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キャプティブ 2020.04.16

CA13 ロンドン・マーケット(保険・再保険市場)The London market (insurance and reinsurance market)

For those who prefer to read this column in English, the Japanese text is followed by a British English translation, so please scroll down to the bottom of the Japanese text.




「モノを売り買いする場所」が市場(マーケット)である。築地市場は豊洲に移転して豊洲市場となり、水産物、青果物の売り買いをおこなっている。上記の保険の売り買いをおこなっている「マーケット」とは、主にロイズ(Lloyd’s of London)を指す言葉であるが、ロイズを中心に世界中の何千という数の保険会社や保険ブローカー(保険仲立人)が事務所を構えているため、シティ(ロンドン金融街)の一角、「保険ブロック」全体が「マーケット」とも言われる。これが、いわゆる「ロンドン・マーケット」である。


メインフロアのGround Floor (地上階)は、Marine(マリン:海上保険)のアンダーライターのシンジケートが占有している。保険の引受けの可否、条件を決めるアンダーライターが社員として所属する組織体が「シンジケート」である。「シンジケート=保険を引受ける会社=保険会社」と考えても差し支えないが、保険会社そのものではなく、保険会社がロイズのなかで保険を引き受ける際に設立する組織体である。

First Floor(英国式の1階=日本式では2階となる)には、Non-Marine(ノンマリン:海上保険以外の種目すべて)のシンジケートとその引受人であるアンダーライターが「店を構えて」いる。

Second Floor(英国式の2階=日本式では3階となる)は、Company Marketといい、保険会社のアンダーライターが所在する場所である。筆者も25年前、米国のCIGNA Corporationに勤務した時、ロンドンに3ヶ月間研修出張をしたが、その際午前10時から4時までアンダーライターとして勤務した場所がこのSecond Floorであり、その前と後の時間帯は、ロイズ近くのCIGNAのビルで準備仕事や終了後のまとめをしていた。






保険数理士(アクチュアリー)の計算に基づき保険を引き受ける生命保険分野では、「想定外の損害」が起きることはほとんどと無いため、生命保険分野において、再保険は一般的ではないが、損害保険分野では事業の存亡に関わる可能性のある巨大リスクを引き受けるため、「再保険の手配」は最重要戦略となっている。その再保険手配の地が、前述のロイズ(Lloyd’s of London)を中心とした英国ロンドンの金融街、シティである。















執筆・翻訳者:羽谷 信一郎

English Translation

Captive 13-The London market (insurance and reinsurance market)

On a business trip to London last year, I visited the office of the insurance broker with whom I work, and as usual, I was allowed to use the “conference room” as “Global Link’s temporary London office” while asking, “Hey, where’s Tony? I asked her once. I remember her reply, “We had an urgent matter to deal with, he’s in the market to deal with that, and he’ll be back soon”.

Now, the spread of the new coronavirus has shaken up that “London market” around Lloyds of London. The 300-year tradition of visiting underwriters and deciding the terms of underwriting face-to-face, with “heavy paperwork on deals that is rarely shown” is now and will continue to be “forced to turn deals in a non-face-to-face direction” because “non-face-to-face deals are now required to prevent the spread of infection There is a high possibility that 300 years of tradition will change significantly.

Now, the spread of the new coronavirus has shaken up that “London market” around Lloyds of London. The 300-year tradition of visiting underwriters and deciding the terms of underwriting face-to-face, with “heavy paperwork on deals that is rarely shown” is now and will continue to be “forced to turn deals in a non-face-to-face direction” because “non-face-to-face deals are now required to prevent the spread of infection There is a high possibility that 300 years of tradition will change significantly.

1. Markets

A market is a place to buy and sell goods. The Tsukiji Market was relocated to Toyosu, where marine products, fruit and vegetables are bought and sold. The “market” where insurance is bought and sold is mainly Lloyd’s of London, but it is also home to thousands of insurance companies and insurance brokers from around the world. The entire “insurance block” (part of the financial district) is also known as the “market”. This is the so-called “London Market”.

Insurance brokers act as intermediaries for buying and selling insurance. The “insurance market within an insurance market”, Lloyds’ trading venue (the underwriting room) is pictured above.

The Ground Floor of the main floor is occupied by a syndicate of Marine (marine insurance) underwriters. The Syndicate is the body to which the underwriters belong as employees who decide on the conditions of underwriting.Syndicate” is not an insurance company itself, but an organization established by an insurance company or a company wishing to invest to underwrite insurance in Lloyd’s of London.

On the First Floor (the first floor in the English style = the second floor in the Japanese style), the Non-Marine (all disciplines except marine insurance) syndicates and their underwriters, the underwriters, “set up shop”.

The Second Floor (the second floor in British style=the third floor in the Japanese style) is called Company Market and is where the underwriters of the insurance companies are located. When I was working for CIGNA Corporation in the US, I went to London for 3 months for training 25 years ago, and I worked as an underwriter from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Second Floor. The hours before and after I spent in the CIGNA building near Lloyds doing prep work and wrapping up afterwards.

