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リスク対応策 2021.03.26

RM59 日英同盟 The Anglo-Japanese Alliance

For those who prefer to read this column in English, the Japanese text is followed by a British English translation, so please scroll down to the bottom of the Japanese text.





これら一連の動きの背景は、日本ではなぜかほとんど報道されていないが、「BBCによる『駐英中国大使、BBC番組でウイグル人の強制収容否定 ビデオを見せられ』と題した2020年7月20日の以下の報道が発端である」と言われている。

BBC NEWS I JAPAN公式WEBサイト(2020年7月20日)




1. 日清戦争


朝鮮は帝国が其の始めに啓誘して列国の伍伴に就かしめたる独立の一國たり。而して清国は、常に自ら朝鮮を以て属邦と称し、陰に陽にその内政に干渉し其ノ内乱アルニ於 テ口ヲ属邦ノ拯難ニ籍キ兵ヲ朝鮮ニ出シタリ








2. 日英同盟




和文: 日英同盟協約 1902年1月30日

日本国政府及び大不列顛(大ブリテン)政府は偏(ひとえ)に極東に於いて現状及び全局の平和を維持することを希望し、且つ清帝国及び韓帝国の独立と領土保全とを維持すること及び該二国に於いて各国の商工業をして均等の機会を得せしむことに関し、 特に利益関係を有するを以って茲(ここ)に左の如く約定せり。

 英文: The Anglo-Japanese Alliance, January 30,1902

The governments of Great Britain and Japan, actuated solely by a desire to maintain the status quo and general peace in the Extreme East, being moreover specially interested in maintaining the independence and territorial integrity of the Empire of China and the Empire of Korea, and in securing equal opportunities in those countries for the commerce and industry of all nations, hereby agree as follows:


3. 日露戦争への影響

昨年2020年2月に本コラムに投稿した「RM 5-日本海海戦(環境保険)」に日露戦争で英国の果たした役割、支援について次のように記した。



また、昨年2020年4月に投稿した「CS10-『内閣総力戦研究所』 Cabinet Research Institute for Total Warfare」には次のように記した。













企業の事業活動に一番大きな影響を与えるリスクは、このようなPolitical Risks(政治危険リスク)である。1980年代初頭起きたイラン・イラク戦争。筆者が損害保険会社に入社して翌年のことであった。折しも、その渦中で事業の続行が不可能になったプロジェクトが、三井物産を中心にした「IJPC(Iran-Japan Petrochemical Co., Ltd.)プロジェクト」であり、当時ビジネスで大変お世話になっていた三井物産の部長が、その後長く旧通産省の海外投資保険に関わる保険金請求の件で大変ご苦労されていたことをよく憶えている。


一昨年暮れまで、「毎日マスクをしている生活」など想像だにしなかったが、この1年そしてワクチン接種が行き届き、コロナ禍が下火になるまで、しばらくはマスクを手放せない月日を過ごすことになるであろう。更には、その震源地である中国に関わる更に大きなリスク、Political Risksがいま蠢いている。

大震災リスクに加え、新型コロナ禍、そしてPolitical Risksと、企業の活動に大きな影響を与えるリスクはここ数年激増している。「明日は今日の続き」というようなリスクマネジメントが全く感じられない事業活動では、これらのリスクによっていずれ大きな影響を受けることは必定であろう。キャプティブの設立を視野にした本格的なリスクマネジメントをしなければならない巨大リスクが、すぐ面前まで来ていると判断されるからである。

執筆・翻訳者:羽谷 信一郎

English Translation

Risk Management 59 – The Anglo-Japanese Alliance

On 4 February 2021, the world was informed that “Ofcom, the independent watchdog of the UK communications industry, has revoked the licence of China Global Television (CGTN) to broadcast in the UK”. The reason cited was that “Star China Media Limited (SCML), the licence holder of CGTN, breached Ofcom rules by not taking editorial responsibility”.

UK broadcasting law naturally requires that the “holder of the broadcasting licence” itself is responsible for the broadcast and its editorial policies. However, according to Ofcom, “the ‘ultimate decision-making power’ over the content of CGTN’s programmes is held by a company called China General Administration of International Television, which is controlled by the Communist Party of China (CPC) and not Star China Media Limited (SCML). The reason given was that “this is not permitted under UK broadcasting law”.

