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リスク対応策 2021.09.03

RM66 時代の転換点を読むには?How to read the turning points of the times?

For those who prefer to read this column in English, the Japanese text is followed by a British English translation, so please scroll down to the bottom of the Japanese text.

昨年2020年2月20日、本コラム欄に投稿した「CS 5-戦略ドメインStrategic Domain (Definition of Business)」に次のような一文を記した。


855,606マイル、生涯搭乗回数250回(国内線117 回 国際線133 回)地球約 34.4周、月まで約 1.8往復、総搭乗時間は約 2281.6時間に相当します。




https://jtsb.mlit.go.jp/jtsb/aircraft/download/bunkatsu.html#5 これは「航空事故調査報告書 日本航空株式会社所属 ボーイング式747SR-100型JA8119 群馬県多野郡上野村山中 昭和60年8月12日」とある報告書である。作成日は昭和62年6月19日、作成者は運輸省航空事故調査委員会である。「62-2-JA8119(航空事故調査報告書付録)」と題するものを含め12分冊から構成されているこの報告書の最初の分冊が下記である。




4.2 原因












この原題は「RISK A Practical Guide for Deciding  What’s Really Safe and What’s Really Dangerous in the World Around you」(David Ropeik , George Gray 共著)である。この原題名を直訳すると「RISK 身の回りの何が本当に安全で何が本当に危険かを判断するための実践的ガイド」(筆者訳)となる。

著者の一人George Gray氏は、米国ハーバード大学リスク分析センターのエグゼクティブ・ディレクター、David Ropeik氏は同じくハーバード大学のリスクコミュニケーション・インストラクターであるが、後者によると、「自動車事故で死亡する確率は5000分の1であるのに対して、飛行機事故で死亡する確率は、1100万分の1で、雷に打たれて亡くなる確率(1300万分の1)程度である」と。つまり飛行機事故で亡くなる確率は、自動車事故で亡くなる確率より遙かに低いが、冒頭記した事故を含めて、航空機事故の場合、メディアの取り上げ方、報道によって、「大事故が頻繁に起きている」かのように感じてしまう傾向があるようである。

「国土交通省の公式ウェブサイト」、「航空事故、事件、ハイジャック等航空機に関わる事件事故に関するデータ」を集めたウェブサイト「エイビエーション・セーフティー・ネットワーク(ASN(「航空安全ネットワーク」)他を調べて、世界の航空機事故の発生件数・犠牲者数を調べてみた。そうすると、全世界で起きた「旅客航空機事故」は、コロナ禍で正常な運行ができなくなった2020年、2021年を除くと、2019年:航空機事故発生件数23件、犠牲者数289人、2018年:前者が18件、後者が561人、2017年:前者が14件、後者が59人であった。筆者が調査した限り、過去50年間で発生件数の一番多い年は1948年で98件、犠牲者数の一番多い年は1973年で2033人であった。David Ropeik氏の言葉通り、通常の年であれば飛行機の総搭乗者数は約15億人程度と推定される数値からすると非常に安全性が高い乗り物であることが解る


「Flightradar24」(フライトレーダー24)という、スウェーデンで開発、設立された「航空機追跡サイト」がある。https://www.flightradar24.com/25.55,82.02/2 このウエブサイトである。










「2700万人に1件ということになる。たとえ90%の事例が未報告だとしても、270 万人に1件の割合で、極めて安心できる数字だと考える。さらに、公表事例の大部分は、機内でのマスク着用が浸透する前に発生したもの」であり、その確率は前述の「雷に打たれて亡くなる確率と同じである」との専門家のコメントが付されたニュース・リリースであった。大手航空メーカー各社が実施した検証でも「機内の空気は、1時間に20~30回入れ替わり(平均的なオフィスは 1 時間に2~3回、学校は1時間に10~1 回)、「高機能フィルターによって、空気中の細菌やウイルスを99.9%以上除去することなどが確認されている」と示し、安全性を強調したものであった。



【4月20日 AFP】香港当局は20日、インド首都ニューデリー発の航空便の乗客少なくとも53人が、新型コロナウイルスの検査で陽性と判定されたと発表した。香港は新たな感染拡大を懸念し、インドからの航空便の乗り入れを急きょ禁止した。




