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企業戦略 2021.01.29

CS 18  プログラミング言語 Programming languages

For those who prefer to read this column in English, the Japanese text is followed by a British English translation, so please scroll down to the bottom of the Japanese text.

1901年(明治34年)3月15日、著名な歌人であり慶應義塾大学教授の与謝野鉄幹が発行した「鐵幹子」●国立国会図書館デジタルコレクション、この19ページに、「三十年八月京城に於いて作る」と付記された歌が掲載されている。三高(現京都大学)寮歌「行春哀歌」(ぎょうしゅんあいか:作詞:矢野峰人 作曲:小川昇)のメロディが、この歌に添えられ、日本中の旧制高校生を中心に歌われていった、「人を戀(恋)ふる歌」である。                 

誰しも一度は耳にしたことがある「妻(つま)をめどらば才たけて 顔(みめ)うるはしくなさけある 友をえらばば書を讀んで 六分の俠氣四分の熱」から始まる、16番まである歌である。その4番に「あゝわれコレッヂの奇才なく バイロン、ハイネの熱なきも 石をいだきて野にうたふ 芭蕉のさびをよろこばず」という、歌の冒頭とともに非常に有名な一節がある。






この「夕べの集い」で披露されたのが、「階差機関(Difference Engine)1号」と呼ばれた世界初の自動計算機の試作品であった。数本の真鍮の柱と、上下2枚の金属板の間に多くの歯車があり、そこには数字が刻まれ、レバーをまわすと、歯車と数字が動く仕組みとなっていた。「夕べの集い」の招待客は、この「考える機械」と呼ばれた驚異的な発明品に驚愕したが、後にエイダは「進むべき道との啓示をその場で得た」と語っていたそうである。



この「階差機関(Difference Engine)」を試作した数学者のチャールズ・バベッジに師事することになったエイダは、数々の論文を発表、産業革命を経て発展していく科学や数学的知識を夢中になって学んでいった。結婚から1年が過ぎた1836年、長男を出産。続いて、長女、次男を無事に出産したものの、長女を生んだ後にコレラを発症。これが引き金になって幼い頃病んだ神経麻痺の症状が再発、一年のうち数ヵ月寝たきりになる状態を何年も繰り返すようになった。



チャールズ・バベッジが「階差機関」を改良した「解析機関(Analytical Engine)」の講演をイタリアでおこなった事に関するフランス語の論評が発表された。これを掲載しようとした英国の科学雑誌『テイラー科学論集』は、その翻訳者を当時科学者として注目されつつあったエイダに依頼しようと連絡を取った。















執筆・翻訳者:羽谷 信一郎

English Translation

Corporate Strategy 18 – Programming languages

On 15 March 1901, the song was published in the journal ”Tekkanshi”, published by the famous poet and professor of Keio University, Tekkan Yosano, with the inscription: “Made in August of the Thirties(30th Meiji era: the year of 1893) at Keijyo(now in Seoul, South Korea)”. The song was accompanied by the melody of the San-ko (now Kyoto University) dormitory song “Gyou-syun-aika” (lyrics by Mineto Yano, composition by Noboru Ogawa). It is “a song of love” that has been sung mainly by old-education-system high school students in Japan.

Everyone has heard it at least once. It is a song that has 16 numbers, beginning with ” My married wife is both talented and beautiful. Choose a good friend, 60 per cent chivalry, 40 per cent passion”. There is a very famous line in the fourth verse of the poem, along with the beginning of the poem, which reads, “Ah, I am, without the passion of Byron and Heine, singing in the field with taking a Stone, and I do not rejoice in the hook of Basho”.

The Byron mentioned here is George Gordon Byron, the Romantic poet of the 19th century, famous for his brilliant poetry and his many affairs with women. 1788, he was born in London, England, to a father who was a captain in the army. Byron’s father, however, was a notorious drunkard and spendthrift, and he died early, leaving behind a large debt. From then on he spent his darkest days with his mentally troubled mother.

Byron was at a turning point in his life. The death of a relative who had been a baron meant that Byron was now the heir to the title. He became an aristocrat and went to Cambridge University. But he neglected his studies and wandered about the world, completely unnoticed in public and in the society of the aristocracy, until 1812, when he published a volume of poetry, Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage, which was highly praised and brought him into the public eye.

The only daughter of a quasi-baronet, a woman who, thanks to her parents’ commitment to education, employed a Cambridge professor as a tutor and studied the same curriculum as the university’s students, came to Byron’s doorstep in social circles. She was Annabella, who later became his wife. From her tutor, the woman learned philosophy, science and mathematics. They married in January 1815, and their long-awaited daughter, Ada Byron, known as “the world’s first programmer”, was born on 10 December of the same year.

1. First encounter with science

Raised at home by her mother’s family, with several tutors employed by her mother, Annabella, who, like her grandparents, was passionate about education, Ada grew up to be a strong creative person with a strong emphasis on mathematics and science, and by the age of 13 she was already working on designing giant paper “bird wings”. she also studied anatomy and astronomy in order to understand how the wings worked.

In 1833, London society was abuzz with the “Evening Gathering'”at the home and workshop of the mathematician Charles Babbage to showcase the results of his work, and at the age of 17, Ada was due to attend her first social gathering as a child of the aristocracy before her debut.

The prototype of the world’s first automatic calculator, known as the “Difference Engine 1”, was unveiled at the Evening Gathering. It consisted of several brass pillars and a number of gears between two metal plates, one above and one below, on which numbers were engraved and, when a lever was turned, the gears and numbers moved. The guests at the Evening Gathering were astonished at this amazing invention, which they called a “thinking machine”, but Ada later said that she had an “epiphany on the spot” that it was the way to go.

