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キャプティブ 2022.10.14

CA42 「オレンジ計画」が示唆するキャプティブの効用

For those who prefer to read this column in English, the Japanese text is followed by a British English translation, so please scroll down to the bottom of the Japanese text.


この単語の意味は「偶発性、偶然性、不確実性」であるが、欧米企業では、実務的に「まさか=不測の事態」という意味で使われ、「contingency plan:コンティンジェンシー・プラン」という熟語で使われることが多い。











だが、間違っていたのは後の総理大臣、豊富な戦いの経験を有する東條陸相であり、戦いを知らない平均年齢33歳の若者達の予測の方が見事に的中したのである。日露戦争において、東郷平八郎 連合艦隊司令長官は、秋山真之参謀の綿密な「机上演習」に全幅の信頼を置き、作戦行動をとった。しかし、昭和の日本軍は机上演習の結果を歪め、無視した。その「日本軍の組織的特性はその欠陥も含めて、戦後の日本の組織に概ね継承された」と言われている。




1941年12月7日(日本時間12月8日)の真珠湾攻撃により始まった太平洋戦争。日独伊三国軍事同盟に反対、米国との開戦にも反対した、当時の連合艦隊司令長官 山本五十六の「1年や1年半は存分に暴れてみせますが」との言葉よりも早く、米軍の大反攻が開戦より半年後には中部太平洋上の島、ガダルカナル島で始まった。







このオレンジ・プランとは、第一次世界大戦の前から1930年代に掛けて立案された「日本との戦争に対処するための米国海軍の戦争計画、コンティンジェンシー・プラン」のことである。交戦する可能性のある当時の五大国を色分けして計画され、1924年陸海軍合同会議(Joint Army and Navy Board)において採用された。








10年程前、日本でも多くの企業が揃って「BCP(事業継続計画)」の策定をおこなった。そのきっかけとなった事象が「東日本大震災」であることは論を待たないであろう。このBCPとは、災害などの緊急事態における「事業継続計画(Business Continuity Planning)」のことであるが、そのリスクの最たる事象、大地震が「東日本大震災」として起きたからである。



企業は「事業をおこない収益を上げ成長していく」、いわゆる「継続企業の前提」(Going Concern:ゴーイング・コンサーン)である。そのためには、「事業のことを常に中心に考えて行くことが使命」とも言える。しかし、事業には、その事業そのものが「孕むリスク」(内部リスク)と「遭遇するリスク」(外部リスク)が必ず付いて回る。



執筆・翻訳者:羽谷 信一郎

English Translation

Captive (CA) 42 – War Plan Orange suggests the benefits of captives.

Contingency is an English word. I have never seen it in university entrance exams or in university English classes, but at the major foreign non-life insurance company I joined, it is a word spoken and heard almost every day.

The word means “contingency, chance, uncertainty”, but in Western companies it is practically used to mean “no-way = contingency” and is often used in the idiom “contingency plan”.

A contingency plan is “a set of preliminary measures to be taken by a company and its employees to restore the affected business to normal operations as quickly as possible in the event of an unforeseen situation and to minimise damage” and is a component of a business continuity plan (BCP), but in Japan there is no detailed contingency plan and BCPs (Business Continuity Plans) tend to be formulated in a “general framework”, with the aim of “not only responding to emergencies but also ensuring business continuity or early recovery”, without going through the formulation of a detailed contingency plan, so that the “general theory is excellent” but the “plan cannot respond in an actual emergency”.

However, in Japan, BCPs (Business Continuity Plans) tend to be formulated in a ‘general framework’, wit “not only to respond to emergencies, but also to continue or quickly restore business”, without going through the formulation of a detailed contingency plan, so that the general theory is “excellent” but the plan tends to be “a plan that cannot respond in the event of an actual emergency”.

For this reason, companies that are advanced in risk management often set up captives with the idea of “putting the captive at the heart of risk management”.

This is because it is difficult to formulate a contingency plan in the true sense of the term if risks are simply hedged with an external insurance company, without examining and verifying the risks in detail in-house. This is because owning a captive allows for a clear distinction between “risks to be owned” and “risks to be transferred” and a detailed response to these risks.

1.” The Cabinet Institute for Total War”.

