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企業戦略 2020.06.22

CS11 「海軍カレー」の父 The Father of ”Naval Curry”

For those who prefer to read this column in English, the Japanese text is followed by a British English translation, so please scroll down to the bottom of the Japanese text.



1. 海軍カレー






2. 本質を見抜く眼








その覚悟を経営が担っているか否かが企業の命運を握る。「企業戦略 5 ー戦略ドメイン(事業の定義)」において、「近視眼的マーケティング」とセオドア・レビット、ハーバード大学名誉教授が指摘した「米国鉄道会社」の例を引いて、「なぜ鉄道会社が衰退したか、それは戦略ドメインの定義に失敗したからである」と述べた。



コロナ渦のなか、来年9月のロンドン便を予約した。キャプティブの再保険の件でそのロンドンを訪れる度に向かう場所に「Brick Lane」がある。通りの両側に多くのカレーレストランがある。通りに近づくとカレーの香ばしい香りが鼻をつく場所である。カレーの本場、インドの旧宗主国のためか、ロンドン中至るところにカレーレストランがある。




執筆・翻訳者:羽谷 信一郎

English Translation

Corporate Strategy (CS) 11 – The Father of ”Naval Curry”

In March 1885, Dr. Kanehiro Takagi, a naval physician-in-chief, published his own theory that Western food and barley rice would be the best way to treat beriberi, which was feared at the time to be a “deadly disease of unknown cause and prescription,” as is now the case with the new corona, but this theory was met with a storm of criticism and lack of judgment.

However, many naval officers studying in England, including Heihachiro Togo, known as the “Nelson of the East” by British journalists who were allies of Japan at the time, supported his theory and it spread, and the navy saw a dramatic improvement in the symptoms of beriberi. However, it wasn’t until after the Japanese-Russo War that he was proven correct as a “feat leading to the discovery of vitamins”.

1. Navy Curry.

The beriberi appeared in the Edo period as a disease caused by eating white rice as a staple food, and it increased in the Meiji period. The disease was particularly prevalent among young men serving in the military, and it was a major problem for the army and navy to be solved.

At the time, the Army, along with the University of Tokyo, had adopted German-style medicine, focusing on bacteriology, while the Navy had adopted British-style medicine, focusing on epidemiology, which understood disease in relation to the living environment.

When Takagi returned to Japan in 1883 after studying in England, one-third of all soldiers in the Navy were suffering from beriberi, and more than 30 had died each year. Since there were no cases of beriberi in England, Takagi believed that the cause of the problem lay in the diet of the soldiers, and suggested the introduction of barley rice and curry, which was not widely known at the time, as preventive measures. The soldiers’ eating habits and other factors were obstacles to their acceptance, but they persisted and continued to persuade their superiors. Ten percent of the crew had died from foot fever on ocean voyages. However, the warship Tsukuba, which set sail in 1881, achieved a breakthrough in the area of beriberi, with no deaths from beriberi among its 333 crew members, thanks to improvements in the food supply.

On the other hand, the upper echelons of the army did not accept Takagi’s idea, believing that beriberi was caused by bacteria. However, units around the country improved their military diet based on Takagi’s research, and by 1888, foot fever was dramatically reduced in each unit of the army, and despite the opposition of the War Ministry’s Medical Bureau, all units adopted wheat rice in 1894, and the army’s foot fever became extinct. However, the Medical Bureau did not acknowledge a causal relationship between the two, and simply regarded it as a “calming down of the epidemic,” and did not improve the food supply for the soldiers afterwards. In the Russo-Japanese War, the army suffered greatly from beriberi, a disease that affected about 250,000 men in the army. Of the 48,000 killed (killed instantly) in the army, 37,200 were wounded or sick, of which 27,800 were killed by the beriberi. In contrast, only 105 naval personnel suffered from foot fever.

He established the Seiikai Training School to spread the clinical-oriented British medicine and patient-oriented medicine, which is the origin of the present Jikei University School of Medicine.

2. Eyes that see through the essence

Takagi himself demonstrated that “any dominant theory is useless if it cannot help the patient in front of it. He proved what the essence of the practice is through his hands-on approach. Global Link’s risk management is also based on the same principle: “What is the essence of risk management?

This is why risk management, business administration, and management strategy theory are often described as “Western” and therefore are often written in Western language, and for this reason, there are many examples of risk management that ignore the reality of the situation on the ground, such as academic research, when formulating risk management strategies.

In other words, risk management requires an accurate analysis of the inside and outside of a company, an accurate understanding of the strategies and actions of competing companies, and an ability to counter and win. Without the strong will to challenge the “dominant theory” and discern the essence, as Takagi does, and without an eye for discerning the essence, it is impossible to build a corporate strategy that will allow us to gain a competitive advantage.

3. Management with a clear vision

Michael E. Porter, a leading authority on competitive strategy and a professor at Harvard Business School, argues in his book “Strategies for Competition” that there are only three strategies for achieving competitive advantage: (1) cost leadership, (2) concentration, and (3) differentiation.

Today, it doesn’t matter how many products you make that don’t meet customer needs, you can’t sell them. However, many companies are still drowning in the successes of the past, offering self-satisfied products and saying that they won’t buy them.. Perhaps because we have been in a “convoy system” for many years, I feel that few companies in the financial industry have developed corporate strategies that give them a competitive advantage. This is because many financial institutions do not understand the true nature of the market development function, and instead only devise sales and marketing strategies that are oriented toward sales channels, but do not formulate marketing strategies that are grounded in the needs of their customers.

This is because management is equivalent to sailing the ocean, which is described by the word “steering”. In the Titanic incident, it was later discovered that the main cause of the iceberg collision was that the watchman on board of the Titanic had forgotten his binoculars. In order to see the future, you have to climb the mast, even in the extreme cold, and it is impossible to see “far away” in a warm cabin.

The fate of a company depends on whether or not its management is prepared to do so. In Corporate Strategy 5: Strategic Domain (Definition of Business), Theodore Levitt, Professor emeritus of Harvard University, referred to the example of the U.S. railroad companies as “short-sighted marketing” and said, “The reason for the decline of the railroad companies is that they failed to define their strategic domain”.

Summary of this issue

In the midst of the Corona ravages, I booked a flight to London next September. Every time I visit London for the captive reinsurance, there is a place called “Brick Lane”. There are many curry restaurants on both sides of the street. When you approach the street, the smell of curry can be very attractive. There are curry restaurants all over London, probably because of the former sovereignty of India, the home of curry.

Interestingly, although curry is an Indian dish, it is said that almost all of London’s curry restaurants are owned by Bangladeshi people, not Indians. They say it’s because “Indian curry is too hot to eat”.

It is important to eliminate all assumptions and examine risks on a “zero” basis when conducting risk management. Without this, there is a possibility that subsequent management will be greatly misdirected. This is why Global Link believes that a “grand proposition” is necessary.

There is a high probability that “mere risk management” will end up as “mere results.” “Risk management with a clear vision” is possible only when a large objective is set at the top of the list. Global Link believes that this major proposition is the establishment of a captive.

Author/translator: Shinichiro Hatani