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企業戦略 2020.08.15

CS13 隠された南海トラフ地震ー「ながい旅」(岡田 資 陸軍中将)

For those who prefer to read this column in English, the Japanese text is followed by a British English translation, so please scroll down to the bottom of the Japanese text.

本コラム「リスクマネジメント 26-防災科学技術研究所(NIED)」で、今後30年間に70~80%の確率で発生すると政府が予測している「南海トラフ大地震」について述べたが、その際「太平洋戦争中で、報道管制が引かれ『隠された』と言われている地震」として、「南海トラフ大地震」の予測震域の東半分一帯で1944年(昭和19年)12月7日起きた、マグニチュード7.9の「昭和東南海地震」についても記した。





「南海トラフ大地震」、その直近の姿である「昭和東南海地震」を調べていく過程で出会った本が、「戦争に隠された『震度7』1944東南海地震1945三河地震」(吉川弘文館 木村玲欧著)であり、また「昭和東南海地震、三河地震が起きた時の現場の責任者」としてその後数奇な運命を辿った、岡田 資(たすく)陸軍中将について記した「ながい旅」(角川文庫 大岡昇平著)、そして岡田中将の遺稿集「毒箭(改訂増補)隆文館(復刻版)」であった。








2.岡田 資 陸軍中将













「法戦」のもう一つの目的は、「自分の主張を認めさせた上で、その自分が全責任を負うことによって、部下全員の減刑を図ること」であった。 「ながい旅」を読むと、前述の通り、岡田中将の一命を賭した堂々たる姿勢は、米国人の裁判官や検察官たちをも感銘させ、 彼らは、時には明らかに岡田中将に有利な質問をし、助命の可能性を探る様子が見て取れる。しかし、岡田本中将本人は「全責任を自分が取るという姿勢」を最後まで貫き、信仰に熱心であった岡田中将は世界民族の為に「無差別爆撃を廃止する国際法の修正」さえ訴えたのである。








執筆・翻訳者:羽谷 信一郎

English Translation

Corporate Strategy 13 – The Hidden Nankai Trough Earthquake – ‘A Long Journey’ (Okada Tadashi, Lieutenant General, Imperial Japanese Army)

In this column, “Risk Management 26 – National Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention (NIED),” I wrote about the Nankai Trough earthquake, which the government predicts has a 70-80% probability of occurring within the next 30 years. The 7.9-magnitude Showa-Tonankai earthquake, which occurred on December 7, 1944, in the eastern half of the predicted epicenter of the Nankai Trough earthquake, is also described.

The Showa-Tonankai earthquake had its epicenter along the Suruga and Nankai Troughs, with areas with seismic intensity of 6 or greater striking the coast from Mie Prefecture to Omaezaki in Shizuoka Prefecture, and the tsunami striking the Izu Peninsula to the Kii Peninsula. In Mie Prefecture, a huge tsunami struck the Kumano Sea coast, and in Aichi Prefecture, most of the buildings collapsed in areas where there was a concentration of munitions factories built on soft, muddy landfill, known as the “mud alluvium”, and in Shizuoka Prefecture, many houses were damaged in the soft, muddy areas along the coast. Almost without exception, significant damage occurred in coastal areas throughout the epicenter.

Six months ago, the U.S. military took control of the Mariana Islands, including the island of Saipan, and began using them as a base for air raids on the Japanese mainland, and since then, full-scale air raids on the Japanese mainland have begun. It was during this time that a major earthquake struck Japan. Even with the seismic observation network of the time, it was possible to determine the epicenter, scale, and damage of an earthquake that occurred on the other side of the world, but the Japanese government was so desperate to “benefit the enemy” that they covered up the news of the “Showa-Tonankai Earthquake” and imposed press control that it was not covered in detail in any Japanese newspaper. However, the earthquake’s epicenter and damage were reported in the “New York Times” on December 8, the next day.

