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リスク対応策 2020.10.17

RM 48 NHK「エール」の歴史的背景 The Historical Background of NHK’s Yell

For those who prefer to read this column in English, the Japanese text is followed by a British English translation, so please scroll down to the bottom of the Japanese text.






「一軍人の生涯 提督・米内光政(光和堂刊)」によると、平沼騏一郎内閣で、1939年(昭和14年)8月8日に開かれた五相会議の席上、「日、独、伊の海軍と英、仏、米、ソの海軍と戦って我に勝算があるか、どうか」と、海軍大臣へ質問が飛んだ。




この「一軍人の生涯 提督・米内光政(光和堂刊)」には、その人柄、人望の高さ、また分析力、判断力の鋭さが具に描かれているが、この執筆者は、朝日新聞社副社長・主筆というジャーナリズム世界の中心から、政治家に転じ、自由党総裁、国務大臣、内閣官房長官、副総理などを歴任した緒方竹虎氏である。


同氏は、「一軍人の生涯 提督・米内光政」の「まえがき」にこう書き記している。

筆者は今日でも、日本の大新聞が、満州事変直後からでも、筆を揃えて軍の無軌道を警め、その横暴と戦っていたら、太平洋戦争はあるいは防ぎ得たのではないかと考える。それが出来なかったについては、自らをこそ鞭つべく、固より人を責むべきではないが、当時の新聞界に実在した短見な事情 が、機宜に「筆を揃える」ことをさせず、徒らに軍ファッショに言論統制を思わしめる誘惑と間隙とを与え、次つぎに先手を打たれたことも、今日訴えどころのない筆者の憾みである。 昭和25年5月筆者識」

NHKスペシャル取材班 (編著)になる「日本人はなぜ戦争へと向かったのか: メディアと民衆・指導者編」(新潮文庫刊)から、この「当時の新聞界に実在した短見な事情」を垣間見ることができる。同書の中に「当時の新聞界に実在した短見な事情」と考えられるような次の一文がある。






















執筆・翻訳者:羽谷 信一郎

English Translation

Risk Management 48 – The Historical Background of NHK’s “Yell”

The NHK TV series “Yell” will soon have its final episode on November 27th. The “long Pacific War” has finally come to an end. However, the protagonist, Yuichi Koyama (” Yuji Koseki”), has been unable to compose music during the war because he regrets that the music he composed drove people to war and took the lives of many young people as a result, which he feels responsible for. It is likely to be next week before we see him working on “The Bell of Nagasaki” and other scenes in which he composes a song to cheer people on in their post-war reconstruction.

”War is miserable, it must not be fought, it makes everybody miserable”, is what I remember hearing over and over again as a child from my father, who went off to war as a university student and returned home safe and sound as a “Lieutenant of Potsdam (With the Potsdam Declaration, he rose one rank to the rank of Second lieutenant)”. The significance and reasons for war vary depending on the offense and defense, but just as “there is always an edge to everything,” so too does war have an edge. However, as more and more people became involved in the war, this edge would be further transformed by the bias of those people, companies, and organizations.

As depicted in “Yell,” the actual implementers of the war, the military and the government, would drive out every person, organization, group, and company in the country to carry it out, in the words of “inspiring morale”. This is why it is said that “modern warfare is total warfare”. While the military and the government are the entities that “inspire morale,” it was the Pacific War that the mass media, which embodied the will of the military, is said to have played a leading role in this.

1. “The Life of a Military Man”

Before the Pacific War, in early Showa era Japan, there were five ministers, the Prime Minister, the Army Minister, the Navy Minister, the Finance Minister, and the Foreign Minister, to discuss military operations of the army and navy, and to discuss the fiscal and foreign policies that would implement them. According to a book titled “A Life of a Military Man: Admiral Mitsumasa Yonai” published by Kwando, Kiichiro Hiranuma’s cabinet held a five-ministerial council on August 8, 1939.The Minister of the Navy was asked whether or not the navies of Japan, Germany, and Italy had a chance to win against the navies of England, France, the United States, and the Soviet Union.

Without missing a beat, he replied, “There is no chance of victory. Japan’s navy was not designed to fight a war against the United States and Britain. When it comes to the German and Italian navies, it’s like they don’t exist at all.” This was the answer of the then Minister of the Navy, Mitsumasa Yonai.

