キャプティブ 2022.01.14
For those who prefer to read this column in English, the Japanese text is followed by a British English translation, so please scroll down to the bottom of the Japanese text.
当時CIGNAは、60階建ての本社ビルを2本、国際本部、国内本部としてフィラデルフィアの中心街に有していた。以前のコラムに記したが、フィラデルフィア本社で面接を終えた際、「CIGNA Museum(シグナ・ミュージアム(博物館))に連れて行ってあげなさい」とCEOに指示された副社長(EVP)に、その一つのビルの中にあった「シグナ・ミュージアム」に連れて行かれたことがある。「これが、1792年、当社最初の保険証券、ロンドンからフィラデルフィアへの航海中の貨物にかかわる海上保険証券です」と見せられ、伝統と格式を強く感じた。
People walking along the roadway after the 1906 San Francisco earthquake, when the only way to get around was on foot.
The two similarly shaped 60-storey skyscrapers on the left of the photo are CIGNA’s buildings in Philadelphia, one housing the National Headquarters and the other the International Headquarters, and my room was on the 50th floor of the latter. It is a picture that shows how huge CIGNA was and how great the company was.
the 2020 edition of the National Seismic Hazard Map
Probabilistic seismic prediction map
Probability of experiencing an earthquake of intensity 6 lower or greater in the next 30 years
Source: “the 2020 edition of the National Seismic Hazard Map”(the Headquarters for Earthquake Research Promotion)
先週の「コラム」(CA32 「富士山噴火」に備えるキャプティブ)に、「2021年10月から12月に掛けて放映されたTBSのドラマ『日曜劇場』『日本沈没ー希望のひとー』、筆者もその引き込まれるような物語の展開に毎週欠かさず見ていたが、その最終回で、『富士山が大噴火するシーン』が描かれていたのが印象的であった。」と記したが、もう一つ印象的なシーンが「富士山の大噴火後、その『フォッサマグナ』を中心にして日本列島が二つに裂けて海中に没していく場面」であった。
(出典:「気象庁ホームページ」)(Source: Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA )website)
(1) 首都直下のM7クラスの地震 【都心南部直下地震(Mw7.3)】(30年間に70%の確率で発生) 防災対策の主眼を置く
(2) 相模トラフ沿いのM8クラスの地震 【大正関東地震タイプの地震(Mw8.2)】(当面発生する可能性は低い) 長期的視野に立った対策の実施
1.地震の揺れによる被害 (1) 揺れによる全壊家屋:約175,000棟 建物倒壊による死者:最大 約11,000人 (2) 揺れによる建物被害に伴う要救助者:最大 約72,000人 |
2.市街地火災の多発と延焼 (1) 焼失: 最大 約412,000棟、 建物倒壊等と合わせ最大 約610,000棟 (2) 死者: 最大 約 16,000人、 建物倒壊等と合わせ最大 約 23,000人 |
3.インフラ・ライフライン等の被害 (1) 電力:発災直後は都区部の約5割が停電。供給能力が5割程度に落ち、1週間以上不安定な状況が続く (2) 通信:固定電話・携帯電話とも、輻輳のため、9割の通話規制が1日以上継続。メールは遅配が生じる可能性。携帯基地局の非常用電源が切れると停波。 (3) 上下水道:都区部で約5割が断水。約1割で下水道の使用ができない。 (4) 交通:地下鉄は1週間、私鉄・在来線は1か月程度、運行停止する可能性。主要路線の道路啓開には、少なくとも1~2日を要し、その後、緊急交通路として使用。都区部の一般道はガレキによる狭小、放置車両等の発生で交通麻痺が発生。 (5) 港湾:非耐震岸壁では、多くの施設で機能が確保できなくなり、復旧には数か月を要す。 (6) 燃料:油槽所・製油所において備蓄はあるものの、タンクローリーの確保、深刻な渋滞により、非常用発電用の重油を含め、軽油、ガソリン、灯油とも末端までの供給が困難となる。 |
4.経済的被害 (1) 建物等の直接被害:約47兆円 (2) 生産・サービス低下の被害:約48兆円 合計:約95兆円 |
執筆・翻訳者:羽谷 信一郎
English Translation
Captive (CA) 33 – Captives prepared for a major earthquake striking the Tokyo metropolitan area
At the foreign non-life insurance company I joined after graduating from university, I was given a pivotal position at the head office, overseeing the corporate insurance sector nationwide at a young age, and was blessed with excellent superiors and subordinates. The company was the largest foreign non-life insurance company in Japan, with more than 2,000 employees even at that time, and was larger than a medium-sized non-life insurance company in comparison with Japanese non-life insurance companies. However, the “head office” was only the “head office in Japan”, and there was a “real head office” in New York that controlled the whole world. I don’t know if it’s appropriate to call it “chopsticks up and down”, but I was in the “pivotal position of the head office”, feeling a bit suffocated while being controlled by the New York head office.