The “shop” that a syndicate keeps open in Lloyd’s is called Box. The underwriters in the Box all day sit in a chair with a backrest, and as you can see in the picture above, the broker who came to negotiate the underwriting of the risk sits in a backless chair on the side of the aisle side.

We are told that the reason for the lack of a backrest is due to the Lloyds’ of London unwritten rule of “not monopolizing or letting the broker monopolize the underwriter for long periods of time. The evidence of this is that if there is an “amateur broker” in Lloyd’s of London who is talking to an underwriter for more than fifteen minutes, the underwriter may be asked to leave the room, either softly or directly. It is obvious what kind of attitude the underwriter will have when such an “amateur broker” comes next time.

2. The Reinsurance Market

Reinsurance refers to “insuring a risk that has been underwritten by an insurance company (or similar insurance mechanism) in order to transfer the risk to another insurance company (or similar insurance mechanism),” and as called “re”insurance because of “re” insuring the underwritten insurance.

The center of the world’s economy, with the exception of the property and casualty insurance sector, all industries have moved to the United States since the Second World War, rather than Europe, led by the United Kingdom, and the United States is the center of capitalist economic activity, but in insurance, especially property and casualty insurance, the center of the world of property and casualty insurance is still London.

Reinsurance is not common in life insurance, as “unexpected losses” are rare in the field of life insurance, where insurance is underwritten on the basis of actuarial calculations, but in property/casualty insurance, where huge risks are taken on that can be life-threatening to the business, the “reinsurance Arrangements” has become the most important strategy. Reinsurance arrangements are made in the City of London, the financial district of London in the UK, where the aforementioned Lloyd’s of London is located.

When a policyholder purchases insurance from an insurance company, the transferred risk is transferred to the reinsurance market for further risk transfer (risk hedging), and this movement and flow is like a spider’s web. For this reason, the transfer of risk from insurers (primary insurers) to the reinsurance market is often referred to as risk diversification rather than risk transfer.

Although the primary insurers that underwrite insurance policies from policyholders are central to reinsurance, they are not the only reinsurance companies that specialize in reinsurance business. In many cases, reinsurance is underwritten by a group of primary insurers with reinsurance underwriting divisions (subsidiaries).

The reinsurance market is therefore a market in which a large number of insurance companies (insurance organizations), not just specialist reinsurance companies, transact. As a result, insurers around the world prefer to do business with the largest number of reinsurance players in one place, whether they are reinsurers or primary insurers, because it allows them to do business more efficiently. That place, the world’s reinsurance market, is London.

3. Underwriters (Underwriting authority holders)

When an underwriter moves to another syndicate (another insurance company), very often the clients move with him to that syndicate. The relationship between underwriters and clients (policyholders) is so close.

The above pictures are some of the Lloyd’s underwriters with whom I have had a close relationship over the past 20 years. Because of this long-standing relationship with the London market, Global Link places particular emphasis on building strong relationships with underwriters in the London insurance market, where the captives sign up for reinsurance.

Global Link has established strong relationships with some of the world’s largest and most trusted reinsurers and underwriters in some of the Lloyd’s of London syndicates in the world’s largest reinsurance market, by proactively providing the information and support they need to make the right risk decisions, based on what the underwriters need and what information would help them get better terms and lower premiums.

This enables the Solution Captive® program to deliver the high levels and breadth of coverage that companies need at a cost effective level.

Summary of this issue

In Japan, the policyholder makes an insurance contract with an ‘insurance company’ and not with an ‘individual’ of the insurance company. In Europe and the United States, however, it’s quite the opposite. The culture is one in which “the relationship between the individual and the individual is paramount” and the relationship with the “individual underwriter” is usually more important than the insurance company and the insurance underwriting syndicate.

From this, it will be understood that “the key juncture is whether or not reinsurance is arranged from the captive to the ‘individual’ level rather than the ‘company to company level’. Either you are “leaving it up to the reinsurance broker” to arrange the reinsurance, or you are “taking it a step further and deepening your relationship with the reinsurance company underwriters who actually underwrite the insurance”, either of which could make a big difference in the unlikely event of a claim, especially when High.

This is the “wisdom” that I have gained from doing business with London Market over the years. This is why Global Link frequently visits the London market and focuses on developing personal relationships with underwriters.

The author has developed strong relationships with London market “reinsurance coverage” over many years as a management consultant for property and casualty insurers, developing products with a strong competitive advantage, which has resulted in Japanese captives being able to purchase reinsurance at premiums and coverages that are surprisingly competitive for Japanese primary insurers.

Although the global spread of the coronavirus has limited my ability to travel abroad, or even out of the country, I booked a flight to London for a business trip. Reading the end of the pandemic to be in October and its hopefulness, and considering the six-month “return to work” period that would follow, I set the date for mid-March of next year. What will happen to the “300-year tradition” then?

Author/translator: Shinichiro Hatani