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リスク対応策 2020.06.29

RM37 農業保険(レイヤリング:階層引受)Agricultural Insurance (Layering: Tiered Underwriting)

For those who prefer to read this column in English, the Japanese text is followed by a British English translation, so please scroll down to the bottom of the Japanese text.








また、日本では、主要農産物については価格政策によって農業収入が保証されてきたため、「収穫量減少リスクの農業災害補償制度」のみでも、ある程度農業者の収入減少リスクには対応できていたが、1995 年食糧法が施行され自主流通米が拡大したため、多くの米農家が価格変動リスクに直面するなど、従来の収穫量減少リスクを補償する農業災害補償制度だけでは、農業者の収入減少リスクに対応することは難しくなってきているのが現状であり、海外、特にフランスの例のように、民間保険会社との協業が必要な段階に差し掛かっていると考えている。


終戦から2年後の1947 年、「農業災害補償法」が制定された。風水害等の自然災害、病虫害など不慮の事故による農業者の損失を補償するものである。この制度は、国の農業災害対策として実施している公的な補償制度である。加盟メンバーである農業者が拠出する「共済掛金」によって、損害があった農業者に対して共済金が支払われる「共済」制度であり、概要は以下のとおりである。


A. 「共済制度」であるため、「加盟メンバー」である農業者の資力を考えると、損害の危険分散を厳格に図る必要がある。そのため、全国各地域、都道府県に「共済組合」を設立、「共済掛金」を拠出して、さらに「共同準備財産」を組成、日本全体の農業者で損害を補償する共済であり、最終的には国が損失を補償する制度となっている。
B. 共済組合の支払能力を超える損害の発生に備えるため、共済組合は、都道府県単位で「農業共済組合連合会(連合会)」を設立して、連合会で「保険プール」を組成、共済組合の支払い能力を超えるリスクに対応するための方策を構築している。
C. 連合会の支払能力を超える農業災害の発生に備えるため、連合会は、さらに保険責任の一部を国に再保険を出してリスク分散を図っている。
D. 農業災害補償制度の「農業共済事業」には、「農作物共済事業」、「家畜共済事業」、 「果樹共済事業」、「畑作物共済事業」、「園芸施設共済」がある
E. 国は、農業者が支払う共済掛金の一部を負担。国庫負担率は、原則 50%であるが作物によって負担率は若干異なる



米国の農業保険は、民間保険会社のみで運営される「収穫雹害保険」(Crop Hail Insurance)、公的保険としての「連邦収穫保険」(Federal Crop Insurance)の2つに別れる。米国他、海外の農業保険の概要は以下のとおりである。

A. 連邦収穫保険は、自然災害等による農作物の収穫量減少を補償する「収量保険」、そして収穫量または価格の変動によって起きる農業収入の減少を補償する「収入保険」に別れる。
B. 米国は、国土が広大であるため、地域によって脅威となる自然災害の種類が異なっている。ハリケーンは米国の南部、東部、地震は西部、竜巻は中部において、それぞれ多く発生するが、経済損失額では、ハリケーンによってもたらされた暴風による災害が最大である。
C. 米国の農業保険制度、「連邦収穫保険」は、米国農務省(United States Department of Agriculture: USDA) のリスク管理局(Risk Management Agency:RMA)に所管されている、連邦収穫保険公社(Federal Crop Insurance Corporation:FCIC)が制度の管理・運営をおこなう主体であり、米国政府と協定を締結した民間保険会社18 社が、保険を販売して、損害の調査は民間保険会社の損害調査会社がおこなうこととなっている。
D. 米国政府は、民間保険会社に対して運営費用を補助するとともに、民間保険会社が保有する保険責任の一部を再保険により引き受けている。
E. 仏国でも、米国同様、民間保険会社が保険料補助などに政府の補助を受けながら、農業保険の引受をおこなっている
F. カナダ、インドでは、政府・政府関係機関が農業保険を提供している。



















執筆・翻訳者:羽谷 信一郎

English Translation

Risk Management 37-Agricultural Insurance (Layering: Tiered Underwriting)

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has called it the worst grasshopper outbreak in 70 years.

Although the grasshoppers are not expected to spread to eastern parts of Asia, including Japan, as they are vulnerable to cold and cannot cross the Himalayas, extensive damage is still occurring to crops. Global losses from such natural disasters are estimated to be around $140 billion in 2019, of which a total of $50 billion has been insured and paid out by property and casualty insurance, according to a recent report by a Western insurance journal.

