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企業戦略 2021.07.16

CS29 歴史は繰り返す History repeats itself

For those who prefer to read this column in English, the Japanese text is followed by a British English translation, so please scroll down to the bottom of the Japanese text.

昨年、2020年2月本コラムに投稿した「CS 3ー関ヶ原の戦い The Battle of Sekigahara」に「天下分け目の戦い」と言われた、慶長5年9月15日(西暦:1600年10月21日)に起きた「関ヶ原の戦い」に関して以下を記した。




冒頭のコラム記事「CS 3ー関ヶ原の戦い The Battle of Sekigahara」のなかに、「西軍の敗因」として以下を記した。






今月、7月2日本コラムに投稿した「CS 28『容易ならざる国際人』-榎本 武揚 “A dignified International Man” – Takeaki Enomoto」、7月9日投稿した「CA29ー日英同盟の立役者・林 董 A leading figure in the Anglo-Japanese Alliance・Tadasu Hayashi」、この2つの舞台は「明治維新」であった。











この第二次征討の「敗退」によって幕府の軍備の脆弱性が白日の下に曝されることになり、幕府滅亡を早める結果になったが、この動きの裏では、昨年2020年7月12日本コラムに投稿した「CS12 ー 英国で始まった『薩長同盟』The Satsuma-Choshu alliance began in England」に詳しく記した薩長同盟が1866年に結ばれ、歴史の軸は明治維新へ向かって大きく回転し始めていたのである。


The place where the “Nishiki no Mihata”(A Flag of the Imperial Court), the flag displayed at the front of the new government army, was made (quoted from the official website of “the Yamaguchi Chamber of Commerce and Industry”)







「朝敵の汚名」と感じた徳川慶喜は戦意を失い、周りの意見を聞くことはまったく無く、1月7日には大坂城を脱出、「CS 28『容易ならざる国際人』-榎本 武揚 “A dignified International Man” – Takeaki Enomoto」に記した、艦長榎本武揚不在のまま、軍艦「開陽丸」に乗船、江戸へと向かったのである。















執筆・翻訳者:羽谷 信一郎

English Translation

Corporate Strategy (CS) 29 – History repeats itself

In the article “CS 3 – The Battle of Sekigahara” which I wrote in this column last February 2020, I wrote about the Battle of Sekigahara which took place on September 15, 5th year of Keicho (October 21, 1600 A.D.) and was known as the “Battle of Sekigahara”.

The battle began at around 8:00 am, and although the western forces were dominant in the morning, the battle was reversed afternoon when Hideaki Kobayakawa of the western forces betrayed them, and the western forces collapsed. Clemens Meckel, who came to Japan from Germany at the beginning of the Meiji era and laid the foundations for the modernization of the Japanese army as an instructor at the Army War College, looked at the formation of the two armies and immediately replied, “The West won the battle,” but why did the battle end in a one-step victory for the Eastern Army in such a brief time and what were the causes?

There are many theories about the strength of the eastern and western armies, but recent research has shown that the western army of the Toyotomi side was far superior to the eastern army of the Tokugawa side in terms of both “positional readiness” and “military strength”.

1.Causes of the Defeat of the Western Army at the Battle of Sekigahara

In the column “CS 3 – The Battle of Sekigahara” written at the beginning of this article, I wrote the following as “the cause of the defeat of the Western Army”.

When an organisation expands, change and evolution are required at certain stages. This is because there is no eternal expansion. Such was the case with the organization of Hideyoshi, who rose from a sandal-cutter to become a natural ruler. The “Bunji-ha”, or administrative staff, led by Mitsunari, who were expected to govern and administer the organisation, gained in strength. However, no “evolution” was evident in their strategy. After unifying the country, Hideyoshi and Mitsunari continued to follow the old strategy of “further territorial gains”: seven years of unsuccessful campaigns in Korea.

The battle of Sekigahara was a battle of the old and the new orders, between the West, which tried to continue the “ancien régime” (the old order) despite its dissatisfaction, and the East, which was already undergoing an “organizational evolution”, aiming at the establishment of a firm samurai government in the next era and the shogunate system.

While Ieyasu was deployed at Sekigahara, Terumoto Mori, who had been appointed general-in-chief of the Western Army, remained at Osaka Castle and did not go into battle. Moreover, although the battle was effectively between the Tokugawa and anti-Tokugawa forces, Yododono refused Mitsunari’s repeated requests for Hideyori to come to the battle, giving the entire western army the fatal negative vector of “the absence of a top leader.

How much the absence of Hideyori Toyotomi, the symbol of the western army, affected the morale of the whole army. The fact that “we are fighting for the head of the army, but the head is not on the battlefield” had a profound effect on the whole army, which was able to fight “individual battles” and was “skilled in tactics” but had no firm “strategy” to lead the whole army. Because of this, “the whole army collapsed in an instant” and “the battle, which everyone expected to be a long one, was settled in just seven hours”.

