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リスク対応策 2020.05.18

RM35 新型コロナとファンドの戦い The New Corona and the Battle for the Fund

For those who prefer to read this column in English, the Japanese text is followed by a British English translation, so please scroll down to the bottom of the Japanese text.









10年以上前になるが、2007年 NHKで放送された土曜ドラマ「ハゲタカ」は、原作である真山仁著「ハゲタカ」「バイアウト」の秀逸さ、斬新な演出等によって玄人受けするドラマとして大変好評であった。「ハゲタカ」の流行語を生み出し、2009年には続編となる映画『ハゲタカ』が製作された。さらに、一昨年2018年秋には、テレビ朝日系の木曜ドラマ「ハゲタカ」として再び世に出された。「ハゲタカ」とは、1990年代後半、「経営破綻した企業、業績が悪化した企業の株式を買い叩いて購入、資産価値を上げて第三者に売却するファンド」のことを、ハゲタカが獲物を食い漁るさまから、そう呼ばれるようになった。




2.日本企業同士のTOB(Take-Over Bid:株式公開買い付け)合戦


しかし、昨年2019年秋よりメディアを賑わしている「買収合戦」の主役は、この「ハゲタカ」ではなく、日本の伝統的な大企業である。2019年12月14日付「日本経済新聞」紙上には、「HOYA、東芝と買収合戦 半導体装置のニューフレア巡り」、また「コクヨ株取得50%未満、プラス30%未満、ぺんてる混乱長期化も コクヨとの協力協議中止」等の文字が躍るようになって様変わりの様相を見せている。



1976年、当時米国第5位の投資銀行・証券会社、「ベア・スターンズ」出身の3人の米国人、「ジェローム・コールバーグ・ジュニア」、「ヘンリー・クラビス」、「ジョージ・ロバーツ」によって、僅か12万ドルを元手に自分達の名前を冠して設立したファンドがKKR(コールバーグ・クラビス・ロバーツ)である。KKRは「レバレッジド・バイアウト(LBO: Leveraged Buyout) :債務を利用した企業買収手法」の名手として成功を収めていった。











企業のリスクマネジメントで最も重要なことは、この「会社は法律でつくられていて、どこを切っても準拠する法律が出てくる」という意識を持って臨むことである。One of them(多くの中の一つ)として法律を捉えるのではなく、リスクマネジメントの基底部に置くことが重要である。「ごく当たり前のこと」であるが、実際にそうなっているかを検証することが必要である、その行為こそリスクマネジメントと呼ばれるのである。


執筆・翻訳者:羽谷 信一郎

English Translation

Risk Management 35 – The New Corona and the Battle for the Fund

Due to the global spread of the new coronavirus (pandemic), the SoftBank Vision Fund, a 10 trillion yen fund of the SoftBank Group, has been reported in the media that it has posted a huge loss of over 1.4 trillion yen. The fund’s main investment, Unicorn, a start-up company with an enterprise value of more than $1 billion (about ¥107 billion), has been adversely impacted by a far different outcome than originally expected.

The low interest rates that have persisted for the past two decades at a global level have caused venture capital to grow in size and vast amounts of “money” to enter the venture market, bringing a lot of money into unicorns en masse.

But then the new corona virus pandemic suddenly sprang up. The “contact-type business model” was forced to take a Copernican turn to a “non-contact-type business model” via the Internet and other media, and a “new business world” emerged in which the “conventional wisdom” was transformed. What used to be “the ironclad rule of business is that people must meet with each other” has become “people must not meet”.

In 1962, the American historian of science Thomas Kuhn defined a paradigm as “the dominant way of thinking, cognitive framework or norm of a given era” and, as a result of the prevalence of this definition, the concept changed extensively and was “considered and believed to be ‘settled’ in a given era and in a given field”. The pandemic of the new coronavirus has called for a fundamental change in this “paradigm”, a “paradigm shift”, in the way people and companies around the world behave.

