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リスク対応策 2022.04.15

RM71 地震リスクに対するキャプティブ 「それでも大陸は動いている」

For those who prefer to read this column in English, the Japanese text is followed by a British English translation, so please scroll down to the bottom of the Japanese text.



フィリピン海プレートや太平洋プレートのような「海洋プレート」 は、「陸側プレート」に比べて比重が重いため陸側プレートに沈み込んでいく、その結果、陸側プレートに歪みをもたらす。陸側プレートはその歪みを解消するため、「作用反作用の法則」で跳ね上がる、この結果起きる大地の動きが「海溝型地震」と呼ばれるものである。




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中学、高校の教科書では、紙幅の所為もあり「プレートテクトニクス理論(大陸移動説)は、ヴェーゲナーが世界地図を見ていて思いついた」程度にしか書かれていない。事実、彼は世界地図を見ていて、南大西洋を挟んで、「南アメリカ大陸の海岸線とアフリカ大陸の海岸線がよく似ていることに気づき、これが大陸移動説を生み出すアイデアになった」と言っている。 1912年にフランクフルトで開かれたドイツ地質学会で初めてこの「大陸移動説」を発表した。


「大陸と海洋の起源」(アルフレッド・ウェゲナー(著) 竹内 均(訳) 鎌田 浩毅(解説) 講談社(刊))を読むと、100年以上前、当時入手できる限りの科学的データを基にして、緻密な理論が展開されていったのが良く理解できる。この最初の発表の後、ウェゲナーは4回も改訂版を出しているが、学会では、彼の説は無視され続けた。


同書の巻末にある、鎌田 浩毅 京都大学名誉教授の「解説」には次の言葉がある。







先に引用した、「大陸と海洋の起源」(アルフレッド・ウェゲナー(著) 竹内 均(訳) 鎌田 浩毅(解説) 講談社(刊))」巻末の鎌田 浩毅 京都大学名誉教授の「解説」には次のような文章が続いている。










昔、筆者が大学を卒業して損害保険会社に入社した頃、日本は、「ジャパン as No.1」と評され、「日本企業は長い目で、人、製品を育てる。それに比べて米国の企業は3ヶ月ごとに株主への報告が義務づけられているので短期間での成果を追いすぎる、だからダメなんだ」と言われたものである。しかし、それから40年、「攻守ところを変えた」と言える状況になってしまったようである。











執筆・翻訳者:羽谷 信一郎

English Translation

Risk Management (RM) 71 –  Causes of earthquakes – ”Yet the continent is moving”

Humans live on land. As I remember learning in junior high school science class, “30% of the earth is land and the remaining 70% is sea”. However, unless you live along the coast, all you see in your daily life is land, and you forget that the oceans exist.

Earthquakes that cause major damage to us occur on land, but the “root force” exists in the sea. Fault-type earthquakes, which are caused by the movement of faults on land, also appear to be caused by movement only on land, but the “root force” of the movement exists in the outer shell of the earth, the plate, which the bottom of the ocean touches.

Oceanic plates such as the Philippine Sea Plate and the Pacific Plate are heavier than land-based plates and therefore sink into the land-based plates, resulting in distortion of the land-based plates. In order to resolve the distortion, the land plate rises up according to the “action-reaction law”, and the resulting earth movement is known as a “trench earthquake”. The “kinetic energy” of this plate movement also adds its force to the “faults” inside the land plate. The earthquakes that result are “fault earthquakes”. This is the “reason why earthquakes occur” as explained in plate tectonics (plate theory).

From the above, it is clear that rather than research and investigation of faults on land, research and investigation of “oceanic plates” to trace their origin is the essential approach to understanding earthquake risk, but there is one entity that does not easily allow this: the “ocean”. The “grounding plane” where the plates meet, at a depth of 6000 m or more, is called the “ocean trench”, while those below this depth are called the “trough”, but research on this ocean floor is not easy because it requires “research deep into the ocean floor”.

It is difficult to determine the details in detail, but satellite imagery, which has been developed in recent years, can give a rough idea of “where seismic risks are”.

The diagram above shows a satellite image of the Japanese archipelago. The dark blue Pacific Plate on the right side of the image touches the North American Plate, which is the base of the eastern half of the Japanese Islands, while the blue Philippine Sea Plate, which extends from the Kii Peninsula to Kyushu, touches the Eurasian Plate, the base of the western half of the Japanese Islands, with the Fossa Magna in the middle. Its boundary surface is dark blue, indicating that it is a deep sea, trench or trough.

Today, we can easily estimate the structure of the Earth using images from satellites, but at the beginning of the 20th century, when there were no satellites, there was a man who proposed the plate tectonics theory (theory of continental drift) based solely on maps, the German meteorologist Alfred Wegener Is.

