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設立・運営 2021.11.12

EM6 キャプティブの設立 No.6(キャプティブ設立コンサルティング全般)


For those who prefer to read this column in English, the Japanese text is followed by a British English translation, so please scroll down to the bottom of the Japanese text.


① キャプティブは「リスクを引受ける事業」である保険会社の一形態であり、そのためドミサイル(設立地)に於いて保険会社として適格かどうか厳格な審査を受けるが、その際保険監督当局との対応を専門家がおこなう必要がある。

② 保険会社として「保有するリスク」が適格か否かを審査するためには、保険数理士(アクチュアリー)の専門的意見書を含む、膨大な書類の準備等、複雑な設立工程を経る必要がある。

③ キャプティブの設立後、その業務のほとんどすべては、グローバル・リンク、ドミサイルの「キャプティブ・マネージャー(キャプティブ・マネジメント会社)」並びに「キャプティブの登録代理人となる現地弁護士」によっておこなわれるが、その選任手続きが必要である。





1.キャプティブの事業化調査 (フェーズ1)



① キャプティブの対象とする保険を「既に掛けている保険種目から選択する」場合

② キャプティブの対象とする保険を「新規に手配する保険種目」とする場合








この削減できた火災保険料を原資の一部として、それまで「付保したいが保険料が高いから」と諦めていた「地震保険」を付保することができ、「火災保険部分」を除き「地震保険部分のキャプティブ化」の検討を開始、グローバル・リンクの業務提携先、大手総合商社丸紅の保険部門会社、再保険ブローカー(再保険仲立人)である株式会社マルニックスが世界最大級の再保険会社と交渉した結果、日本の元受保険会社では提供が不可能だった補償金額の提供、また補償面でも日本の損害保険会社では、その提供が不可能とされた、十分な補償額を有する「地震による事業中断への補償(Business Interruption Cover)」の提供が可能になったのである。




グローバル・リンクが推奨している米国ハワイ州にキャプティブを設立する場合、「保険監督当局」とは、「商業・消費者庁(Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs)保険局(Insurance Division)」となり、ここに「設立申請書等一式」を提出、営業認可を受けることになる。












上記以外、冒頭に述べたとおり、フェーズ2においては、キャプティブ運営に現地で携わる専門組織である法律事務所(ハワイ州では州政府からの通知を受取るRegistered Agentにも任ずる)、キャプティブのメインバンク(資本金を振り込む)、アクチュアリー(保険数理士)、税務・会計事務所等、現地専門家組織を選定、任用することがおこなわれる段階でもある。

3.  キャプティブの運営・管理(フェーズ3)













執筆・翻訳者:羽谷 信一郎

It is strictly forbidden to publish, copy, quote or distribute the contents of this column without permission.

English Translation

EM (Establishment・Management)6 – Establishment of Captives No.6 (General Captive Establishment Consultancy) 

In order to establish a captive, you will need the support of a “captive consultancy” such as Global Link for the following reasons

①  A captive is a form of “risk underwriting” insurance company, and as such is subject to strict scrutiny in the domicile of incorporation to ensure that it qualifies as an insurance company, and is required to deal with insurance regulators in a professional manner.

② The establishment of a captive is a complex process, involving the preparation of a large number of documents, including the expert opinion of an actuary, in order to determine whether the captive’s “risks” qualify as an insurance company.

③  the need to appoint a captive manager (captive management company) and a local lawyer to act as the registered representative of the captive, as almost all of the work of the captive will be carried out by the captive manager and the local lawyer.

In close consultation with the Japanese parent company of the captive, Global Link will work closely with the captive manager (the captive management company) and the captive’s registered agent (a law firm) to prepare for the establishment of the captive.

Once the captive has been approved by the Dominical Insurance Supervisory Authority and is operational, Global Link works closely with a number of qualified professionals who are essential to the operation of an insurance company, including tax accountants, auditors and actuaries.

Global Link divides the stages involved in setting up a captive into three. The first phase is a feasibility study to determine the feasibility of establishing a captive, the second phase is the establishment of the captive, and the third phase is the management of the captive. This article provides a general overview of the phases, and each phase will be described in more detail in the next column.

