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企業戦略 2021.04.09

CS 22 上杉鷹山の改革 Reform of Yozan Uesugi



鷹山の言葉、「なせば成る なさねば成らぬ 何事も 成らぬは人の なさぬなりけり」とともに、ジョン・F・ケネディが第35代アメリカ合衆国大統領に就任した際に(1961年)に、「日本でいちばん尊敬する人物」として鷹山の名前を挙げたとされることでも有名である。

























                                            執筆者:菅原   伸 雄
                                          翻訳者:羽谷 信一郎


English Translation

Corporate strategy 22- Reform of Yozan Uesugi

With a deficit that was three times the size of its revenue, the Yonezawa clan was in a state of dire straits. Despite the severe opposition of his conservative vassals, Yozan Uesugi, the lord of the Yonezawa clan, successfully revived the clan through a series of reforms together with the lower-ranking samurai and the local people.

The 9th lord of the Dewa-Yonezawa clan, Harunori Uesugi (known as Yozan), a famous lord in the middle of the Edo period, took measures such as spreading emergency rations and encouraging the clan members and farmers to be thrifty.

It is said that John F. Kennedy named Yozan as “the most respected person in Japan” when he was inaugurated as the 35th President of the United States of America in 1961, along with Yozan’s word, “If you do it, it will be done; if you don’t do it, it will not be done”.

1. Yonezawa

Yonezawa is a core city with a population of over 80,000 located in Okitama County in the southeast of Yamagata Prefecture, and is known as the castle town of the Uesugi Yonezawa clan. The climate is typical of a basin on the Sea of Japan side, with hot days in summer but cool mornings and evenings, and cold snowy winters with many days of freezing temperatures.

Yonezawa is famous for its mulberry trees planted by Yozan, and for the Yonezawa textile, which dates back to the establishment of the Yonezawa silk factory by Yonezawa clan. Yonezawa beef, one of the three major Japanese beef breeds, and traditional vegetables that grow even in winter in a snowy country, “Yukina”, which can grow even in winter in a snowy country and is said to have been encouraged by Yozan, and “Yonezawa carp”, which Yozan began to raise as a source of protein.

Isabella Bird, a British female explorer, visited Japan in the first year of the Meiji era (1868-1912) and travelled through the Tohoku and Hokkaido regions. In her travelogue, “Travels in the Interior of Japan”, she describes Yonezawa as follows.

“To the south lies the prosperous town of Yonezawa, and to the north the hot spring resort of Akayu, with its many cures, a veritable Garden of Eden. It is as beautiful as if it had been painted with a brush rather than ploughed with a spade. It is a land that smiles with fruitfulness, the Arcadia of Asia. This fertile land, which flourishes on its own, belongs entirely to the people who cultivate it. ・・・・・・ is an enchanting region, full of beauty, hard work and ease. It is surrounded by mountains and irrigated by the bright and shining Song River. Everywhere you look there are rich, beautiful villages.”

However, more than 100 years before Isabella Bird’s visit, during the reign of Shigesada, the former lord of the Yonezawa clan (1751-1764), the flooding of the Mogami River and the Horeki famine had devastated the countryside, and the population of the clan had fallen from 135,000 to 100,000, with much of the land abandoned. This “Xanadu”, praised by Isabella Bird, was created by the self-help, mutual-help and support of the clansmen and the people under the exceptional leadership of Yozan (who took the clan in 1767).

2. The pride of the Uesugi as a prestigious family and the road to financial ruin

The Uesugi family is said to have been descended from the Fujiwara family of Kyoto. In the Muromachi period (1336-1573), the Uesugi family succeeded to the position of Kanto region governor, and prospered as a powerful guardian daimyo (feudal lord) whose family occupied the four provinces of Kozuke, Echigo, Musashi and Sagami.