I was still in my thirties and had been traveling to the New York head office every year since I was a new employee, so I had many opportunities to get to know the executives there. Although his close friends and acquaintances consoled him, he challenged himself to go abroad, saying “I really want to work in the global non-life insurance field. CIGNA Corporation, one of the largest insurance companies in the world at the time, approached me and I was fortunate enough to have an interview with a senior executive at their headquarters in Philadelphia, USA.
In the winter of the same year, my boss said to me, “Since you are Japanese, I think it would be better for you to have a New Year holiday rather than a Christmas holiday”, so at the end of 1994, I went back to Japan for a holiday. I had planned to take a flight back to Philadelphia the following year on a flight on 20 January 1995 to enjoy the “Japanese New Year”.
Just then, on January 17th, the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake struck. The early morning television reports continued to show the horrific extent of the damage. When I contacted the president of the Japan office, he said that he would immediately go to Osaka to assess the damage and investigate the payment of insurance claims. I asked him how he was going to get there in such a situation, and he replied that neither the bullet train nor cars were available, but that he had finally chartered two helicopters to take pictures from the sky, which would be used to assess the damage and prepare to pay the insurance claim as soon as possible.
At the time, CIGNA had two 60-story buildings in downtown Philadelphia, one for its international headquarters and one for its national headquarters. As I mentioned in a previous column, after an interview at the Philadelphia headquarters, I was taken to the CIGNA Museum in one of the buildings by the EVP, who was instructed by the CEO to take me to the CIGNA Museum. He showed me “This is our first insurance policy, a marine insurance policy for a cargo on a voyage from London to Philadelphia in 1792”.
At that time, I was surprised by the depth of CIGNA. This was in response to the San Francisco earthquake of April 18, 1906, one of the most devastating natural disasters to ever hit a major US city, with damage totalling about $10 billion (¥1.1 trillion) in today’s terms. Many insurance companies in the US did not pay out on the basis of a clause stating that fire insurance would not cover buildings destroyed by the quake, but a poster on the wall of the CIGNA Museum read: “INA (the predecessor of CIGNA) paid out on all fire insurance policies in the San Francisco earthquake.”
I still remember the phone call I had six months later with the president of this Japanese office, who was impressed that the spirit of the poster I had seen in the US had taken root in Japan.
1. Headquarters for Earthquake Research Promotion
The Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake of 17 January 1995, which killed 6,434 people and destroyed over 100,000 buildings, was the most devastating earthquake in post-war history, but it also brought to light structural problems within the Japanese government concerning earthquake disaster prevention measures, which were not centralised and had no “control tower”.
In July of the same year, the Headquarters for Earthquake Research Promotion (abbreviated “Earthquake Headquarters”) was established in the Prime Minister’s Office (now part of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology) as “a government agency to promote comprehensive earthquake disaster prevention measures throughout Japan and to centralise earthquake research throughout the country”.
The figure below shows the 2020 edition of the National Seismic Hazard Map, which has been cited by many in the mass media and has been seen by many people, states that “the probability of earthquakes of intensity 6 lower occurring in the next 30 years” is based on “the National Seismic Hazard Map, which is a combination of “earthquake motion prediction maps that identify the source fault’ based on detailed strong motion assessments for specific earthquake scenarios”.
2. Types of earthquakes
Earthquakes can be divided into two general categories: trench earthquakes (plate boundary earthquakes) and fault earthquakes (direct earthquakes).
