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リスク対応策 2020.02.11

RM 9  衣替え Change of clothes

For those who prefer to read this column in English, the Japanese text is followed by a British English translation, so please scroll down to the bottom of the Japanese text.
























このようなパワハラやセクハラ(セクシャルハラスメント)に対応する保険が、雇用慣行賠償責任保険である。従業員からセクハラやパワハラなどのハラスメント行為や、年齢や性別からくる差別行為、不当な評価による強制的な配置転換など、いわゆる不当行為が原因で会社が損害賠償を請求された場合、その費用を補償する保険になる。しかし、その雇用慣行賠償責任保険(EPL保険:Employment Practice Liability Insurance)の歴史は非常に浅く,1990年代初めにアメリカで商品化され、日本には1990年代の後半に導入された。







執筆・翻訳者:羽谷 信一郎

English Translation

Risk Management 9 – Change of clothes

The Meiji government set June 1 and October 1 as the dates for the “change of clothes” that had long been an imperial event. In 2005, the Ministry of the Environment widely called for raising the air conditioning setting in offices in the summer to prevent global warming, and in 2005, the Ministry of the Environment dubbed it the “Cool Biz,” a campaign to encourage people to wear light summer clothes without ties so they can work cooler and more efficiently.

I often visit the state of Hawaii in the United States to establish and run the Captive. The most common theory is that it originated as a re-creation of Japanese kimono, but men in Hawaii wear aloha shirts as formal attire. They also wear aloha shirts when they go to the insurance bureau that oversees the captives.

The motif of this Hawaiian aloha shirt is Okinawa’s “Kariyushi-wear”. The shirt is named after the Okinawan word “Kariyushi,” which means “good luck and festive” in in the Okinawa vernacular of Japanese. In Okinawa, it used to be the “long summer uniform” of prefectural employees, financial institutions, and the tourism and travel industry, and since the leaders of countries wore it at the Kyushu-Okinawa Summit in 2000, it has rapidly spread to other companies as well, making it a specialty item that has had a major positive effect on the Okinawan economy.

1. The Battle for “Shuri Castle”

Today, Okinawa Prefecture is one of the longest-living prefectures in Japan, and its population continues to grow, with more than 20,000 immigrants each year due to its natural beauty, mild climate and warmth of its people. Sixty years ago, however, the area became an unimaginably tragic battlefield: on March 26, 1945, more than 240,000 generals of the U.S. 10th U.S. Army, which occupied the Kerama Archipelago, landed on the main island of Okinawa on April 1, 1945, and fought a fierce battle with the 32nd Japanese Army, more than 90,000 men of the Okinawa Defense Force. In the three months to the end of June, when the battle was almost over, the number of casualties exceeded 200,000, and more than half of them were Okinawans.

One of the symbols of this death toll was the “Himeyuri Unit,” a military nursing corps consisting of 222 students and 18 teachers from the Girls division of Okinawa Prefectural Teachers Training School and the Okinawa Prefectural First Girls’ School.

At the time, the headquarters of the Okinawa garrison was located at Shuri Castle, which was destroyed by fire on October 31 last year. As the U.S. attack gained momentum, the Okinawa Defense Force abandoned its headquarters under Shuri Castle and withdrew southward, and the number of casualties increased rapidly. Then, on June 18, in the middle of the battlefield, the army suddenly gave the order to “disband” the student corps. The students were in despair at the sudden order to disband. Many of them lost their way and committed suicide or were forced to flee under the bombardment.

Five days later, on June 23, the commander of the Okinawa garrison committed suicide, ending the systematic fighting as a military force. In fact, more than 100 Himeyuri students were dead in just five days. Okinawa Prefecture has designated this day as “Memorial Day” to pray for peace and comfort the souls of the war dead.

2. The problems of the Japanese-style organization

It is no exaggeration to say that the Battle of Okinawa “really highlighted the organizational problems of the Japanese military”, because Japan’s forces were almost at the bottom of the war, while the United States was looking to end it.

The Russo-Japanese War was the first full-scale war Japan waged after the Meiji Restoration. The navy wiped out the Baltic Fleet, which was said to be the strongest fleet in the world, at the Battle of the Sea of Japan, with little or no damage to the Japanese side. Likewise, the army, despite heavy casualties, fell the impregnable fortresses after ” close combat”. Only 40 years after the Meiji Restoration, the Japanese army won a victory over Russia, a great power with overwhelmingly superior national and military strength, and the strategic prototype of the Japanese army was formed through the successful experience of the former’s “big-game gun principle” and the latter’s “close combat supremacy”.

General staffs were needed to evolve this strategic prototype. It was mainly for this purpose that the Naval Academy, the Advanced Naval Academy, the Naval War College, and the Army War College were established, and the successful experiences gained in 1904-05 were to become a glittering backdrop for the training of these officers.

