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キャプティブ 2020.02.21

CA 7 地震保険制度の限界 Limitations of the Earthquake Insurance System

For those who prefer to read this column in English, the Japanese text is followed by a British English translation, so please scroll down to the bottom of the Japanese text.













地震保険法(昭和四十一年法律第七十三号 地震保険に関する法律)(保険金の削減)

第四条 前条第一項の規定による政府の再保険契約に係るすべての地震保険契約によって支払われるべき保険金の総額が、一回の地震等につき、当該再保険契約により保険会社等のすべてが負担することとなる金額と同条第三項の規定による政府の負担限度額との合計額をこえることとなる場合には、保険会社等は、政令で定めるところにより、その支払うべき保険金を削減することができる。



火災保険では、地震を原因とする火災による損害や、地震により延焼・ 拡大した損害は補償されません。


つまり、地震保険の対象となる「個人の住居、家財」等に地震保険が掛けられていて、万が一、「1 回の地震等による損害保険会社全社の支払保険金総額が11.7兆円を超える場合」、その「支払われる保険金」は、「全損、大半損、小半損または一部損の算出保険金× 11.7兆円」を「算出保険金総額で控除した金額」となるということである。

これまで大地震、 東日本大震災が発生した際にも、削減することなく保険金は支払われているが、万が一「算出保険金総額」(=全保険会社が支払う保険金総額)が11.7兆円を越える場合、支払われる保険金の額は、「算出保険金総額」(=全保険会社が支払う保険金の総額)を分母に置いて分子に11.7兆円を置き、それに「自分に支払われるべき保険金」を乗じたものになるということである。























執筆・翻訳者:羽谷 信一郎

English Translation

Captive 7 – Limitations of the Earthquake Insurance System

On 18 March 2013, a working group of the Cabinet Office’s Central Disaster Prevention Council announced that “a Nankai Trough earthquake, which is likely to occur in the future and is of a magnitude of 9, would cause damage to large areas, including Shikoku, Kinki, and Tokai, which would greatly exceed the damage caused by the Great East Japan Earthquake and cause economic damage of up to ¥220 trillion or more”. On 19 December of the same year, a meeting of national experts who had been studying damage control measures in the event of an earthquake with an epicenter directly beneath the Tokyo metropolitan area announced that “an earthquake with a 70-80% probability of occurring within the next 30 years will be a magnitude 7 earthquake with economic damage of approximately 95 trillion yen”.

This year, on February 7, 2020, the Japan Meteorological Agency released a report entitled “Explanatory Information on the Nankai Trough Earthquake,” which stated that “The probability of a major earthquake (M8 to M9 class) along the Nankai Trough, even under normal circumstances, is 70 to 80%, and as more than 70 years have already passed since the Showa Tonankai and Showa Nankai earthquakes occurred, the situation is highly urgent.”

You may be familiar with the concept of “earthquake insurance” to prepare for these economic losses?

1. “The Great East Japan Earthquake, the Tokyo Metropolitan Area Earthquake, and the Nankai Trough Earthquake” in the Heian Period

In 794 (Enryaku 13), 75 years after Emperor Kanmu moved the capital to Heian-kyo (present-day Kyoto) and the “Heian period” began, in 869 (Jogan 11), a great earthquake with an estimated magnitude of 8.4 or greater occurred, the epicenter of which was off Sanriku, the same as the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake.

Nine years later, in 878 the Gangyou earthquake, which is estimated to have had a magnitude of 7.4 or higher, occurred in the Kanto region, causing extensive damage in the southern Kanto region. And, nine years later, in 887 (Ninna 3), the Ninna earthquake, a huge earthquake with an estimated magnitude of 8.6 on the Richter scale, struck the Nankai Trough.

The Ninna earthquake was a triple interlocking earthquake along the Nankai Trough, in which the East Sea, the Tonankai Sea, and the Nankai Sea were interlocked, and a huge tsunami was generated in Osaka Bay. According to the “Nihon Sandai Jitsuroku”, a history book of the Heian period (794-1185), compiled by the emperors Uda and Daigo, with Michizane Sugawara as the central editor, It has been recorded that many buildings were destroyed and extensive damage was caused in Kyoto, far from the epicenter of the earthquake, and many people drowned due to the collapsed buildings and the tsunami throughout the five and seven provinces.

As this year 2020 is the ninth year since 2011, we hear that many people are concerned that an earthquake directly below the Tokyo metropolitan area has occurred and that a major Nankai Trough earthquake is likely to occur in the near future.

2. Earthquake insurance payments – Reduction in Insurance Claims

When an earthquake insurance policy is sent from the insurance company, the booklet enclosed with the policy (a booklet detailing the underwriting conditions) contains the following statement. In addition, the relevant section of the Earthquake Insurance Act (the Act relating to earthquake insurance), which is the governing Act of the policy, is also cited.