Ada understood exactly how the machine worked. She made the acquaintance of Mary Somerville, a female mathematician who was hailed as the “Queen of Science” at the time, published various papers under her auspices, and in 1835 married a friend of Somerville’s son, Baron Lovelace, eleven years her senior, who understood that women should become “scholars”, and became ”Ada Lovelace”.

2. The motionless body

She studied under Charles Babbage, the mathematician who had built a prototype of the “Difference Engine”, and published numerous papers and became obsessed with the science and mathematical knowledge that was developing through the Industrial Revolution. A year after her marriage, in 1836, she gave birth to her first son. She then gave birth to her first daughter and second son successfully, but after the birth of her first daughter, she developed cholera. This triggered a recurrence of the neuropathy she had suffered from as a child, which left her bedridden for several months of the year for years.

However, despite her incapacitated body, Ada published a research paper with her own views and annotations on the “Analysis Engine”, an improvement on the world’s first computer, the “Difference Engine 1”.

3. the world’s first programmer

A French-language review of Charles Babbage’s lecture in Italy on the ”Analytical Engine”, a modification of the ”gradation engine”, was published. The British scientific journal, Taylor’s Scientific Review, wished to publish it, and contacted Ada, then a rising scientific figure, to translate it.

She consulted her mentor, Charles Babbage, about this important commission and he advised her to “not only translate, but to add her own ideas to the research paper”. Ada completed her thesis the following year, although her studies were interrupted by illness.The annotations she added as a “paper” at the behest of Charles Babbage were three times the size of the translated text, and the paper was called a “research paper” (memoire) rather than an “article in translation”. The 65-page paper caught the public’s attention, and it was in this paper that Ada became known as “the world’s first computer programmer” because it analysed and explained in detail the programme code of the world’s first analysis laboratory.

She lived a less than happy life during the Victorian era, when the world was transformed by the Industrial Revolution and she died at the age of 36, just like her father, the poet George Gordon Byron, but in later life her work has been highly regarded.

It was Alan Turing, the British mathematician who is credited with laying the foundations for the modern computer, whose work is described in this column as “RM (Risk Management) 54”. Having cracked the German code machine ”Enigma” during the Second World War and invented the ”Turing machine” in 1936, he is said to have read Ada’s research paper (memoire) and was amazed to find that she had produced the programme code for the Analysis Engine 100 years earlier. Ada is now recognised the world over not as the daughter of Byron, the daredevil poet, but as someone who has made a significant contribution to the development of modern computing.

4. Programming languages

The Pentagon named its newly developed computer programming language “Ada” on 10 December 1980. It is said that the decision was made after the Pentagon’s computer department talked about “their original” Ada Byron. The number 1815 in the MIL standard number (MIL-STD-1815), the number that specifies all the various weapons, supplies, etc., needed by the US military, is her birth year, and the day this was announced, 10 December, was, as mentioned, Ada’s birthday.The computer on board the F-22, the world’s most powerful fighter jet, is programmed by this ”Ada”.

It is widely known that computers process all data “with digital signals of zeros and ones”. Thus, to get a computer to process something, it has to give commands in a sequence of 0s and 1s, but a human being cannot look at a sequence of “0101…” and understand the meaning. The “instructions for translating digital signals”, the instructions for giving commands to a computer, are programming languages.

Apart from Aida, there are quite a few other programming languages, but most of them use English as their core programming language. Compared to languages normally used by humans, such as English and Japanese, the grammar is strictly defined and any grammatical errors will result in errors and the program will not work. In order for the PC to understand and execute the programmer’s requests, it must write “instructions” in strict accordance with the grammar of the programming language to be applied. The file version of this is called source code, source program or source or code, and on this source code are the specific actions of the program that runs the computer.

Some of the artificial intelligence (Ai) we have seen recently that appears to be able to converse with humans, but this does not mean that the computer understands the human language. On the computer screen, sentences are displayed in Japanese, English and other languages, but this does not mean that the computer understands them, and in order for it to understand them, it needs to give commands in a language it can understand, and the “translation language” is a programming language that is used for this purpose.

Summary of this issue

“Man is not a machine” is said in many ways and on many occasions. It is a term that describes “flesh and blood” and “having feelings”. A computer is a machine, and therefore “words formed in the right way and with the right ‘grammar'” can be understood.

However, there are times when a human being in a company cannot understand the instructions they receive because “the instructions are not structured in a qualified language” or because the emotions of the person receiving the instructions may not “emotionally” allow it.

If instructions given with the assumption that they will be understood are misunderstood, there is still a risk that they may be perverted and cause problems for the business. It would not be an exaggeration to say that the success of the implementation of the corporate strategy, as well as the growth and survival of the company, depends on the awareness and understanding of the supervisors and managers who give the orders.

In order to ensure that all employees and stakeholders correctly understand and implement the corporate strategy that has been written down, it is necessary to use the programming language of corporate strategy – risk management language – to make that corporate strategy into a language of instructions that everyone can understand correctly and precisely. This is because humans, as “machines” (organisational bodies and institutions), have a complex filter of “emotions” at the entrance of their data.

Alan Turing, the British mathematician who laid the foundations for the modern computer, is regarded as one of the most important minds of the 20th century. He was astonished by Ada’s achievements. What if she had worked in the field of insurance? Captives, “the ultimate evolution of risk management”, flourished 100 years ago, and their modern evolution could have been even greater.

Author/translator: Shinichiro Hatani