Agriculture is exposed to a great deal of risk and damage in the event of a natural disaster. Agricultural insurance for such situations differs from Japan’s agricultural accident compensation schemes in other countries in that it deals with the risk of reduced income for farmers in terms of both price and yield by utilizing the expertise of private insurance companies.

1.Differences between Japanese and foreign “agricultural insurance” systems

Hail is becoming increasingly common in Japan these days. Limited natural disaster risks, such as hailstorm insurance, are underwritten by private insurance companies as part of fire insurance, but agricultural insurance, which combines various natural disaster perils in the agricultural sector, is likely to be so large that the government has to re-insure the damage. The state is often involved in terms of risk diversification.

In Japan, there is no “agricultural insurance” underwritten by private insurance companies. The Agricultural Mutual Aid Association is a separate organization from the Agricultural Cooperative Association, but it is run mainly by farmers, and is a “Agricultural Accident Compensation Scheme” (or “Agricultural Mutual Aid System” or “Agricultural Insurance Scheme”), in which the government underwrites risks through reinsurance and bears the losses under the Agricultural Accident Compensation Law. (also known as the “NOSAI system”).

With the decrease in the number of farmers and the aging of the population, the number of subscribers to the agricultural accident compensation system has been decreasing and the scale of the program has been shrinking. However, the government’s financial management is tight, and it is expected that the burden on the national treasury will become more and more difficult to bear in the future, making it a system with many challenges.

In addition, in Japan, because agricultural income from major agricultural products was guaranteed through price policies, the “Agricultural Accident Compensation Scheme for the Risk of Reduced Yield” alone was to some extent able to deal with the risk of reduced income for farmers, but since the Food Law was enacted in 1995 and self-distribution of rice has expanded, many rice farmers have had to deal with the risk of price fluctuations and the loss of income. We believe that it is becoming more and more difficult for conventional agricultural accident compensation schemes, which compensate farmers for the risk of yield loss, to deal with the risk of declining income, such as the exposure to being confronted to a decline in crop yields, and we believe that we are approaching the stage where cooperation with private insurance companies is necessary, as is the case in other countries, especially in France.

2.Outline of Japan’s Agricultural Insurance System

In 1947, two years after the war ended, the Agricultural Accident Compensation Act was enacted. This law compensates farmers for losses caused by natural disasters, such as wind and flood damage, as well as disease and pest damage and other unforeseen accidents. This system is a public compensation program implemented by the government as a measure against agricultural disasters. Under the Mutual Aid Scheme, member farmers contribute a premium to the Mutual Aid Association, which pays out a sum of money to farmers who have suffered losses.

  1. As it is an “Insurance Scheme”, there is a need to strictly diversify the risk of loss, given the financial resources of the farmers who are “members” of the scheme. In order to achieve this, mutual aid associations are set up in every region and prefecture of the country, where they contribute premiums and form joint reserves, and where farmers throughout the country are compensated for their losses.
  2. In order to prepare for losses beyond the solvency of the Cooperative Associations, the Cooperative Associations have established prefectural-based “Federations of Agricultural Mutual Aid Associations” (federations), and the federations have established “insurance pools” to deal with risks that exceed the solvency of the Cooperative Associations.
  3. To prepare for the occurrence of agricultural disasters that exceed the solvency of the federation, the federation further diversifies the risk by issuing reinsurance to the state for part of the insurance liability.
  4. The Agricultural Mutual Insurance Scheme includes the Crop Mutual Insurance Scheme, the Livestock Mutual Insurance Scheme, the Fruit and Vegetables Mutual Insurance Scheme, the Mutual Insurance Scheme for Field Crops, and the Mutual Insurance Scheme for Horticultural Facilities.
  5. The government bears a portion of the premiums paid by farmers. In principle, the national government pays 50% of the premiums, but the rate varies slightly depending on the crop.