The establishment of these institutions for training advanced vocational military personnel, which provided “education not needed by the general public,” sprouted a strong sense of kindred spirits within the army, which should have been a functional body, fostered a sense of exclusive unevenness (community) and formed the genus-like organizational structure of the Japanese military. This was evident in every aspect of the war, and a strategy was formulated that was always ready for ambiguity and that “emphasized mentalism and emotion rather than logic and information”. The strategy was based on the successful experience of ”40 years ago and was based on an abstract strategy that did not respond to changes in the environment, did not go beyond the realm of graphical exercises, did not look at the scene of the war, and was not grounded in concrete methodologies.”

3. Problems of Japanese organizations that have been handed down to modern Japanese companies

A similar situation arose in Okinawa. A major discrepancy in strategy and a duality of strategy emerged between the Imperial Headquarters, which had ordered “airplane-driven operations” as “the way things should be,” and the 32nd Army, which insisted on “emphasis on ground warfare based on the actual number of aircraft and numbers available on the ground” based on “the situation on the ground.”

Furthermore, the mortar units that were tasked with striking the U.S. troops coming ashore and the 9th Division of the elite division, which was the cornerstone of the 32nd Army’s defense, were transferred to the Philippines and Taiwan by the general staff of the Taiwanese General Staff, who insisted that “the defense of the Philippines and Taiwan is the top priority”, and in response to the U.S. troops that boasted of the overwhelming number of troops and heavy equipment, the 32nd Army claimed that “they do not have heavy equipment”. In other words, the Okinawa garrison was made up of only infantry. With this, it would not be an exaggeration to say that the victory or defeat had already been won or lost before the U.S. forces landed on Okinawa.

If one looks at the above issues that the Japanese military had to deal with from the perspective of business management, many companies are said to have inherited these problems from a systematic and constitutional perspective even after the war. In companies that have suffered from “big business disease,” old-fashioned strategies based on the successes of the past continue to be formulated, and orders that disregard the logistics of supply chain management without regard to the field may continue to fly about.

4. Power harassment – a new risk

According to the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare’s website, power harassment is defined as.;

“Workplace power harassment is defined as “the act of causing mental or physical distress or worsening of the work environment to a person working in the same workplace, beyond the appropriate scope of work, by virtue of his or her superiority in the workplace, such as position or human relations.”

In this definition,
・It is not limited to actions from superiors to subordinates, but also includes actions that are based on “superiority in the workplace,” such as position and human relations.
・This does not apply to cases where instructions, cautions and guidance are given that are necessary for the work, but clarifies that actions that exceed the “proper scope of work” fall under this category.

Since 1993, the term power harassment has been legislated in Western countries, and in Japan, the term power harassment was proposed in 2001, and a prevention convention was enacted by the United Nations in 2019.

In other words, the concept of power harassment did not exist before 1993. Not only in Japan during the period of rapid growth, but also in the West, “verbal abuse in the workplace” may have been a commonplace behavior of bosses and managers that was dismissed as a bit of harsh guidance and loving smack. Corporal punishment, which is now a huge problem, was also “previously the norm to some extent”. When a risk situation arises, insurance policies are developed as a means of hedging the risk.

The insurance that responds to such power and sexual harassment is employment practices liability insurance. The insurance is designed to compensate the company for the cost of compensating employees if the company is claimed for damages due to so-called unfair acts of harassment, such as sexual harassment or power harassment, discrimination based on age or gender, or forced reassignment due to unfair evaluation. However, EPL insurance (Employment Practice Liability Insurance) has a very short history, having been commercialized in the United States in the early 1990s and introduced in Japan in the late 1990s.

Therefore, EPL insurance has a strong meaning as “insurance to compensate the costs incurred by the company” and has a weak meaning as a “precautionary measure” such as “insurance to prevent sexual and power harassment” from occurring, such as fostering a corporate culture to prevent them from occurring. In addition, the contents of coverage should be changed according to the circumstances of each company, but it is not easy to change the contents of insurance sold in general.

The means of hedging risk in such situations is the use of captives and solution captives®, which are designed to maximize the benefits of establishing captives and captives that can develop insurance that can accurately respond to their own risks.

In response to the “commander’s self-determination” in the Battle of Okinawa – “Live and not be humiliated by the prisoners of war” – one may feel a sense of grace, but not a sense of consideration for the remaining generals and civilians. Similarly, there is no arguing that the best way to deal with a major problem in corporate management is for the management team to work hard for the benefit of all stakeholders to bring the situation under control and put business activities back on track for growth. As the corporate environment becomes increasingly severe, management needs to take appropriate action before organizational problems are exposed, which is exactly the kind of risk management that today’s corporate environment demands.

Summary of this issue

Risk is always “transforming”. We cannot keep up with the “evolution of risk” if we wait for the development of risk management and insurance to respond to transformed risks. For this reason, we believe that the best risk management strategy is to establish a captive, a qualified solution captive®, which is a “means of generating insurance” for your company, and to put in place a provision for it.

However, the number of companies considering establishing captives to respond to the recent “rapid evolution of risk” has increased dramatically. Compared to the 4,000 captives of U.S. companies, the number of captives currently held by Japanese companies is less than 100, but we feel that the number will surely increase rapidly sooner or later.

Author/translator: Shinichiro Hatani