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リスク対応策 2021.10.01

RM67 キャプティブの「引力」(アイザック・ニュートン)Captive’s “gravitational pull “(Isaac Newton)

For those who prefer to read this column in English, the Japanese text is followed by a British English translation, so please scroll down to the bottom of the Japanese text.

「トラファルガー海戦」の勝利を記念して1805年に造られたロンドンの観光名所の一つ、「トラファルガー広場」。当初は同地が完成する直前に崩御した国王の名前から「ウィリアム4世広場」という名称であったが、建築家ジョージ・テイラー(George Ledwell Taylor)から「トラファルガー海戦の勝利を強く打ち出すには、名称は『トラファルガー広場』が良いのでは」との提案があり「トラファルガー広場」に変更になったと言われている。




このトラファルガー広場の北側、ナショナル・ギャラリーの裏側、オレンジストリートに面した一角にその人の住宅が嘗て存在した。現在「ウェストミンスター公立図書館(Westminster Reference Library)」となっている、「35 St Martin’s St, London WC2H 7HP」に、その人、「万有引力の法則」の発見で知られるアイザック・ニュートンの自宅が存在、1710年から亡くなる1727年まで住んでいたのである。

これまで何度か訪れた、この「数学橋」(Mathematical Bridge)は、ケンブリッジ大学クイーンズカレッジにある木製の歩道橋の俗称であり、正式名称は単に「木造橋」である。アーチのように見えるが完全に真っすぐな木材で構成されて建設されていることがその名前の由来。アイザック・ニュートン卿によって設計され、ナットやボルトを使わずに建設された」というのが、よく知られた言い伝えである。しかし、ニュートンは橋が建設される22年前の1727年に亡くなっているため、直接関与することはできなかった。

This “Mathematical Bridge”, which I have visited several times, located at Queen’s College, University of Cambridge, is the common name for a wooden pedestrian bridge, the official name being simply “Wooden Bridge”. It takes its name from the fact that it is constructed of perfectly straight timber that looks like an arch, but is constructed of perfectly straight timber.

The well-known legend is that it was designed by Sir Isaac Newton and built without nuts and bolts. However, Newton died in 1727, 22 years before the bridge was built, so he could not be directly involved.






世界の天文学、物理学の歴史を代表する2大巨星とも言える、「ガリレオ」と「ニュートン」。彼ら二人の生没に関する不思議な符号を感じるが、「ニュートン (島尾 永康  (著) 岩波書店(刊)岩波新書)によると、「長い間、首が坐らなかったので、首に支え木をつけた。とても長生きするとは思えなかった。」という誕生の姿であったが、「それが84歳まで生き、最後まで毛髪も多く、歯も一本も抜けていなかった」 とあり、当時としては非常に長命であった。

ニュートンの父は、彼の誕生の数ヶ月前に亡くなっていた。その後、母は再婚したが主に祖母に育てられたようである。しかし、再婚した夫も亡くなったためニュートン一家は母の実家の農場に戻った。農場を継いで家計を支えてくれることを期待されたニュートンは、14 歳で農場を継ぐため通っていた近所の学校をやめたが、あまり農業に精も出さず隣の薬屋から本を借りては読み耽っている姿を見た叔父が、彼の学者としての才能に気づき彼の母親に学校に戻すことを助言した。その後、学校に戻りケンブリッジ大学を代表するカレッジの一つであるトリニティ・カレッジ受験の勉強を始め、首尾良くケンブリッジ大学に入学できた。しかし、その立場は「学生」ではなく、「学校の職員として働くことで授業料や食費を免除されて学業を学ぶという身分」であった。




1684 年、後にハレー彗星の回帰年の予言で有名になるハレーがニュートンを訪ねて種々の質問したところ、即座に「明確な回答」を示したのを見たハレーは、その類い希なる見識に驚き、これまでの研究の成果を本にして出版するように勧めた。ニュートンも「研究の成果を世の中に問う機会」と捉え、その内容から「自然哲学の数学的諸原理」と日本語訳されている「プリンキピア」をその3年後の1687年に出版、それまでの物理学上の数々の発見成果を初めて公表したところ、非常に大きな評価を受けることができた。


