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企業戦略 2020.02.02

CS 3 関ヶ原の戦い The Battle of Sekigahara

For those who prefer to read this column in English, the Japanese text is followed by a British English translation, so please scroll down to the bottom of the Japanese text.


下の写真は、ロイズ(Lloyd’s of London)ビルの地下1階、彼の遺品や記念品が展示されている「ネルソン提督コーナー」の一部を写したものである。

The photo below shows a part of Admiral Nelson’s Corner, where his belongings and memorabilia are displayed, on the basement floor of Lloyd’s of London building.

















ネルソン提督は「将軍」として、“England expects that every man will do his duty”(英国は総員がその義務を全うすることを期待する)と、後の日本海海戦の「Z旗」に繋がる信号旗を掲げ、全員を奮起させた。ナポレオン軍は、数では勝っていたが、指揮系統が複雑で、戦いに即応できなかった。指揮が明確であれば、戦略もより鮮明になり効用が増す。







執筆・翻訳者:羽谷 信一郎

English Translation

Corporate Strategy 3 – The Battle of Sekigahara

Emperor Napoleon’s army, which had swept the European continent, organized a great invasion force to land in Britain and clashed with British forces at Trafalgar off the coast of Spain on October 21, 1805. It was the “Battle of Trafalgar”. Under the leadership of Admiral Nelson, who commanded the battle despite being hit by a sniper’s bullet, the British forces won a great one-sided victory. The Trafalgar Square was built in the center of London to commemorate the victory.

1. The Battle of Sekigahara

Watching this year’s NHK Taiga drama (large-scale,long-running TV series)”The Kiringa Kuru”, I couldn’t help but think that if the main character, “Chisho (resourceful general), Mitsuhide Akechi, had fought at the Battle of Sekigahara as the general of the Western Army, the future in Japan would have been different. In 1600, about 200 years before the Battle of Trafalgar, on the same day, October 21 (September 15 in the old calendar), the Eastern Army, led by Ieyasu Tokugawa, and the Western Army, led by Mitsunari Ishida under Terumoto Mori, clashed at Sekigahara in Mino Province (Gifu Prefecture).

When Hidenaga Toyotomi, Hideyoshi’s younger brother, died in 1591, the conflict between the warring factions, which fought in the front line, and the bureaucrats Faction, which was in charge of administration and logistics, became serious over the policy. After the death of Toshiie Maeda, the head of the “Five Grand Lords”, the tyranny of Ieyasu and his warlords increased, and finally there was an incident in which he dismissed Mitsunari Ishida, the center of the “Five Magistrates”, from his position and put him in prison. Furthermore, Ieyasu cleverly put the Maeda clan under his control, and one of the Five Grand Lords, Kagekatsu Uesugi, was also suspected of treason and started to conquer Aizu Uesugi. The, the groundwork for the battle was laid when Mitsunari raised his troops in response to the conquest of Ieyasu’s Aizu Uesugi.

The battle began at around 8:00 am, and although the western forces were dominant in the morning, the battle was reversed afternoon when Hideaki Kobayakawa of the western forces betrayed them, and the western forces collapsed. Clemens Meckel, who came to Japan from Germany at the beginning of the Meiji era and laid the foundations for the modernization of the Japanese army as an instructor at the Army War College, looked at the formation of the two armies and immediately replied, “The West won the battle,” but why did the battle end in a one-step victory for the Eastern Army in such a brief time?

2. The evolution of the risk management organization required

When an organization expands, it must change and evolve at certain stages. This is because there is no such thing as permanent expansion. The same was true of Hideyoshi’s organization, which had gone from being a crawler to a ruler of Japan. The momentum of the clerical staff, known as the “the bureaucrats Faction,” led by Mitsunari, who were expected to be able to govern and administer the organization, grew in strength. However, there was no “evolution” in their strategy. Even after unifying the country, Hideyoshi and Mitsunari followed the old strategy of “further acquisition of territory”: seven years of exodus to Korea with nothing to gain.

The battle of Sekigahara was a battle between the old and new order, the battle between the Western Army that tried to continue the “ancien régime” (the old order) in spite of this dissatisfaction, and the Eastern Army that had already begun to “evolve” its organization, aiming at the establishment of a firm samurai government in the next era.

