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リスク対応策 2020.03.02

RM 20 南海トラフ巨大地震 Nankai Trough Giant Earthquake

For those who prefer to read this column in English, the Japanese text is followed by a British English translation, so please scroll down to the bottom of the Japanese text.
























執筆・翻訳者:羽谷 信一郎

English Translation

Risk Management 20 – Nankai Trough Giant Earthquake

The Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) website states.

The Nankai (southern sea) Trough earthquake is a large-scale earthquake that has occurred repeatedly at intervals of 100 to 150 years, with its epicenter located at the plate boundary between Suruga Bay and the coast of the Hyuga Sea. More than 70 years have passed since the last two Nankai Trough earthquakes, the Showa Tonankai (southeast sea) (1944) and the Showa Nankai (1946) earthquakes, and the imminence of the next Nankai Trough earthquake has increased.

1. The discovery of traces of the unknown Nankai Trough earthquake

Last year, in November 2019, a team of researchers from the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) and others discovered “traces of an unknown Nankai Trough earthquake at the end of the 7th century” east of the hypothetical epicenter area of the Nankai Trough earthquake, which is feared to occur in the near future, and reports circulated in the media that the Hakuho earthquake of the Nankai earthquake in 684 occurred to the west of the hypothetical epicenter area, and that it may have been a huge earthquake linked to the east and west.

The Showa-Tonankai earthquake occurred on December 7, 1944, and caused extensive damage in the Tokai region. However, because it was during the war, it was not reported on. It was previously estimated that there were areas with a seismic intensity of 7 on the Japanese scale, but at the end of 2019, a team from Nagoya University re-evaluated the distribution of seismic intensity in various areas caused by the quake, and found that “Nishio City in Aichi Prefecture, Kikugawa City and Fukuroi City in Shizuoka Prefecture had seismic intensity of 7 on the Japanese scale scale, and the areas where the tremors were strongest should pay attention to future large earthquakes”. The Nankai Trough quake has three possible epicenters, with the Shizuoka region as the epicenter, and the Aichi, Mie and Wakayama earthquakes as the “Tokai earthquake” and the Nankai earthquake has a hypothesized epicenter area that extends westward to the coast of Miyazaki.

The expected epicenter area of the Nankai Trough quake is divided into three regions: the Tokai (east sea) quake, which has its epicenter in the Shizuoka region, the Tonankai (southeast sea) quake, which is expected to hit Aichi, Mie, and Wakayama, and the Nankai (southern sea) quake, which has an epicenter area that extends westward to the coast of Miyazaki. Even with the time difference, there is a high probability that these three epicenter areas will be linked, and this earthquake is predicted to be “far more massive than the Great East Japan Earthquake”.

The Japan Meteorological Agency’s website, “About the Nankai Trough Earthquake,” explains the details. Previously, the Cabinet Office had predicted that in the event of the maximum tremor, an area of intensity 6 or higher on the Japanese scale would be spread across the Pacific coast, “resulting in more than 320,000 deaths and over 220 trillion yen in economic damage,” according to the “Damage Estimate for the Nankai Trough Earthquake. However, in May 2019, the government lowered its estimate of the number of deaths to just over 230,000, which it said was due to “increased awareness of tsunami evacuation among residents after the Great East Japan Earthquake,” but it added that “depending on the results of future surveys, the estimate may increase again”.

Conventional damage estimates for earthquakes have placed the greatest emphasis on “physical damage caused by shaking,” but due to the enormity of the tsunami damage caused by the Great East Japan Earthquake, various “tsunami countermeasures” have been implemented in response to the Nankai Trough earthquake. However, these measures were designed to save lives and reduce the number of victims, and they are far from being sufficient in terms of economic measures (including insurance).