Since the end of January this year, I have contributed 64 articles to this column, all of which have been based on this “proposal for a paradigm shift”. I have proposed captives as a method for capturing new business opportunities in a “paradigm shift” in which we question the conventional wisdom and challenge the uncommon.

The new coronavirus pandemic that is spreading devastation around the world, but humanity cannot be defeated by the virus. We must make a paradigm shift in all that we do, both individually and corporately, to restore peace and tranquility to our days.

For this reason, companies are most urgently required to start by steadily bringing what they can do to fruition. In corporate activities in the post-new corona world, companies must examine the risks they encounter, measure the amount of risk and decide on countermeasures. The most important thing now is to carry out risk management in the true sense of the word.

1. The Fall of the Hagetaka (Vultures)

More than 10 years ago, the Saturday drama series “Hagetaka (Vultures)” aired on NHK in 2007 was very popular with professionals due to the excellence of the original work, “Hagetaka (Vultures)” and “Buyout” written by Jin Mayama, and its innovative direction. It created a buzzword for “Hagetaka (Vultures)”, and a sequel movie, “Hagetaka (Vultures)”, was produced in 2009. Furthermore, in the fall of the year before last, 2018, it was brought back into the world as a Thursday drama series on TV Asahi’s “Hagetaka (Vultures). The term “Hagetaka(vultures)” was coined in the late 1990s to refer to “funds that buy up shares in failing or ailing companies and sell them to third parties at a higher asset value,” referring to the way vultures gobble up their prey.

A 1999 amendment to the Commercial Code of Japan allowed a domestic company to acquire another company by exchanging its shares without using cash, some 20 years ago. Triangular mergers, in which a foreign company establishes a subsidiary in Japan to take over a company, were allowed under the Companies Act of 2006, but the enforcement was postponed for a year due to a strong sense of caution about hostile takeovers by foreign companies, and it was only in 2007 that the ban on corporate “takeover battles” was lifted.

It was investment funds that took an active part in this process, and the foreign funds that attracted the public’s attention were called “Hagetaka (vultures)”. Recently, however, the term “vultures” has been applied to funds that invest not only in corporate acquisitions, but also in stocks, bonds, currencies, commodities, and all other investment areas. The reality is that there are many different players in the vultures, whether they are investment funds or hedge funds, and not all of them are profitable as in TV and movies.

In fact, the irony is that the vultures themselves are no longer a stable presence, with many hedge funds incurring massive losses or being forced to close their doors. The globalization of financial markets is advancing and many factors are moving in tandem, suggesting that a single investment perspective or strategy is highly likely to misjudge investment trends.

This “fall of the vultures” is a situation that makes us realize that financial investment fluctuates due to a complex set of factors, and it is an event that provides valuable insights into corporate risk management.

2. Take-over bid (TOB) battles among Japanese companies

In recent years, in the M&A field, foreign investment in “private equity,” which is a type of “turnaround” or “buyout” that invests in companies undergoing restructuring using funds collected from investors, has become a popular practice. The fund has been in the limelight, but it has been pushed to the front of the stage, largely as a result of legislation on corporate revitalization, as well as the fact that banks busy dealing with bad loans can no longer afford to get deeply involved in corporate revitalization.

However, it’s not these “vultures” that are the main protagonists of the “takeover battle” that has been dominating the media since last fall 2019, but the traditional Japanese giants: in the December 14, 2019 edition of the Nihon Keizai Shimbun, “HOYA and Toshiba in takeover battle over new flares in semiconductor equipment,” as well as “Kokuyo acquires 50% of shares Less than 30% of the total number of shares outstanding, less than 30% of the total number of shares outstanding, prolonged confusion at Pentax, and the cancellation of cooperation talks with Kokuyo” appear to have changed the face of the company.

3. The Birth of the Fund

In the second half of the 19th century, in the booming post-industrial Britain, the wealthy people accumulated more wealth by investing in foreign countries. However, ordinary people were unable to invest effectively because they had little information about the risks and the amount of money they were willing to invest was small. It is generally said that a company saw a business opportunity and sold a fund in 1868.