In addition, although it was practically a battle between the Tokugawa and the anti-Tokugawa forces, Yodo-dono, Hideyoshi’s wife, refused Mitsunari’s repeated requests for Lord Hideyori to go to war, which gave a fatal negative effect to the implementation of the strategy.

The same is true of risk management organizations. Once a risk management organization has been established, if it does not change in response to changes in the external and internal environments, it may become a bottleneck, making it more difficult to accurately identify and respond to risks. This is because the risks surrounding companies are changing so drastically today that they can be described as “risk transformation.”

In the past, the term “earthquake risk” referred to physical damage to buildings, equipment, and machinery caused by earthquakes. “However, after the Great East Japan Earthquake of 11 March 2011, most of Japan’s land area is bordered by the coast, and the main risk of earthquakes is tsunamis, which has led to the construction of tsunami towers and other facilities.

Furthermore, the disruption of lifelines and the loss of profits for companies due to the non-operation of production facilities if the water does not recede for a prolonged period are becoming more and more of a problem. The Great East Japan Earthquake has brought about a sea change from the days when the only earthquake risk was the destruction of property.

In the past, it was only important to comply with laws and regulations, but nowadays, the question is whether we are acting in accordance with the social interests and values of the time. Even if a company complies with laws and regulations, if it acts contrary to the expectations of society, its reputation will be damaged, and it will be subject to legal sanctions. Therefore, risk management organizations must constantly evolve.

3. The Capacity of Risk Managers

As you move up the organizational ladder, the number of people who offer their opinions decreases. If you don’t discipline yourself and make an effort to grow, you’ll find yourself in the “old order” before you know it. However, many people who have risen through the ranks of an organization have been pulled up by someone else and have become accustomed to always looking up and following the instructions of their superiors. They have a structural problem with the contradictory state of affairs: “The more people who can’t grow up on their own, the higher up they are.”

Ieyasu had one of the four Tokugawa kings, Tadakatsu Honda, who remonstrated with Ieyasu, saying, “If you do not listen to me, I will fight a battle with you”. There was a man named Sakon Shima, to whom Mitsunari gave half of his own clan, who was proclaimed as “Mitsunari has two things that are too much, Sakon Shima and the castle of Sawayama.” Sakon Shima had proposed many excellent strategies. He recommended a plan to assassinate Ieyasu, but it was not used by Mitsunari. On the eve of the battle of Sekigahara, he advised a night attack on Ieyasu’s army, but was rebuffed by Mitsunari. His bravery and courage at Sekigahara was talked about until later, and the enemy’s awe-inspiring “Sakon’s Wisdom” was not understood and his abilities were not used to their full advantage.

Mitsunari was a shrewd and capable bureaucrat, but he was not a “general”. He was unable to listen to the advice of his advisors, and he lacked the ability to make decisions and implement them. It was Mitsunari who got his strength from Hideyoshi’s presence. No matter how good the strategy was, it would not be effective without a “general” to lead the organization. Mitsunari wasn’t General.

As “General”, Admiral Nelson raised the signal flag that “England expects that every man will do his duty” and the signal flag that would later lead to the “Z-Flag” at the Battle of the Sea of Japan. It inspired everyone. Napoleon’s army was outnumbered, but the chain of command was too complex to respond immediately to the battle. When command was clear, strategy was clearer and more effective.

Hideaki Kobayakawa, the man who decided the outcome of Sekigahara, also defected when he saw the “disorder in the command of the western army”. He believed that this would continue after Sekigahara, and warfare would break out again sooner or later.

Summary of this issue

Even in the corporate “battlefield”, “uninterrupted change” is the fate of the modern marketplace, and “risk transformation” is always happening. New initiatives will quickly become an ancien regime. Top management is constantly asked to examine and decide what the response strategy should be.

The risk manager and the risk management department are required to always provide the intelligence to make accurate judgments and decisions to the top management. To achieve this, it is important to establish a system to ensure that these “risk management data” are always reported to top management in an instant.

The establishment of a captive is a suitable measure for this. This is because a captive program is a mechanism for the system to be always reported to the top management. Data and information on “insurance” usually end up in the hands of the head of the department in charge, but once a captive is established, it is a subsidiary of the company and is also related to overseas operations, and therefore a matter to be reported to the top management.

Sekigahara may be a lesson to future generations about the people and organizations that must be able to accurately analyze risks and implement response strategies, and the consequences of not having the means to do so.

Author/translator: Shinichiro Hatani