2. Disaster reserves of non-life insurance companies

The disaster preparedness of Japan’s three major non-life insurers, which used to be in the range of 700-800 billion yen, has fallen to 538.3 billion yen at the end of fiscal year ending March 2019, and is expected to fall to about 385 billion yen by the end of fiscal year ending March 2020, according to a report in late November 2019. This is due to the recent extremely high level of insurance payments for typhoons and other disasters every year.

Catastrophe claims in the non-life insurance industry as a whole have doubled in value from the previous level to over 1.5 trillion yen in fiscal 2018, and the final amount of payments for fiscal 2019 is expected to reach 1 trillion yen, according to the report. Some people are concerned about whether non-life insurance companies will be able to manage their operations in the event of a catastrophe, but it is safe to say that this is not a concern, as the company has made sufficient arrangements for reinsurance to hedge its risks.

However, this “increase in catastrophe insurance payments” has made the prospect of “reinsurance” – a means of transferring disaster risk to foreign insurers – difficult to predict. According to The General Insurance Association of Japan, the amount of reinsurance claims paid to non-life insurers from reinsurers, mainly overseas, in the fiscal year ending March 2019 was 2.5 times higher than the previous year, reaching 1.17 trillion yen. As a result, reinsurance premiums from Japanese non-life insurers for natural disasters “rose by 20-30% in the year ending April 2019, but could rise by 50% or more in the year ending April 2020,” according to a Western insurance magazine.

This increase in reinsurance premiums, as well as the claims payments from Typhoons 15 and 19, which caused extensive damage in autumn 2019, will inevitably result in future premium increases, and if the disasters continue, further increases are likely to be inevitable in 2021 and beyond. As there is a limit to how much premiums can be borne by policyholders, non-life insurers may be required to further diversify risk on an international scale.

3. Current state of earthquake insurance

Earthquake insurance, which is reinsured by the Japanese government and ultimately compensates for the risk of earthquakes, only covers “residential buildings and the household goods inside them”, and it is not possible for the government to take out earthquake insurance on buildings and property owned by companies, for which it is the final underwriter. It has been predicted that a major earthquake directly under the Tokyo metropolitan area could cause economic losses of up to 100 trillion yen and, as mentioned above, the economic losses from a major Nankai Trough earthquake are estimated to be double that amount, amounting to 200 trillion yen.

However, the “amount of reserves to be paid” for earthquake insurance for “residential buildings and the household goods contained therein,” which are mainly for individuals, is set out in the Special Account for Earthquake Reinsurance, but “the total amount of reinsurance claims to be paid by the government due to a single earthquake, etc., is currently ¥11,566.2 billion, and when combined with private insurance claims, the total amount of The total amount of insurance claims for a single earthquake, etc. is 11.7 trillion yen”. This may not be sufficient, but Japan’s national budget is on the order of 100 trillion yen, and it is impossible for the government to compensate for damage that exceeds this amount.

In addition, companies and organizations that are not covered by earthquake insurance are left in a state of nakedness with no way to hedge their risks. Some companies have negotiated with Japanese non-life insurance companies to purchase fire insurance policies with an earthquake risk clause to prepare for earthquake risk, but the amount of coverage does not appear to be sufficient.

4. What is the risk management that companies should do for earthquake risk?

It is no exaggeration to say that there are no financial means to prepare for a huge earthquake in Japan. The only way to prepare for such a situation is to turn our attention overseas and get support from overseas to “build our own means of compensating for our earthquake risk”. The only way to adequately prepare for earthquake risk as a company is to secure a framework for compensating for Japan’s earthquake risk that exists overseas through this captive. Otherwise, we can only hope that an earthquake does not occur.

Summary of this issue

There is too little time to decide whether to prepare for a huge earthquake, a national disaster, or to just sit back and do nothing and let it happen, saying “there’s nothing we can do when it happens.”

How will stakeholders view the government’s public statements that there is a 70-80% chance of a major earthquake occurring within 30 years and not do anything about it from a “corporate governance” perspective? In Europe and the US, it would definitely be “the right time for outside directors to take the lead”.

Author/translator: Shinichiro Hatani