第1巻 物体の運動について:真空中の物体の運動法則

第2巻 物体の運動について:抵抗のある媒質の中での物体の運動法則

第3巻 世界の体系について:森羅万象が「万有引力の法則」によって説明できること明示


1. 運動の第1法則:慣性の法則













正式名称「大学共同利用機関法人 自然科学研究機構 国立天文台」という長い名称のため「国立天文台」と呼ばれることが多い、日本に於ける天文学や関連する分野の研究等、「天象観測」及び「時」に関する日本の中心拠点である機構のホームページには、「2006年8月14日から25日までチェコのプラハで開かれていた国際天文学連合の総会で、『惑星の定義』が採択された」とのニュースが掲載されていた。

筆者の中学、高校時代、太陽系の惑星は「水星、金星、地球、火星、木星、土星、天王星、海王星、冥王星」と習ったが、上記の決議によって「冥王星は、太陽系の惑星の定義から外され『dwarf planet』と別のカテゴリーに規定され、太陽系の惑星は冥王星以外の8惑星」となった。
















執筆・翻訳者:羽谷 信一郎

English Translation

Risk Management(RM) 67 –  Captive’s “gravitational pull “(Isaac Newton)

“Trafalgar Square”, one of London’s most famous tourist attractions, was built in 1805 to commemorate the victory at the Battle of Trafalgar. It was originally named ‘William IV Square’ after the King who died shortly before it was completed, but the architect George Ledwell Taylor suggested that “‘Trafalgar Square’ would be a better name to emphasise the victory at the Battle of Trafalgar”. It is said that the name was changed to “Trafalgar Square”.

Until Trafalgar Square was built, this area was the royal stables. In the 1820s, King George IV commissioned the architect John Nash to redevelop the area and improve London’s expanding streetscape. It was completed after more than 20 years, but improvements have continued to be made since then.

There is a fountain in the centre of the square. When I started my “six-a-year trips to London” in 2000, the fountain was surrounded by streets on all sides, but then the Millennium London Transformation took place and the street in front of the steps leading up to the entrance of the National Gallery was blocked off, creating a large open space from the National Gallery to the fountain. At the centre of the square is a tower surrounded by four huge bronze statues of lions, erected in 1867, some 20 years after the completion of Trafalgar Square. It is a memorial to Admiral Horatio Nelson, the commander-in-chief who won the Battle of Trafalgar and was killed in action. This monument was completed in 1843, before the bronze statue of the lion. The pillar, which supports a 5.5m high statue of Nelson at the top, is 46m high and made of marble. The statue faces south towards the Palace of Westminster. Admiral Nelson’s gaze is fixed on his battle-hardened enemy, France.

Founded in the Edo period (1603-1867), Mitsui’s kimono shop was in a slump as the Meiji era (1868-1912) saw a shift from Japanese to Western clothing. In order to recover from this slump, Osuke Hibi of the Mitsui Bank became the central figure in the management reform. In 1904, he reorganized the company into Mitsukoshi Gofukuten Ltd. with the aim of transforming it into a ”modern department stores’. Two years later, he went on a tour of Europe and the United States in search of the ideal form of a department store. In London, he saw the ideal form of a department store in the famous ”Harrods” department stores, and in 1914, a year after he became chairman of Mitsukoshi, he rebuilt the Mitsukoshi department stores in the current Renaissance style. It was inspired by the lion statue in Trafalgar Square and the two lions were placed at the entrance to make Mitsukoshi a king of business.

On the north side of Trafalgar Square, behind the National Gallery and facing Orange Street, there was once a house of the man. At “35 St Martin’s St, London WC2H 7HP”, now the Westminster Reference Library, was the home of Isaac Newton, the discoverer of the law of universal gravitation, who lived there from 1710 until his death in 1727.