War is “the arena in which countries, which can be described as the pinnacle of organisation, compete for survival by investing the total power of people, goods and money”. In “CS10 ‘Cabinet Total War Institute'”, posted in this column on 1 April 2020, I drew on “Defeat in the Summer of 1941” (Naoki Inose, Chuko Bunko) and wrote: “How Japan had no contingency plan before the war”.

In April 1941, the Japanese government established the Institute for the Study of Total War to study the “consequences of a Japanese war”.

The students, who became “ministers” in a “mock cabinet” for the exercise, analysed various data on military, diplomatic, economic and other issues, and predicted the development of the war. Therefore, going to war would destroy Japan, and victory would be impossible. The results of the research and critique of the “desk exercises” were presented at the Prime Minister’s official residence over two days on 27 and 28 August 1941, in front of then Prime Minister Fumimaro Konoe, then Minister of Army Hideki Tojo, and other government and military officials.

At the end of the workshop, Minister Tojo took the podium and said: “I appreciate your research, but this is only a desk exercise, and the actual war is not what you think it is. In the Russo-Japanese War, our Empire did not think it could win. But we won.” and in “Defeat in the Summer of 1941” (Naoki Inose, Chuko Bunko).

However, it was the future Prime Minister and Minister of Army Tojo, with his wealth of battle experience, who was wrong, and the predictions of the young men, with an average age of 33, who knew nothing of warfare, were more accurate. During the Russo-Japanese War, Commander-in-Chief of the Combined Fleet Heihachiro Togo placed full trust in the meticulous “desk exercises” of his chief of staff, Masayuki Akiyama, and took operational action. However, the Japanese Army of the Showa period distorted and ignored the results of the desk exercises. The organisational characteristics of the Japanese Army, including its deficiencies, are said to have been largely inherited by post-war Japanese organisations.

The author worked in the Japanese subsidiary of a foreign non-life insurance company, then in the captive division of the US headquarters of the world’s largest insurance company, and from 1997, “after the financial Big Bang”, for 13 years as a management consultant to the non-life insurance business of a Japanese life insurance company, and thereafter to traditional Japanese non-life insurance companies and Japan’s largest mutual insurance organisations. I was very surprised at the absence of this “contingency plan concept “, which was taken for granted in Western companies, but as I have seen and heard about the subsequent setbacks of Japanese companies of global scale, I have the impression that the same may be true of many Japanese companies. I am deeply moved by this.

3. the naval war order

The Pacific War began with the attack on Pearl Harbour on 7 December 1941 (8 December Japan time). The US military counter-offensive began on the Central Pacific Island of Guadalcanal six months after the outbreak of the war, even earlier than the words of the then Commander-in-Chief of the Combined Fleet, Isoroku Yamamoto, who opposed the Tripartite Pact and the outbreak of war with the US, “I will rampage to the fullest for a year or a year and a half”.

Strategies are often formulated based on “success stories”. The same was true of the Imperial Japanese Navy. The central idea of the “Kaisen Yomu Rei”, which was based on the great victory at the Battle of the Sea of Japan in the Russo-Japanese War, was the principle of big picture artillery and fleet decisive battles. Since its enactment in 1901, it has been revised five times in response to subsequent changes in circumstances, but its central idea remained unchanged despite the great power of aircraft in the victory at Pearl Harbour.

The Russo-Japanese War was fought in the Sea of Japan, where the oncoming enemy was destroyed. But the battlefields of the Pacific War were thousands of kilometres away from Japan. The strategy of the Navy, the “Naval Warfare Directive”, which was constructed for the “Sea of Japan, Japan’s inland sea”, was fatally flawed in terms of “strategic vision” for the conduct of the wider war over the Pacific, but in the Navy, it became the bible for the conduct of the war.

The central idea of “Kaisen Yo-mu Rei” was the principle of “big guns” and “fleet decisiveness”. Since its enactment in 1901, it has been revised five times in response to subsequent changes in circumstances, but its central idea remained unchanged despite the great power of aircraft in the victory at Pearl Harbour.

It did not envisage “logistics”, the supply transport of men, weapons and provisions, which was a major issue in the formulation of strategy. Japan ignored this most important strategic factor in the expansion of the war front, and simply expanded the battlefield.

