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企業戦略 2020.02.20

CS 5  戦略ドメイン Strategic Domain (Definition of Business)

For those who prefer to read this column in English, the Japanese text is followed by a British English translation, so please scroll down to the bottom of the Japanese text.






855,606マイル、生涯搭乗回数250回(国内線117 回 国際線133 回)地球約 34.4周、月まで約 1.8往復、総搭乗時間は約 2281.6時間に相当します。













1997年、山一証券をはじめとして大型金融機関の倒産が相次いだ際クローズアップされ、リーマンショック後の金融危機で再度大きく取りざたされたのが格付け会社である。現在、世界には20余りの格付け専門会社が存在するが、群を抜く歴史を有している会社は、ムーディーズ(Moody’s)とスタンダード&プアーズ(S&P)である。1909年世界で最初に格付けをおこなったのは、ムーディーズの創始者ジョン・ムーディー(John Moody)と言われている。


彼が最初におこなった格付けは、鉄道敷設に大きな資金を要する鉄道会社の社債であった。世界で一番裕福な大学と言われている米国西海岸の「スタンフォード大学(Stanford University)」は、セントラル・パシフィック鉄道の社長、リーランド・スタンフォード(Leland Stanford)の個人資産をもとに創設された。かつての鉄道会社は、経営者が個人資産で総合大学を創立できるぐらいの勢いがあった。しかし、そんな巨大な鉄道会社もいまは見る影もない。全米鉄道旅客公社(Amtrak:アムトラック)としてひっそりと事業をおこなっているにすぎない。









執筆・翻訳者:羽谷 信一郎

English Translation

Corporate Strategy 5 – Strategic Domain (Definition of Business)

In this column, I have written about “captives-CA,” “risk management (risk response measures-RM),” “operational practices-OP,” and “corporate strategy-CS” in four installments so far. What does risk management and captives have to do with corporate strategy in the world of insurance? I received a question from one of our clients.

In the first column, “CS (Corporate Strategy )1”, I wrote that “Captives are at the core of corporate strategy in Western global companies”.

1. World’s highest level of transportation performance

Today, the world’s airlines have been unable to launch international flights due to the new corona and their profits are very depressed, but until a few years ago, they were very profitable. The same was true of Japan Airlines.

Japan Airlines (JAL) has hit a series of recurring profits of 172.5 billion yen (2015), 209.2 billion yen (2016), 165 billion yen (2017), 163.1 billion yen (2018), and a little over 165.3 billion yen (2019) from the fiscal year ending March 2015 to the fiscal year ending March 2019.

In writing this column, I was curious to find out how much has flown with JAL so far. Even before the current mileage program “JMB” and its predecessor “JAL Sky Plus” were established, I had been flying with JAL on overseas business trips, and I found statistics on their website for the years after the mileage program was established in 1993. According to the report, the number of miles flown by airline tickets (not including those purchased under the mileage program) purchased to date is:

That “equates to 855,606 miles, 250 lifetime flights (117 domestic flights and 133 international flights), about 34.4 orbits around the Earth, about 1.8 round trips to the moon, and about 2281.6 hours of total flight time”.

As you can see, I was a fan of JAL, and it was a great pity that February 19, 2010, nine years ago, happened. That day was the last day of trading on the Tokyo Stock Exchange, and the next day, the stock was listed on the 20th. The next day, February 20, 2010, the company was delisted and entered into corporate reorganization proceedings, marking the end of the 48 years since it went public on the Tokyo Stock Exchange.

In 1951, six years after the end of the war, the Japanese flag finally took to the skies, and Japan Airlines (JAL) was born. Both the aircraft and crew were leased from airlines in united States, and it took another year for the airline to operate on its own. However, with the rapid economic growth of Japan, JAL became the world’s number one commercial airline in 1983. In order to expand its business in the domestic market, it merged with the former Japan Air System (JAS) in 2002, and then went bankrupt just eight years later.

The staff who took care of us, especially the flight attendants (CAs), did an excellent job. When I boarded the plane for a six-month training trip to New York in 1981, I was greeted by all the CAs dressed in kimono when I returned. I heard the koto piece from “Sakura Sakura” in the cabin, which reminded me of the struggles of the past six months and made me feel like I was back in Japan, even though it was still before my departure. Many passengers, including this writer, remember how impressed they were with the way the crew changed out of their kimonos and into their uniforms and busily served the passengers. These are fond memories.

Around the time of the bankruptcy, I was on board the JL402 for the return flight to London on July 11, 2010. When I saw everyone working hard despite the various reports, I couldn’t help but say, “Good luck, I’ve been a fan of JAL for a long time…” When I got off the plane, I received a thank-you card with the names of the three CAs underneath the “265D Group” and the flight data. I was given a “flight map” that was handwritten by them. These are still on display today, and the site was filled with such wonderful work.

2.A setback for their rival company Pan Am

It is probably the most important proverb to keep in mind in business management, because business management science exists to teach us, it is “the overturning of the front wheel is a warning to the rear wheel (The failure of those who move forward is a warning to those who come after)”.