In 1976, three Americans from Bear Stearns, then the fifth-largest investment bank and brokerage firm in the United States, Jerome Kohlberg Jr, Henry Kravis and George Roberts, established a fund in their name with a mere $120,000 and named it KKR ( Kohlberg, Kravis, Roberts). KKR became a master at leveraged buyouts (LBOs), a method of using debt to acquire companies.

KKR made its name known when it successfully completed the $26.4 billion (about ¥3 trillion) takeover of RJR Nabisco in 1989 with a leveraged buyout. But around that time, the media began to bash the fund with the voices of workers who had been in the business units that had been sold off or closed down after the acquisition, who had been borrowed to leverage the LBO acquisition, and who had been laid off without pay raises or even laid off to pay the huge debt. Then came the sudden collapse of the junk bond market on which LBOs were based and the insider trading that drove many M&A players out of the market.

However, KKR, which is considered to be the champion of LBOs, has since expanded its scope of activity to include Europe and has expanded significantly around the world. The fund has grown to become a huge fund, with combined annual sales of more than 50 companies totaling more than $200 billion (approx. ¥22 trillion), armed with superior techniques. In Japan, Calsonic Kansei, a newly acquired auto parts manufacturer, announced last October 2019 that it would acquire an auto parts company from European and US auto giant Fiat Chrysler Automobiles (FCA) for €6.2 billion (about ¥800 billion). This is the largest ever acquisition by a Japanese company in an automotive merger, Calsonic was ranked 28th in the world, but after the merger, its total sales will jump to 2.06 trillion yen, making it the 11th largest in the world. And, Calsonic Kansei and Magneti Marelli unite under new worldwide brand – MARELLI.

They gave up on Bear Stearns and for a while after that, it remained one of the big five, but the subprime mortgage crisis of 2007 led to a rapid decline in its business, and the following year it was bailed out by JP Morgan Chase, one of the largest banks in the world, and became a subsidiary.

4. Expansion of the fund

A company is made up of many business units. The Western way of thinking is to pour money into a company even if it is in bankruptcy if it is deemed possible to rebuild even part of the company. They buy companies at low prices, reorganize, restructure or sell off their businesses, and then restructure them so that they can make a profit. This is a common practice in the West, and it is what funds do. However, due to the rapidity of their activities, some funds have an image of “vulture funds that buy up bad loans and sell them off quickly”.

However, it is true that more and more companies are being restructured not only by providing funds but also by implementing quick reforms.

Major League Baseball’s Boston Red Sox, in fact, the owner’s main business is also a fund. In Europe and the United States, many investment funds are active in a wide variety of fields, including soccer teams such as Liverpool and AC Roma.

With the spread of the new corona virus, both Major League Baseball and soccer teams have been unable to host games, so we wonder how these funds will react when their ability to generate income is cut off.

Summary of this issue

A corporation is “an organism made of laws”. No matter where you cut a company, it is not a company if you don’t see “laws” in it. Based on what law is the regulation, remuneration and payment based on what law, is this what we call compliance? If a company conducts business with this in mind, there will be no need for compliance training at all. As long as the company’s stakeholders (shareholders, executives, employees, customers, and stakeholders in the community) maintain this awareness, no legal violations will occur.

The most important thing in corporate risk management is to approach it with the awareness that “the company is made of laws, and no matter where you cut it, laws that comply with it will appear.” Although it is a matter of course, it is necessary to verify whether or not this is actually the case, and this act is called risk management.

By creating the purpose of “captive” and conducting this risk management, the risks inherent in the company are reflected more clearly and the risks can be seen more clearly. In this way, the “Hagetaka” (Vultures) teaches us the importance of rigorously examining each division of a company as a unit of business profit (i.e., company = fund).

Author/translator: Shinichiro Hatani