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キャプティブ 2020.10.03

CA 20 保険の「免責」とは What is exclusion in insurance?

For those who prefer to read this column in English, the Japanese text is followed by a British English translation, so please scroll down to the bottom of the Japanese text.








質問 免責と免責金額とは?

答え 免責とは、損害が発生しても保険会社が保険金支払責任を負わない場合をいい、免責金額とは、損害が発生した場合に被保険者等が自己負担する額として契約時に設定する額をいいます。

  • 「免責」とは、保険金が支払われないことを指し、免責となる特定の事項を免責事項といいます。保険会社は、損害が発生した場合には、契約に基づいて保険金支払義務を負いますが、特定の事項により発生した損害については、保険金支払義務を負わないことを約款上規定しています。例えば、契約者などの故意による場合や戦争による被害などについて、免責事項として規定しているのが一般的です。
  • 「免責金額」とは、損害の一定額部分について、契約者などが自己負担するものとして、契約時に設定する金額のことです。これは契約者などの保険料負担の軽減、少額の損害に対する保険会社の損害調査などの事務負担の軽減および契約者などのモラルハザードの抑止などを目的としています。
  • 保険を契約する際には、この免責となる特定の事項(保険金を支払わない場合)と免責金額(自己負担額)について、しっかりと確認することが重要になります。保険を契約しても、万が一の場合に保険金支払いがなされないということがないように十分な検討が必要です。









(1) 重要事項説明書(契約概要・注意喚起情報)、(2) 約款(保険条件の明細)、(3) 保険証券(保険に掛けられた対象の明細)、(4) 保険料領収証(口座振替などの場合を除く)、保険種目によっては、約款の内容を分かりやすく記載した「契約のしおり」を契約時に配付している保険会社もある。





1. 損害保険は、将来発生するかもしれない経済的損失を補償する商品です。また、多数の人の契約を前提とする損害保険契約においては、契約者ごとに契約内容を定めることは困難です。そこで、保険会社は契約の内容をあらかじめ「約款」として定めています。約款は保険会社が作成するものですが、契約者に対して拘束力を持つと考えられています。
2. 約款は、保険会社の責任(補償内容)や契約者・被保険者の義務等を定めており、普通保険約款と特約条項で構成されるのが通例です。


1. 保険証券には、保険の対象、保険金額、保険料などが記載され、契約の成立および契約内容の証拠と解されています。
2. 保険法上、保険会社は、契約締結後、遅滞なく、保険証券を交付しなければならないとされています。(自賠責保険については自賠責保険証明書が交付されます。)なお、自動的に契約を更新させるように設定した場合には、新たな保険証券は発行されず、保険契約継続証が送付されます。
3. 仮に保険証券を紛失・焼失などした場合であっても、保険会社へ契約者の氏名、住所、生年月日などを申し出ていただくことにより、保険会社の定める手続きを取れば、保険金の支払いを受けることができます。

4. 損害保険契約はいつ成立するか

損害保険契約は、①民法「 第555条(売買)売買は、当事者の一方がある財産権を相手方に移転することを約し、相手方がこれに対してその代金を支払うことを約することによって、その効力を生ずる」及び②「 第559条(有償契約への準用)この節の規定は、売買以外の有償契約について準用する。ただし、その有償契約の性質がこれを許さないときは、この限りでない」、これらによって、「諾成契約」(口頭で契約について了解するだけで成立する契約)であるとされている。











執筆・翻訳者:羽谷 信一郎

English Translation

Captive 20 – What is exclusion in insurance?

Late last month, on September 24, 2020, the U.S. District Court ruled in favor of the medical corporation group, stating that “it was not reasonable for a large property and casualty insurer, Company A, to deny coverage to a group of medical corporations in a case in which a group of medical corporations in Florida filed an insurance claim regarding business interruption due to a Covid19 pandemic, due to a viral exclusion clause in the policy.”

The ruling in Medical Corporation Group v. Major Insurance Company was the third of four “business interruption insurance cases” brought in connection with the new corona pandemic to be “ruled in favor of policyholders in a federal district court.

Company A argued that “the underwriting conditions and exclusion clause are clear and that losses caused by the virus, including the new corona, are insurable exemptions,” but the plaintiff medical corporation group argued that “the language of the exclusion clause is ambiguous, despite the representation that it is an ‘all-risk policy,'” and the court accepted the plaintiff’s argument and held that “it would be improper to make a determination of insurance coverage at this stage based on some ambiguous language in the policy terms and conditions.

The court also strictly pointed out the ambiguity in the policy and policy terms and conditions, stating that “the language in the policy and policy terms and conditions does not explicitly state the plaintiff’s loss event as an insurance exclusion,” but also that “the virus insurance exclusion clause states that the policy does not pay for loss or damage caused directly or indirectly by the presence, growth, multiplication, proliferation, spread, or any activity of ‘fungi, wet rot fungi, dry rot fungi, or viruses’.