The ancestor of the Yonezawa Uesugi clan was Kenshin, and the first lord of the clan was Kagekatsu, who served as the fifth daimyo under Toyotomi and held 1.2 million koku in the Aizu domain. However, as the clan sided with the western army at the Battle of Sekigahara, they were forced to move from Aizu to Yonezawa, and the clan was reduced to 300,000 koku, a quarter of its original size. When the clan moved to Yonezawa, they did not release the 5,000 vassals from the 1.2 million koku Aizu clan, so that the ratio of vassals to the population was high (1,800 was appropriate). On the other hand, the Tokugawa Shogunate allowed the Uesugi family, a prestigious family, to be called “Kunimochi daimyo”, the second most prestigious of the three families of Tokugawa.

In 1664, when Tsunakatsu, the third lord of the domain, died suddenly before an heir could be chosen, the feudal domain was further reduced to 150,000 koku, but with a vassalage of 470,000 koku, the burden of labour costs became even more excessive.The fourth feudal lord, Tsunanori, who had been adopted from the Kira family, was so proud of his family that he was unable to change his opulent lifestyle and continued to waste money on the Kira family’s new buildings and huge debts. He also spent the 150,000 ryo (15 billion yen) that had accumulated during the reigns of Kenshin and Kagekatsu. Yozan’s adoptive father (the 8th lord Shigesada) even decided to “give back his domain to the Tokugawa shogunate”, four years before Yozan took over the clan (he was persuaded to do so by his relative in the Owari clan).

During the Tokugawa shogunate’s rule in the 17th century, the development of arable land increased throughout the country. By the middle of the 18th century, all the land that could be developed had been converted into arable land, and the increase in the supply of rice from the expanded arable land led to a serious surplus of rice and a fall in the price of rice, which had a serious impact on the finances of the shogunate and the various clans, as well as on the samurai and farmers. The Yonezawa clan also experienced a decrease in the working population, many abandoned fields and farmers abandoned their villages, and the clan’s finances became increasingly tight. The clan’s finances were pushed to the brink of bankruptcy and the people were exhausted. In 1666, a letter of complaint was submitted to the shogunate’s office adjacent to the Yonezawa clan from the people of the clan, pointing out the misrule of the clan: “The excessive increase in annual tribute and other duties hindered farming, and many farmers sold their land and family property and went bankrupt”.

3. Yozan’s reform

The Yonezawa clan did not understand that the exhaustion of rural areas brought about the tightening of the clan finances and the cause of the exhaustion of rural areas. In addition, Yozan’s foster father temporarily gave back the fief to the government, as mentioned above. As mentioned above, Yozan’s adoptive father decided to “return the territory to the government”.

In 1767, Yozan became the 9th lord of Yonezawa with a determination to be a “father and mother to the people” and expressed his will and policy of “Great frugality order “. When Yozan entered Yonezawa for the first time in 1769, in order to understand the present situation of rural areas, to reduce the excessive burden on farmers, and to formulate and implement rural development measures based on the actual situation of the area and the farmers’ intentions, he established the “Goson-deyaku” (a competent low-ranking clan member appointed to live in the base of rural areas and take charge of administration and popular education) and dispatched 12 people. In addition, some of the hereditary magistrates were dismissed, and a system of control was established down to the end of the rural areas. In order to prepare the townspeople and peasants for bad harvests and famine, “Giso” were set up under the castle and in rural areas.

The establishment of the new position of “Goson-deyaku” and the policy that clansmen were required to work on civil engineering projects wearing the same type of coats as peasants caused opposition from the chief retainers and other proud members of the family. In 1773, the seven vassals of the clan, who were the principal members of the clan, objected to the “coercive measures of Yozan’s aides” and demanded that Yozan withdraw the reform and dismiss his aides with a letter of impeachment containing 40 articles. After confirming the authenticity of the facts, Yozan punished the seven families. This reaffirmed the importance of the lord’s sincere words and deeds and “visualization” in the conduct of the lord in the eyes of the public, and promoted the visualization of the issue by making the budget book and the financial statement book open to the public, and preparing and opening official documents such as annual events and law books.