In January 1940, Yonai became the 37th Prime Minister of Japan. When the Army was pressing for the conclusion of the Tripartite Pact, Prime Minister Yonai was against it, saying that Japan should not “pick up chestnuts from the fire for Germany.” In response to this, the army is said to have “started a movement to force the Minister of War to resign and overthrow the cabinet on the day he was inaugurated,” using the then military minister’s active military system as a shield.” The Army repeatedly demanded the conclusion of the Tripartite Pact with Germany, Italy and Japan, but Prime Minister Yonai refused to accept their demands. This was the beginning of the army’s descent into exile.

One episode that has been talked about as a testament to the character of Mitsumasa Yonai is that after he resigned as prime minister, the Navy sent him an official car, but he refused, saying that he was in the reserves, and so he took the Tokyo tram when he went out. It is said, however, that the fact that he was the former prime minister was immediately apparent and he was asked for his autograph and talked to by many people. It is said that this was an act of popular favor, and it is said that former Prime Minister Yonai was the only person who used the Tokyo tram despite being a former Prime Minister.

This book, “A Life of a Military Man: Admiral Mitsumasa Yonai” (published by Kōwado), describes his personality, his high popularity, his analytical skills and his keen judgment, and was written by Taketora Ogata, who had gone from the center of the journalistic world, where he was executive vice president and editor-in-chief of the Asahi Shimbun newspaper, to a politician, and served as president of the Liberal Party, minister of state, chief cabinet secretary, and deputy prime minister.

2. The state of newspapers at that time

He wrote in the Foreword to his “Life of a Military Man”, Admiral Mitsumasa Yonai.

He wrote: “Even today, I wonder whether the Pacific War might have been prevented if the major newspapers of Japan, even immediately after the Manchurian Incident, had joined forces to warn of the military’s impotence and to fight against its brutality. However, the short-sightedness that existed in the newspaper world at that time did not allow them to “get their brushes together” at the right time, and gave the military  the temptation and the gaps to give the impression of controlling speech, and they were preemptively attacked, which is also a point of contention today. It is the author’s regret. ・・・・ author’s insights, May 1950.

The NHK Special Report Group edited and published “Why the Japanese Went to War: The Media and the People and Their Leaders” (Shincho Bunko), gives us a glimpse of this “short-sightedness that existed in the newspaper world at the time”. In the same book, there is a sentence that can be considered a “short-sightedness situation that existed in the newspaper world at that time”.

“Until now, the impression of the so-called media has often been that they were victims of the suppression and control of speech by the military authorities, which deprived them of their freedom.

The total circulation of the three major newspapers at the time (Asahi, Mainichi, and Yomiuri) was around 4 million by 1931, but it increased rapidly after the Manchurian Incident, and by the outbreak of the Sino-Japanese War in 1937 it was close to 7 million, and in the year of the outbreak of the Pacific War it was well above 8 million. Even after that, the circulation of newspapers has grown substantially.

Takeji Muno, a former reporter for the Asahi Shimbun, who lives in Yokote City, Akita Prefecture, explained the reason for this.

All of the newspapers increase their circulation when there is a war, because all of their sons and husbands are going off to war. So when there’s a war, it’s not a negative for the newspaper from a business standpoint.’

Muno, who said he became a newspaper reporter after the Manchurian Incident and submitted his resignation on the day the war ended because he felt responsible for reporting on the incident, was 96 years old at the time of the interview in 2011. Looking at old photographs from that time, Muno said he could not deny that the newspapers encouraged the public.

‘They said we won, we won, and they actually created that kind of paper. And the people must have thought they had won, won, because they produced that kind of paper. And they thought that something better would come of it in the future.

Muno’s words succinctly illustrate why the media is said to be one of the major factors that drove the Japanese to war.

Newspapers, which had been adjusting to the claims of the military in order to increase their circulation after the Great Depression, thus increased their circulation by reporting local information after the Manchurian Incident. The people were influenced by the radio, which was used by the military and politicians to boost the will to fight, and became enamored with nationalism, while the government and military leaders were bound by their own words and actions in order to gain public support. The relationship between these three parties is believed to have had a significant impact on policy decisions.