When the U.S. military learned of the damage caused by the Showa-Tonankai earthquake, six days later, on December 13, 1944, the U.S. military conducted a full-scale air raid on the Nagoya area, which produced more than 40% of Japan’s airplane engines, and Japan’s aircraft production suffered a major blow. Then, a month later, on January 13, 1945, the Mikawa earthquake, a 6.8-magnitude earthquake on the Richter scale, struck Aichi Prefecture in the Gulf of Mikawa, where damage from the Showa-Tonankai earthquake had not yet been repaired, and a series of major earthquakes struck one after the other, causing extensive damage to Japan.

The Showa-Tonankai earthquake was caused by a subduction of an oceanic plate, and because it occurred during school and work hours, a total of 1,223 people were killed, mostly in schools and munitions factories. Thirty-seven days later, the Mikawa earthquake, triggered by the Showa Tonankai earthquake, was a direct inland earthquake with an active fault that moved for 28 kilometers, causing more damage than the Showa Tonankai earthquake, with a death toll of 2,306 people. One of the main reasons for this is thought to be the fact that the people were not thoroughly informed about the importance of being careful of aftershocks after the main quake because it was a “hidden earthquake”. 

In the course of researching the “Nankai Trough Earthquake” and its most recent incarnation, the “Showa Tonankai Earthquake”, I came across a book titled “The 1944 Tonankai Earthquake 1945 Mikawa Earthquake” (Yoshikawa Kobunkan), which was written by Reio Kimura, who was “responsible for the Showa Tonankai and Mikawa earthquakes” and who was also “the person in charge of the scene of the Showa Tonankai and Mikawa earthquakes”. There were two books about the fate of Lieutenant General Okada, “Nagai Tabi” (written by Shohei Ooka, The Kadokawa Library) and his posthumous collection of writings, “Dokusen (Poison Arrow)” (revised and expanded) Ryubunkan (reprinted edition).

1. The Great Nagoya Air Raid

Nagoya air raids are the general term for the repeated air raids on the city of Nagoya by the United States military at the end of the Pacific War, and were particularly large in scale, targeting the urban areas.It refers to the raids on Nagoya on March 19 and 19, 1945, when Nagoya Station was burned to the ground, and on May 14, 1945, when Nagoya Castle was destroyed by fire.

After the war, Lieutenant General Tasuku Okada, commander of the 13th Area Army and commander of the Tokai District, was accused of violating international law by the General Headquarters of the Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces (GHQ) as a Class B war criminal for executing 27 US B-29 bombers who were shot down and taken prisoner in an air raid in Nagoya on May 14, 1945 (under legal grounds within the former army), and was arrested and brought before a military tribunal (Yokohama Tribunal).

At the trial, the prosecution argued that “summary proceedings were not a fair trial and that the execution of an American soldier constituted murder,” while the defense argued that “a meeting of the United States, Britain, France, the Netherlands, Italy and Japan was held in The Hague, the Netherlands, in 1923, and a declaration was made that ‘bombing shall be lawful only when it is carried out against military targets’. The POWs were not prisoners of war as defined in the Geneva Convention, but war criminals who carried out indiscriminate bombing of the Nagoya area,” the prosecution and U.S. military officials argued that the bombing was an indiscriminate attempt to kill or injure civilians, and that the crew members were war criminals in violation of the Hague Convention and not prisoners of war. justification of the war crimes, and he fully contested the charges of abuse of prisoners of war.

Unlike other war criminals, Lt. Gen. Okada crossed the line with the prosecution when interrogation began, arguing the legitimacy of the summary proceedings and that the bombing of the Nagoya area was indiscriminate and that he was right to treat the crew members as war criminals. Lieutenant General Okada referred to the trial as a “Housen(legal battle),” saying, “Even if we lose by force, we will continue to fight for justice under the law.

As the trial progressed, the U.S. side began to feel the legitimacy of Lieutenant General Okada’s arguments, and even the GHQ’s legal officer expressed the opinion that “a life sentence is appropriate,” so much so that after the verdict, the American prosecutors and defense attorneys, as well as the Japanese and the Imperial Family, petitioned for help and a reduction of the sentence, and Lieutenant General Okada’s dignity led many people to believe that he was a good man.