その代わりの役割を担うのが「パソコン」となった。グローバル・リンクは昨年4月の第1回目の「緊急事態宣言」から、1年半に渡って「完全リモート体制」を継続している。この「コロナ禍」という経営に大きな影響を与えるリスクを収益に変換する、これまで我々が推奨してきた「Turning risk to profit©」を自社自らが進んでおこなうための業態転換を進めている。

勿論、Face to Face(面前)での打ち合わせは、人間関係の構築、事業のスムーズな推進にとって大きな効用を持つことは、長年のロンドン出張の経験からよく理解している。そのため、グローバル・リンクでは、「オンラインで面談すること」を事業の主柱と位置づけることにして、昨年2020年6月11日ウェブサイトの「News & column」のなかで「お知らせ-『オンライン・ミーティング(Online Face to Face)』開始」としてご案内した、「Whereby(ウエアバイ)」による「オンライン会議システム」を活用して、お客様、また日本、ハワイホノルルそして英国ロンドンのビジネス・パートナー達と頻繁に連絡を取り合うことにした。さらに、「Zoom」を望まれる方のために、「Zoom」とも契約、重層的なオンライン会議システムの体制を構築した。

これまでは、電車に乗り、飛行機に乗り、伺わなければならなかったお客様やビジネス・パートナー達との面談も瞬時にクリック一つでおこなえるようになった。グローバル・リンクのウエブサイトのホームに「バナー」として貼り付けてあるオンライン相談名である「Online Face to Face©」をグローバル・リンクの事業推進体制の中心として、その位置づけを明確にする為、商標登録を申請、8月28日商標登録が完了した。





執筆・翻訳者:羽谷 信一郎

English Translation

Risk Management 66 – How to read the turning points of the times?

I wrote the following sentence in “CS 5 – Strategic Domain (Definition of Business)” which I posted in this column section on 20 February 2020 last year.

In writing this column, I was curious to know how much I have flown with JAL so far, so I did some research. I have been flying with JAL since before the establishment of the current mileage program “JMB” and its predecessor “JAL Sky Plus”, but I found some statistics on the website since the establishment of the mileage program in 1993. According to the statistics, the total number of miles flown on tickets purchased so far (not including those purchased through the mileage program) is:

855,606 miles, 250 lifetime flights (117 domestic and 133 international), equivalent to about 34.4 circumnavigations of the Earth, about 1.8 round trips to the Moon and about 2281.6 hours of total flight time.

This flight record has not increased at all over the past year and a half due to covid-19 disaster which has been continuing since the beginning of last year.

When I counted the flights that I noted in writing this column as “not including those under the mileage programme”, I found that 42 flights to and from London and 27 domestic flights had been recorded. In total, I have flown 159 times on JAL international flights and 160 times on domestic flights, although I have also flown with other airlines to places not served by JAL or Japan Airlines. There are very few of them.

In 1985, an accident occurred that shocked me. However, I have been flying with JAL ever since.

1. Japan Airlines Jumbo Plane Crash

https://jtsb.mlit.go.jp/jtsb/aircraft/download/bunkatsu.html#5  This is an aviation accident investigation report, “Japan Airlines Corporation, Boeing 747SR-100 JA8119, Yamanaka, Ueno-mura, Tano-gun, Gunma Prefecture, August 12, 1985”. The date of the report is June 19, 1987, and the author is the Air Accident Investigation Commission of the Ministry of Transport. The first of the 12 volumes of the report, including the one entitled “62-2-JA8119 (Appendix to the Air Accident Investigation Report)”, is as follows:


Last month marked the 36th anniversary of the crash of Japan Airlines Flight 123 into the mountains of Osutaka Mountain in Gunma Prefecture on August 12, 1985, as described in this report. Flight 123 was a scheduled passenger flight from Haneda Airport to Osaka Itami Airport. It was over the Izu Peninsula when a “pressure bulkhead” at the end of the aircraft broke, blowing off the vertical tail fin and auxiliary power unit and causing the loss of all hydraulic control systems. As a result, the aircraft became uncontrollable. The pilots tried desperately to regain control of the aircraft, which repeatedly went into a “Dutch roll”, but their efforts were in vain. After a stray flight, the aircraft “crashed at 18:56:30 on the ridge of Mount Takatenbara (1,565 metres above sea level, commonly known as the Osutaka Ridge) in Ueno Village, Tano County, Gunma Prefecture”.

