企業戦略 2020.03.09
CS 9 「One For All, All For One」(早稲田ーケンブリッジ戦) (Waseda-Cambridge)
For those who prefer to read this column in English, the Japanese text is followed by a British English translation, so please scroll down to the bottom of the Japanese text.
その日は、日本から大学のラグビーチームが渡英、ケンブリッジ大学と対抗戦をおこなうので、その応援と折から来英中の早稲田大学の副総長、教授とともにケンブリッジ大学ペンブルック・カレッジ (Pembroke College)のMaster(学長)主催の夕食会に参加するためであった。
1. ラグビーの始まり
日本語では、「イギリスもしくは英国」と一語で表すが、英国の正式名称は、「グレートブリテン及び北アイルランド連合王国(United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland: UK)」である。英文名のとおり「『連合』王国」であり、「イングランド、ウェールズ、スコットランド、北アイルランド」という4つの「カントリー」と呼称される「国」が「連合」した主権国家である。
ルールの統一のため、ロンドンにあった12クラブの間でかなりの期間、何十回もの会議・打ち合わせを経て、1863年12月統一ルールが決定され、フットボール(FA:Football Association)協会が設立された。この時、一部のクラブの代表が、「ボールを持って走ること等が認められなくなったこと」に合意できず、FAを脱退した。
このラグビーのルールを取り入れ、「米国独自のフットボール」として創り上げたものが、アメリカン・フットボールである。アメリカン・フットボールには、日本人にはなじみ深い野球で「リーグ」と呼ばれる、リーグと同義の「カンファレンス」というものがある。先に出来た、ナショナル・フットボール・カンファレンス (NFC)とアメリカン・フットボール・カンファレンス (AFC)のぞれぞれの優勝チームがぶつかり合う、ナショナル・フットボール・リーグ(NFL)の優勝決定戦が、スーパーボウル (Super Bowl)と呼ばれ、毎年2月上旬の日曜日に開催される。この日はスーパーボウル・サンデー (Super Bowl Sunday)と呼ばれ、事実上米国の祝日となっている日である。
各国のラグビー代表チームのジャージには、その国を代表する象徴が、その胸に「エンブレム」として付けられている。日本代表は、日本の象徴的な花、「桜」である。豪州や南アフリカの代表チームは、このエンブレムがそのままチームの愛称となっている。しかし、ラグビーの発祥国イングランドの代表チームには正式な愛称はないが、一般的には、ラグビー・ジャージ(ユニフォーム)のエンブレムに描かれている赤いバラから、「レッドローズ(Red Rose)」と呼ばれている。
「バラ」は、イングランドの国花(floral emblem)である。イングランド代表は、白いユニフォームでありその対比から、「赤いバラ」が極めて印象的なものとなっているが、この「赤いバラ」のエンブレムの由来については、諸説ある。
この100年戦争の後、今度は英国内でイングランドの封建諸侯による、「バラ戦争」と呼ばれる、ランカスター家(赤いバラがシンボル)とヨーク家(白いバラがシンボル)の30年に及ぶ内乱が起きた。最終的にはランカスター家の女系の血筋を引くチューダー家のヘンリー7世が武力でヨーク家を倒し、ヨーク家のエリザベス王女と結婚してチューダー朝を開いた。この結婚に伴い、両家の融合として、赤と白を結合したいわゆる「チューダー・ローズ( Tudor rose)」が王家の紋章として採用された。ところが、エリザベス1世をはじめとしたその後の英国君主はランカスター家の血筋が継いでいたため、赤いバラがより強くなっていき、イングランドのラグビー協会も赤いバラを選択したと言われている。
また、別の説もある。ラグビー誕生の地とされている、ラグビー校の創立者ローレンス・シェリフ(Lawrence Sheriff) がエリザベス1世より紋章を贈られ赤いバラの使用を許されたため、彼がラグビー校を設立した時、彼自身の紋章に基づき、「赤いバラがラグビー校の紋章になった」と。どちらの説が正しいかはわからないが、「ランカスター家のシンボルに由来している」ということは間違いないようであり、イングランドにとって、赤いバラが特別な意味合いを有していることだけは確かなようである。
ケンブリッジ大学ペンブルック・カレッジ (Pembroke College)Master(学長)主催の夕食会
Dinner hosted by the Master (President) of Pembroke College, University of Cambridge.