When JAL became the world’s number one airline in 1983, the company that overtook it was its long-time rival, Pan American Airlines, founded in 1927. Under the strong leadership of its founding chairman and the patronage of the U.S. government, it became the flag carrier of the U.S. in both name and substance, expanding its extensive route network around the world. He was instrumental in the development of Boeing’s flagship aircraft, the Boeing 707, the first U.S. jetliner, and the Boeing 747, a superjumbo jetliner. It also developed and deployed business models that other airlines followed, such as the global expansion of its affiliated hotel chains and round-the-world routes.

However, the intensification of price competition in the overseas travel market, which began in the late 1960s, changed the situation dramatically. When the airline was unable to improve its high cost structure, the deregulation policy that began in 1978 exacerbated its financial difficulties. In order to break out of this predicament, the company acquired a National Airline, a medium-sized domestic airline, in 1980. However, this company owned many McDonnell Douglas aircraft rather than Boeing’s. The merger did not improve repair and repair efficiency, and the National Airline’s’wages were adjusted to match the high wages paid by Pan American Airlines, which was regarded as the best in the industry, and after the death of the founder’s chairman, the company’s management fell further into disarray. The company continued to sell off its “dollar-box” routes in order to rebuild its operations, but in December 1991, 11 years after the merger, the company went bankrupt.

3. Strategic domain that is important in business decisions

The domain in which a company decides which fields and business domains it will and should survive in is called the “strategic domain”. Together with the corporate mission, it is located at the top of the corporate strategy hierarchy. All corporate, business and functional strategies must be aligned with this strategic domain. A strategic domain cannot function unless it is widely supported and accepted by employees, customers, shareholders and other stakeholders (stakeholders). This support and agreement between management and stakeholders regarding the domain is called the “domain consensus” because the stronger it is, the more free power it gains to keep the business afloat. Therefore, there is no more important business decision than defining the strategic domain so as to achieve a stronger domain consensus.

4. Reasons for the decline of railroads – failure to define them as “railroad businesses”

The company’s business development seems to have changed dramatically depending on whether it considers itself to be in the airline business or the transportation business.

In 1997, when Yamaichi Securities and other large financial institutions went bankrupt, the credit rating agencies were in the spotlight, and in the financial crisis that followed the Lehman Brothers’ collapse, credit rating agencies were once again in the spotlight. There are currently more than 20 rating agencies in the world, but the two with the longest history are Moody’s and Standard & Poor’s. In 1909, John Moody, the founder of Moody’s, became the first rating agency to issue a credit rating.

At the time, the U.S. was an emerging nation with a weak banking infrastructure. Even if they wanted to borrow money, few were willing to do so. Therefore, companies came up with a way to raise funds from investors by issuing corporate bonds, but even with high interest rates, investors were reluctant to take the risk. That’s when John Moody took notice.

The first ratings he offered were for railroad company bonds, which required large sums of money to build the railroad. Stanford University on the West Coast, said to be the richest university in the world, was founded with the personal funds of Leland Stanford, president of the Central Pacific Railroad. In the past, the railroad company was strong enough that its owner could use his personal wealth to found a comprehensive university. But those giant railroads are nowhere to be found. They operate quietly as Amtrak, the National Railroad Passenger Corporation.

5. The Position of Risk Management

The reason why the railroad companies declined is because they failed to define their strategic domain. The market did not decline; rather, it declined in the face of rapidly growing demand for transportation. Instead of viewing themselves as a “transportation business,” the U.S. railroads thought of themselves as a “railroad business”. They came to love the railroads themselves more than their customers, and everything they did was based on ”two rails”. Was the rapid expansion of domestic routes through the merger really a necessary strategy for the airlines as well? Judging from the fact that the merger further worsened their business, it does not appear that the strategic domain was adequately analyzed and verified.

If a company follows a trajectory that deviates from the strategic domain, the headwind will naturally become stronger. Corporate strategy and risk management, the latter of which is often thought of as the job of the person in charge of insurance in Japan, are closely related to the former. In Europe and the United States, risk management is at the core of corporate strategy, and the work that requires direct input to the CEO.

In these difficult economic times, when the impact of the new coronavirus is expected to have a wide range of effects, the time has come to use risk management as an opportunity to examine the strategic domain, the most important management element, and to enhance a company’s competitive advantage.

Summary of this issue

Fortunately, JAL’s new management team’s strong leadership led to a variety of measures, and under their leadership, all employees are said to have worked hard to rebuild the company into a completely different kind of company than before. Great leaders full of enthusiasm and a sense of mission were brought up one after another in their respective workplaces, and the company was revived.

In a nutshell, this is because everyone involved worked diligently to define the “strategic domain,” that is, what the company should be, by examining, discussing, planning, executing, reexamining, and repeating this process. This all began with a reaffirmation of the company’s “raison d’etre”.

I think it is fair to say that this was a corporate reform based on risk management, in which the company sincerely reviewed the risks (negative aspects) and opportunities (positive aspects) of its corporate strategy from its position.

Author/translator: Shinichiro Hatani