1. Alfred Wegener

In secondary school and high school textbooks, due to the space available, the theory of plate tectonics (theory of continental drift) is written only as ‘Wegener came up with the idea while looking at a map of the world’. In fact, he was looking at a map of the world and noticed that across the South Atlantic Ocean, “the coastlines of the South American and African continents looked very similar, and this was the idea that gave rise to the theory of continental drift”. He first presented this theory of continental drift at the German Geological Society in Frankfurt in 1912.

However, this theory was proposed more than 100 years ago, when the Wright brothers first took to the skies in their “Wright Flyer” with a “wooden framework” and “cloth-covered wings”, let alone artificial satellites.

The book The Origin of the Continents and Oceans (Alfred Wegener (author), Hitoshi Takeuchi (translator), Hiroki Kamata (commentary), Kodansha Ltd (publisher)) shows how, more than 100 years ago, a precise theory was developed based on the best scientific data available at the time. After this initial publication, Wegener revised his theory four times, but his theory continued to be ignored by the academic community.

Even his theory of continental drift, which later became the complete theory of plate tectonics, had various theoretical evidences, such as the distribution of glaciers and geology, but the main reason for this was that people at the time thought it was impossible for the continents to move.

In the “Commentary” by Professor Emeritus Hiroki Kamata of Kyoto University at the end of the same book, the following words are found.

When you open up a world map, you can read many things about the way the earth was formed. Looking at the Atlantic Ocean, the convex part of eastern Brazil in South America appears to merge with the concave part of western Congo in Africa. Similarly, the in and out of the coasts of eastern South America and western Africa seem to be a jigsaw puzzle. Wegener’s empirical scientific focus on the fact that the coastlines of the continents across the Atlantic Ocean are similar. Not only did he realise that the “topography” was roughly the same, but also that the ‘geology’ that makes up the ground is continuous. In other words, his perspective was broadened from similarities on a two-dimensional plane to a three-dimensional subsurface structure. For example, he confirmed that the Appalachian Mountains in eastern North America are connected to Scotland and the Scandinavian Peninsula across the Atlantic Ocean, leading to the theory of continental drift.

2. from the theory of continental drift to the theory of plate tectonics

One of the reasons Alfred Wegener’s theory of continental drift did not attract much attention in the academic community was that it could not theoretically explain the ‘underlying forces that move the continents’. Various hypotheses were put forward, but they were not convincing as ‘the force that moves the continents’. On the other hand, however, investigations of past geomagnetic fields in rocks from all over the world revealed many facts that could only be explained by the idea that the continents had moved.

Arthur Holmes, the British geologist famous for discovering the use of radioactive elements in geological dating, was one of those who paid attention to Wegener’s theory of continental drift, and in 1928 he published his “mantle convection theory” to complement Wegener’s theory and provide theoretical background to the “forces moving the continents”. This theory proposed that “thermal convection” in the Earth’s interior, in the upper mantle, was the “force that moves the continents” and was a sufficient explanation for the “movement of the continents”. Subsequently, a number of complementary theories to the “continental drift theory” were published by various scholars, culminating in the modern “plate tectonics” (plate theory).

Wegener, who was born in 1880, argued for the ‘continental drift theory’ in his book “The Origin of Continents and Oceans”, published in 1915, as noted at the beginning of this article. However, as is often the case in the modern “ivory tower”, it was ignored as an “outsider’s theory”, as Wegener’s speciality was meteorology and geology was not his area of expertise. However, he was undeterred and went on to publish a total of four editions: the second edition of The Origin of Continents and Oceans in 1919, the third edition in 1922, and the fourth edition in 1929.

In the fourth and final edition, he published his theory that “all the continents were one giant continent named ‘Pangaea’ in ancient times, which broke up and moved about 200 million years ago to form the present four continents”. The following year, in 1930, he went on his fifth expedition to Greenland to search for evidence for his theory of continental drift, but was lost in a snow storm and his body was found in May the following year, aged 50.

In the “Commentary” by Professor Emeritus Hiroki Kamata of Kyoto University at the end of the book ‘The Origin of Continents and Oceans’ (written by Alfred Wegener, translated by Hitoshi Takeuchi and commented by Hiroki Kamata, published by Kodansha), quoted above, the following sentence follows.

Despite Wegener’s presentation of a series of geological evidences suggesting that supercontinents once existed, geophysicists rejected the continental drift theory entirely. In addition, they believed that the materials comprising the seafloor were very hard. Therefore, the idea of hard continents moving over an equally hard seabed was untenable.

In fact, to understand the phenomenon of continental drift, one has to take into account geological time lengths of tens or hundreds of millions of years. In other words, over very long periods of time, even materials as hard as rocks can flow slowly. This is the new discipline of ‘rheology’, which deals with the deformation and flow of matter, but it was not yet sufficient in Wegener’s time.

Despite the refusal of Jeffreys and others, who were the reigning authorities in the academic world, to acknowledge it, Wegener did not bend to his own theory. He gradually came to be regarded as a crank by his peers, and none of the scholars supported the theory of continental drift. He disappeared from the scene of earth sciences for half a century.