1. Feasibility Study of the Captive (Phase 1)

This is the phase in which the feasibility of establishing a captive is investigated and analysed to determine whether or not a captive can be established.

When establishing a “captive programme”, there are two main objectives and types of insurance to be covered”.

① to select insurance coverage for the captive from the insurance coverage already in place.

② ”Newly arranged insurance” is the subject of the captive.

In some cases, a captive may be established with “new insurance” and then “select insurance from existing insurance to be included in the captive program”. However, even if this is the intention from the outset, Global Link recommends that a captive should be established by selecting either 1 or 2 above and then expanding the scope of the captive’s insurance coverage.

It is because that multiple lines of insurance may require multiple underwriting departments of reinsurance companies to underwrite reinsurance (retrocession) from the captive, which may take time to make underwriting decisions and provide terms and conditions, and similarly at the “captive approval stage”.

We have seen this in action at Global Link. When we first met with a company to sign a “Phase 1” contract and set up a captive, we asked them to review their existing insurance and risk management policies to determine what risks they were insuring and how they were insuring them, and whether there were any significant risks that were not being addressed. We would like to have a copy of all the insurance policies so that we can make a data base of all the insurance policies to see if there are any new policies that need to be put in place. I asked if I could have a copy of the policy. “I’ll bring you downstairs to the lobby later,” the deputy manager said.

I wondered why we were in the lobby downstairs and not in this meeting room.
After the meeting, I was waiting in the lobby when I saw the deputy manager in charge walking down the hall carrying a cardboard box. “I thought to myself, “No way”, and he almost handed me a cardboard box saying, “Here is your copies of insurance policies”. “I asked him if he could send them to the office of Global Link by courier”.

This was the result of the fact that the 70 or so offices in Japan had been insured by different non-life insurance companies for various reasons and circumstances. I thought it was important to have a relationship with the insurance company, but when I asked, “Isn’t this too much for the head office to keep track of?” He replied, “We have a list, but to be honest, we don’t know enough about it because of the past history”.

A year later, when the captive programme was established and the captive was set up, the 165 policies were combined into one ” comprehensive insurance policy”. In addition, the fire insurance premiums, which had been paid by four non-life insurance companies totalling some ¥50 million, were consolidated and, in the process, the duplication of coverage was rationalised, resulting in a reduction of premiums by half to around ¥23 million, as a result of negotiations with the non-life insurers by Global Link, who were appointed as “the risk manager”.

With the reduced fire insurance premiums, the company was able to purchase earthquake insurance, which it had previously been reluctant to do because of the high premiums.

“Marnix Corporation, a reinsurance broker (reinsurance intermediary) for the insurance division of Marubeni Corporation, a major general trading firm, with which Global Link has a business alliance, negotiated with one of the world’s largest reinsurance companies, and as a result, we were able to offer a level of coverage that Japanese primary insurers were unable to provide, as well as a Business Interruption Cover with sufficient coverage that Japanese non-life insurers were unable to provide.

2. Establishment of a captive (Phase 2)

If a captive is deemed to be viable in Phase 1 and the decision is made to apply to establish a captive, this is the “captive establishment phase”.

An application for the establishment of a captive is made to the insurance regulator of the domicile where the captive is to be established. Once approved for business, the capital is paid into the account of the captive’s main bank, and the company is registered as a legal entity. This phase is referred to by Global Link as “Phase 2”.

If the captive is to be established in the State of Hawaii, which Global Link recommends, the “insurance regulator” is the Insurance Division of the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs, to which the captive must submit an “application for incorporation” and obtain approval to operate.

What is included in the State of Hawaii’s “Application to Establish a Captive”?

① Class of captive, location, owners, directors and officers of the captive, and details of the organization involved in the operation of the captive.

② A detailed description of the company forming the captive and the insurance policies to be underwritten by the captive.

③  BS/PL simulations for the next five years.

④ The business strategy of the captive.

⑤ Biographies of the applicants for the captive

⑥ Application for payment reserve certification

⑦ Application from a chartered accountant

⑧ Application form of the captive manager.