3. Fake News

‘Fake news’, which has been widely discussed as the word of US President Trump. In February 1877, as a result of the Civil War,”Seinan War” , early Meiji journalists covering the war began to report on the war in Japan, and this “combination of truth and fiction in the style of a live action play” led to the creation of the first “war report” in Japan. It is said to be the beginning. The end result was the “Imperial Headquarters Announcement,” in which the results of the war were reported in a way that never happened, the damage was hidden, and the press was forced to continue reporting fake news as a weapon in the war of ideas in order to boost the morale of the people and win the war, “for the national interest”.

Of course, there were many journalists and newspapers with common sense like Mr. Muno, but with the outbreak of the Pacific War, the control of speech became even stricter, and at the outbreak of the war, the Cabinet Intelligence Bureau ordered newspapers and news agencies to prohibit the publication of anything that was not authorized by the Imperial Headquarters. They made it “no questions asked” by stating that “adverse matters are generally forbidden to be published”. The media were no longer able to report the reality of the war.In the name of “national interest,” the “Imperial Headquarters announcement” exaggerated the results of the war and covered up the damage. In addition, there was an increase in announcements of war results and cover-ups of damages. And the position of the newspaper was transformed into a means of “raising the will to fight” in order to carry out the war and win.

This development was backed by terrorist incidents committed by “armed forces that could legally possess weapons”, the May 15 and February 26 incidents. As a result of these incidents, newspapers are said to have become unable to severely criticize and pursue terrorism by the military.

4. Reporting

Watching TV’s coverage of typhoons, I sometimes wonder why female reporters and announcers are reporting on typhoons in the face of strong winds and rain, and why they are doing it, and I sometimes feel uncomfortable with their reporting stance. I feel this in the current coverage of the corona disaster, too, in some of the mass media, especially in the news-related programs that are called “wide shows,” which are more like variety shows.

On the other hand, why is it that even in pure news programs, the number of infected people is reported, but the number of people who have recovered is not? It is not clear where the problem has been raised recently, but it is beginning to be reported in some prefectures. In Tokyo, however, the number of new infections is always reported on the TV screen in close-up: “Oct. 15, 284 new infections in Tokyo today, the most since Aug. 20”. However, there are many people who have recovered from the infection, and the number of serious cases that have been reported widely at one time but not so much recently.

On August 19, the Tokyo Shimbun reported an article titled “Serious corona cases in Tokyo, fewer than actual number? “The Tokyo Metropolitan Government has reported the number of severely ill cases of a new type of coronavirus to the Health Ministry using a different standard from the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare’s definition. The number of reported cases may be lower than the actual number, and MHLW is asking the metropolitan government to change the standard.” After the news report, it seems that the news reports have suddenly turned into a report on “the number of infected people only” instead of the actual number of cases.

Summary of this issue

For people, “war” is a huge risk, causing and suffering a great deal of damage. Everyone understands this, so why do wars happen? The reason is that people don’t start a war expecting to lose.

Of the 100,000 people who participated in Operation Imphal, in which “Yale’s Teacher Todo” was killed, 30,000 were killed and 20,000 were sent to the rear because of wounds and illnesses, with horrific results.The commander of the 15th Army, Lieutenant General Renya Mutaguchi, who has been covered by various media, is said to have been a typical example of this. He went ahead with an operation that was opposed by the commander of the Southern Command, the 15th Army’s general staff, and almost all of the subordinate divisions on the grounds that it was impossible to resupply, but he went ahead with a “conviction of victory” and paid a huge price for it.Victory and defeat can be “won” or “lost,” as the saying goes, but he has been described as one of those soldiers who were entrenched in a spiritualism that refused to be defeated.

Nothing about this seems to be “just about the Pacific War”. Is it just me, who feels that similar scenes can be seen everywhere when we shift our perspective to the corporate world?

I wonder if there isn’t a manager who would say, “We can do it if we do it,” in response to the department in charge saying, “It’s an impossible business plan”.

As long as the positive (opportunities) and negative (threats) aspects of a company’s business activities are identified in detail, reviewed and evaluated, and strategies, tactics, and action plans are developed based on that analysis, the possibility of bringing about unforeseen negative consequences to the company can be reduced as much as possible. This is no different from corporate strategy. This is the reason why risk management is necessary as a framework for corporate strategy.

Author/translator: Shinichiro Hatani