The background to the “revocation of the broadcasting licence” is believed to be “the announcement by China Global Television (CGTN) in July last year that British journalist Peter Humphrey, who was detained in Shanghai, had “breached broadcasting rules by broadcasting footage that appeared to show him confessing to a criminal offence”.

In response to these developments, the Chinese government has demanded an apology from the BBC for its “fake news” coverage of the covid-19, and called on the BBC to be objective and fair in its reporting. In addition, on 11 February, the Chinese broadcasting authorities announced that they would “ban BBC World News (international news broadcasting) from broadcasting in China and not accept the BBC’s application for renewal of its broadcasting licence for the next year”.

It is said that the background of these moves is the following report on 20th July 2020 titled “Chinese ambassador to Britain shown video of BBC denying Uyghur detention”, which has not been reported in Japan for some reason.

China’s ambassador to the UK, Liu Xiaoming, appeared on the BBC programme “The Andrew Marr Show” on the morning of 19 July and said he did not know what the video was about after being shown drone footage that appeared to show Uyghurs being blindfolded and put on a train in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region.

Ambassador Liu further denied local reports that the Chinese government is forcing Uyghur women to undergo sterilization and abortion in Xinjiang.

And not only Britain but also European Union (EU) adopted sanctions against Chinese officials for the first time in 30 years since Tiananmen Square, saying that the unjust treatment of the Uyghur minority in China is a violation of human rights, at the Council of Foreign Ministers meeting held on 22 March.

1. Japanese-Sino War

In the “Meiji Emperor’s Imperial Rescript Collection” (National Diet Library Digital), the following sentence is written at the beginning of page 37 in the “Imperial Rescript on the Declaration of War against the Qing Dynasty” (August 1, 1894), which is the “Imperial Rescript on the Opening of War” of the Sino-Japanese War.

Korea is an independent country which the Empire has invited to join the ranks of the nations at the beginning of the war. It is the first time in the history of the world that a country of this size has been involved in a political conflict.

Japan recognized Korea as an independent country, but the Qing recognized Korea only as a vassal state, and the Qing continued to interfere in the internal affairs of Korea.

At the same time, the Russian Empire was “seizing territory”: in 1706 it occupied the Kamchatka peninsula and reached the Pacific Ocean. As a result of the war in the north, the Russian Empire extended its territory to the Scandinavian peninsula and entered the Baltic Sea, but as the ports were frozen and unusable in winter, it adopted a policy of expansion southwards in search of ice-free ports. However, having lost the Crimean War, they sought a way south to the Far East. For this reason, the Aigun Treaty with the Qing Empire in 1858 resulted in the cession of lands north of the Heilongjiang River, and the Treaty of Beijing in 1860 resulted in the cession of the Primorsky Territory.

In contrast to the Russian Empire, which was steadily advancing into the Sea of Japan, Japan hoped that Korea would become a bridgehead against Russia as an independent country, but the Qing Dynasty showed a strong desire to make Korea a tributary state. 100 years on, is it just me who still feels that we are seeing the same scene again?

In the Japanese-Sino War that began in 1894, Japan, which had been steadily building and strengthening its military power since the Meiji Restoration, overwhelmed the Qing, resulting in the recognition of the independence of Korea and the birth of the “Korean Empire” for the first time in Korean history. However, due to the so-called “Tripartite Intervention” by France, Germany and Russia, who felt threatened by Japan’s growing power over the Liaodong Peninsula and Taiwan, Japan was forced to return the Liaodong Peninsula, which had been ceded to Japan under the Treaty of Shimonoseki, to the Qing.

The three countries argued that the cession of the Liaodong Peninsula was a threat to peace in the East, but it was clear that the Russian Empire’s policy of southward expansion and the intentions of Germany and France to turn the Russian Empire’s attention to Asia were behind this, as the Russian Empire leased the returned Liaodong Peninsula, built a military port in Lushun and fortified it. The fact that the Russian Empire leased the returned Liaodong Peninsula, built a military port in Lushun, and proceeded to fortify it made this clear.

