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キャプティブ 2020.02.15

CA 6 キャプティブに相応しい保険とは③ What Insurance is Appropriate for Captives (3)

For those who prefer to read this column in English, the Japanese text is followed by a British English translation, so please scroll down to the bottom of the Japanese text.












そのリスクマネジメントを指して、グローバル・リンクでは「Turning Risk to Profit®(リスクの収益化)」と定義して、そのことを訴えるために商標登録をおこなったのである。リスク対応を単に「コスト」の次元に置くのではなく、「収益」へと変える発想と行動こそ、本来の企業戦略たりえるリスクマネジメントと言えるのではないだろうか。その具体例が、自社専用保険会社であるキャプティブの設立である。


これまで見てきたように、キャプティブを設立して自社のリスクマネジメント態勢を高めるための保険としては、前述の「リスクカテゴリーB: リスクの強度が強く、発生確率が低い領域に所在するリスク」に対応する保険が最適といえる。






執筆・翻訳者:羽谷 信一郎

English Translation

Captive 6 – What Insurance is Appropriate for Captives (3)

In risk management, risks are classified according to their intensity and likelihood of occurrence. This can be expressed in terms of the following formula: Impact (magnitude of risk) = Severity (severity of risk) × Likelihood (probability of risk occurrence).

1.Steps in Risk Management

Risk management examines how to face each risk in the following steps.

1.Identification and identification of risks: Identify and confirm the risks by   
collecting various data.
2.Risk analysis and assessment: Evaluate the risks in terms of their probability of occurrence and intensity.
3.Consideration of risk countermeasures: Studies of countermeasures for each risk
4.Selection and implementation of risk countermeasures: Select and implement the most appropriate countermeasures (solutions).

2.Risk categories and countermeasures (solutions)

A. ”Avoidance of risks” that are ”high intensity and high probability risks.” This is a risk that requires immediate action, so it is important to take measures to reduce the intensity of the risk or to reduce the probability of occurrence. If it is difficult to take either of these measures, this is an area in which you should consider discontinuing or canceling the operations or business related to the risk.

B. For risks that are located in areas with ”high risk intensity and low probability of occurrence”, ”transfer the risk. ”This is the area in which various measures, including insurance, should be taken to reduce the amount of damage the company suffers when the risk occurs, and this is the most appropriate risk category for captive risk transfer.

C. For risks with ”low risk intensity and high probability of occurrence”, the countermeasure is to ”control the risk and reduce it”. Since the individual losses are small, taking measures to reduce the probability of occurrence will actually contribute to improving business profits in this area.

D. Risks that are located in areas where ”the intensity of the risk is low and the probability of their occurrence is low” are “retained” without taking any specific measures. In this case, it is important to determine the limits of retention. For this purpose, a “proprietary analysis” is necessary to determine the breaking point to which the enumerated risks can be addressed by the company’s financial condition.

As described above, the appropriate options for dealing with risks are “Avoid” and “Transfer” for strong risks, and “Reduce” and “Retain” for weak risks.

In this way, if risk management is properly addressed, risk will be reduced, and the phenomenon of a superior loss ratio will occur in insurance. If this happens, we should see a move by risk management to transform insurance into a business profit, rather than just a cost of insurance premiums. This is exactly the kind of risk management that can be called qualified risk management.

Global Link defines its risk management as “Turning Risk to Profit®” and has registered the trademark to emphasize this fact. Rather than simply putting risk response at the level of “cost,” risk management can be transformed into a form of “profit” that can be called a true corporate strategy. A concrete example of this is the establishment of a captive, an insurance company dedicated to the company.

3. The best insurance for establishing a captive

As we have seen, the best insurance to establish a captive and enhance your company’s risk management posture is the insurance for Risk Category B: Risks that are located in the high intensity, low probability areas of risk, as mentioned above.

One of these is earthquake insurance. The probability of a huge earthquake is only once every few decades or even once every few hundred years, but when it does occur, it can cause enormous damage. Similarly, cyber-attacks do not occur on a large scale frequently, but once they do, they can cause enormous damage. Cyber insurance, which is insurance against this risk, is also suitable for captives. The use of captives will greatly improve the risk hedging system and will also be a major positive factor for corporate profits.

Summary of this issue

To establish a captive that makes effective use of reinsurance from the captive (or retrocession from the point of view of the primary insurer) to develop a risk hedging posture that leaves as little risk as possible for the captive and contributes to the profitability of the company”, It is important to work with a professional firm that is highly skilled in risk management.This is because it allows for accurate and adequate risk management, the selection of the most appropriate insurance for the captive and the maximisation of the benefits of its establishment.

In order to achieve this, it is important to work with a professional risk management company that has sufficient risk management capabilities, rather than an insurance or consulting firm that simply suggests “Why don’t you use this insurance as a captive?” Otherwise, there is a high possibility that the captive will not contribute to risk management at all or that a major new risk will arise that needs to be dealt with, which will result in a review of the captive’s structure or, at worst, re-establishment.

Establishing a captive for earthquake insurance, cyber insurance, and other risks that have a high risk intensity and are located in a low probability of occurrence will have significant benefits for the company. As the business environment continues to be difficult, it would be a good idea to create a captive as soon as possible to provide significant benefits to your company.

Author/translator: Shinichiro Hatani