Company A had presented several cases concerning the virus exclusion at the trial, but the court rejected the defendant Company A’s argument, pointing out that “none of those cases concerned the impact of the new corona” and further that “as there is no corresponding case law on the impact of the new corona on the virus exemption under the insurance policy, this court adopts the plaintiff’s argument for the moment”.

1. What is exclusion?

In order to understand exactly what it means, we refer to the website of the General Insurance Association of Japan (GIAJ), where the word “disclaimer”, meaning “exclusion of liability”, is commonly used in the insurance world.

Question:  What is an exclusion and deductible amount?

Answer: “Exclusion” means that the insurance company is not liable to pay the claim even if the damage occurs, and “Deductible” means the amount of money that the insured or others will have to pay themselves in the event of damage, which is set at the time of the contract.

“Exclusion” means that the insurance money will not be paid, and the specific items that are exempted from liability are referred to as exclusion of liability. In the event of damage, the insurance company is obligated to pay the claim based on the contract, but the policy stipulates that the insurance company is not obligated to pay the claim for damage caused by specific items. For example, it is common to stipulate an exclusion of liability for damage caused by the policyholder’s intentional actions or war.
Please note that even if the damage would be covered under normal circumstances, it may be exempted by a special clause in order to reduce the burden of insurance premiums.
The deductible is an amount of money set at the time of contract that the policyholder must pay for a certain portion of the damage. The purpose of the deductible is to reduce the burden of insurance premiums on the policyholder, and to reduce the administrative burden of the insurance company to investigate the damage caused by a small amount of damage, as well as to prevent moral hazard among policyholders.
When you purchase an insurance policy, it is important to make sure that you are aware of the specific items that are excluded from the exclusion (if the policy does not pay) and the amount of the deductible (co-payment). Sufficient consideration is necessary to avoid the possibility of not being able to pay claims in the unlikely event of an insurance policy being purchased.
Therefore, it is important to confirm that the content of the insurance policy is consistent with your needs, as the insurance solicitor is obliged to explain the policy in the policy summary and warning information at the time of signing the policy.

2. There are two types of exclusions.

The website of the General Insurance Association of Japan has the above explanation, but I wonder how many people actually check the contents of the policy clauses written in those small letters?

From the point of view of risk management, insurance is one of the ways to exclude or avoid risks, but there are some risks that the insurance company cannot or does not want to take on, just like the “exclusion” clause mentioned above. This clause is “a very important clause because it specifies events that may prevent the insurance from functioning”.

It is not widely known that there are two types of exclusion clauses in this “exclusion”: one is “a risk that can be compensated with the addition of a special endorsement (clause) with the insurer’s consent and with the payment of an additional premium” (relative exclusion), and the other is “a risk that there is no special clause to compensate for the risk and that is contrary to public order and morals. It is “a risk that the insurance company cannot underwrite under any circumstances, including the risk that the insurance company is not able to meet the requirements of the policy” (absolute exclusion).

This is the reason why “the exclusion” column was largely divided into two sections until recently, when the structure of the “insurance policy clause”, which insurance companies send to policyholders as evidence of the conclusion of insurance contracts along with the insurance policy, was drastically changed due to “improvements in the clarity of insurance policy clauses”.

The first and most important step in risk management is to verify the insurance policy and policy conditions (contract) to see if there are any “holes in coverage”. It is necessary to pay close attention to the fact that “insuring” does not mean “risk hedging (exclusion or avoidance)” by “exclusion conditions”.

3.Documents related to the non-life insurance contract

What are the documents that determine the terms and conditions of an “insurance contract”, i.e., the documents that show the details of entering into a non-life insurance contract? In general, the following documents are used in a non-life insurance contract.

(1) Statement of Important Matters (summary of the contract and warning information), (2) Clauses (details of insurance conditions), (3) Insurance policy (details of the insured subject), (4) Premium receipt (except in the case of direct debit), and depending on the type of insurance, some insurance companies provide a “policy pamphlet” describing the terms and conditions of the policy in an easy-to-understand manner at the time of signing.

The following explanations are available on the website of the General Insurance Association of Japan for a closer look at the documents proving non-life insurance contracts.

Explanation of important matters (policy outline and warning information)

At the time of signing a contract for non-life insurance, you will be given a “Summary of Contract” and “Alert Information” that describes important information about the insurance policy.
In the “Summary of Contract”, the structure of the product, contents of coverage, main clauses that can be attached (or set), insurance period, insurance amount, items related to premiums, items related to payment of premiums, items related to dividends, existence of surrender value, etc. are described.
The “Alert Information” section includes information on cooling off, notice requirements, etc., the start of the policy period, the main items in the event of non-payment of claims, the grace period for premiums, policy lapse and reinstatement, cancellation (surrender) and availability of surrender value, safety net, and other matters requiring special attention.