Trench earthquakes (plate boundary earthquakes) are earthquakes that occur at the boundary between two tectonic plates. As shown in the figure below, geologically speaking, the Japanese archipelago is divided by the boundary between the Eurasian Plate and the North American Plate, and by the Fossa Magna, which is the Great Rift Valley. The western half of the Japanese archipelago is on the Eurasian Plate and the eastern half, including Hokkaido, is on the North American Plate.
In last week’s column (CA32: Captives prepare for Mt Fuji eruption), the author wrote: “I watched the TBS drama “Sinking of Japan: A Man of Hope” from October to December 2021 without fail. Fuji erupting in the final episode. After Fuji erupted, the Japanese archipelago split in two around the “Fossa Magna” and was submerged in the sea.
This scene of the Japanese Islands being ripped apart was probably inspired by the fact that the Japanese Islands are made up of two separate plates, the Eurasian Plate and the North American Plate, and that when each of the two plates moves, the Japanese Islands should be ripped apart and most of them submerged in the sea.
The western half of the Japanese archipelago, where the Philippine Sea Plate on the sea side sinks into the Eurasian Plate, which is the foundation that forms Kyushu to western Japan, is the Nankai Trough, and it is a place where there is concern about the occurrence of a huge Nankai Trough Great Earthquake. To the east of the Fossa Magna, Hokkaido and the eastern half of the Japanese archipelago is the North American Plate, and where the Philippine Sea Plate sinks into the North American Plate is the Sagami Trough, which has caused many earthquakes and disasters in the Kanto region, including the Great Kanto Earthquake.
The Pacific Plate is subducted by the North American Plate in the Kuril Islands Trench and the Japan Trench, where there are fears of a massive trench-type earthquake of the magnitude of the Great East Japan Earthquake.
The Kanto region is on the North American Plate, but the Great Kanto Earthquake was a “trench earthquake” in that the epicentre was the Sagami Trough, which was formed at the boundary of the Philippine Sea Plate going under the North American Plate.
Although it is often overshadowed by the Nankai Trough earthquake because of the size of the estimated damage and the spread of damage across the country, it is undeniable that we need to take every possible precaution to prepare for an earthquake directly below the Tokyo metropolitan area, which would hit the entire Kanto region, causing enormous damage to the capital city of Japan and possibly taking away the functions of the Japanese capital. But we are not fully prepared. However, it seems that there is not enough preparation for this.
3. Penetration of earthquake insurance in the personal insurance sector
With regard to the penetration rate of earthquake insurance in the personal insurance sector, the Non-Life Insurance Rating Organization of Japan(NLIRO) provides statistics on the subscription rate. According to the “Non-Life Insurance Rating Organization of Japan Statistics on Earthquake Insurance for 2020”, the household subscription rate for earthquake insurance in Japan in 2020 is only 33.9%. In Miyagi Prefecture, which was hit hard by the Great East Japan Earthquake, only 51.9% of households have earthquake insurance, in Iwate Prefecture 25.9%, and in Tokyo, where there are fears of an earthquake striking the Tokyo metropolitan area, only 37.7% have earthquake insurance.
As I have written in my previous columns, there is no such thing as “earthquake insurance”, and insurance that provides “compensation for earthquake risk” consists of a fire insurance policy as the “main policy”, to which is added a “special clause to compensate for earthquake risk” (special clause to compensate for earthquake risk). In other words, if the take-up rate of fire insurance, which is the main policy, is low, the take-up rate of the special clause for earthquake risk compensation, commonly known as “earthquake insurance”, will also be low. In other words, the low take-up rate of fire insurance in the first place is reflected in the low take-up rate of earthquake insurance.
What proportion of households that have purchased fire insurance have also purchased earthquake insurance (special clause for earthquake risk compensation)? Similarly, the above-mentioned subscription statistics show that, for households that have purchased fire insurance, the rate of earthquake insurance attached to that fire insurance is 68.3%. In Miyagi Prefecture, which was severely damaged by the Great East Japan Earthquake, a whopping 87.5% of households that purchased fire insurance purchased “earthquake insurance”. However, the figure for Tokyo, which was far from the epicentre of the earthquake, was a low 61.7%, suggesting that earthquake preparedness is weak.