In 1785, Yozan handed over the feudal lordship to his adopted father Shigesada’s son, Haruhiro, who was in the middle of his reformation, and made Yozan’s own son, Akitaka, his successor. However, the shogun Ienari Tokugawa, who had heard of Yozan’s fame, ordered him to be the guardian of the new feudal lord, Haruhiro, and to take charge of the Yonezawa domain administration. During the Tenmei era (1781-1789), the clan’s finances were still tight, and in 1790, Yozan disclosed to his vassals the “Minute Account Book”, which recorded the clan’s financial income and expenditure for the year, and asked for “opinions on reform for the benefit of all the people in the domain”. In addition, a letter box was set up in front of the main gate of Yonezawa Castle to collect letters from peasants and townspeople.

The reforms were aimed at the interests of the entire population, with particular priority given to the interests of the peasantry, who were responsible for key industries. The reform of the rural areas was carried out by abolishing all hereditary magistrates, appointing new magistrates and village officials who were honest and capable, and thoroughly implementing the reform policy through the village officials. In addition to the rural policies and flood control projects for the relief of poor farmers and the promotion of agriculture, such as the revision of the law on the collection of annual tribute, the establishment of the system of loans for farmers’ money, loans for horses and horses, and the continuation of the Bikou Savings Plan (to store rice, grain and money in case of a bad harvest or famine), the policy of encouraging farmers to settle in villages where there was a large surplus of land, the transfer of farmland to the second and third sons of lower-ranking clansmen, the joint and several responsibility for the collection of annual tribute, and the voluntary community of villages with the function of mutual support were introduced. These measures were based on a field-based approach and included the formation of voluntary community groups (gojyu kumiai).

Yozan planted 1,000,000 trees of lacquer (the fruit of which is used for candles), mulberry (food for silkworms) and kozo (paper mulberry) to increase the production of these special products. In particular, mulberry cultivation and sericulture were promoted in the whole territory, and “Yonezawa-ori”, based on the high technology of yarn dyeing and shrunken cloth, was woven by the wives and daughters of his retainers, and brought in 40,000 ryo a year.

Yozan died in 1822 at the age of 72. The following year, the Yonezawa clan paid off 160,000 ryo of loans and left behind 5,000 ryo of savings.

Summary of this issue

Yozan was born in 1751 in Edo as the second son of Tanemitsu Akizuki, a feudal lord of 30,000 koku in Takanabe clan in Hyuga province (current Miyazaki prefecture). Yozan’s grandmother, who was from the Uesugi family, wished to marry the daughter of Shigesada, the former lord of the Uesugi domain, and Shigesada accepted him as his son. However, many of his vassals did not like the idea of the youngest son of a small clan, whose family was completely different from the Uesugi family, becoming the heir of the prestigious Uesugi family.

Yozan, who became the feudal lord at the age of 17, with the support of his aides who became his comrades in “nation building”, took the lead in promoting the attitude of “serving the interests of the land” as the feudal lord, aiming for “wealthy country and peaceful people”.

Yozan’s success was due to his consistent and strong attitude to be a sovereign for the all people of the clan, his recruitment of talented people, his hands-on approach, his openness to information and visualization of problems, the change in the consciousness of the all people in the clan, and the cooperation of the all people in promoting policies for self-reliance and revival.

These ideas of Yozan’s policies can be understood in today’s corporate management theory. At a time when the term “risk management” did not exist, the clan prepared for the risk of bankruptcy by organising a reserve savings plan and voluntary communal groups in the villages, which was nothing less than the development of a “risk management system”. In his inaugural address, President Kennedy urged the people of the United States to be aware of the need to restore the country’s finances, which were in danger of collapse. This reminds us again of the importance of “independent and active risk management activities by all employees under the persistent leadership of the top management with emphasis on the field”, which Yozan practiced in response to the current crisis brought about by the coivid-19 disaster.

                                                                                                                                  Author: Nobuo Sugawara
                                                                                                                                  Translator: Shinichiro Hatani