1. Julian and Gregorian calendars

“The Roman emperor Julius Caesar” is often referred to in Japan as Gaius Julius Caesar, the supreme divine, dictator and regent of the Roman Empire. The calendar adopted by him from 1 January 45 BC was called the Julian calendar after him, and was used in many countries for many years.

However, as the error with the “year marked by the sun” (the solar year) had become quite large, Pope Gregory XIII replaced the Julian calendar with the Gregorian calendar, which corrected the error with the solar year, from the day after 4 October 1582. However, some countries continued to use the Julian calendar after that date. The last European country to use the Julian calendar, Great Britain, adopted it in 1752, leaving only a few churches, but almost all countries now use the Gregorian calendar.

For example, the Italian astronomer Galileo Galilei, who was born on February 15, 1564 according to the Julian calendar, died on January 8, 1642 according to the Gregorian calendar, but on December 25, 1642 according to the Julian calendar, “because the years are different”. One year later, on 4 January 1643 according to the Gregorian calendar, the English physicist and astronomer Isaac Newton was born in the East of England. In Japan, this was during the Kan’ei period, when Iemitsu Tokugawa was shogun.

2. Isaac Newton’s “gravitation pull”.

Galileo and Newton are two of the most famous figures in the history of astronomy and physics in the world. I sense a curious sign about their birth and death. According to the book, “Newton (by Nagayasu Shimao, published by Iwanami Shoten, Iwanami Shinsho)”, “Since he could not sit on his neck for a long time, he put a support tree on his neck. I did not think he would live very long. But “he lived to be 84 years old, with lots of hair and not a tooth missing”.

Newton’s father had died a few months before his birth. His mother remarried and he was brought up mainly by his grandmother. However, when her husband also died, Newton’s family returned to her mother’s family farm. He was expected to take over the farm and support the family, and at the age of fourteen he left the local school to take over the farm, but when his uncle saw him reading books from a neighbouring apothecary instead of farming, he recognised his talent as a scholar and advised his mother to send him back to school. He returned to school and began to study for the entrance examination to Trinity College, one of the leading colleges of Cambridge University, and was successfully admitted. However, his status was not that of a student, but that of an employee of the school, who was exempted from tuition and board fees to study.

He had been struggling to make ends meet, but gradually, fate began to smile on him. At Cambridge, he met a “good teacher” who would determine his future. The mathematician Isaac Burrow, a distinguished professor at Cambridge University, was his mentor. He was the Lucasian Professor of Mathematics, the highest professorship in mathematics at Cambridge, made famous by Stephen Hawking’s appointment in 1980, and was a very powerful man. His high regard for Newton’s talents led to his appointment as a ‘Scholar’, which gave him the opportunity to devote himself to his research, free from the drudgery of his work. In 1669, in recognition of Newton’s exceptional talent, he handed over the Lucasian professorship to Newton and became professor of theology himself. Without his support, the “Newton of today” would not have been born. It was also Newton’s luck to be blessed with people. Newton’s “gravitational force” must have attracted people to him.

Nearly two years on, the world is still battling the “covid-19″, an infectious disease that began early last year, but in Newton’s day it was the ” plague “, a 14th century pandemic that killed a third of Europe’s population. Hygiene was poor in Europe at the time, and this led to frequent outbreaks. Newton was a student at Cambridge University, which was closed twice between 1665 and 1666. The plague was a blessing in disguise, however, as it allowed Newton to return home and devote himself to his research. During this time he discovered the law of universal gravitation, the infinite series of logarithms, and perfected differential and integral calculus. Newton did not feel that the “hard” situation was “just hard”, but he used his time effectively to make himself “hard = big change”.

3. “Principia”.