2. The outbreak of the Meiji Restoration

The “CS 28: A dignified International Man” – Takeaki Enomoto” and the “CA 29: A leading figure in the Anglo-Japanese Alliance – Tadasu Hayashi”, which I wrote about on July 2 and July 9 respectively this month, were set in the Meiji Restoration.

More than 250 years had passed since the Battle of Sekigahara, when the economic and military expansionist policies of the Western powers, which had begun with the arrival of the Black Ships, brought imperialism to Japan. The “expulsion of the barbarians” movement began as a movement of resistance against this, and this gave rise to a huge surge of energy that led to the Meiji Restoration, which began to sweep across the country.

As China, then known as the Qing dynasty, was defeated in the two-year Opium War that began in 1840, and the influence of Western imperialist policies, led by the victorious British Empire, began to spread throughout East Asia, Japan became aware of this and, based on national studies such as the Mito school, began to adopt a policy of expulsion from the country, which was based on the principle of seclusion from foreign powers and the desire to maintain the shogunate system that had been in place since the dawn of the Edo shogunate. However, as the Edo shogunate had chosen to open the country to foreign powers and trade, the idea of expulsion of the barbarians was combined with the movement to defeat the shogunate and bring the expulsion of the barbarians under the control of the imperial court.

In 1858, Naosuke Ii, the 15th lord of the Hikone clan and the highest-ranking feudal lord in Japan’s history, was appointed Tairo (top councilor of shogunate), a position that gave him complete control over the administration of the shogunate. On June 19, 1858, he signed the Treaty of Amity and Commerce between Japan and the United States, a treaty of inequality, without obtaining the emperor’s approval. Naturally, there were many people who opposed the measures taken by the shogunate led by Naosuke Ii, but the shogunate, led by Naosuke Ii, suppressed and purged more than 100 feudal lords, lords and nobles of the expulsionist and Hitotsubashi factions, in what was later called the “Ansei-no-Taigoku”. In 1860, Naosuke Ii was assassinated in the Sakuradamon Gai no hen (Incident Outside Sakurada Gate), bringing the Ansei-no-Taigoku period to a close.

When things move, there is always a reaction. When the force of “action” works, the force of “reaction” always occurs. The third law of motion, commonly known as the law of action-reaction, applies to all human activity. The law of action-reaction states that when two objects exert a force or action on each other, they are opposite in direction and equal in magnitude. The Ansei-no-Taigoku, the first time in the 300-year history of the Tokugawa shogunate that the shogunate had been suppressed, and the reaction to that suppression, became “an unprecedented force” that set the wheels of history in motion in search of a “new world”.

Despite this outpouring of power, however, the shogunate continued to pursue its policy of combining the shogunate and the imperial court to strengthen Japan’s national power and military might in response to the Western powers, and to maintain the shogunate’s status quo by making vague compromises with the “expulsion of the barbarians”. This ambiguity led to a loss of support from the domains that faced the threat of foreign powers, and the idea of abolishing the shogunate and establishing a centralised political system under the imperial court was rapidly gaining support across the country, including from the clans themselves.

The idea of “clan independence” was also born among the clans that had been subordinate to the shogunate for many years. Among the clans that had supported the opening of Japan to the outside world, there began to emerge “forces that opposed the shogunate’s monopoly on foreign trade and called for a change in the shogunate system ” to counter the Western powers. These forces, too, had in mind “the imperial court as the centre of the system”, and so a complex political struggle and civil war unfolded at the imperial court in Kyoto.

3. “The Political Incident of 18 August” and “the Kinmon Gate Incident”

On 30 September 1863, or 18 August in the third year of Bunkyu in the Japanese calendar, a political upheaval took place in the Imperial Court, later known as the “August 18 Incident”. This was the day when the Aizu and Satsuma clans, which had supported the shogunate’s policy of expelling the barbarians, removed from the court the Choshu clan, which had been backed by radical exclusionist nobles who wanted to expel the barbarians from Japan.

This “action” was, of course, followed by a “reaction”. The Choshu clan, which had been expelled from Kyoto as a result of this political upheaval, raised an army in an attempt to eliminate the Aizu clan lord Katamori Matsudaira, who they considered their main enemy. The battle, which took place on August 20, 1864 (July 19 in the first year of Gneji in Japanese calendar), was a fierce urban battle that destroyed 30,000 houses in the city of Kyoto and led to the defeat of the Choshu clan and the decline of the militant expulsion of the Emperor. In the aftermath of the Hamaguri Gomon Incident, the Chōshū clan was defeated and the militant expulsion of the expulsionists from Japan began to wane.