4. Penetration of earthquake insurance in the corporate insurance sector
Earthquake insurance in the private insurance sector is underwritten by non-life insurance companies, but ultimately the government underwrites all risks in the form of reinsurance. For this reason, public institutions such as the Non-Life Insurance Rating Organization of Japan(NLIRO)keep detailed statistics on earthquake insurance, but there are no such detailed statistics on earthquake insurance in the corporate insurance sector, as the government does not underwrite reinsurance and it depends on the underwriting capacity of each non-life insurance company (i.e. its ability to procure overseas earthquake reinsurance).
However, a survey conducted by the government and the Cabinet Office in 2017 showed that “36% of large companies and less than 10% of small and medium-sized companies had earthquake insurance at the time of the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011”. This explains why only a dozen percent of the more than ¥2 trillion in economic losses caused by the disaster were covered. Although the number of companies purchasing earthquake insurance has increased since then, the reality is that many companies still do not have earthquake insurance, and unfortunately, their preparedness for an impending major earthquake is weak.
5. Major earthquake directly below the Tokyo metropolitan area
In order to review the government’s response to the Great East Japan Earthquake, which caused enormous damage, and to strengthen disaster prevention measures in preparation for large-scale disasters such as earthquakes directly below the Tokyo metropolitan area, and earthquakes in the Tokai, Tonankai, and Nankai regions (the “triple-linked great earthquakes”), as well as heavy rainfall disasters, the Government of Japan established the “Council for Promotion of Disaster Prevention Measures” as a new specialized subcommittee at the Central Disaster Management Council on October 11, 2011. With regard to earthquakes directly beneath the Tokyo metropolitan area, on March 7, 2012, the Disaster Prevention Promotion Council decided to establish a Working Group to Study Measures for Earthquakes Directly Below the Tokyo Metropolitan Area.
According to the “Summary of the Final Report of the Working Group on Countermeasures for Earthquakes Directly Beneath the Tokyo Metropolitan Area” published on 19 December 2013, the government has identified two types of earthquakes as “earthquakes directly beneath the Tokyo metropolitan area”: (1) fault-based earthquakes, which are generally caused by the movement of faults directly beneath residential areas, and (2) trench-based earthquakes, which are caused by the movement of the Sagami Trough, as in the Great Kanto Earthquake. These two types of earthquakes are called “earthquakes directly under the Tokyo metropolitan area”, and their damage is assumed as follows.
(1) M7 class earthquake directly below the Tokyo metropolitan area (Mw7.3) (70% probability of occurrence in 30 years) (70% probability of occurrence in 30 years) ・・・・・ The main focus of disaster prevention measures
(2) M8 class earthquake along the Sagami Trough [Taisho Kanto Earthquake type earthquake (Mw 8.2)] (Low probability of occurrence for the time being) ・・・・・ Implementation of measures from a long-term perspective
The following is a summary of the damage estimates (human and physical damage).
1. Damage caused by earthquake shaking
(1) Totally destroyed houses due to tremors: approx. 175,000 |
2. High incidence and spread of urban fires (1) Burned: Max. 412,000 houses, Max. 610,000 houses including collapsed buildings (2) Death toll: Max. 16,000, Max. 23,000 including collapsed buildings |
3. Damage to infrastructure and lifelines (1) Electricity: Immediately after the disaster, approximately 50% of the Tokyo metropolitan area was without power. The supply capacity dropped to about 50%, and the situation remained unstable for more than a week. (2) Telecommunications: 90% of fixed-line and mobile phone calls will be restricted for at least one day due to congestion. There is a possibility of late delivery of e-mails. Mobile phone service will be suspended when the emergency power supply of mobile base stations is cut. (3) Water supply and sewerage: Water supply has been cut off in about 50% of metropolitan areas. Sewerage is not available in about 10% of the city. (4) Transportation: Subway service may be suspended for one week, private railways and conventional lines for about one month. It will take at least one or two days to clear the roads on major routes, after which they will be used for emergency traffic. General roads in the metropolitan area will be narrow due to debris, and traffic will be paralyzed due to abandoned vehicles. (5) Ports and Harbours: Many of the non-seismic quays will not be able to function, and it will take several months to restore them. (6) Fuel: Although there are stockpiles at oil depots and refineries, it will be difficult to secure tank lorries and supply light oil, gasoline and paraffin to the end of the line, including heavy oil for emergency power generation, due to severe traffic congestion. |
4. Economic damage (1) Direct damage to buildings, etc.: approx. 47 trillion yen (2) Damage to production and services: approx. 48 trillion yen Total: approx. 95 trillion yen |
6. Reasons for the low level of earthquake insurance penetration
As the Government’s Headquarters for Earthquake Research Promotion has officially stated, the probability of a major earthquake with the potential to cause enormous damage is high, yet the take-up rate of earthquake insurance remains low. What are the reasons for this? In the Tokyo metropolitan area, the individual insurance sector is the most important. In the Tokyo metropolitan area, the premiums for earthquake insurance in the personal insurance field are about four to five times higher than those for fire insurance, the main policy. For corporate earthquake insurance, where the sum insured is very large, the earthquake insurance premiums are very high. However, the earthquake insurance premiums are not determined without any rationale or reason, but are a “premium for risk”.