3. learning from Wegener

Since the inception of the Captive Project, Global Link has continued to recommend the establishment of “captives whose primary purpose is to address seismic risk”.

The reason for this is that most risks, i.e. various risks other than earthquake risk, can be adequately covered at reasonable premiums by Japanese non-life insurance companies, which have a good reputation worldwide. However, for earthquake risks, it is very difficult for Japanese non-life insurers to provide the adequate coverage required by companies with their underwriting capacity (capacity), and the cost (premiums) is substantial, so “establishing a captive and obtaining underwriting capacity (premiums) from reputable foreign reinsurers with a global scale” is recommended. The reason is that it is possible to obtain a far more adequate amount of earthquake risk coverage at a far lower premium if the company obtains capacity.

However, with the exception of a few companies that are advanced in risk management, the government has repeatedly announced imminent information about a huge Nankai Trough earthquake, and reports about a possible eruption of Mt Fuji have been ignored, perhaps because “captive = troublesome = easier to leave to the non-life insurers with whom you have a relationship”. Despite this, the number of companies that actively engage in risk management using captives is far less than in Europe and the US.

Toshiba, which has set an example for the world as an excellent electronics manufacturer, has gone astray in its structural reforms. The number of business people, including the author, who feel that ” Is this the Toshiba of the world?” is considerable. The reason for this is that semiconductor manufacturers and the users of semiconductors were unable to read the future, and Japanese manufacturers missed the boat on all fronts. The essential background to this is the recent much-discussed “delay in structural reform of Japan’s megabanks”. It takes 15 to 20 years to create world-beating products, but bank managers cannot wait that long. An even more fundamental problem is the personnel system of Japanese companies, which is based on ‘periodic personnel transfers’.

In the past, when the author graduated from university and joined a non-life insurance company, Japan was recognised as ‘Japan as No.1’, and it was said that ‘Japanese companies nurture their people and products over the long term. In comparison, US companies are obliged to report to shareholders every three months, so they pursue short-term results too much, and that’s why they are not good”. However, 40 years later, we are now in a situation where we can say that we have changed the point of attack.

The background to this, the ‘problem’ that continues to reduce the competitiveness of Japanese companies, is unequivocally this personnel system of Japanese companies based on ‘periodic personnel transfers’. The reason is that Japanese companies are continually being asked to “chase short-term profits” and, more importantly, that all employees have become “generalists” and “specialists” are not being nurtured. In Western companies, regular personnel changes do not exist. The basic principle is that all employees become ‘specialists’ and develop their careers in their field. Unless the personnel system is changed to a system that nurtures specialists, the international competitiveness of Japanese companies will continue to decline. I wonder why management does not realise this point.

Summary of this issue

Wegener revised his main book ‘The Origin of Continents and Oceans” four times over a 14-year period, and continued to cry out for a    “theory of continental drift”. Global Link will continue to advocate the need for captives, as we believe this will help prevent the sinking of Japanese companies’ international competitiveness through risk management.

On 24 February this year, Russia launched an invasion of Ukraine. Russia thought that it would be able to take the capital, Kiev, in a matter of days, but after more than a month it has not been able to do so, and despite having such a large number of personnel and weapons, it has been pushed back by the Ukrainian army. Some experts analyse that there are various reasons for this, but the reason why Ukraine, which is far behind Russia in terms of weapons and fighters, is defending its territory is, of course, that “protecting the motherland” is the most important “strategic point”, but “poor advance preparations” made in anticipation of this invasion are also a major factor. I believe that the current war situation is being determined.

The Russian military’s aggressive behaviour is poor in every respect, including “cyber warfare” and “propaganda strategies using social networking services to the international community”, although it is left to its own resources and calls for the “advance of a surging tank army”.

As if by design, US President Biden has announced loudly that “the US and NATO will not engage in direct war action with Russia”. However, a closer analysis of the facts reveals that Ukraine had read the danger of a Russian invasion long before and was steadily preparing to respond to it.

It is true that “US troops may not be taking part in the fighting”, but there are reports that since the end of last year, in secret, many top-class elite from the UK and the US have travelled to Ukraine as members of ‘private military companies’, training Ukrainian troops and private military organisations, and even “taking command of operations in the military centre”. While they will probably not be visible at the end of the war, there will undoubtedly be “pivotal units” of the Anglo-American military present at the heart of the Ukrainian military in their personal capacities.

If this “advance preparation” had not been carried out, the situation of confrontation between Ukraine and Russia would have been very different. As Wegener continued to insist, I believe that there are people at the heart of the Ukrainian Government who have been shouting “Russian aggression” domestically to the world and who have contributed significantly to the establishment of a “country-wide risk management system”.

One thing we can learn from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is that we must accurately and promptly make “advance preparations” before the “Nankai Trough Giant Earthquake” and the “eruption of Mt. To this end, the establishment of a captive would be essential, and I would like to recommend the immediate establishment of a captive to prevent corporate managers from ever uttering the words              “unexpected” again.

Author/translator: Shinichiro Hatani