After this, the political situation was led by the Aizu clan, the Kuwana clan, and the Tokugawa clan, who fought against the Choshu forces. After the war, the Choshu clan, led by the Aizu clan and the Kuwana clan, fought against the Choshu forces. The Choshu clan was considered to be the “enemy of the dynasty” because it had fired on the Kyoto Imperial Palace, and the “conquest of Choshu” was launched.

In 1864 and 1866, the shogunate conquered the Choshu clan in order to punish the Choshu clan for the kinmon Gate Incident, but only the First Choshu Conquest was considered a “conquest”.

The Shogunate was able to “commit seppuku(harakiri)” of three retainers of the Choshu clan, behead four of its chiefs of staff, and destroy Yamaguchi Castle. However, in the Second Conquest of Choshu, the Shogunate’s forces suffered greatly from a counterattack by the Choshu clan, which had prepared a new type of army. In the midst of the chaos, the 14th Shogun, Iemochi Tokugawa, died, and the 15th Shogun, Yoshinobu Tokugawa, upon hearing the news that Kokura Castle had fallen to the Choshu, approached the Imperial Court and requested an “Imperial Order of Truce”, which resulted in a ceasefire.

The “defeat” of the second conquest exposed the weakness of the Shogunate’s military forces and hastened its downfall. Behind the scenes, however, the axis of history was beginning to turn towards the Meiji Restoration with the signing of the Satsuma-Choshu alliance in 1866, as detailed in the article of 12 July 2020, “CS12 – The Satsuma-Choshu alliance began in England”.

4. “Nishiki no Mihata” (a Flag of the Imperial Court)

Two years after the second conquest of Choshu, and perhaps an irony of history, more than 260 years after the “Battle of Sekigahara” which decided the establishment of the Tokugawa Shogunate, the “Battle of Toba-Fushimi”, the first battle of the “Boshin War”, which decided the fall of the Tokugawa Shogunate, took place from January 27th to 30th, 1868 (January 3rd to 6th, Keio 4th in Japanese calendar). The main players in the battle were the Satsuma and Choshu clans, who had joined the “Western Army” at Sekigahara, and the Tokugawa forces of the “Eastern Army”.

The failure of the second conquest of Choshu greatly diminished the prestige of the Shogunate, but this “action” led to a new movement, a “reaction”. On November 8, 1867 (October 13, Keio 3rd in Japanese calendar), the Satsuma clan received a secret imperial decree against the Shogunate, and the next day, the Choshu clan received the same decree. On the same day that the secret decree was issued to the Choshu clan, Yoshinobu Tokugawa, who was already aware of these developments, requested the Imperial Court to return the government to power, and on the following day, October 15, the Emperor Meiji gave his approval.

Having lost the “name of the overthrow of the shogunate”, Satsuma and choshu continued their campaign against the Imperial Court to defeat Yoshinobu Tokugawa. As a result, the “Great Decree of the Restoration of the Monarchy” was issued on January 3, 1868 (December 9, Keio 3 in Japanese calendar), which decided to abolish the Shogunate and establish a new government, and a series of armed conflicts between the anti-Shogunate faction and the Shogunate side broke out in the “Boshin War”, starting with the “Battle of Toba-Fushimi”.

At the Battle of Toba-Fushimi, Yoshinobu Tokugawa was in command at Osaka Castle, but he was unable to formulate a proper strategy because he did not have a professional advisor at his side. Although the Shogunate was far ahead in terms of the number of troops, the new government had introduced a new type of army that was superior to that of the Shogunate. As a result, the battle was a back-and-forth affair, but the new government (Satcho: Satsuma and Choshu) had a brilliant “trump card” in the form of a strategy. The strategy was to make the Shogunate’s army the “enemy of the imperial court”. They appointed Prince Ninnaji (later Prince Komatsunomiya) to the temporary post of “Conqueror General” and set up the main camp for the conquest of the Shogunate forces under the “Nishiki no Mikata” banner. This was an opportunity for the opportunistic clans to make their banners clear and join the side of the new government, and in the blink of an eye, the decision was made.

Feeling “the stigma of a dynastic enemy”, Yoshinobu Tokugawa lost his will to fight and did not listen to the opinions of those around him. As described in “CS 28 “A Dignified International Man” – Takeaki Enomoto”, without Captain Takeaki Enomoto, he boarded the warship “Kaiyo Maru” and headed for Edo (Tokyo).Takeaki Enomoto, who was left behind in Osaka Castle, carried away the guns and swords left behind, loaded 180,000 ryo on other Shogunate warships, and left Osaka Bay on January 12 with the Shinsengumi and wounded soldiers from the old Shogunate army, arriving in Edo on January 15.He proposed a “thorough war”. However, Yoshinobu Tokugawa, fearful of the “Nishiki no Mikata” (the flag of brocade), only showed his “reverence” by confining himself to Kan-eiji Temple in Ueno.

