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企業戦略 2020.02.28

CS 7 「万延元年のフットボール」”Football in the First Year of Man’en”

For those who prefer to read this column in English, the Japanese text is followed by a British English translation, so please scroll down to the bottom of the Japanese text.


1. フットボール(サッカー)の起源は


興奮した選手、サポーター達によって大きな混乱が度々起き、その都度「フットボール禁止令」が布告されたが人気は衰えず、良家の子弟のための全寮制学校、パブリックスクールを中心に広まり、やがてフットボール(FA:Football Association)協会が設立され、1872年に最初のサッカー大会、FAカップが開催。1930年のFIFAワールドカップ第1回大会へと発展していくのである。

2. スポーツに根ざす「戦略」



3. 司令官の交替制




4. コンティンジェンシー・プランの策定を









「保険の殿堂」とも、世界中の保険(損害保険)が最後に行き着くところ」と評されるロンドンのロイズ(Lloyd‘s of London)を中心としたロンドン保険マーケットに拠点を置く、ロイズをはじめ世界の名だたる保険会社の「事業計画」は、必ずこの3つの想定に基づき作成される。



執筆・翻訳者:羽谷 信一郎

English Translation

Corporate Strategy 7 – “Football in the First Year of Man’en”

It was in 1860, the first year of the Man’en era, that the Kanrin Maru left Uraga with the American mission. One of Kenzaburo Oe’s best-known novels, “Football in the First Year of Man’en,” was set in that year. A group of young men who were frustrated by the security movement gathered and formed a football team and started a strange political movement. Eventually, a riot similar to the “revolt in the village in the first year of Man’en,” which is intertwined with the lives of the characters in this excellent work.

1. What is the origin of football (soccer)?

It is still fresh in our minds that the FIFA (Federation Internationale de Football Association) World Cup, the first ever to be held in Eastern Europe, was held in Russia from June 14, 2018 and caused a great deal of excitement throughout Japan. There are many theories as to the origin of soccer, but the most common theory is that it originated in England during the Middle Ages as a religious game in which players moved a ball to a predetermined point in each other’s villages. There were no “rules” and no restrictions on the use of the ball’s legs. The number of participants was not fixed because it used a large space in an agricultural area. However, the common denominator in all the regions was “whoever gets the first goal wins”.

There were many incidents of confusion caused by the excited players and supporters, and each time a “football ban” was imposed, but the popularity of the game did not wane, and it spread mainly through public schools and boarding schools for children from good families, and eventually the Football Association (FA) was established, which led to the establishment of the Football Association. The first football tournament, the FA Cup, was held in 1872, leading to the first FIFA World Cup in 1930.

2. Strategy” rooted in sport

When you watch football games, you see a lot of player changes. Further to changing players, there are many “offensive and defensive fighting sports” in the West that divide the game into two phases of the game. Cricket is said to have been started by shepherds to relieve their workloads. Baseball has its origins in a ball game called “town ball,” which was played in England at “town meetings” when people gathered in a meeting place to discuss town administration. American football, which took the rules of rugby and made them into a unique American football game. The common feature in all of these games is the concept of “offense and defense”.

The concept of “sport” did not exist in Japan until the end of the Edo period, when it was introduced to Western culture. Sumo wrestling, which was born as a way of resolving village disputes, is more of a “Shinto ritual” than a sport. All the other martial arts were “individual” sports, and there were no group sports like the ones in the West. Therefore, the idea of alternating offense and defense was not born.

3. Alternating commanders

The U.S. Navy adopted this “replacement concept” as its “strategy” in the Pacific War. Commander-in-Chief of the Pacific Fleet Nimitz had two admirals carry the carrier force commander. At regular intervals, they switched to the front and rear, and renamed the fleet accordingly.

As the chief of operations of the U.S. Navy, Admiral King replaced the core personnel of the operations department with front-line personnel one after another within a year or so. It is said that this made it possible to select the best staff members and to constantly introduce a sense of tension to the front lines, making it possible to formulate rational operations. This was a big difference from the Japanese military, which was often influenced by the ideas of specific individuals, as in the case of the Imphal campaign.

The assumption of the Japanese military strategy was not based on the obvious: “Humans get tired, so we must give them a break. The biggest battleground of the air war was the Solomon Islands in the Pacific. Japanese pilots would go to war every day. U.S. troops are on a six-week sortie followed by a full week of leave. After the leave, they receive two weeks of training, which is repeated three times. In other words, after 18 weeks on the front lines, they can return home. It should have been obvious that this difference would have had a huge impact on the war effort, but it continued to be ignored.

4. Develop a contingency plan.

The Japanese military could not forget the “successful experience of the Russo-Japanese War”. No matter how many times they failed, they acted the same way and repeated the same mistakes.

But the Allies were different. After losing their most advanced warships to aircraft at Pearl Harbor and at the Battle of Malaya, they were quick to “convert to an airborne force”. While the Japanese lacked logical thinking, the Allies were logical and positivist. As a result, the Japanese forces were able to demonstrate their strength within the existing strategic framework, but were unable to formulate a completely different strategy once their assumptions were broken.

Strategic alternatives for this contingency are called contingency plans. In advance, the contingency plan identifies the risks that may occur, and if these risks materialize, it examines and formulates how to respond to them.

In the Japanese military, however, it was never created because “to consider the failure of an operation is to have doubts about the success of the operation, which contradicts the belief in a must-win situation and affects morale”. Furthermore, poor information gathering and emotional underestimation of enemy forces combined with an overemphasis on the belief in victory and a sloppy plan to suppress doubts about the sloppy plan. The result was the defeat of the war. Seventy years after the war, if we shift our gaze from the military to the corporate world, we see a similar scene.

The problems of the real world are such that it is impossible to know if there is a right answer or not. However, those who are gifted in school and have a good memory for standardized knowledge tend to be reluctant to take on problems for which they do not know the answer, based on their own “success” experiences.

In today’s world of rapid change, it is impossible for a company to be agile enough to respond to environmental changes, let alone new business, if all the employees are working on problems that are known to have answers. A corporate strategy formulation system that constantly anticipates risks and continuously examines problems for which there is no answer is essential. The key to this is risk management.

Summary of this issue

When promoting risk management, it is important to build three plans based on assumptions (best, middle and worst), not just one.

The business plans of Lloyd’s of London and other world-renowned insurers, particularly Lloyd’s of London, described as the “Hall of Fame of Insurance” and “the last stop for insurance (property/casualty) around the world,” are invariably based on these three assumptions.

Contrary to many Japanese companies’ rejoicing at “outperforming expectations,” “outperforming the best” is a “sign of distortion” somewhere in the company because the internal and external environment has changed more than expected, setting benchmarks for what they believe will be “a big problem sooner or later” and “to put a stop to the company’s excessive business behavior that could create a big problem”.

This concept is an important consideration in the establishment of a captive, as well as in the “simulation” process.

Author/translator: Shinichiro Hatani