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リスク対応策 2020.10.16

RM42 (追加:additional) 火災保険の誕生(シェークスピア劇場の灯り)The Birth of Fire Insurance (Lights in Shakespeare’s Theatre)

For those who prefer to read this column in English, the Japanese text is followed by a British English translation, so please scroll down to the bottom of the Japanese text.

RM42ー火災保険の誕生(シェークスピア劇場の灯り)The Birth of Fire Insurance (Lights in Shakespeare’s Theatre)に下記のように記した。


1. ロミオとジュリエット





上記に下線を付した箇所に関し、本日下記のような報道が、「AFP=時事」(AFPBB News 2020/10/15 19:42)によってなされた。約400年前、英国全土で大きな反響を呼んだシェークスピアの戯曲の全集は、400年の時を経て、今度は全世界で多くの人々の反響を呼ぶことになったのである。

【AFP=時事】英劇作家ウィリアム・シェークスピア(William Shakespeare)の「ファースト・フォリオ(First Folio)」として知られる戯曲全集の初版本が14日、米ニューヨークで競売にかけられ、文学作品として史上最高額となる997万ドル(約10億5000万円)で落札された。


36作品が収められた「ファースト・フォリオ」は、シェークスピア(1564~1616年)の死から7年後の1623年に、友人のジョン・ヘミングス(John Heminge)とヘンリー・コンデル(Henry Condell)によって出版された。

英文学で最も優れた作品と評されることが多く、「マクベス(Macbeth)」や「十二夜(Twelfth Night)」など、この全集がなければ失われていたかもしれない重要作品も収録されている。

執筆・翻訳者:羽谷 信一郎

English Translation

Risk Management 42 (additional)ーThe Birth of Fire Insurance (Lights in Shakespeare’s Theatre)

In Risk Management 42 – The Birth of Fire Insurance (Lights in Shakespeare’s Theatre), I wrote the following.

William Shakespeare, described as “the greatest playwright and poet England has ever produced” and named one of the “five greatest Englishmen” by the BBC’s “100 Greatest Englishmen” television program, was born in Stratford-upon-Avon, England, in 1564. He was the author of many masterpieces, and unlike many artists and poets of his time, he died in 1616 while wealthy. However, all of his wealth came not from his plays, but from land deals.

1.Romeo and Juliet

One of the most famous plays written by Shakespeare is “Romeo and Juliet”. Many people think that this story is a “creation of Shakespeare”, but it is actually a story derived from the prototype created and perfected by Luigi da Porto in Italy in 1530, who consolidated stories from folk tales and Greek mythological tales into one. Unlike the modern “Romeo and Juliet”, the main characters’ names were “Romeo and Giulietta” and the ending was that just before Romeo’s death, Giulietta wakes up and exchanges words with him.

The story was then translated into French, and the coarse plot was greatly altered. The English version, published in 1562, was Arthur Brook’s narrative poem, “The Sad Tale of Romius and Juliet,” from which Shakespeare wrote a play, “Romeo and Juliet.” 

Shakespeare wrote many of his most famous plays, but in fact none were published during his lifetime. In 1609, many of his hard-earned lyric poems were published without his permission, and he ended his life without any blessing in the “literary and dramatic world”.

In 1623, seven years after his death, two actors appreciated Shakespeare’s achievements and published a complete collection of his plays. This caused a great sensation throughout England and laid the foundation of his present fame. It was an event that can only be seen as a prank of fate.

In relation to the underlined passage above, the following report was made today by AFP (AFPBB News 2020/10/15 19:42) .Four hundred years ago, Shakespeare’s plays made a splash across Britain, and now, four hundred years later, they are making a splash around the world.

[AFP=JIJI] The first edition of the complete collection of plays known as “First Folio” by William Shakespeare was sold at auction in New York on the 14th for 9.97 million dollars (about 1.05 billion yen), the highest ever price for a literary work.

The winning bid was far higher than the estimate of $4-6 million (about 400-600 million yen) by Christie’s, the organizer of the auction.

The First Folio, a collection of 36 works, was published in 1623, seven years after the death of Shakespeare (1564-1616), by his friends John Heminge and Henry Condell.

Often regarded as one of the finest works of English literature, it includes such important works as Macbeth and Twelfth Night, which might have been lost without it.

Author/translator: Shinichiro Hatani