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リスク対応策 2020.02.16

RM 11 「まさか、想定外」(牛丼)”Unexpected” (beef bowl)

For those who prefer to read this column in English, the Japanese text is followed by a British English translation, so please scroll down to the bottom of the Japanese text.



















「リスクマネジメント」は米国で発展してきた概念である。一つの範を米国のリスクマネジメント団体、RIMS (リムズ:リスク・保険管理者協会:Risk and Insurance Management Society, Inc.) にとってみよう。その用語集には、「リスク」とは「①損失または損失を生じさせることがある潜在危険の可能性を筆頭に「②損失の可能性または機会・・」等9つの定義が示されている。
















執筆・翻訳者:羽谷 信一郎

English Translation

Risk Management 11 – “Unexpected” (beef bowl)

This past February 6, there was an uproar in relation to the beef bowl, in which an opposition member of parliament posted on Twitter that “beef bowl is bad for you” and later apologized for it. On February 6, 2003, I’m sure few of you remember anymore, but it was announced by the U.S. Department of Agriculture that adult cattle were found to be infected with BSE in Washington State.

For a major chain of gyudon (beef bowl) restaurant that imported 99% of its beef from the US, the subsequent suspension of US beef imports by the Japanese government was a “limited period” that was premised on the resumption of beef imports, but if the suspension of imports continued, the company was in danger of posing a major challenge to its business, including the suspension of sales of “gyudon” and the sale of alternative products.

In response to this report, the company’s president told a magazine in an interview.

“In running a company, we always expect risks to arise. However, this case is not within the scope of normal risk management. It’s an emergency.

I have to admit, I was a bit optimistic about BSE. I did think that foot-and-mouth disease in cattle (an acute epidemic caused by a virus that affects cattle, pigs, and sheep) could spread in the United States and make U.S. beef unusable. But we never thought that we would be unable to import beef from the U.S.”

Then the decision was made to stop selling the “beef bowl”.

He said, “this is not a normal category of risk management. It’s an emergency.” There is no understanding that risk management is the process of assuming, predicting and examining risks in general, including those that are normally likely to occur.

Which is the same sort of comments that the “No way,” and “it was unexpected” ,which is said by a power company executive at the time of the Great East Japan Earthquake.

The article made me feel that management, which is not part of the field, is in a position to assume the unexpected. This is why I believe that risk management is the key to corporate strategy.

1. Prioritizing Sales over Risk Management

The suspension of imports of US beef is indeed an “emergency”, but was it an “unforeseeable situation”? Since foot-and-mouth disease has been predicted, it should have been “not unexpected” that “imports of US beef would be suspended” as a “contingency”. Rather, if you read it together with the title of the interview, “Can’t Produce a Taste of Australian Beef,” you can understand the painful tension between “sales strategy” and “risk management” in the company’s heart.

As a result, however, it showed the world the consequences of prioritizing sales over risk management in corporate management.

2. What is risk management?

I would like to revisit the word “risk”, which I have used quite a few times in my columns so far. Many people use the word “risk”. There are Japanese translations of the word, such as “danger” and “crisis,” but what exactly is the word “risk”? What is risk management?

If you go to a large bookstore, you will find many books with the title “Risk Management”. If you flip through them, you will find pages full of katakana characters (western language). “It’s time for us to take a serious look at risk management.” This being said, many of you may have gone to the library or bookstore, but there are so many of them that you may have wondered, “Well, which one should I start with, and how much should I read?”

If you say, “Please introduce yourself,” you may get a bit dodgy when someone says that, but if you talk about your name, your date of birth, where you’re from…, you can explain yourself, or in other words, you can “define” yourself in this way. However, it is difficult to define “risk” itself in such a way.

In fact, when someone asks you what risk is, you may have a rough definition, but it is difficult to explain it in a way that identifies you, and that requires a book. The reason for this is that there is a difference in the breadth of the concepts defined in Japanese and English. In other words, there is no widely unified Japanese definition of risk and risk management.

Therefore, Global Link defines “risk” as “risk” rather than “danger” and “risk management” as “risk management” rather than “risk control”.

3. The definition of risk

“Risk management” is a concept that has been developed in the United States. Let’s take one example from the Risk and Insurance Management Society, Inc. (RIMS), a risk management organization in the U.S. The RIMS glossary states that the word “risk” has nine definitions including “(1) the possibility of potential risk that may cause loss or damage” and “(2) the possibility of loss or opportunity for loss…”.

In general, it can be said that “risks are potential risks that are usually invisible and appear when something triggers them. It is not something that suddenly appears out of nowhere, but rather something that is mediated by something”.

4.A keen sensitivity to risk

The process of analyzing and examining what is likely to appear, the things that mediate it, the consequences, and countermeasures is generally referred to as risk management. Since the process involves anticipating what is likely to appear, a person’s sensibility plays a major role in this process.

One person may say, “A white cloth was shaken,” while another person may say, “A ghost appeared,” and so on. However, unlike a mere “summer night”, if it is a company, the degree of awareness of the event will have a significant impact on the management of the company, whether it is positive or negative.

Therefore, in risk management, the degree to which we accurately and accurately analyze the risks that have a major impact on corporate management will make the difference between success and failure in everything that follows. However, this is where the problem lies.

As time goes by, new “risks” increase one after another. This is why authentic and authentic risk management requires a keen sensitivity to foresee even the unknown possibilities.

5. Changes in the United States and the progress of captives

More importantly, it is important to recognize that there is neither “normal” nor “emergency” in risk management.

In the United States, where risk management is well developed, we have seen and heard news reports about the government’s risk management practices since September 11, 2001, the day of the 9/11 terrorist attacks in the United States, and we believe that the most important aspect of risk management is the thoroughness with which it identifies, responds to, and eliminates risks.

The fact that the response to the outbreak of the new strains of influenza and coronavirus in China was also very severe proves that strict risk management is still being carried out.

When I was assigned to the captive division of a U.S. property and casualty insurance company, the only companies using captives were world-renowned global companies, and I did not feel that the base of captive use was broadening. However, in the United States, since 2001, we have seen “a surge in the number of companies establishing captives to work with reinsurers to underwrite risks that ordinary property and casualty insurers are unwilling to take on. It can be said that this tragic event has led to further significant progress in risk management in the United States, both in terms of quality and quality.

Summary of this issue

By establishing and leveraging captives and working with a global reinsurer with a strong reputation for underwriting technology, property/casualty insurers have the potential to underwrite risks that they would typically take a back seat to. This is the essence of risk management and the best benefit of having a captive.

However, the captives must be used for real risk management. If the captives are not used in risk management, they will eventually have a negative impact on the management of the company.

This is why Global Link has been an advocate of establishing qualified and appropriate captives and providing operational management consulting. We believe that a Solution Captive® will maximize the benefits of establishing a captive and contribute greatly to increasing a company’s profitability.

Author/translator: Shinichiro Hatani