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リスク対応策 2023.04.27

RM80 「どうする、社長」地震保険付けていないけど大丈夫?

For those who prefer to read this column in English, the Japanese text is followed by a British English translation, so please scroll down to the bottom of the Japanese text.

2023426日付「日本経済新聞」のコラム「保険難民の時代㊥」に「地震保険、企業の加入率『数%』 」と題した記事が掲載され、主題の「地震保険加入率」については、次の様に記されていた。


























執筆・翻訳者:羽谷 信一郎

English Translation

Risk management (RM) 80 -“What do you think, boss?” we don’t have earthquake insurance, is that okay?

On 26 April 2023, the Nihon Keizai Shimbun newspaper published a following article in its “The Age of Insurance Refugees” column entitled “Earthquake insurance, subscription rate of companies ‘a few per cent'”.

This year marks 100 years since the Great Kanto Earthquake. Although there is growing concern about an earthquake directly under the capital, the subscription rate for earthquake insurance is low in the Tokyo metropolitan area. According to the Non-Life Insurance Premium Rate Calculation Organisation, the proportion of fire insurance policies with earthquake insurance in the Tokyo metropolitan area, including Tokyo and Kanagawa Prefecture, is in the low 60% range, far below Miyagi Prefecture (88.7%) and Kumamoto Prefecture (85.3%), which have experienced large-scale earthquakes in recent years. The situation for companies is even more serious: “The earthquake insurance coverage rate is said to be only a few per cent nationwide” (several non-life insurers).

According to a survey by Swiss Re, insurance cover for natural disasters in Japan is only 45%, with only about 20% of the economic losses incurred in the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake being covered by insurance. Although it can be said that the coverage rate has increased since then, compared to the coverage rate for the New Zealand earthquake that occurred in the same year (approximately 70%), the preparedness rate is not sufficient.

The reasons for the low coverage rate are also noted as follows.

One reason is that non-life insurance companies are not actively marketing the product. The government pays up to JPY 12 trillion for individual earthquake insurance, but corporate earthquake insurance does not have this mechanism and has to rely on the global reinsurance market. One non-life insurance official said that the reality is that there is a limit to the amount of risk allowed and that priority is given to clients and affiliated companies.

1.  earthquake insurance coverage (corporate insurance sector)

As mentioned in the opening article, detailed statistics on earthquake insurance in the individual insurance sector are kept by public bodies such as the Non-Life Insurance Premium Rate Calculation Organisation, as the government ultimately underwrites all risks in the form of reinsurance, even though non-life insurance companies underwrite the insurance, but “earthquake insurance” in the corporate insurance sector is not reinsured by the government and each No such detailed statistics exist for ”earthquake insurance” in the corporate sector, as it is dependent on the underwriting capacity of non-life insurance companies (i.e. their ability to procure overseas earthquake reinsurance) without government reinsurance.

However, a survey conducted by the Government Cabinet Office in 2017 showed that “36% of large companies had earthquake insurance at the time of the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake, while less than 10% of SMEs had earthquake insurance”.

This explains why only a dozen per cent of the more than two trillion yen in economic losses caused by the Great East Japan Earthquake were compensated. Although the number of companies purchasing earthquake insurance has increased since then, the reality is that many companies still do not have earthquake insurance and, unfortunately, their preparedness for an imminent major earthquake is still weak.

2. captive to improve the low earthquake insurance penetration rate

As officially stated by the Government’s Headquarters for Earthquake Research Promotion, “there is a high probability of a major earthquake occurring in the near future with the potential to cause extensive damage”. Yet, earthquake insurance coverage remains low. What are the reasons for this? One reason may be that the premiums are regarded as high.

In the Tokyo metropolitan area, the premiums for earthquake insurance in the individual insurance sector are approximately four to five times higher than the premiums for the main fire insurance policy. However, these earthquake insurance premiums are not determined without any rationale or reason, but are “risk-based premiums”.

The same applies to earthquake insurance premiums in the corporate insurance sector. In one case where Global Link provided consulting services for the establishment of a captive and was entrusted with its operation and management, the property insurance premium for the main policy was 20 million yen for an insurance amount of 80 billion yen, while the earthquake insurance premium was 280 million yen, a difference of more than 10 times.

If the earthquake insurance premiums had remained “unfunded”, would people really have bought earthquake insurance? The answer is no. The reason for the client’s decision to buy earthquake insurance was that the cost of earthquake insurance in real terms had been reduced by the establishment of the captive.

By establishing a captive, one of the world’s largest foreign reinsurers underwrites reinsurance from the captive. In other words, one of the world’s largest foreign reinsurers will ultimately underwrite the earthquake risk. Moreover, the premium for which the world’s largest overseas reinsurer underwrites the risk, i.e. the “reinsurance premium from the captive”, is JPY 80 million. As a result, “the entire premium of JPY 280 million was not written off”, but the “difference between domestic and foreign prices” generated by this programme resulted in a “captive profit” of around JPY 200 million every year.

Summary of this issue

The following sentence is found in “The Metropolitan Area Earthquake and the Nankai Trough” (MdN Shinsho), written by Professor Emeritus Hiroki Kamata of Kyoto University.

Now that the Japanese archipelago has become a “moving land”, each of us who live there must accept this fact and “wake up”. We need to think and act differently from before.

The government’s damage forecast in the event of an earthquake directly below the Tokyo metropolitan area assumes a maximum of 11,000 victims, 610,000 houses completely destroyed or burnt down, and economic damage of 95 trillion yen, but Professor Emeritus Kamata says: “We should consider that the Great East Japan Earthquake has effectively increased the probability of a direct earthquake in the inland areas of eastern Japan, including the Tokyo metropolitan area. The Great East Japan Earthquake has effectively increased the probability of an inland earthquake in eastern Japan, including the Tokyo metropolitan area,” he warns in the same book.

Despite Japan being an earthquake and tsunami-prone country, it is reportedly still difficult for companies to secure the high levels of coverage they need with the general earthquake insurance products sold by non-life insurance companies in Japan. On the other hand, the huge underwriting capacity in overseas insurance markets means that companies are likely to be able to obtain high-cost compensation at a low cost, which cannot be provided by general corporate earthquake insurance products in Japan.

The Code of Conduct of the General Insurance Association of Japan states that the social mission of the non-life insurance business is to smoothly operate a mutual assistance system that contributes to the realisation of a secure, safe and sustainable society and to the stability and improvement of the economy and people’s lives.

In other words, non-life insurance companies are required, as part of their social mission, to “provide compensation not only to one particular company, but also to individuals and companies throughout Japan”. It cannot be “an entity that responds to the demands of only one company.” That is why the role of a “captive that responds to the demands of only one company” is so important.

Furthermore, as mentioned above, by securing reinsurance for the captive at a lower cost from the overseas insurance market through a captive established abroad, the difference in premiums between the primary insurer and the overseas insurer becomes the captive’s profit.

The Solution Captive® programme proposed by Global Link is “a programme that enables the world’s largest reinsurers and Japan’s largest insurers (primary insurers) to work together and link captives as a “coupling device” to provide seemingly impossible “coverage” at a lower cost”. This could be said to be the case.

Now that there are glimpses of daylight beyond the Covid-19 disaster, it is a good time to consider the establishment of captives based on new ideas, in accordance with the aforementioned warning by Professor Emeritus Hiroki Kamata of Kyoto University: “We need to think and act differently than before” in order to prepare for the next major risk, such as a major earthquake directly under the Metropolitan area or the Nankai Trough. This is a good opportunity to consider the “establishment of a captive”.

Author/translator: Shinichiro Hatani