In 1684, Halley, who later became famous for his prediction of the return year of Halley’s Comet, visited Newton and asked him a number of questions, to which Newton immediately gave him “definite answers”. Halley was amazed at his extraordinary insight and encouraged him to publish the results of his research in a book. Newton also saw it as “an opportunity to present the results of his research to the world”. Three years later, in 1687, he published his Principia, which has been translated into Japanese as “Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy” from its contents. It was the first publication of his many discoveries in physics, and was very well received.

According to the book “Reading the Principia” (“How did Newton prove universal gravitation?” by Sumio Wada, published by Kodansha (Blue Books)), the Principia, in three volumes, is written in Latin and the main points of each volume are as follows

Volume 1: On the Motion of Objects: The Laws of Motion of Objects in a Vacuum

Volume 2: On the Motion of Objects: The Laws of Motion of Objects in a Medium of Resistance

Volume 3: The system of the world: how the law of universal gravitation can explain all things.

The famous “fundamental laws of mechanics”, known as “Newton’s three laws”, are stated in the Principia in Volume 1, after the definition of terms.

1. first law of motion: the law of inertia

A stationary object will remain at rest unless a force is applied to it, and all objects will remain at rest or in constant motion in a straight line unless a force applied to them causes them to change their state.

2. Second law of motion: Equation of motion

The change in the quantity of motion (= mass x velocity) is proportional to the applied force.

3. 3rd law of motion: law of action-reaction

For every action (= force), there is a reaction of equal magnitude and opposite direction. In other words, an object subjected to a force will produce a reaction which is opposite to the action but of the same value.

4. “Newton’s three laws”.

“The three laws of motion”, also known as “Newtonian mechanics”, form the theoretical background to the operations of many companies, from the modern world to space exploration. The automotive industry, for example, is divided into three major components: the engine, the car body and the electronic control. All of these technical fields are based on Newton’s three laws.

It is important to note that these laws, which run through the universe, not only create things, but also specify the interrelationship between subject and object. This law also exists in the relationship between man and man, which is one of the “all things in the universe”, and between companies and companies. This is because a law is called a law because it has universal validity.

Recently, in Japan, a financial institution tried to take over another financial institution (i.e. an action), but the acquirer tried to prevent it with “equal force” (i.e. a reaction). Of course, the acquirer anticipates that the acquired party will act in defence, but it is important to recognise that the law of action-reaction creates a “‘reaction’ of equal force” to the action. This is because “the force exerted by the acquirer is returned with an equal force”.

The “attacker” mainly targets the “weakness” of the “opponent”, but has he considered the “defensive measures” in the knowledge that he will be counterattacked with the same force as the attacker? “It seems to me that we often see only the weaknesses of our opponents and neglect to consider our own weaknesses when we are counterattacked. Very recently, the world’s second largest insurance broker (insurance agent) tried to take over the third largest company and become a giant. Despite the considerable cost and time involved, and the fact that the success rate of the takeover was described by many in the media as “very high”, it somehow fizzled out in the final stages. In the end, the deal fell apart and the world was told that a huge amount of money had been thrown away.

This is the case not only in takeover battles, but in many other business activities as well. I believe that this is a result of the lack of “”risk management techniques” in business strategy, and of business activities where business strategy and risk management are managed separately.

5.The gravitational pull of the captive

The official name of ”Inter-University Research Institute Corporation, National Institutes of Natural Sciences, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan”, which is often referred to as ”the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ)” because of its long name, is Japan’s central centre and “brain” for astronomy and related research, as well as “astronomical observation” and “time” in Japan. In the homepage of the organization, there was a news that “The definition of a planet was adopted at the General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union held in Prague, Czech Republic from August 14 to 25, 2006”.

In my junior and senior high school days, I learned that the planets of the solar system were Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, but by the above resolution, “Pluto has been removed from the definition of the planets of the solar system and placed in a separate category, ‘dwarf planet’, and the planets of the solar system are the eight planets other than Pluto”.