Of the 524 passengers and crew on board, 520 died and only four survived, making it one of the deadliest single-engine aviation accidents in history. “This accident, known as the “Japan Airlines Jumbo Crash”, had a huge impact on society due to the number of victims and the fact that celebrities such as the singer Kyu Sakamoto were among them. It is presumed that the cause of the accident was an improper repair of the pressure bulkhead during Boeing’s repair of the “Pratfall accident” at Osaka Itami Airport on June 2, 1978. As a result, the air in the cabin blew out at once to the rear of the cabin and most of the vertical tail was lost, resulting in a difficult situation for the pilot.

4.2 Cause

The accident is presumed to have occurred as a result of damage to the rear pressure bulkhead of the accident aircraft, followed by damage to the tail fuselage, vertical tail fin and control system, resulting in loss of flight characteristics and loss of main control functions.

The failure of the aft pressure bulkhead during flight was presumed to have been caused by fatigue cracks developing at the bulkhead web connections, which reduced the strength of the bulkhead and made it unable to withstand cabin pressurisation during flight.

The initiation and propagation of the fatigue crack was attributed to the inappropriate repair of the bulkhead in 1978, and the fact that the crack was not detected during the inspection and maintenance is also assumed to have contributed to the propagation of the fatigue crack to the point where the bulkhead was damaged.

The aircraft had flown 16,195 hours and 59 minutes and 12,319 times since the “Pratfall” accident, the probable cause of the accident. It took nearly two years for the effects of the inadequate repairs to manifest themselves as an “accident”. This shows that the effects were occurring slowly but surely. The total flight time before the crash was 25,030 hours and 18 minutes, and the total number of flights was 18,835. Why was the “fatigue crack in the rear pressure bulkhead”, the alleged “cause of the accident”, not discovered during this time?

In addition, although the cause of the accident was “strongly presumed” in the voluminous report, there was no cooperation from the US or the US side as to why the repair error had occurred, and “the investigation into the cause of the accident ended here”.

2. Aircraft Accident Investigation Commission

The committee was established by the Ministry of Transport in January 1974 in response to the “All Nippon Airways’ Shizukuishi collision” which occurred on 30 July 1971.

In October 2001, following the tragic railway accident, the committee was reorganised as the “Aircraft and Railway Accident Investigation Committee” in order to deal with the investigation of railway accidents. In October 2008, the committee was reorganised as the Japan Transport Safety Board (JTSB), an independent administrative committee under the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT), with the aim of investigating the causes of not only aviation and railway accidents, but also ship accidents to prevent accidents and mitigate damage.

As stated in the report at the beginning of this issue, the JTSB conducts scientific analysis, on-site inspections and other investigations in order to “prevent the recurrence of accidents, improve safety, and make recommendations and proposals to the relevant authorities”, but its aim is only to “investigate the causes of accidents and incidents”, and it does not hold those involved in accidents and serious incidents criminally responsible, and it takes a fair and neutral stance.

3. Probability of aircraft accidents and number of casualties

The book “Risks measured by risk meters”, translated by Dr. Hara of the Japan Science and Technology Agency and supervised by Professor Emeritus Yasui of the University of Tokyo, has been translated by Dr. Hara. -There is an interesting book titled “Risks measured with a risk meter! Risk of Asbestos, Mercury, …” (Maruzen).

The original title of this book is “RISK A Practical Guide for Deciding What’s Really Safe and What’s Really Dangerous in the World Around you” (David Ropeik , George Gray).

According to George Gray, executive director of the Center for Risk Analysis at Harvard University, and David Ropeik, a risk communication instructor at Harvard University. According to the latter, “the probability of dying in a car crash is 1 in 5,000, while the probability of dying in a plane crash is 1 in 11 million, about the same as the probability of being struck by lightning (1 in 13 million)”. In other words, the probability of dying in an aeroplane accident is much lower than the probability of dying in a car accident, but in the case of aeroplane accidents, including the accident described at the beginning of this article, the way in which they are covered and reported by the media tends to give the impression that “major accidents occur frequently”.