Unhappy, the shogunate’s vassals and feudal lords insisted on a ‘thoroughgoing war’ and boarded the warships of the old shogunate fleet, led by Takeaki Enomoto, and set off for Ezo. On the other hand, Satsuma and Choshu clans, who were in high spirits, organized an expeditionary force to the east under the “Decree of Yoshinobu Tokugawa”, and the second act of the “Boshin War” unfolded mainly in Tohoku and Hokkaido.

There is the reason the Tokugawa Shogunate, which had three times as many troops as the new government, lost the Battle of Toba-Fushimi. The reason is that the Tokugawa Shogunate thought that the old-fashioned “number of troops = war potential”. Before the advent of guns, it was possible to think that “number of men = number of swords and spears” and “number of men = strength of the army”. However, the arrival of the guns posed a new proposition: the evolution of the weapons, but the upper echelons of the Tokugawa shogunate, who had lived through three hundred years of peace and tranquility and were obsessed with the idea that the Tokugawa shogunate was the absolute authority, no longer had the strategic thinking to consider the evolution of the weapons. This is the reason the shogunate was so obsessed with the idea of “authority”.

The Choshu clan survived the two conquests of Choshu with only a small army, and the Satsuma clan lost the Anglo-Satsuma War and sent a delegation of nineteen people to England as foreign students to examine the shortcomings of their strategy and to experience first-hand the differences in weapons and their evolution. The Satsuma clan was eager to adopt the advanced culture of Europe and America, while the Shogunate forces, under the assumption that their forces were three times as strong as the Satsuma and Choshu clans’, fought a conventional war in the dark. It is no exaggeration to say that the outcome of the battle was already known before the ” Nishiki no Mihata “.

In fact, the guns of the Satsuma and Choshu clans, which had been introduced to the latest British weaponry, had a much longer range than the older guns of the Shogunate. Therefore, if they were shot at from outside the range of the Shogunate’s guns, the Shogunate’s forces had no way of fighting back and had to “let them shoot”.

Furthermore, in terms of strategy, the Shogunate’s forces were optimistic about victory based on the number of men they had, whereas the new government (Satsuma and Choshu) had to carefully plan and study their battle strategy. The Shogunate was defeated not only in hardware, but also in software.

Summary of this issue

The most important reason for the defeat of the “Western Army” in the “Battle of Sekigahara” was that they “did not recognize the great impact of the absence of a general in battle”. More than 260 years later, the “Eastern Army” made the same mistake in the “Battle of Toba-Fushimi” in the form of the “flight of the general before the enemy”.

Even today, many companies make the same mistake in their response to trouble. Companies are not prepared for even the rudiments of dealing with a crisis, such as whether the top management should hold a press conference from the initial stages or whether it should be the directors in charge. It is normal for companies and people who feel that they have suffered a great deal of inconvenience and damage from a problem to think that, when “the top management does not come out”, “the top management behind me may think that ‘it is not my turn yet'”. If we understand this and respond accordingly, the “claim” will be handled differently. In fact, it is this initial response that decides whether a claim becomes a crisis or not. It is no exaggeration to say that “the initial response is the whole of claims handling”.

There is another lesson that the Battle of Toba Fushimi teaches us: evolution. This is true not only for weapons such as guns, but also for organisations such as risk management organisations. Once a risk management organisation has been established, it must be modified in response to changes in the external and internal environment, otherwise the organisation itself can become a bottleneck, making it difficult to accurately identify and respond to risks. It can become a “short gun”. This is because the risks surrounding companies today have changed so drastically that they have been described as “the transformation of risk”.

In the past, earthquake risk referred to physical damage to buildings, equipment and machinery caused by seismic activity. This has led to the construction of “tsunami towers” and other structures.

In addition, there is a growing concern about the loss of revenue to companies due to the collapse of lifelines and the failure of production facilities if the water does not recede for a prolonged period. The Great East Japan Earthquake has changed the way we used to think about earthquake risk.

In the past, it was only important to comply with laws and regulations, but nowadays it is important to act in accordance with the social concerns and values of the time. Even if a company complies with the law, if it acts in a way that is contrary to society’s expectations, its reputation will be severely damaged, and it will be subject to legal sanctions.

Two years ago, no one could have predicted the pandemic spread of covid-19 disease, which has claimed many lives and had an enormous impact on the global economy. Whether it is earthquake risk or infectious disease risk, risk management organisations must constantly evolve to anticipate, detect, verify, and respond to new risks, based on the assumption that new risks will arise.

To achieve this, we have entered an era in which full-fledged risk management, with a view to establishing captives as a full-scale risk management measure, is indeed essential.


Author/translator: Shinichiro Hatani