The same applies to earthquake insurance premiums in the corporate insurance sector. In the case of the captive that Global Link consulted on setting up and managing, the premium for the main fire insurance policy was 20 million yen, compared to 280 million yen for the earthquake insurance policy, a difference of more than 10 times.
If the premiums for earthquake insurance was non-refundable insurance, would the insured have purchased earthquake insurance? The answer would be “no”. The client’s reason for buying earthquake insurance was that “the establishment of the captive reduced the real cost of earthquake insurance, so we made the decision to buy it”.
By establishing a captive, one of the world’s largest foreign reinsurance companies will underwrite reinsurance from the captive. This means that one of the world’s largest foreign reinsurers will ultimately underwrite the earthquake risk. Furthermore, the premium for the risk underwritten by the world’s largest overseas reinsurer, i.e. the “reinsurance premium from the captive”, is 80 million yen. As a result, “the full ¥280 million in premiums will not be non-refundable”, but the resulting “internal domestic and external foreign price differential” will generate over ¥200 million annually for the captive.
Summary of this issue
In the book “The Earthquake Directly Below the Tokyo Metropolitan Area and the Nankai Trough” (MdN Shinsho), written by Professor Emeritus Hiroki Kamata of Kyoto University, there is the following sentence
Since the Japanese archipelago has become a “moving land”, each of us who live there must accept this fact and “awaken”. We need to think and act differently than we have in the past.
Despite Japan being a country of earthquakes and tsunamis, it remains difficult for companies to secure the high levels of coverage they require from the standard earthquake insurance products sold by domestic non-life insurers. On the other hand, the huge underwriting capacity of overseas insurance markets makes it possible to obtain high value coverage at low cost, which cannot be provided by general corporate earthquake insurance products in Japan.
The General Insurance Association of Japan’s Code of Conduct states that “the social mission of the non-life insurance business is to facilitate the smooth operation of a mutual assistance system that contributes to the realization of a safe, secure and sustainable society and to the stabilization and improvement of the economy and people’s lives”.
In other words, the social mission of non-life insurance companies is “not to provide coverage only to one particular company, but to provide coverage to a wide range of individuals and companies in Japan. It cannot be the case that they can only meet the needs of one company. That is why the role of a captive that serves only one company is so important.
Furthermore, as mentioned above, by securing reinsurance for the captive from overseas insurance markets through captives established overseas, the difference in premiums between the primary insurer and the overseas insurer becomes the captive’s profit.
Global Link’s Solution Captive® Program is a program that enables the world’s largest reinsurers and Japan’s largest insurers (primary insurers) to work together using a captive as a ‘coupler’ to provide seemingly impossible ‘coverage’ at a low cost, much like the ‘double-coupled operation’ (commonly known as ‘dragonfly coupling’) of two or more steam locomotives to cross a steep mountain before the advent of electric locomotives. In the same way that the world’s largest reinsurers and Japan’s largest insurers (primary insurers) use captives as ‘couplers’ to link and link together to provide seemingly impossible ‘coverage’ at low cost.
Reports of weakened Omicron strains and vaccinations that have reduced the severity of the disease have increased the number of infections but prevenIn order to prepare for the next huge risks, such as a major earthquake directly beneath the Tokyo metropolitan area or a huge earthquake in the Nankai Trough, we should follow the warning of Professor Emeritus Hiroki Kamata of Kyoto University, who said, “We need to think and act differently from the past”. It would be a good opportunity to consider the establishment of a captive with new ideas.
Author/translator: Shinichiro Hatani