However, as indicated by his opening statement, “I hope my personal life is not in vain,” when he was first brought together with Chief Counsel Featherstone, a U.S. jurist who fought for the justice of the law and for the defendant without discrimination, and whose name Lt. Gen. Okada affectionately referred to as “Dr. Haneishi” from the translation of his name in his memoirs. He was ready to take responsibility for his actions, and he gladly accepted the verdict, saying that he was eagerly awaiting it. As he wrote in his will to his wife, “I have no regrets that a general from a defeated country should be on the sacrificial platform,” he was executed in Sugamo Prison on September 17, 1949.

2.Lieutenant General of the Army

The trial of Lieutenant General Okada was made into a movie with the title “Testament to Tomorrow” based on the original story “Nagai Tabi(Long Journey)” (written by Shohei Ooka, Shinchosha and Kadokawa Bunko), which was released in 2008 and received a great response. I believe that his attitude as a leader and his way of life as a human being can contribute greatly to corporate management and corporate strategy.

Lieutenant General Okada was born in 1890 in Tottori, Japan, and graduated from the Military Academy in 1911, the Army War College in 1922, and the British Embassy in 1925, where he was stationed for two and a half years in London as a military attaché. In 1941, he became a lieutenant general in the army, and in 1945, he was appointed commander of the Thirteenth Area Army and commander of the Tokai Military District.

Soon after taking office, he was hit by the Nagoya air raid on May 14. The city of Nagoya in the Tokai Military District (Aichi, Mie, Gifu, Shizuoka, Ishikawa and Toyama prefectures), where he was commander, was carpet-bombed by 486 B-29s and most of the city was destroyed by fire. Eleven crew members escaped from the downed B-29s but were captured, and a month and a half later, the 11 were summarily executed. The relentless air raids on Nagoya continued, killing some 8,000 civilians. Meanwhile, the number of U.S. soldiers shot down, captured, and executed was eventually reduced to 38.

After the war, Lieutenant General Okada and 20 others were indicted as Class B war criminals for this reason.

3. Arguments in the War Crimes Trials

This author’s attention was drawn to Lt. Gen. Takeshi Okada, who differed greatly from many other war crimes trials in that he said, “It is not the case that we cannot take all the blame for our defeat in the war even if we are unreasonably forced to take all the blame, but those who are in a position of responsibility should firmly insist on what they should insist on,” and that he was an impartial “victorious nation. The point is that he challenged the argument against it, debated it, and achieved his own goals. And because of this leader’s debate, all of his men were sentenced to imprisonment. Because they were sentenced for taking responsibility for their actions, both those who recommended and those who carried out the beheading of the B-29 crew were later released.

Chief Counsel Featherstone asked Lieutenant General Okada for his opinion on the “indiscriminate bombing”. Lt. Gen. Okada, like a military man, described the bombing in detail. He pointed out the brutality of the bombing: “First, they bombed the area to be bombed and set it ablaze, then they divided it into several bombing zones and used a mixture of incendiary bombs, small bombs and machine-gun fire to kill everyone in the area to prevent people from escaping,” he said.

Chief Counsel Featherstone asked Lt. Gen. Okada, “That makes the crew suspected war criminals, but what do you think about the illegality of indiscriminate bombing? ”The lieutenant general replied, “I don’t know what kind of orders they were given. But they were practically indiscriminate in their bombing, so they were unlawful in their actions.

Do you have anything to say about treating them as alleged war criminals? In response to the question by Chief Counsel Featherstone as to whether the U.S. Air Force treated the crew members as war criminals and not as prisoners of war, the Lieutenant General replied, “My superiors instructed me not to treat them as prisoners of war, but as war criminals, and I believe that I was right. As evidence, he cited “propaganda leaflets” showing that the U.S. Air Force was aware of the inhumanity of the bombing and was carrying out the bombing.