5.One for All, All for One
「One For All, All for One」とはラグビーを語る上でよく使われる言葉である。「一人は皆の為に、皆は一人の為に」は、フランスの作家アレクサンドル・デュマの代表作「三銃士」の中の言葉である。(原文:un pour tous, tous pour un)である。
今では世界的な家電メーカーとなったソニーも、最初は「トランジスタ・ラジオ」から、またホンダも「マン島レース」から世界の扉を開き世界的な大メーカーとなっていったのである。まさに「One For All」である、「一商品がその企業のブランドの進化と業績拡大に大きな力となった」のである。
先日亡くなった、世界的に著名な経営者であったGEの元CEOジャック・ウェルチ氏、彼の自伝書である「わが経営(上・下):日経ビジネス人文庫) ジャック・ウェルチ (著), ジョン・A・バーン (著), 宮本 喜一 (著) 」にはこうある。
If you don’t have a competitive advantage, don’t compete.
執筆・翻訳者:羽谷 信一郎
English Translation
Corporate Strategy 9 – “One For All, All For One” (Waseda-Cambridge)
It was 18 years ago today, Saturday 9 March 2002, when I went to King’s Cross Station in London, which was crowded with many tourists, probably because of the sensational response to the movie “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone” released the previous year.
I was so busy that I never attended a university reunion in Japan. However, the head of the London insurance office of a major general trading company, who was then, and is still, a great help to me, was an alumnus of the same university, and was also the “Secretary General of the British Alumni Association of the university”, and as a result of the fact that a university reunion was held every two months matching the time of my business trip to London, and I was allowed to attend every university reunion in London.
On that day, a university rugby team from Japan was going to England to play a rivalry match against Cambridge University, so I was there to support the team and also to attend a dinner hosted by the Master (President) of Pembroke College in Cambridge with the Vice Chancellor and Professor of Waseda University, who were visiting England at the time.
Many alumni were there to cheer him on, including Ambassador Katsuhiko Oku, who was Counsellor of the Japanese Embassy in the UK in 2002 and unfortunately was killed in Iraq the following November 2003, but rugby at that time was regarded as a “simple, unrefined sport” and the popularity of rugby after last year’s World Cup was seen as a thing of the past.
1. The Beginning of Rugby
It is said that rugby began in 1823 when “a boy named Ellis from one of the ‘Rugby School’, a public school (a prestigious private school) in the northwest of England, ran with the ball during a football game”. However, it is said that this was an incident that no one had ever seen before and that it became a legend about 50 years later when the alumni association investigated and discussed the incident and said ‘that’s how it happened’. It is said that the legend that ‘rugby started with football’ is not a historical fact, since ‘there was no football at that time’.
The cemetery of the boy Ellis is located in Manton, a town on the border with Italy, in the south of France, on a hilltop overlooking the Mediterranean Sea. His name was “William Webb Ellis”. After graduating, he became a priest and died in France.
His grave is marked by many monuments from various rugby societies, including one from the English Association which bears the inscription ‘The First Rugby Footballer’.
2. The evolution of rugby
The official name of the United Kingdom is”the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (UK)”, although in Japanese it is one word,”Eikoku” (the United Kingdom) . The United Kingdom is a sovereign nation that is a “union” of four “countries”, England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.
Thus, in the case of international football and rugby competitions, there is a team from each of these four countries. It is still fresh in our minds that the 2019 World Cup in Japan, which caused Japan to go wild last year, had teams from each of the four countries participating.
It is said that soccer (football) and rugby have the same roots in the same game. There are many theories as to the origins of primitive football, which later became soccer and rugby, but the prevailing theory is that the game originated in England during the Middle Ages as a religious ritual in which a ball was moved to a predetermined location in each village.