In addition to the above, an actuarial report, the financial statements of the captive’s parent company, a unanimous written resolution of the parent company’s board of directors, and the company’s articles of association and by-laws are also required.

Global Link will compile all of this data and send it to the State of Hawaii’s “captive manager” (a captive management company) so that they can prepare the official documents.

In addition to the above, as mentioned at the beginning of this article, Phase 2 includes the selection and appointment of a local professional organization to manage the captive, such as a law firm (which in Hawaii also serves as the Registered Agent to receive notices from the state government), the captive’s main bank (to which capital is transferred), actuaries, and tax and accounting firms.

3. Maintenance and management of the captive (Phase 3)

After the captive is established, the business of the captive is commenced and the captive is operated and managed for a period of one year, unlike Phases 1 and 2 above, due to the financial requirements of the captive.

The captive is an insurance company, albeit a small one, and is required to carry out the following tasks: business planning and execution, underwriting, reinsurance arrangement, claims payment, reinsurance claims, insurance accounting, auditing, tax filing and payment, holding of annual general meeting and annual board meeting, and reporting to the insurance regulator. It is necessary to use local experts to perform these tasks.

The captive assumes the majority of the parent company’s insurance written by the Japanese primary insurer in the form of reinsurance from the primary insurer, which is the “premium income”. The majority of the risk underwritten by that reinsurance is then ceded in the form of reinsurance as retrocession on the terms agreed with the London Market reinsurers that were agreed at the “Phase 1” stage.

Reinsurance contracts with the primary insurers are automatically determined at the time of signing the primary insurance contract, but retrocession contracts with the reinsurers in London are arranged through Marnix, as described above. Since most of the captive’s profit is generated from the difference between the reinsurance premium and the retrocession premium (the so-called premium differential), the skill of the reinsurance arrangement has a significant impact on the profitability of the captive business. This is where Global Link’s relationship with the London market comes into its own.

In addition to the end of the financial year, captives are required to prepare a quarterly BS/PL trial balance. At the end of the fiscal year, actuaries perform actuarial calculations of reserves, IBNR, etc., which are then audited by independent auditors and reported to insurance regulators by the due date. In the case of the State of Hawaii, the due date is within six months of the end of the fiscal year. Due to filing deadlines, scheduled tax payments, and the complexities of the tax incentives available to small insurance companies, it is important to have a professional organization with experience in captive accounting and taxation that can properly handle the tax reporting process.

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) is the most important meeting of the captive, as it is where all important matters relating to the captive’s business are reported to and approved by the shareholders and board of directors. In the case of the State of Hawaii, the AGM must be held in Hawaii at least once a calendar year, but it is possible to “attend” the AGM in Japan via teleconference and online meetings.

Summary of this issue

Captives are small, proprietary insurance companies that are licensed to operate by insurance regulators. This means that compliance must be strictly adhered to as a “financial institution” and the same applies to the establishment.

While general insurance companies operate with a large number of employees, often in excess of 10,000, captives are operated by outsourcing all but the directors to external professional organisations skilled in the captive business. In this respect, the quality of the professional body is a very important factor in the smooth and accurate running of the captive programme, both at the time of preparation and after the start of operations. Therefore, the choice of a captive consulting firm, which is the “heart” of the captive programme in Japan, is crucial to the development of a network of qualified professional organisations.

In the case of the State of Hawaii, the professionals and organizations that Global Link works with, such as captive managers, law firms, accounting firms and banks, are located in close proximity to downtown Honolulu.

The attractiveness of the State of Hawaii as a domicile is not only due to the location and cooperation of these professional organisations, but also due to the active commitment of the State Government to captive projects and the geographical advantage of being able to “communicate for a considerable time on the same day” due to the short time difference (5 hours) with Japan.

Perhaps the greatest advantage of all is the ability to communicate and consult with “all professional organizations” in Japanese. In other states, annual meetings are held in English, but in Hawaii, all meetings are held in Japanese, which is very attractive to Japanese companies.

Author/translator: Shinichiro Hatani