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キャプティブ 2020.01.29

CA 1 キャプティブとは(金融時事用語集)What is a Captive? (Financial Current Events Glossary)

For those who prefer to read this column in English, the Japanese text is followed by a British English translation, so please scroll down to the bottom of the Japanese text.








一方、日本企業が有するキャプティブは約70社。 1996年からほとんど変化せず、むしろ減少気味。業種は損保、総合商社、海運、エネルギー、自動車、電機等。1社で複数以上保有する企業もあり、保有企業数としては約40社。





「『金融時事用語集』の2013年版を2012年12月中旬に発行する予定です。1989年12月創刊以来、今回で第24版となりますが、関係各第一線の方々にご執筆いただき、広く金融マンの参考書としてご利用いただいております。2013年版につきましても、最近の金融界の激変に合わせて精選した最新の時事用語 約200語につき、的確な解説文と図表等を読者に提供したいと存じます。つきましては、ご多忙のところ誠に恐縮ですが、是非ともご執筆に協力いただきたく、お願い申し上げます。」「お願いする用語-キャプティブ(新規)」、「定義(結論)を56~84字で単なる用語の解説だけでなく、課題やポイントを、時事的にお願いします」












執筆・翻訳者:羽谷 信一郎

English Translation

Captive 1 – What is a Captive ?(Financial Current Events Glossary)

Many people have heard of the term “captive” but don’t “have a firm grasp of what it means”. One reason for this is that many insurance professionals have often heard that it is a “very good risk management tool” but that it was introduced and marketed as an unqualified tax-saving measure, which is different from its original meaning. In addition, some insurance companies did not properly introduce and explain to their customers, which gave a false impression to the public in Japan.

To kick off this column, I would like to begin with a glossary of captive terms that I contributed to the 2013 edition of the Financial Current Events Glossary at the request of the editor-in-chief of “the Monthly Financial Journal” in 2012.

1. What is a captive?

“In Japan, because it is not possible to establish in Japan, so it is established abroad, an insurance subsidiary established by a company, organization, or other investor for its own sake, called a “private insurance company”.

The insurance policies purchased that are expected to have low loss ratios and high profitability are transferred to a captive in the form of reinsurance and the insurance is underwritten by the captive. There are two main types of captives: “pure captives”, which are established independently, and “rent-a-captives”, which rent part of a captive from a captive management company that already has a captive.

The first one by a Japanese company was established in the 1970s. The global origins of these captives date back to the 1800s. The number of captives worldwide was about 4,000 in 1996, at the year of the Japan Financial Big Bang, and by location of establishment, there were 1,038 in Bermuda in the Caribbean, 418 in Cayman, and 391 in the U.S. By 2011, the total number of captives had jumped to about 6,000. Features increased to 2,039 companies in the U.S. and decreased to 862 companies in Bermuda.

Contributing to the increase was a provision in Section 831(b) of the Internal Revenue Service’s (IRS) tax code that allows “small captives established in the United States with annual net premiums of $1.2 million or less to be taxed only on investment income.” As a result, U.S. companies (including individuals) own approximately 4,000 captives worldwide.

In contrast, Japanese companies have about 70 captives. There has been little change since 1996, and the number is actually decreasing. Some companies have more than one captive, and the number of companies is about 40.

The advantages of introducing the system are: (1) lower insurance costs; (2) higher profits from insurance business and investment income; and, most importantly, (3) improved risk management within companies and organizations, as lowering the loss ratio will be reflected in premiums once the system has been introduced.”

(Source: 2013 edition of “Financial Current Events Glossary” published by The Financial Journal, Inc.)

2. Background of the Contribution to “the Financial Current Events Glossary”?

On September 10, 2012, I received the following letter from the editor-in-chief of the Monthly Financial Journal (“Kinyu Journal”):

“The 2013 edition of the Financial Current Events Glossary will be published in mid-December 2012, and we are pleased to announce the publication of the 24th edition of the glossary. We would like to provide readers with accurate explanatory text, charts, and other materials for the 200 or so current terms carefully selected for the drastic changes. We hope you will take time out of your busy schedule to help us write these articles. In 56-84 words, please provide definitions (conclusions) of the terms, not just an explanation of the terms, but also a description of the issues and points to be addressed in a topical manner.”

This was a request for me. After graduating from school, I joined a foreign non-life insurance company and thanks to many people’s support, I was able to take a pivotal position at a very young age, but I felt a strong desire to work in the world’s most advanced non-life insurance company and I left Japan and headed for the United States. The company I joined was a life and non-life insurance conglomerate that was said to be the largest in the world at the time.

I was assigned to the Captive Division, which I had no connection with in Japan. When I confirmed the reason for this with the CEO during the interview, he said, “There are more than 70 captives in the world owned by Japanese companies, and although it is probably still a completely unknown field in Japan, more than 2000 companies have already been established in the United States. It will surely become a big market in the future. “

Eighteen years later, it happened. The Financial Journal is a historical financial journal magazine founded in October 1960 by a group of university professors majoring in financial theory. Because the deadline for my contribution to “Financial Current Events Glossary” was October 5, which wasn’t much time. but I was honored to accept IT as the event to “give glory of success” to the year.

Summary of this issue

In this first article, I have explained a glossary of captive terminology, which was on the Financial Current Events Glossary written by the author, contribution article in response to a request from the editor-in-chief of the Monthly Financial Journal in 2012. As the first article, I have explained the term “captive”. In addition, I hope you will also find other related terms in this article because it is necessary for companies to have a proper understanding of other related terms in risk management.

Regarding future columns

From now on, I intend to write columns in four categories: “Corporate strategy(CS),” “Risk management(RM),” “Captives(CA),” and “Operational practices(OP)”.

In Japan, risk management has been regarded for many years as a “disaster prevention activity related to non-life insurance,” and in many cases, the departments in charge of risk management are the general affairs and insurance departments.However, inherent risk management is a fundamental part of corporate strategy, and captives, which are established as a result of the necessity of risk management, are a key part of corporate strategy.

Therefore, captives are usually under the direct control of the management team, or the management planning department directly reports to the management and asks for approval. For this reason, we would like to make contributions that we believe will be useful for risk management and captives from the “angle of corporate strategy”.

I will also describe the essence of “risk management” itself from various case studies so that we can establish the right captive and maximize its benefits. In the “Captives” section, we will provide more specific examples of captives and their models. In the “Operational Practices” column, I will describe the commercialization study of the captive, the steps to establish it, the operational management of the captive, and further risk management techniques to make the captive more effective.

Although there are differences in volume between the four categories, we hope that you will continue to read this column and that it will help you engage in serious risk management with the establishment of a captive in mind, and we hope that this column will help you to increase your company’s value.

Author/translator: Shinichiro Hatani