2. The Anglo-Japanese Alliance

As a result of the Tripartite Intervention, which exposed Japan’s lack of voice and political power in the international community, everyone in Japan came to believe that a war with the Russian Empire was inevitable. After this, the Russians continued to expand their influence in the Far East increasingly blatantly: they went to Manchuria at the time of the North China Incident in 1900 but did not withdraw their troops and continued their occupation. It also made Korea, where pro-Russian factions were in power, a protectorate, obtained an ice-free port and seized control of the coast of the Liaodong Peninsula.

In the midst of these developments in Asia, the interests of Japan and Britain in the expansion of Russian power coincided, and the Anglo-Japanese Alliance was concluded between Japan and Britain. The first round of the Anglo-Japanese Alliance was concluded on 30 January 1902 at the Marquess of Lansdowne’s residence in London by Mr Tadasu Hayashi, Minister to the United Kingdom, and Mr Petty-Fitzmaurice, Foreign Secretary of the United Kingdom, and was renewed in 1905 (the second round) and 1911 (the third round), but the treaty expired in 1923 following the signing of the Treaty of Four Powers by Japan, Britain, the United States and France at the Washington Conference on Naval Disarmament in 1921.

According to the website of the National Archives of Japan, Asian Historical Records Centre, the first Anglo-Japanese Alliance Agreement began with the following preamble

The Anglo-Japanese Alliance, January 30,1902
The governments of Great Britain and Japan, actuated solely by a desire to maintain the status quo and general peace in the Extreme East, being moreover The governments of Great Britain and Japan, actuated solely by a desire to maintain the status quo and general peace in the Extreme East, being moreover specially interested in maintaining the independence and territorial integrity of the Empire of China and the Empire of Korea, and in securing equal opportunities in those countries for the commerce and industry of all nations, hereby agree as follows.

After the defeat of Japan in the Japanese-Sino War, the Qing Empire borrowed money from the Russian Empire and France to pay huge reparations to Japan, in return for which Russia and France granted various concessions to the Qing Empire. As a result, the state of Britain’s semi-colonies in the Qing Empire since the Opium War changed dramatically, and Britain’s interests coincided with those of Japan, which “needed ‘reinforcements’ for Britain’s base in Asia” and “needed ‘reinforcements’ for its defence against the Russian Empire’s policy of southward expansion”. This was the background to the conclusion of the Anglo-Japanese Alliance.

3. Impact on the Japanese-Russo war

In my contribution to this column in February 2020, “RM 5 – Energy Transformation (Environmental Insurance)”, I wrote about Britain’s role and support in the Japanese-Russo War.

As a result, the Baltic Fleet was “refused entry to the ports of all British colonies then in Africa”. Meanwhile, Japan’s reputation rose, and on the day of the funeral of the fisherman killed in the incident, the mayor of Tokyo, Yukio Ozaki, untimely sent a telegram of condolence, which further strengthened “public opinion in favour of Japan”. The Royal Navy sent a fleet of cruisers against the Baltic Fleet and tracked it to Spain, and the British government even wrote to the Spanish government warning that it would be a breach of neutrality if it supplied the Baltic Fleet with coal or even fresh water.

They also refused to supply anthracite coal, which was the main fuel for the ships at the time, and of which Britain controlled most of the supply. As a result, by the time the Baltic Fleet arrived in the Sea of Japan, the crews were said to be exhausted, having had neither adequate supplies nor medical care. It is also said that the loss of anthracite coal supplies caused the ships to “lose several knots” during the Battle of the Sea of Japan, and this is the reason why the Japanese were able to achieve such a one-sided victory, which would not have been the case if the fuel had been oil.

In my post last April 2020, “CS10 – Cabinet Research Institute for Total Warfare”, I wrote:

However, after the war, Japan did not analyse the reasons for its victory and the reasons for the Russian defeat. Instead, it saw the victory in the Battle of the Sea of Japan and other battles as an absolute victory, and fell into tactical and spiritual supremacy, accelerating the trend of “fleet battles and big ships and big guns”.

In the old wars, military power and strategy were the most important factors in deciding victory or defeat, but in the new wars, there was a great change in quality and character, towards total warfare with the combined power of the people. The Japanese-Russo War was the germ of this change, but without realising the “evolution of war”, we entered the Pacific War with a rigid mindset that did not foster strategic thinking about total war and long-term warfare.

