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リスク対応策 2020.03.14

RM 26 東日本大震災の前震ー地震ハザードステーション(J-SHIS)Foreshock of the Great East Japan EarthquakeーEarthquake Hazard Station (J-SHIS)

For those who prefer to read this column in English, the Japanese text is followed by a British English translation, so please scroll down to the bottom of the Japanese text.



1. 政府 地震調査研究本部「月例報告2011年2月」

政府 地震調査研究本部 地震調査委員会が、「2011年2月の月例報告」を発表したのは、2011年3月9日であった。 

その「2.各地方別の地震活動 」の「(2)東北地方」の箇所には以下の記述があった。

○ 2月10日に福島県沖の深さ約50kmでマグニチュード(M)5.4の地震が発生した。この地震の発震機構は西北西-東南東方向に圧力軸を持つ逆断層型で、太平洋プレートと陸のプレートの境界で発生した地震である。
○2月27日に福島県沖の深さ約45km で M5.2の地震が発生した。この地震の発 震機構は西北西-東南東方向に圧力軸を持つ逆断層型で、太平洋プレートと陸の プレートの境界で発生した地震である。


三陸沖で2月 13 日から M5.0 以上の地震が4回発生するなどのまとまった地震活動があった。最大の地震は、16日に発生した M5.5であった。発震機構はいずれも西北西-東南東方向に圧力軸を持つ逆断層型で、太平洋プレートと陸のプレートの境界で発生した地震である。










例えば、上記の「J-SHIS Map」を開き、「震源断層」ボックスの「主要活断層帯」にチェックを入れてみると地図上には主要活断層帯の位置が表示される。そして、「主要活断層帯」のなかで知りたい断層をクリックするとその断層に関する情報が表示される。そして、断層名のリンクをクリックすると「地震調査研究推進本部」による長期評価が表示され、「想定地震地図」タブをクリックすると、想定地震が発生した場合の地震の振動の強さが表示される。

















執筆・翻訳者:羽谷 信一郎

English Translation

Risk Management 26 -Foreshock of the Great East Japan Earthquake-Earthquake Hazard Station (J-SHIS)

As Japan and the rest of the world grapples with the threat of a new strain of coronavirus and influenza, the earthquake in New Zealand and the volcanic eruption in Indonesia have reminded us of the great risk to Japan, which is also riding on the Pacific Plate.

Nine years after the Great East Japan Earthquake, the number of evacuees is still reported to be over 40,000, and two days after the government-sponsored memorial ceremony for the ninth anniversary of the Great East Japan Earthquake was cancelled due to a new strain of coronavirus, an earthquake of intensity 5+ was recorded at 2:18 a.m. yesterday, March 13, 2020, in Noto, Ishikawa, with an epicenter 10 kilometers deep, was of a magnitude of 5.4 on the Richter scale, in the Noto region of Ishikawa Prefecture.

1. Earthquake Research Institute, Government of Japan, “Monthly Report, February 2011”

The Earthquake Research Committee of the Earthquake Research Division of the Japanese government released its “Monthly Report for February 2011” on March 9, 2011. 

In the section “(2) Tohoku Region” of “2.Seismic activity by region “

・On February 10, an earthquake with a magnitude of 5.4 on the Richter scale occurred at a depth of about 50 km off the coast of Fukushima Prefecture. The earthquake was of a reverse fault type with a pressure axis in the west-northwest-east-southeast direction, and occurred at the boundary between the Pacific plate and the land plate.
・A magnitude 5.2 earthquake occurred at a depth of about 45 km off the coast of Fukushima Prefecture on February 27, 2011. The earthquake was of the reverse fault type with a pressure axis in the west-northwest-east-southeast direction, and occurred at the boundary between the Pacific plate and the land plate.

Then, on the “Supplementary Explanation for the Assessment of Earthquake Activity in February 2011” page, in the section “(2) Tohoku Region” of “2.Seismic activity by region.”

There was a coherent seismic activity off the coast of Sanriku, with four earthquakes of magnitude 5.0 or greater since 13 February. The largest was a 5.5-magnitude earthquake that occurred on 16 February. All of the seismic mechanisms are reverse fault-type earthquakes with a pressure axis in the west-northwest-east-southeast direction, which occurred at the boundary of the Pacific plate and the land plate.

Nowhere in them is there any mention of “predicting a great earthquake”. Then, on March 11, two days after the announcement, a magnitude 9.0 earthquake struck off the coast of Sanriku.

A maximum intensity of 7 on the Japanese scale was recorded, and a massive tsunami was felt off the Pacific coast of Hokkaido, Tohoku and Kanto, leaving more than 20,000 people dead or missing and causing extensive damage. “Unexpected” was the word that dominated the mass media, and even Japan’s most eminent earthquake experts could not have foreseen this disaster.

2. Earthquake Hazard Station (J-SHIS)

The National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience, a national research and development corporation under the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), was established in April 1963 , which was affiliated with the Science and Technology Agency, to carry out research on science and technology for disaster prevention, headquartered in Tsukuba City, Ibaraki Prefecture, has experimental and observational facilities all over Japan.

The National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience (NIED) has an excellent website called J-SHIS: Earthquake Hazard Stations. The “Major Active Fault Zones”, “Other Active Fault Zones”, “Trench-Type Earthquake Source Faults”, “Trench-Type Earthquake Regions”, “Surface Traces of Major Active Fault Zones”, etc. are described in detail in the national map.

In addition, it also provides a clear map of the probability of being affected by earthquakes over the next 30 years, including “seismic intensity of 5 weak or more”, “seismic intensity of 5 strong or more”, “seismic intensity of 6 weak or more”, “seismic intensity of 6 strong or more”, making it possible to estimate the impact of earthquake risk on the company. J-SHIS: Earthquake Hazard Station Map by The National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience (NIED).