In response to the prosecutor’s assertion that “he was merely following orders,” the prosecutor said, “The leafleting began at the same time as the first B-29 bombing.It’s not a question of who printed the leaflets, it’s a question of whether or not they were aware that what was depicted in the picture was contrary to humanity. And in fact, they committed that act. The issue is that they carried out the bombing. If the crew members were aware of the atrocity and inhumanity of the indiscriminate bombing, and carried out the bombing, it would not be possible to say that “they were not guilty because they were merely following orders,” the argument went on, as if the positions of the defendant and the plaintiff had been reversed.

One of the purposes of Lt. Gen. Okada’s “legal warfare” was achieved when it was revealed in court that the U.S. Air Force committed the war crime of indiscriminate bombing while knowing the “brutality of the bombing aimed at genocide”.

The author has 325 pages in his book Nagai Tabi (Long Journey), written by Ooka Shohei (Kadokawa Bunko), which begins with the following sentence: “The first time I came to know the name Tasuku Okada, a former lieutenant general of the army, was in 1965”, which describes the “outcome of the trial of Lieutenant General Okada” in detail. His well-reasoned assertions were not for the sake of his own innocence. When it became clear that his subordinates were going to be charged with the crime of executing the American soldiers, Lieutenant General Okada made a statement that surprised even the prosecution: “The commander is the only person who is responsible for everything that his subordinates have done”.

Another purpose of the “Housen(legal battle)” was “to reduce the sentences of all his subordinates by making them admit their claims and then taking full responsibility for them. As noted above, Lt. Gen. Okada’s imposing stance in risking his life impressed the American judges and prosecutors, who at times could be seen asking questions that were clearly favorable to him and exploring the possibility of saving his life. However, Lieutenant General Okada himself maintained to the end that he would take full responsibility for his actions, and the faithful Lieutenant General Okada even called for “an amendment to international law to abolish indiscriminate bombing” for the sake of the world’s peoples.

At the end of the trial, he dared to give up the “last chance to reduce the sentence” given to him by the prosecution and asked for permission to speak. Speaking about the future of Japan, he said. “This is the first time that the defendant has been given a full opportunity to present his case, and I am sure that his fellow Japanese will be grateful for the generosity of the tribunal,” he said.” And I believe that this gratitude will play a vital role in the heartfelt union of our two peoples, the United States as our elder brother and Japan as our younger brother”.

Summary of this issue

Today is the “End of War Day”. I’ve asked the following questions: “What does it mean to be proud of what General Okada stood for, the weight of responsibility as a leader, and what does it mean to take responsibility and fight for what you believe in?” Is it only the author who feels this way? 

Lt. Gen. Okada said, “Looking at the state of the world immediately after the defeat, is it outrageous that the defeated nation bears the brunt of everything that is wrong? Why does he preach the justice of the state in the world and not reveal the international situation, the demands of the people, and the oppression of the victorious nation, or the cause of its serious defeat?” does not refer only to the “war between countries” but also to the “war between countries”; if you replace “country” with “company”, you can replace “country” with “company”, and you will find that modern managers, companies, and corporations have a very different approach. It will refer to strategy. ‘national leaders’, ‘corporate leaders’, different positions, different sizes, but the same for ‘organizational leaders’.

“Why does he openly preach national (corporate) justice while looking around the world, and why doesn’t he reveal the international (corporate environment) situation, the demands of the people (employees), and the oppression of the victorious nations (competitors), as well as the causes of their serious losses (corporate strategic mistakes)?”

For corporate leaders, there is no more important word in corporate management than “corporate strategy” itself. It is a lesson in what it means to be a corporate manager. The word “strategy” is derived from the word “army. The word “war” is used to describe a country’s use of its total power to fight another country for its survival, risking its entire life. It is the same with the things that modern companies play a role in. If they lose, they will end up in the abyss, and in the worst case, they will die.

In drawing up a corporate strategy, it is necessary to have a real strategy for fighting and winning, not a plan that says “Tomorrow will be a continuation of today”. The most important factor for this is the awareness and determination of the leader. Do we just lament the Corona disaster and lose, or do we prevail? I think the most important corporate theme now is to think that “tough times are times of great change,” to formulate a new corporate strategy, and to decide to win and move forward.

Author/translator: Shinichiro Hatani