2.  Overview of overseas agricultural insurance schemes

Agricultural insurance in the U.S. is divided into two categories: Crop Hail Insurance, which is operated exclusively by private insurers, and Federal Crop Insurance, which is a public insurance program. An overview of agricultural insurance in the United States and other countries is as follows

  1. Federal crop insurance is divided into two types: yield insurance, which covers the reduction in crop yields due to natural disasters, etc., and income insurance, which covers the reduction in farm income caused by fluctuations in yields or prices.
  2. Because of the vastness of the United States, the types of natural disasters that threaten the United States vary by region. Hurricanes, earthquakes, and tornadoes are more common in the South and East, the West, and the Central U.S., but in terms of economic losses, storm-related disasters brought about by hurricanes are the largest.
  3. The U.S. agricultural insurance program, “Federal Harvest Insurance,” is administered by the Federal Harvest Insurance Corporation (FIG), which is administered by the Risk Management Agency (RMA) of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). The Federal Crop Insurance Corporation (FCIC) is the entity that administers and administers the program. Eighteen private insurance companies signed an agreement with the U.S. government to sell the policies and have their loss adjusters investigate the losses.
  4. The U.S. government subsidizes the operating costs of private insurance companies and reinsures some of the insurance liabilities held by private insurance companies.
  5. In France, as in the U.S., private insurance companies underwrite agricultural insurance with government subsidies for insurance premiums and other purposes.
  6. In Canada and India, governments and government agencies provide agricultural insurance.

3. The future of agricultural insurance in Japan

Most of you who have read this paper so far are probably wondering, “Isn’t Global Link supposed to be the one who establishes and manages the captives, and why is the subject of this article something that has little to do with captives?”

However, “agricultural insurance” accounts for a significant portion of the insurance claims and mutual aid payments made for losses caused by natural disasters around the world, and it is an area that cannot be overlooked in terms of risk management. The author has been working as a management consultant for non-life insurance companies and mutual insurance organizations deeply involved in agricultural insurance for a long time and has studied agricultural insurance in the United States and Europe. The agricultural insurance sector is the subject of this column because I believe that this is the area in which the establishment of a captive must obtain significant underwriting quota from foreign property and casualty insurers and reinsurers by means of reinsurance.

There are some things that can be introduced from private insurers in terms of “collaboration with private insurers,” not anything in terms of “insurance underwriting quota itself”. One of them is the “layering” underwriting technique for non-life insurance.

There is always a “deductible” attached to the policy terms and conditions of non-life insurance. For those who are not involved in non-life insurance, there are many people who wonder why such a small deductible is attached to the policy. However, they will be surprised to know that whether or not to set a deductible is a factor that determines whether or not the insurance is accepted.

In the non-life insurance business, if the insurance premiums you receive are positive after deducting the amount of money to be paid and business expenses such as labor costs, it means that your business is profitable, but if it is negative, you will have to consider going out of the business.

Of course, the insurance payment is the biggest factor in the “calculation formula”, and the next is “labor cost”. Sales is an area where labor and cost savings can be achieved, including via the Internet, but this is not possible only for claim payment and underwriting (claim service).

This is an area in which there are very few areas that can be replaced by AI. Therefore, by adding a “deductible”, the company is trying to “exclude small losses from insurance payment = cut labor cost for loss service”.

The “layering method” is similar to the idea of “making the deductible amount very high”. In the case of risks that are difficult to be underwritten by a single company, or that cannot be underwritten by a single company because of the amount of money insured or coverage limits are too high, “the amount of money insured and coverage limits are divided into several layers, and each insurance company decides on its own underwriting conditions for each layer, and then underwrites the layered portion of the risk.

In many cases, depending on the approach (underwriting stance) of each insurance company, there is a significant difference in premium rates and the amount of quota that can be offered depending on whether it is an upper or lower layer.

Summary of this issue

Now that you have read this article, you will understand why we have been writing at length about agricultural insurance. In the course of risk management, risks that are difficult for ordinary non-life insurers to underwrite, such as earthquake risk, may emerge as risks that need to be addressed immediately.

In such a case, it is not always easy to find the desired underwriting limit (coverage limit) even if you look for reinsurance from a captive in the London market with a “percentage reinsurance” as in the current “Agricultural Insurance Scheme”. This is where layering comes in handy, as it is an insurance and reinsurance technology that can be utilized.

  1. “When the property or property to be insured is large and requires a very large insurance underwriting quota (indemnity quota)”;.
  2. “If you establish a captive and then expand your business and your covered property increases because of the expansion of your business and you want to increase your reinsurance underwriting limit from the captive”; and
  3. “If you want us to underwrite risks that are very difficult to underwrite, e.g., the pandemic risk of a new corona, cyber insurance to cover special risks, etc.”; and

The layering is the “technique of property and casualty insurance to secure and increase the reinsurance limit from the captive” in such cases.

Author/translator: Shinichiro Hatani