I checked the official website of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT), the Aviation Safety Network (ASN) and other websites that collect data on aviation accidents, incidents, hijackings and other incidents involving aircraft, to find out the number of aircraft accidents and casualties worldwide. The number of accidents and the number of people killed. The number of “passenger aircraft accidents” worldwide, excluding those in 2020 and 2021 when covid-19 disaster prevented normal operations, was 23 in 2019 and 289 in 2019; 18 in 2018 and 561 in 2018; and 14 in 2017 and 59 in 2017. As far as I can see, the highest number of incidents in the last 50 years was 98 in 1948, and the highest number of victims was 2033 in 1973. as David Ropeik said, the total number of passengers on a plane in a normal year is estimated to be around 1.5 billion. It is a very safe way to travel.

4. Planes flying around the world

There is an aircraft tracking website called “Flightradar24”, developed and established in Sweden, https://www.flightradar24.com/25.55,82.02/2.

Flightradar24 is a website that displays the current position of commercial aircraft in flight in real time. The site shows that there are still a lot of planes in the air, even in the midst of covid-19 disaster that began early last year. “As mentioned above, the annual number of accidents and the number of victims were 23 and 289, respectively, in 2019”, before the covid-19 disaster. Divided by the world population, the probability of an accident is approximately 0.000000038%.

In the same year, the National Police Agency reported that “the number of traffic accidents and the number of victims (injured and dead) in Japan alone was 381,002, 460,715 injured and 3,215 dead”.

Some of my friends say “I’m afraid of plane crashes, so I’ll take the car”, but based on this probability alone, this is not the right choice. The question of whether to drive on the ground or fly in the air probably plays a big part in their thinking. In addition, the memory of “car accidents reported in the mass media” is “transitory” and does not remain in the memory very long, but the “impact of the news” of aeroplane accidents is large, and in the case of aeroplane accidents, they are reported continuously by the mass media every year, and this has the aspect that “the risk becomes ingrained in the memory”. In addition, in the case of airplane accidents, they are reported continuously by the mass media every year, and as a result, the risk becomes ingrained in people’s memories.

In other words, if risks are not examined and verified taking into account not only simple data but also human emotions, there is a risk of confusing risks that should be dealt with with risks that have a low probability of occurrence and are not problematic as long as appropriate measures are taken. There is a risk of confusion between “risks that should be dealt with” and “risks that have a low probability of occurrence and are not a problem as long as appropriate measures are taken”.

5. New risks

Since its maiden flight in 2005, the Airbus A380 has been attracting public attention due to its size. However, due to its “huge size” and the parking space required for the aircraft, as well as the problems faced by airports, a number of airlines, with the exception of a few, have been reviewing their plans to introduce the aircraft. In February 2019, Airbus announced that it would cease production of the A380 and that no more aircraft would be delivered after 2021. The “headwinds” were further intensified by covid-19 disaster.

The impact of covid-19 disaster was far greater than initially anticipated and more than a year and a half after the start of the “pandemic”, many passenger aircraft are still unable to fly. In Japan as well, the three A380 “Flying Honu(marine turtle)” aircraft ordered by All Nippon Airways(ANA), which were widely reported in the media to be “flying to Hawaii” in 2020, have been almost out of service due to covid-19 disaster, and the third aircraft is still at the Airbus factory. In addition, although the A380 was developed and manufactured with the aim of pursuing “economies of scale”, due to its enormous size, only a limited number of routes are profitable in the “current situation of covid-19 disaster”, and due to the reduction in the number of flights, many airlines have “decided to retire” the A380 and are “considering further retirement plans”.

“The spread of covid-19, a risk that has a direct and significant impact on the survival of airlines, has also affected “travellers and business travellers on aircraft” as a “new non-aircraft accident risk”: the concern about the transmission of covid-19 during flight.

The International Air Transport Association (IATA) said last October 8, 2020, that “the probability of in-flight transmission of covid-19 virus is quite low, with only 44 cases, including suspected cases, related to air travel for approximately 1.2 billion passengers in the first 10 months of 2020”. The following news release was issued with the data: https://www.iata.org/contentassets/a1a361594bb440b1b7ebb632355373d1/2020-10-08-jp.pdf

“That’s one case in 27 million people. Even if 90% of cases go unreported, we believe that 1 in 2.7 million is a very reassuring figure. Furthermore, the majority of the published cases occurred before the wearing of masks in the cabin became widespread”, the news release said, with the expert commenting that the probability of this happening was “the same as the probability of being killed by lightning”. In a test conducted by a major airline manufacturer, it was shown that “the air in the cabin is changed 20-30 times per hour (2-3 times per hour in an average office and 10-1 times per hour in a school)” and that “high performance filters remove more than 99.9% of bacteria and viruses from the air”. The safety of the aircraft was emphasised.