Article 7 of the general terms and conditions of earthquake insurance (special provisions for payment of claims)

(1) In the event that there is a risk of reduction of the insurance benefit payable by the company in accordance with Article 4 (Reduction of Insurance Benefit) of the Earthquake Insurance Act, the company shall make an approximate payment of part of the insurance benefit payable in accordance with the provisions of Article 4 (Reduction of Insurance Benefit) of the Earthquake Insurance Act and the laws and regulations thereunder, and shall pay the difference after the insurance benefit payable is fixed.
(2) In the event that the company reduces the amount of insurance benefit payable pursuant to Article 4 (Reduction of Insurance Benefit) of the Earthquake Insurance Act, the company shall pay the amount calculated in accordance with the provisions of the same Act and the laws and regulations thereunder as insurance benefit.

Earthquake Insurance Act (Act No. 73 of 1966 on Earthquake Insurance) (Reduction of Insurance Claims)

Article 4 If the total amount of insurance benefits payable by all earthquake insurance policies pertaining to the government’s reinsurance contracts pursuant to the provision of paragraph 1 of the preceding Article exceeds the sum of the amount to be borne by all of the insurance companies, etc. pursuant to the reinsurance contracts and the maximum amount of the government’s burden pursuant to the provision of paragraph 3 of the said Article for each earthquake, etc., the insurance companies, etc. may reduce the amount of insurance benefits to be paid pursuant to the provisions of Cabinet Order.

3. Earthquake insurance system – from the website of the Ministry of Finance

In the section of “Earthquake Insurance System Overview” and “Reinsurance by the Government” in the “Earthquake Insurance System Overview” section, the following statement is made.

”Summary of Earthquake Insurance
Earthquake insurance covers “residential buildings and household goods”.
Fire insurance does not cover damage caused by fires or fire spread or expansion caused by earthquakes.
Earthquake insurance is attached to fire insurance, so it is a prerequisite for purchasing fire insurance. Earthquake insurance should be purchased in combination with fire insurance. If you already have fire insurance, you can purchase earthquake insurance in the middle of your contract period.
The purpose of earthquake insurance is to contribute to the stability of the lives of earthquake victims by providing reinsurance by the government for huge earthquake losses that exceed a certain amount of earthquake insurance liability assumed by private insurance companies.

Reinsurance by the Government
With the aim of contributing to the stability of the lives of earthquake victims, the government reinsures the earthquake insurance responsibilities of private insurance companies, and in addition to accepting, managing, and administering reinsurance premiums, the special account for earthquake reinsurance is used to pay reimbursement in the event of a major earthquake that cannot be handled by the private sector alone.
The total amount of reinsurance payment to be paid by the government as a result of a single earthquake or other event must not exceed the amount approved by the Diet each year.
Currently, the total amount is 11,562.2 billion yen, and the total amount of insurance claims payable for a single earthquake, etc., combined with the amount of private insurance liability, is 11.7 trillion yen.
The aggregate limit has been determined in the past as the amount that can be paid in the event of a major earthquake of the same magnitude as the Great Kanto Earthquake. In the past, even in the event of major earthquakes such as the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake and the Great East Japan Earthquake, the amount of claims paid has been within the total limit, so that claims have been paid out smoothly.
In the unlikely event of an earthquake that exceeds this amount, policy decisions will be made in a timely and appropriate manner, including the securing of financial resources, from a wide range of perspectives that are not confined to the insurance system and that take into account the reality of the damage and other measures such as the utilization of the livelihood reconstruction support system for disaster victims.”

In other words, in the event that an earthquake insurance policy is taken out on an individual’s dwelling, household goods, etc., and the total amount of claims paid by the entire non-life insurance company for a single earthquake, etc., exceeds 11.7 trillion yen, the “claims paid” will be calculated as follows: “total loss, most loss, half loss, or partial loss x 11.7 trillion yen”. It means that the amount will be “the amount of total calculated claims, less any deductions.

However, in the event of a major earthquake, the Great East Japan Earthquake, claims have been paid out without any reduction.In the unlikely event that the “Total Calculated Claims” (= the total amount of claims paid by all insurers) exceeds 11.7 trillion yen, the amount of claims to be paid is calculated by placing 11.7 trillion yen in the numerator with the “Total Calculated Claims” (= the total amount of claims paid by all insurers) in the denominator and multiplying it by the “Claims to be paid to me”.

If a major earthquake occurs in the Nankai Trough and the maximum loss estimate of 220 trillion yen in “total calculated claims” (= total amount of claims to be paid by all insurance companies) occurs, “If you have earthquake insurance with an amount of 20 million yen and the full amount of the insured loss occurs,” the following formula is used: 20 million yen x 11.7 trillion yen / 220 trillion yen. In other words, the insurance payment will be only about 1million yen.

4. Limitations of the current earthquake insurance system

Japan’s budget for fiscal year 2019, which was approved on March 27, 2019, is the “largest-ever” 101 trillion yen, while the estimated damage from the Nankai Trough earthquake is much larger than that, indeed double that amount, at 220 trillion yen. Japan, the second largest economy in the free world after the United States, has only ¥11 trillion or so in reserve funds to deal with a major earthquake, such as the Tokyo metropolitan area earthquake and the Nankai Trough.

