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キャプティブ 2020.09.19

CA 18 キャプティブのリスクヘッジ(再々保険)Captive Risk Hedging (Retrocession)

For those who prefer to read this column in English, the Japanese text is followed by a British English translation, so please scroll down to the bottom of the Japanese text.






A. 契約方法

1. 特約再保険(Treaty Reinsurance:通称「トゥリーティ」、[特約])


2.任意再保険(Facultative Reinsurance:通称「ファカル」、「任再」)



B. 責任分担方式

1. 比例(プロポーショナル)再保険

英文名ではProportional(プロポーショナル)再保険であるが、実務的には「割合」を意味する「Quota」という言葉から、 「Quota Share(クオータシェア)(再保険)」と呼ばれるのが一般的である。

2. 非比例(ノンプロポーショナル)再保険

「再保険金を支払うか否か決める金額(再保険契約上の免責金額)をExcess (of Loss) Point(エクセス(オブ・ロス)ポイント)」(Excess金額以下の場合は再保険金の支払いが発生しない)と実態を表す言葉を使って言うため、この非比例再保険も「Excess Cover(エクセスカバー)」と一般的には呼ばれている。










巨大グローバル企業で設立される大規模なキャプティブの場合は、前述のQuota Share(クオータシェア)の形式に加え、支払う損害保険金額によって責任分担額を決める「非比例(ノンプロポーショナル)再保険」、Excess (of Loss)Cover(エクセス(オブ・ロス)カバー)が組み合わされることが一般的である。

6月15日、本コラムの「キャプティブ17」で記した、米国を代表する大手化学品メーカーを中心とした34社によってバミューダに設立されたキャプティブ、American Casualty Excess Insurance Company Ltd.は(ACE)は、その名のとおり、Excess(エクセス:損害保険において損害額が「免責金額」を超えた場合に、その超過した損害額のみ補償する方式)を引き受けるキャプティブであったが、米国を代表する蒼々たる企業が設立したため、そのExcess (of Loss) Point(エクセス(オブ・ロス)ポイント)の金額は、なんと1億ドル(約110億円)であり、Quota Share(クオータシェア)再保険とExcess (of Loss)Cover(エクセス(オブ・ロス)カバー)他、複雑な構造の再保険手配になっていた。






執筆・翻訳者:羽谷 信一郎

English Translation

Captive 18 – Captive Risk Hedging (Retrocession)

Under Japan’s Insurance Business Act, a captive established abroad is a “foreign insurance carrier without a branch or other presence in Japan” and, as such, cannot enter into insurance contracts involving any person or property located in Japan. As a result, the captive’s parent company will insure its risks with the primary insurer, and the primary insurer will enter into a reinsurance agreement with the captive to re-insure the risks it has assumed. This “Reinsurance Captive” is a common form of captives owned by Japanese companies.

This reinsurance is defined as “transferring all or part of the liability assumed by an insurance company to another insurance company” and is called “reinsurance” because it means “to re-insure”. Therefore, the most important factor in establishing a captive from a risk management perspective is “arranging for reinsurance, as retrocession from the point of view of a Japanese captive’s parent or primary insurer, from the captive”.

This is because if a captive fails to arrange its own reinsurance, all risk remains with the captive.

1. Types of reinsurance

This reinsurance can be categorized by “contract method” and “method of allocation of responsibility”, respectively, as follows.

A. Method of Contracting

1. Treaty Reinsurance (Treaty Reinsurance:commonly known as “TREATY”)
The primary insurer and the reinsurer agree on the terms and conditions of the contract beforehand, and then “all risks that meet certain conditions are subject to reinsurance”, which in the management of an insurance company is the foundation of its underwriting system. This is because non-life insurers are able to underwrite insurance on the assumption that risk is diversified by the reinsurance clause.

The contract renewal date of the reinsurance treaty is generally April 1 of each year, in line with the Japanese insurance company’s fiscal year.

2. Voluntary Reinsurance (Facultative Reinsurance: commonly known as “FACUL”)
Under this system, the primary insurer and the reinsurer negotiate and decide on the terms and conditions of the contract, including the acceptance or rejection of underwriting on a case-by-case basis.

An insurance company can underwrite insurance because of the existence of treaty reinsurance, but if it underwrites risks that are not covered by the treaty reinsurance, the insurer will underwrite insurance through this facultative reinsurance arrangement with a domestic or foreign reinsurer.