The preamble to the “International Astronomical Union Resolution: Definition of the Planets of the Solar System” on the above website gives the following explanation

Modern observations are changing our understanding of the planetary system and it is important that the names we use for the objects reflect this new understanding. This is particularly true of the ‘planets’. The name “planet” was originally used to mean a “bewildering star”, based solely on the characteristic of a point of light wandering across the celestial sphere. With the recent discoveries, we have decided to give a new definition of a planet based on the scientific information available to date.

Planets are stars that do not emit light themselves, but reflect the light of the Sun, while the stars we see in the night sky are stars that shine by themselves, or fixed stars. The Sun is the only fixed star in our solar system, and the Moon is the satellite that orbits the Sun, the Earth and the planets.

Since ancient times, the relationship between the moon and the earth has been the theme of many stories, but with the development of astronomy and physics, it has become clear that the existence of the moon has a great influence on various natural phenomena on earth, as well as on human life. This is the work of universal gravitation.

When we say “universal gravitational force”, we can naturally assume that a company is also an Entity and therefore has a gravitational force. Up to now, the “gravitational force” has been studied and discussed in relation to objects with mass, but there is also the idea of the “gravitational force of the company”.

Not only in terms of the physically measurable force of attraction, but also in terms of the Entity, which is not measurable by modern science, but which is not a physical force of action, but an ‘attraction’ that works in the world of consciousness.

“Establishing a captive as a dedicated insurance subsidiary” has been proven to have a significant effect on risk management, but it can also be used as a conscious force of attraction in business management. Many companies that have set up captives have seen an improvement in their loss ratios and profits. The Moon (captive) is placed outside the Earth (company), and the Moon (captive) acts as a mutual force of attraction. “There are many things that can be seen through a captive that cannot be seen through a company (the earth). We believe that we can expand the usefulness of captives from a mere means of insurance arrangement.

Summary of this issue

When Newton was asked how he could make so many discoveries, he said, “The solution of a problem is not the result of a sudden flash of inspiration, but of constant and continuous thought”. This is exactly the same as Edison’s famous quote: “Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% effort”.

Galileo made an objective analysis of “motion”, but he did not analyze “what causes that motion and why”. Isaac Newton, who was born one year after Galileo Galilei, analyzed the relationship between “motion” and its cause, “force”, which Galileo did not analyze, and made it clear as a law. As a fundamental principle of science, he showed that there is a relationship between two phenomena that appear to be completely different.

“In Newtonian mechanics”, I pay attention to the aforementioned “law of action-reaction” and the “law of universal gravitation”. When we hear the word “universal gravitation”, most people think of the Earth, the Moon, the Sun and other bodies in outer space, but the word “universal” naturally means that the law should be universal to “all subjects and objects on the Earth”.

Newton discovered that gravitation and gravity work on all things. It is the force of all things, the “universal” force. Newton’s law of universal gravitation states that all things are attracted to each other and that their magnitude is proportional to their mass and inversely proportional to the square of their distance. Gravity acts on two things, and the law of action-reaction also holds. In other words, “gravity = proportionality coefficient x mass 1 x mass 2 / distance squared”, and this proportionality coefficient is called Newton’s universal gravitational constant.

The equation derived from this is “gravity = universal gravitational constant x mass 1 x mass 2 x distance squared”. Because it is “universal”, this law applies to human beings, as well as to the organisations, companies, associations and any “collective” of which human beings are a part. Shouldn’t we think so in our corporate activities?

In order to do so, we need to put at the heart of our corporate activities a corporate strategy, a “risk management” that measures “gravitation force”. That is why Global Link recommends full-scale risk management, with the goal of establishing captives.

Newton was described as a “gentle man”, but when it came to criticism of him, he was quite forceful in his opposition, demonstrating the power of “reaction” as only the discoverer of the “law of action-reaction” can. Even if someone came up with an original idea, he would not respect it unless it was a “finished product”. Christopher Wren, the architect, was the only person to whom he paid great respect, and I will discuss his relationship with Newton in my next article.

Author/translator: Shinichiro Hatani