At the time, there were no “rules” and no restrictions on the use of the ball’s legs. The number of participants was not fixed because it used a large space in an agricultural area. However, the common denominator in all regions was that the winner was the one who got the first point. The excitement of the game seemed to be so great that the players and supporters were so furious that they often caused confusion and even deaths, so much so that a “football ban” was imposed each time. However, its popularity did not diminish, and it spread mainly in public schools (prestigious private schools) for children of good families, and by the beginning of the nineteenth century, schools such as Rugby, Eton and Harrow were playing football under their own rules.
In December 1863, after a considerable period of time and dozens of meetings between the twelve London clubs, a uniform set of rules was agreed upon and the Football Association (FA) was established. At this time, the representatives of some clubs could not agree that “running with the ball etc. was no longer allowed” and left the FA.
In 1871, the RFU (Rugby Football Union) was formed in London by those who had left the Football Association (FA) in opposition to the FA. Union) was founded.
In the UK, where football is originated, it is popular among the middle and upper classes because it is played at prestigious schools and is more popular than football (called “football” in the UK), which many ordinary people like to play. However, as someone who watched the Waseda-Cambridge match up close, I was disappointed to see that, although the game was played by the University of Cambridge, a prestigious school that has produced many famous British personalities, I did not see much in the way of gentlemen.
The rules of rugby were taken from this game and made into an “original American football”, American football. American football has a “league”, which is the same as the league in baseball, which the Japanese are very familiar with, called a “league”, and a “conference”. The Super Bowl is the annual championship game of the National Football League (NFL) in which the winning teams of the National Football Conference (NFC) and the American Football Conference (AFC) compete against each other. It is held on a Sunday in early February. It is called Super Bowl Sunday, a day that has effectively become a national holiday in the United States.
3. Rugby jersey
Each country’s national rugby team has a symbol on its jersey as an emblem on its chest. For Japan, it is the cherry blossom, the symbolic flower of Japan. The Australian and South African national teams are nicknamed after this emblem. The English national team, the birthplace of rugby, however, does not have an official nickname for their team, but they are generally called the Red Rose, after the red rose on their rugby jersey emblem.
The rose is the national flower (floral emblem) of England. The red rose is the national emblem of England, and the red rose is extremely striking because of the contrast between the national team’s white uniforms.
In the 14th and 15th centuries, when the concept of a “state” was not very popular and the feudal lords were dominating the country, the famous Hundred Years’ War broke out. According to “The Hundred Years War” by Kenichi Sato (Shyueisha Shinsho), the feudal lords of England and France were divided into two factions over “the question of the succession to the throne of the Kingdom of France” and “the vast territory held by the English kings in France”. It was a battle for territory, but through this war, the consciousness of a nation was gradually formed. It was also the war that determined the current border between France and Britain.
As I wrote in “RM (Risk Management) 16: A Captive Seminar (Europa)” in this column, securities trading by the government and public institutions was flourishing in and around Venetia. Neither Britain nor France was able to cover the enormous costs of the 100 Years War on their own, so France and England (UK) continued the fight by having the Republic of Genoa and the Republic of Venetia underwrite the foreign debt, respectively.
The Hundred Years War was followed by thirty years of civil war in England between the House of Lancaster (symbolized by the red rose) and the House of York (symbolized by the white rose), known as the Wars of the Roses, which was fought by the feudal lords of England. Eventually, Henry VII of the Tudors, who was descended from Lancaster women, defeated the House of York by force of arms and married Princess Elizabeth of York, who established the Tudor dynasty. In conjunction with this marriage, the so-called “Tudor rose”, a combination of red and white, was adopted as the royal coat of arms as a fusion of the two families. However, subsequent British monarchs, including Elizabeth I, were descended from the Lancaster family, so the red rose became more powerful, and the English Rugby Union is said to have chosen the red rose.
