learn from.

Considering the “Outer-Rise Earthquake”, I feel that we are already approaching the time when we need to conduct full-scale risk management with a view to establishing a captive.

Author/translator: Shinichiro Hatani