Policy Conditions

1. property and casualty insurance is a product that compensates for economic losses that may occur in the future. It is difficult to define the contents of the contract for each policyholder in a non-life insurance contract that is based on the assumption that many people will contract with the insurance company. Therefore, insurance companies define the contents of the contract in advance as “General Conditions”. Although the contract is made by the insurance company, it is considered to be binding on the policyholder.
2. General Conditions stipulate the responsibilities of the insurance company (coverage) and the obligations of the policyholder and the insured, and are usually composed of general insurance terms and conditions and special provisions.
Ordinary insurance clauses are the standard contents of the contract and set forth the cases of payment or non-payment of insurance benefits, insurance coverage, insurance payment amount, duty to notify, duty to notify, and duty to notify when damage occurs.
Special clauses modify or alter the standard policy terms and conditions to change the scope of coverage according to the actual situation or needs of the insured objects or people at risk. These special clauses take precedence over the ordinary insurance conditions.

Insurance policy

1. The insurance policy describes the object of insurance, the amount of insurance and the premiums, etc., and is regarded as evidence of the formation of the contract and its contents.
2. Under the Insurance Law, the insurance company is required to deliver the insurance policy without delay after the conclusion of the contract. (A certificate of liability insurance is issued for CALI (compulsory automobile liability insurance). If the policy is automatically renewed, no new policy will be issued and a certificate of insurance policy renewal will be sent.
3. Even if the policy is lost or destroyed, the policyholder’s name, address, and date of birth are requested to inform the insurance company of the name, address, and date of birth of the policyholder, and the policyholder can receive payment of the insurance benefit by following the procedures specified by the insurance company.

4. When is a non-life insurance contract concluded?

A contract of non-life insurance shall be deemed to be a contract for a consideration other than a sale and purchase (1) Article 555 (Sale and purchase) of the Civil Code: “A sale and purchase shall take effect when one party promises to transfer a certain property right to the other party and the other party promises to pay the price for it” and (2) “Article 559 (Application mutatis mutandis to contracts for value). The provisions of this Article shall apply mutatis mutandis to the following provisions. It is said to be an “acceptance contract” (a contract that is formed only by an oral understanding of the contract) based on “the nature of the paid contract does not permit this, however.

Therefore, a contract is considered to be concluded when the important parts of the insurance coverage, insurance amount, and coverage (the elements of the contract) are determined, and “a contract is concluded if the policyholder expresses an intention to apply, including verbally, and the insurance company expresses an intention to accept the contract”. It is important to note that an insurance contract is valid even “because you said it orally”.

Summary of this issue

In this column, I wrote about the important but less-recognized “exclusion” compared to the “underwriting conditions” of insurance.

The reason for this is that it has recently come to my attention that there was still a risk management-conscious client, such as those who established captive, who thought that insurance = all risks have been hedged (removed or avoided).

At Global Link, this author and other staff with a long history of underwriting experience thoroughly read the policies and conditions of the relevant insurance policies and establish a captive. The client had established the captive with a captive consulting firm other than ours, but after a year they were no longer satisfied with the service and expertise and asked us to manage the captive for them.

Upon commissioning and reviewing the policy, Global Link discovered a number of “coverage holes” that could not be ignored. Perhaps because the “consulting firm that established the captive” was a company that mainly sold insurance and did not know much about insurance underwriting, it did not pay attention to the details of the indemnity clause and established a captive with holes in the coverage.

The client was very surprised to learn that we were not simply transferring the policy to the captive, but rather acting as a “risk manager” to negotiate the changes to the indemnity clause with the primary insurer as well as with the reinsurance company that would receive the reinsurance from the captive (retrocession).

With a few months to go before the policy renewal date, we were able to negotiate, but we were surprised to find that even companies with a strong interest in risk management to the level of establishing a captive had not examined the “exclusion” in detail, and we were reminded of the importance of the expertise of captive consulting firms.

I have heard that many of the companies that have recommended the establishment of captives in Hawaii over the past few years, touting their tax savings, are made up of staff who have no experience in underwriting insurance at a property and casualty insurance company.

A journalist involved in the insurance industry told me the other day that “there are many captive consulting companies that have created captives by relying on insurance companies, and many of the captives that have been created do not have proper risk management, and it seems that the companies that created tax-saving captives are closing their doors due to the changes in taxation measures against tax havens.”

“There are many unqualified captives,” he said, and I am concerned that many of them may be defective rather than unable to fulfill their risk management role. On the other hand, I believe that this is one of the events that will deepen society’s understanding of what Global Link has been advocating: that captives should be established as a result of careful risk management.

Author/translator: Shinichiro Hatani