But this is not something that happened 80 years ago. The phrase “restructuring the business, returning to the core business” always appears in the turnaround models of many companies that have gone bankrupt, even today. The reason why the author is mentioning facts from more than 80 years ago is because he believes that these facts are still inherited in Japan’s corporate society.

4. the orange plan

On the other hand, in the enemy side, in the USA, a detailed “Contingency Plan”, represented by the Orange Plan, was drawn up, implemented and verified as the Colour Code War Plan.

The Orange Plan was a “contingency plan’ for the US Navy to deal with war with Japan” drawn up before the First World War and into the 1930s. The plan was colour-coded for the five major powers of the time with which it might engage and was adopted by the Joint Army and Navy Board in 1924.

Later, in the 1930s, as the Axis Powers, led by Nazi Germany, and the Allies, led by the United Kingdom, became polarised, the colour-coded war plans for each nation no longer made sense, and a war plan was drawn up that envisaged multiple nations and the United States at war, which was approved by the 1939 Army-Navy Joint It was approved by the Combined Armed Forces Conference in 1939. The war plan was called the “Rainbow Plan”, from the “seven colours of the rainbow”, as it was “colour-coded from seven contingency plans”, all of which identified Japan, Germany and Italy as hypothetical enemies.

The Orange Plan, which prepared for war with Japan, was a simulation of the aforementioned “Cabinet Research Institute for Total War’ desk exercises” in which “Japan would attack first, then the front would expand, and the war would become a war of attrition, the US would launch a counter-offensive, Japan would be blockaded at sea, its economy would collapse, and it would be defeated”.

5. Japanese companies inherited the “organisational rigidity” of the Japanese military.

It may be said that the organisational characteristics of the Japanese military, including its deficiencies, were largely inherited uncritically by post-war Japanese organisations in general. This can be seen, for example, in the tendency of business leaders to try to apply their own military experience to their management structures, or in the tendency of management how-to books to offer half-positive explanations of the organisational principles and characteristics of the Japanese military.”

The question, however, is how they did in a crisis. In a crisis, i.e., a situation of high uncertainty, instability and flux – a situation in which the military should have fulfilled its original mission – the Japanese military could not function effectively and exposed various organisational deficiencies, as seen in several operational failures in the Greater East Asia War.”

The above is quoted from the famous book “Essence of Failure”: An Organisational Study of the Japanese Army (Diamond Inc.), which is known as the “management consultant’s bible” and which the author read over and over again during the 13 years he was commissioned by a major Japanese life insurance company as a “management consultant” to provide management consulting for its non-life insurance business. The above is a summary of the book.

Summary of this issue

More than a decade ago, many companies in Japan started to formulate a BCP. It is undisputed that the Great East Japan Earthquake was the catalyst for this. This BCP refers to Business Continuity Planning in emergency situations such as disasters, as the Great East Japan Earthquake was the event that posed the greatest risk.

However, even though the Japanese Government has since been sounding the alarm that there is a high possibility of a huge Nankai Trough earthquake or a volcanic eruption of Mt Fuji, few companies have been heard of actively making changes or taking action to deal with the situation.

The world-renowned physicist Torahiko Terada, who died prematurely and was never honoured with the award, but was considered a “Nobel Prize candidate”, famously said that “natural disasters come just when we have forgotten them”. The words “Disasters come when we forget”, derived from these words, are inscribed on the Flood Prevention Monument in Sakuranomiya Park, Osaka.

A company is a Going Concern, which means that it continues to operate, generate profits and grow. For this reason, it can be said that the company’s mission is to keep the business at the centre of its operations. However, a business is always subject to its own “risks ” (internal risks) and ” risks it encounters ” (external risks).

When we focus on the business, we often tend to forget the existence of these “inherent risks” and “risks encountered”, and often do not analyse, evaluate and respond to them, i.e., risk management. This is evidenced by reports in recent years of companies leaving the market or being sold after spin-offs.

To prevent this from happening, it may be necessary to establish a “captive ” within the company, an “important means of risk management”, in order to be fully prepared for when the saying “natural disasters come when you forget” becomes a reality. Now that the future of the covid-19 disaster is gradually becoming clear, now is the time to do so.

Author/translator: Shinichiro Hatani