The method in which a captive underwrites reinsurance from a Japanese primary insurance company is also a facultative reinsurance scheme.

B. Shared Responsibility Method

1. Proportional Reinsurance

This is a method of determining the amount of liability sharing in reinsurance contracts on a “proportional” basis. In English, it is called “proportional reinsurance”, but in practice it is more commonly referred to as “quota share”, after the word “quota”, which means “proportional”.

2. Non-proportional Reinsurance
This is a method of determining the amount of liability sharing in a reinsurance contract based on the “amount of damage insurance to be paid”. This non-proportional reinsurance is also commonly referred to as “Excess Cover” because the amount of liability to be paid (the deductible under the reinsurance contract) is referred to as the “Excess (of Loss) Point” (if the amount is less than the Excess amount, no reinsurance payment will be made) to show the reality.

2. Common reinsurance methods used for captives

Reinsurance from a primary insurer to a captive as a reinsurer is referred to as “ceding”. Reinsurance from a captive as a reinsurer to an overseas reinsurer such as the London Insurance Market is, as mentioned above, usually done as a voluntary reinsurance, with a proportional reinsurance sharing of responsibility. Its English name is “retrocession” and it is commonly referred to as “retro”.

In this case, the premiums and (payout) benefits for reinsurance from the primary insurer to the captive are as follows “Reinsurance premiums = primary premiums x percentage of ceded reinsurance (%)” and “Reinsurance claims = primary claims x percentage of ceded reinsurance (%)”.

Usually, a “deductible” (a stipulation that excludes small losses from the insurance coverage, which states that the insurance company will not pay out even if there is a loss up to this amount) is attached to the non-life insurance policies, so the insurance benefit is paid when the loss exceeds the deductible.The amount of that payment depends on the “definition of the applicable exclusion amount”:.

① When the deductible is deducted from the amount of compensation (insurance money).

② If the deductible is exceeded, the full amount of the loss will be the amount of coverage (insurance money).

Although there are two types, it is common for① to be written for reinsurance to and from a captive (or retrocession from the perspective of the primary insurer).

The reason for this is that “the captive program is a combination of retrocession in addition to reinsurance” and therefore, by excluding small losses from the program, the program can be simplified to maximize the effectiveness of the captive as a “defense against large losses that could damage the company’s business”.

3. Reinsurance methods used for large captives

Large captives established by large global corporations usually combine the aforementioned quota share format with “non-proportional reinsurance,” or excess (of loss) cover, in which the amount of liability shared is determined by the amount of property and casualty insurance paid.

The captive, American Casualty Excess Insurance Company Ltd. (ACE), which was established in Bermuda by 34 leading U.S. chemical companies and other leading chemical manufacturers, which I wrote about in this column, “Captive 17,” on June 15, is, because the leading U.S. company established the Excess (of Loss) Point, a captive that underwrites Excess (a method of indemnifying only the excess of losses in excess of the “deductible” in property and casualty insurance).The company was a captive that underwrote Excess (a method of compensating only the excess amount of loss over the deductible in property insurance).

Because it was established by gigantic companies that represent the United States, its Excess (of Loss) Point is worth a whopping $100 million (approximately 11 billion yen). Quota Share reinsurance and Excess (of Loss) Cover and other complexly structured reinsurance arrangements were in place.

Summary of this issue

Captives are “insurance companies” that underwrite reinsurance from primary insurers. An insurance company is “the crucible into which the risks of the world flow”. What would happen if a captive was established and the captive’s risk management was not considered? It is self-evident.

How many captives were created that were difficult to consider eligible until Global Link strongly advocated the significance of a captive with a qualified retrocession arrangement, a “solution captive®,” and what can only be considered “just a piggy bank = just a bunch of risk”? This is because there was a rash of captive players who were completely ignorant of the reinsurance market, who would not or could not even communicate the need to arrange reinsurance, let alone the procedures for arranging reinsurance.

Our legal counsel, attorney Sakura Shiga, bitterly felt this situation, and always strongly stated that “the greatest significance of owning a captive is to be able to perform risk management by one’s own hands, which I wrote in my opinion to the Supreme Court, and the Supreme Court adopted it”.

If a captive is to be established, it is my sincere hope, as someone involved with the captive, that sufficient risk management will be carried out with respect to the captive and sufficient reinsurance(retrocession) arrangements will be made by the captive to ensure that the captive does not fail and eventually become a major problem.

Author/translator: Shinichiro Hatani