Furthermore, since IATA recommended the use of masks on board in June, the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) has recommended or made the use of masks compulsory on most airlines. This is why IATA has announced that ‘masks’ will further reduce the risk of in-flight transmission.

However, on 20 April 2021, AFP reported the following:

(AFP) – At least 53 passengers on a flight from the Indian capital New Delhi have tested positive for covid-19 virus, Hong Kong authorities said on Thursday. Hong Kong has quickly banned flights from India over fears of a new outbreak.

The passengers arrived on the 4th on an Indian airline flight, Vistara. The passengers were placed under a three-week mandatory quarantine in Hong Kong, which has some of the strictest border controls in the world, during which time they tested positive. The aircraft has a capacity of 188 passengers, but the number of people on board has not been disclosed.

Summary of this issue

When I was a management consultant, I used to travel to London six times a year for 14 years, and even after I started our captive business, I used to travel to London and Hawaii several times a year, but after my business trip to London in September 2019, I have not been able to travel abroad at all due to covid-19 disaster from early 2020.

The role of the computer has become a substitute for this. Since the first “emergency declaration” in April last year, Global Link has continued to be “fully remote” for a year and a half. The company is now transforming its business model so that it can take the risk of covid-19 disaster and “Turning risk to profit©”, as we have always recommended.

Of course, we know from our many years of business travel in London that face to face meetings are a great way of building relationships and ensuring the smooth running of a business. For this reason, Global Link has decided to make “online face to face meetings” one of the main pillars of our business. We have been in frequent contact with our clients and business partners in Japan, Honolulu, Hawaii and London, UK, using the “Online Meeting System” by “Whereby”, which we announced in the “News & column” section of our website last June 11, 2020. For those who prefer Zoom, we have also contracted with Zoom to set up a multi-tiered online meeting system.

Meetings with clients and business partners that previously required a train or plane ride were now just a click away. The name of the online consultation, “Online Face to Face©”, which appears as a “banner” on the home page of Global Link’s website, was registered as a trademark in order to clarify its position as the centre of Global Link’s business promotion system. The registration of the trademark was completed on 28 August.

In the ancient times, when there was no postal system, only a few people could use a ‘HIkyaku’, but in the Meiji era (1868-1912), ” everyone could benefit from the postal system”, even though it was expensive, and then came the ” telephone”, which enabled people to communicate with others without having to write anything. This was followed by the development and spread of e-mails via the internet, which was replaced by social networking services (SNS), especially among young people, and then by the era of ”online meeting”, which allowed people to send not only texts but also videos on time. Given these changes and transitions, I believe that a paradigm shift in business is inevitable. Of course, it is obvious that the advantages of face-to-face meetings exceed those of online meetings, but I believe that the business paradigm of the new era will be an era in which online meetings are primary and face-to-face meetings are secondary. The new business paradigm will be “online first, face-to-face second”, as evidenced by the fact that so many people are enjoying the “remote working” made possible by “online” on a global scale.

One cannot “read the turning point” in advance, only after the time has passed can one realize that “oh, that was the turning point”. “From the point of view of risk management, this is the “risk of time”. “Companies that fail to recognise the risks of the times will become part of the “ancien régime” (the old order) and will have to disappear into the darkness of the times.

In order to prevent this from happening, it is necessary to carry out a full-scale risk management of all risks, and the “Prelude” played by covid-19 disaster is a reminder of the fact that we are living in such an age. I believe that humanity will be able to play a great “symphony” beyond this unfortunate prelude. The fact that we have fought and defeated so many risks to our survival is proof of this.

The author believes that in order for a company to be able to play the “great symphony” of corporate growth in this environment, it is necessary to have a full-fledged risk management system that analyzes, verifies and responds to risks in a concrete manner, and that the establishment of a captive is an essential “objective” for this purpose.

Author/translator: Shinichiro Hatani