Saneyuki Akiyama died in 1918 at the age of 49, coincidentally on February 4, the same day that the Japanese-Russo war broke out. At times, “Don’t take any chances with the United States. It would be a disaster,” he is said to have said. However, Japan was heading in a direction contrary to the wishes of the father of naval strategy, who always believed in the need to be scientific and logical.

It is clear how Britain’s support played a major role in the “victory of the Japanese-Russo War” which sent the whole country into a frenzy. The British newspapers reported on the victory in the Battle of the Sea of Japan as follows:

“This battle is more than a victory for Trafalgar. The question now facing Russia is on what terms it should surrender”(London Daily Mail).
“The Russian Government should conclude peace on the terms demanded by Japan as soon as possible” (Morning Post).
“The Russian government should conclude peace as soon as possible on Japan’s terms. If it is forced to continue, it will only be to its disadvantage. It is a pity, for Russia’s own sake, that, in spite of this very obvious reason, there does not yet seem to be any movement towards peace at the Russian Court” (London Times).

However, the military at the time did not tell the people about this great role played by Britain at all, but only told them “that the victory in the Japanese-Russo War was to their credit” in order to get the budget, and drove the people to the next war.

Summary of this issue

More than a hundred years after the Japanese-Sino War, relations between Britain and China have become strained again, this time over the issue of Hong Kong. It is becoming a situation which is not confined to bilateral issues between Britain and China.

When Hong Kong, a British colony since the Opium War, was handed back to China in 1997, it was promised “one country, two systems” (i.e. a capitalist system for the next 50 years, different from that of socialist China). The Basic Law, which is the constitution of Hong Kong, enshrines freedoms of speech, the press, assembly, demonstration and religion that are restricted in mainland China, but the Hong Kong National Security Ordinance, which came into force last year, has been described as “the end of freedom in Hong Kong”. Furthermore, the National People’s Congress (NPC) in March announced changes to the electoral system that would completely end Hong Kong’s progress towards democracy, setting the stage for the complete elimination of democrats.

Sensitive to these developments was “Britain, Hong Kong’s former sovereign state and the victim of a broken international agreement”. It immediately decided to send a carrier strike group, led by the aircraft carrier Queen Elizabeth, to Asia for a long stay in the waters around Japan. This “extended stay” is not just a show of force, but Britain’s attempt to join the US-Japan alliance in maintaining order in Asia. As a diplomatic power, Britain would not make such a decision on a moment’s notice. It is joining the camp to contain the expansion of the hegemonic powers. Furthermore, Germany has announced its intention to send a German Bundeswehr ship to the Indo-Pacific, making it clear that it is determined to curb China’s aggressive expansion of its interests in the South China Sea.

It is these Political Risks that have the greatest impact on the business activities of companies. The Iran-Iraq war in the early 1980s was the year after I joined a non-life insurance company.One of the projects that could not be continued was the IJPC (Iran-Japan Petrochemical Co., Ltd.) project led by Mitsui & Co.

I remember very well that the general manager of Mitsui, who had been a great help to us in our business at that time, had a very difficult time with the insurance claim related to the former MITI’s overseas investment insurance for a long time afterwards.

At the same time, companies were struggling to arrange travel insurance for “construction workers going to Iraq to work on construction projects”, because “damage caused in a war zone is not covered by normal travel insurance because of the ‘war exemption'”. A special “war risk clause” was required, but at the time the maximum amount of cover was 10 million yen, far less than the desired amount.

As a result, many construction companies and plant manufacturers purchased “insufficient coverage” from overseas insurance companies in Hong Kong and elsewhere because “insurance for people traveling abroad” was not covered by direct overseas insurance, which was prohibited by the Insurance Business Act.

Until the end of the year before last, I never imagined that I would have to wear a mask every day of my life, but this year, and until the vaccination process is complete and the covid-19 scourge is under control, I will be wearing a mask for some time to come. In addition, there are even bigger risks, political risks, related to China, the epicentre of the disease.

In addition to the risks of a major earthquake, the risks of covid-19 disaster and Political Risks have increased dramatically over the past few years, and have a major impact on the activities of companies. Without any sense of “tomorrow is the same as today” risk management, it is inevitable that these risks will eventually have a significant impact on business activities. This is because we believe that we are on the verge of a huge risk that will require serious risk management with a view to establishing a captive.

Author/translator: Shinichiro Hatani