Moreover, the government’s earthquake insurance, which ultimately takes the risk of this government reinsurance, excludes property owned by companies and organizations. The “earthquake insurance coverage” is “buildings and household goods (household chattels) used for residential purposes” and explicitly states that “the following are not covered”:

“Buildings not used as a dwelling, such as factories and office buildings, precious metals, jewelry, bone and bones, currency, securities (checks, stock certificates, gift certificates, etc.), savings certificates, stamps, stamps, automobiles, etc., with a value of more than 300,000 yen per piece or set.”

A small number of foreign non-life insurance companies offer earthquake insurance products for the property of companies and organizations, including buildings, etc., which are insured for “property owned by a company with an insurable value of 0.5 to 3 billion yen”.And, there are three payment limits of ¥100 million, ¥300 million, and ¥500 million (one accident and annual aggregate limit). In addition, it is said that the coverage is quite limited because “properties located within 2km of the coastline are not covered” and “it essentially excludes the damage caused by the tsunami”.

5. Penetration rate of corporate earthquake insurance

Japan is one of the most earthquake-prone countries in the world, but earthquake insurance for businesses has not been widely available. Although the number of contracts has increased after the Hanshin-Awaji and Great East Japan Earthquake, less than 10% of companies across the country are insured, and even in Miyagi and Kochi prefectures, where there is a high level of interest in earthquakes, the percentage remains at around 20%.

The reason for this is “structural causes”. In a survey conducted by the Cabinet Office in October 2016 among small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), about 70% of companies cited “securing cash reserves” as the most effective thing to do in the event of a disaster, surpassing earthquake insurance. This is due to the following factors.

(1) “Premiums for commercial earthquake insurance are several to dozens of times higher than those for fire insurance”, and (2) Even if there is no earthquake, premiums are not refundable.

6. Circumstances in which premiums are not determined by the company’s loss ratio alone

In addition, the overall loss ratio of earthquake insurance policies underwritten by a non-life insurer has a significant impact on premiums because the non-life insurer decides whether or not to underwrite earthquake insurance policies and the premiums based on the reinsurance contracts signed by the non-life insurer with a group of overseas reinsurers.

In other words, your company’s insurance premiums will be affected by the loss ratio of earthquake insurance policies across Japan underwritten by that insurance company. Even if you think, “We don’t have to worry about tsunamis, our buildings are very strong and some of them are almost seismically isolated…”, the loss ratio of a completely unrelated company’s earthquake insurance will affect your premiums.

In fact, immediately after the Great East Japan Earthquake, foreign reinsurers raised their reinsurance premiums so much that non-life insurance companies asked companies to raise their premiums. However, the companies were unable to absorb such a large increase and did not agree to the hike, and at the time were only able to pass on part of the increase. Subsequent intermittent increases in earthquake insurance prices are said to have been aimed at balancing the deficit.

There is also the suggestion that, unique to Japan, “there is a moral hazard in the sense that it is natural for the government to help you if you have a problem”. Non-life insurers are also saying that they would rather sell cyber insurance and other new products than focus on earthquake insurance, which is not widely used and has thin margins as it pays out a significant portion of the cost of reinsurance. Furthermore, the fact that most companies do not have a “risk manager” to sound the alarm on risk is also thought to be a factor in their reluctance to purchase earthquake insurance.

However, “Nankai Trough earthquakes occur repeatedly, generally at intervals of 100 to 150 years, and more than 70 years after the last Nankai Trough earthquakes (the 1944 and 1946 Showa-Tonankai earthquakes), the imminence of the next Nankai Trough earthquake has increased.” (“JMA” website). Therefore, from the standpoint of the duty of care and duty of loyalty, companies are required to respond sincerely to this risk, and if they fail to do so and cause major damage to the company, it is a major risk for which they must be considered liable under Article 423 of the Companies Act.

Summary of this issue

The amount of money needed to recover and compensate for the economic damage caused by the Nankai Trough earthquake will be up to 220 trillion yen, double Japan’s national budget.

The biggest concern about the Nankai Trough earthquake is that it will occur in tandem with the Tokai, Tonankai, and Nankai earthquakes. Nine years after the Great East Japan Earthquake, aftershocks are still occurring, and in the unlikely event of a Nankai Trough earthquake, it is important to consider the risk that the tremors may trigger a major earthquake in another region. However, the usual quota for earthquake insurance is small and premiums are high.

The only way to change this situation is to make “self-help efforts”, and if there is a possibility that a risk of a magnitude too great for Japan to cope with on a national scale may arise, then it is time to turn our attention abroad and ask for foreign help. Individuals may not be able to do this, but companies are the ones who can.

It is no exaggeration to say that Captives are the best way for a company to do so. A captive is an insurance company that allows a company to carry its own insurance policy for its own exclusive use without having its premiums vary depending on the loss ratio (insurance payment status) of earthquake insurance throughout Japan underwritten by the insurance company.

It’s time to take a serious risk management approach to prepare for the “no way” by taking an early response.

Author/translator: Shinichiro Hatani