3. Examine your company’s earthquake risk

Even just two days before the Great East Japan Earthquake, what the leading experts in seismic research in Japan could not have foreseen is the risk of an earthquake. It would be impossible for the average person to foresee this. However, it is possible to consider “what to do in the unlikely event of a major earthquake” and decide on “how to respond”. This is the risk management of earthquake risk.

It is very important to examine in advance how your company’s office, plant and equipment are exposed to earthquake and tsunami risks, and then carefully plan and prepare countermeasures.

For example, open the “J-SHIS Map” and check the “Major Active Faults” in the “Source Fault” box, and the location of major active faults will be shown on the map. If you click on a fault in the “Major Active Fault Zone”, the information about the fault will be displayed on the map. If you click on the link of the fault, the long term evaluation by the “Earthquake Research and Development Directorate” is displayed, and if you click on the “Earthquake Map” tab, the intensity of earthquake oscillation in case of a major earthquake is displayed.

If your company has offices all over Japan, the National Earthquake Motion Prediction Map will show you the results of the predictions of possible future earthquakes, contributing to earthquake risk management on a national level.

4. Nankai Trough Earthquake

Since the end of last year, there has been a series of major earthquakes in and around the Japanese islands. This year there has been no change in this trend. However, there is one major earthquake that is causing the greatest concern. The epicenter is in the subduction zone of the Nankai Trough, which stretches from Tokai region to the coast of Kyushu, and there is a 70-80% probability of a major earthquake occurring within the next 30 years. A violent quake with a maximum magnitude of 9 on the Richter scale and a maximum intensity of 7 on the Japanese seismic scale, followed by a huge tsunami of 10 meters and in some cases more than 30 meters, is said to be capable of paralyzing the cities of Tokyo, Osaka and Nagoya.

Perhaps in part due to the new strains of coronavirus flu, there has not been much coverage of the Nankai Trough earthquake. Also, the opinions of experts appearing on the Internet and in the media are scattered across the board, and some of them say that the situation is not urgent. However, as I mentioned at the beginning of this article, even two days before the Great East Japan Earthquake, Japan’s leading earthquake research experts could not have foreseen it.

Estimates of the damage from the Nankai Trough earthquake say that “long-term economic losses over the 20 years following the quake could be as high as 1,410 trillion yen”. The death toll is expected to rise to 320,000 if tsunamis, collapsed buildings and fires are included, making it a national disaster of epic proportions, it said.

Last November, the government introduced a new system in an attempt to reduce the damage caused by the Nankai Trough earthquake by as much as possible. If something unusual occurs in the area around the epicenter of the Nankai Trough and it is judged that “the likelihood of a large-scale earthquake is higher than usual”, the government will promptly report this information as “a special bulletin”.

For example, 1) “If one half of the large expected epicenter area lying in the Nankai Trough moves out of alignment and a magnitude 8 earthquake occurs, the possibility of a large earthquake occurring in the remaining epicenter area that has not yet moved out of alignment is increasing,” and 2) “If a magnitude 7 earthquake occurs in a part of the expected epicenter area, the possibility of a large earthquake occurring in the rest of the area is increasing. The purpose of this system is to encourage local governments, residents and businesses to prepare for a major earthquake by informing them in advance that the possibility of a major earthquake is increasing, in order to reduce the damage caused by a subsequent major earthquake.

However, some earthquakes, such as the Great East Japan Earthquake, do not necessarily have the phenomena that would be seen as precursors to a major earthquake. In other cases, huge earthquakes occur suddenly without any unusual phenomena being observed. However, the above two examples are said to have actually occurred in past large earthquakes.

In the first case, a major earthquake occurs in one half of the epicenter area, and then a major earthquake occurs in the rest of the region. Most of the major Nankai Trough earthquakes that have occurred in the past have involved two major earthquakes with a time gap between them; in the case of the Nankai Trough earthquake, which occurred 160 years ago, the time gap between the two major earthquakes was 32 hours.

In the “Showa-Tonankai Earthquake,” which occurred on December 7, 1944, but was “hidden” because of the press control during the Pacific War, an eight-magnitude earthquake first struck in the eastern half of the epicenter area, and two years later, a massive eight-magnitude earthquake struck in the western half of the epicenter area.

The Japanese government, in an effort to “play to the enemy’s advantage,” covered up the news of this “Showa-Tonankai earthquake. Although none of the Japanese newspapers reported the earthquake in detail, the epicenter of the quake and the extent of the damage were fully reported in the “New York Times” on December 8, the next day.

In case 2), “a large earthquake is preceded by a small quake in a part of the epicenter area, followed by a large one”. This seems not to have been seen in the past in the Nankai Trough, but in the case of the Great East Japan Earthquake, a 7.3-magnitude earthquake occurred in the epicenter area two days before the 9-magnitude earthquake.

Summary of this issue

We are now facing the spread of an unknown new coronavirus. Over the past 20 years, we have experienced two major epidemics of infectious diseases, SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) from 2002 to 2003 and MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome) from 2012.

Nine years after the Great East Japan Earthquake, it is impossible to respond to a major earthquake, such as the one that hit the Tokyo metropolitan area and the Nankai Trough, by simply saying that there is nothing that can be done because the experts cannot foresee it. Yesterday’s earthquake, which occurred on the Sea of Japan side, was not a direct aftershock of the Great East Japan Earthquake.

Japan is surrounded by earthquake risks. We need to do what we can do, one thing at a time, to steadily verify and implement what we can do. This is a situation that requires us to examine our risk management and crisis management systems in concrete terms and prepare for the unexpected. I believe that it is time for full-scale risk management, including the establishment of captives.

Author/translator: Shinichiro Hatani