There is another theory. Lawrence Sheriff, the founder of the school, who is considered to be the birthplace of rugby, was given the red rose by Queen Elizabeth I and allowed to use it, so when he founded the school, based on his own coat of arms, “the red rose became the coat of arms of the rugby school”. I don’t know which theory is correct, but there seems to be no doubt that it is “derived from the symbol of the Lancaster family”, and the only thing that seems certain is that the red rose has a special significance for England.
4. The popularity of soccer and rugby
Since the J-League (the Japan Professional Football League) was established in 1993, the popularity of football has grown steadily as a business with a number of great players and media coverage. On the other hand, in the rugby league, “Japan Rugby League” was established in 2003 as a national level league, however, there are various rules that originate from the origin of each league, such as “Rugby Union (15-man)”, “Rugby League (13-man)” and “7-man Rugby”, which may be due to the impression that they are difficult to understand. Rugby’s popularity seems to have taken a back seat to football.
However, something happened in 2015 that changed the tide: on September 20, 2015, in what has been described as “the biggest upset in the history of the tournament” in the Rugby World Cup (RWC) 2015 in England against South Africa, a game that shook the sporting world to its core. Japan, who hadn’t won a RWC match for the last 24 years, defeated the two-time champions, the world No. 3 ranked South Africa, 34-32. The whole country was thrilled to hear this news. However, after that historic result, Japan were tired of playing their way back into the match against Scotland a few days later.
Last year’s 2019 RWC in Japan was a revelation. After suffering a crushing defeat at the last tournament, Japan defeated Scotland 28-21 to win the RWC and reach the last eight. Thanks to the success of Japan, the total attendance for the tournament exceeded 1.7 million, with an average of 37,877 spectators per match. The highest attendance was 67,666 for the Japan-Scotland match at the Yokohama International Stadium. The highest attendance at the tournament was 70,103 for the final between England and South Africa, which was the highest-ever attendance at the venue.
Compared to football, which has a solid professional league, Rugby’s base is still mainly adult league, but judging by the degree and frequency of media exposure of the players after the World Cup, I am not alone in feeling that Rugby’s foundations are becoming more solid.
5. One For All, All for One
In both the RWC 2015 against South Africa and the RWC 2019 against Scotland, Japan’s national team beat the best in both cases. It was an accomplishment that could be described as a “one-point victory,” to use an overused term in corporate strategy.
In 1962, when Prime Minister Ikeda visited French President de Gaulle, he presented him with a transistor radio that he had brought as a gift. This compact transistor radio was the first transistorized radio to be commercialized by Sony in 1955. Sony was the first to commercialize this compact transistorized radio in 1955, and Japanese consumer electronics manufacturers followed suit. The transistor was so successful that Prime Minister Ikeda was dubbed the “transistor salesman” by the same president.
One For All, All for One” is a phrase often used to describe rugby. “One for All, All for One” is a phrase from the French writer Alexandre Dumas’s classic novel, “The Three Musketeers”. (Original text: un pour tous, tous pour un).
Sony, now the world’s leading manufacturer of consumer electronics, began with a transistor radio, and Honda, with the Isle of Man Race, opened its doors to the world and became a global powerhouse. In other words, a single product has become a major force in the evolution of a company’s brand and the expansion of its business.
Summary of this issue
The decision to ‘select and focus’ is the most important step in formulating a corporate strategy. It is the most important corporate strategy decision that determines which businesses to pursue and whether to invest further, or whether to terminate the investment and exit.
Jack Welch, the former CEO of GE, who passed away recently, writes in his autobiography, “My Management (Part 1 and Part 2): Nikkei Business JInbunko” by Jack Welch, John A. Byrne and Kiichi Miyamoto.
If you don’t have a competitive advantage, don’t compete.
Risk management is the process of discovering whether or not your company has a business or business model with a competitive advantage. It is not possible to derive a “competitive advantage” by formulating corporate strategies without risk management steps, and there is a strong need for full-scale risk management with a view to establishing a captive.
Author/translator: Shinichiro Hatani