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リスク対応策 2020.02.24

RM 16 キャプティブ・セミナー(エウロペ)Captive Seminar (Europa)

For those who prefer to read this column in English, the Japanese text is followed by a British English translation, so please scroll down to the bottom of the Japanese text.















「Universe」、日本語で「宇宙、全世界」と訳される言葉である。日本語の語感には「外に向かって放たれる」、そのような「大きな広がり」を感じさせるが、英語の語源はこの逆である。欧州連合(EU:Europe Union)の「Union」の接頭辞、「Uni(一つ)」にラテン語の「Verse(回る)」という言葉が付いている。「一つを中心に回る」、つまり「内への収斂」を意味する言葉だからである。













執筆・翻訳者:羽谷 信一郎

English Translation

Risk Management 16 – Captive Seminar (Europa)

It was the summer of 2014, six years ago, when I felt the sweltering heat on the platform of alighting from the Shinkansen and headed to the venue, saying “Come on, captive seminar,” I made my way to the venue.

The core of risk management is the assessment and response to risk. Quite a few years have passed since I jumped from the world of insurance to full-blown risk management and captives in the United States, the home of risk management and captives, and while I’ve worked hard to educate and specialize in this field, I decided to listen as an audience member myself, after founded Global Link , to attended a few seminars on risk management and captives. Unfortunately, however, I was unable to have an impression of “great”. I felt that the main focus of the seminars was on academic risk management theory, which could only be seen as a list of Western languages, and they lacked the perspective of why risk management is necessary and why captives are necessary.

In addition, after extensive research, I realized that the books and materials available today do not describe the practical steps involved in establishing a captive, and that it is difficult to even establish a risk management structure, which is a prerequisite for establishing a captive, without the help of anyone else.

Just when I was thinking that I would like to introduce the establishment of a captive and practical risk management in my own way in a simple way, I was asked to be a speaker at a seminar in Nagoya.

1.The Essential Principle of Captives

I founded Global Link, focusing my business on “risk management, captive establishment and operational management consulting” from a management consulting business for property and casualty insurance companies. My “first job” was to review the basics. When I joined CIGNA in the US and was assigned to ESIS (captive division), I pulled out the materials and books that I learned thoroughly about the process of “captive establishment, operation management, and captive innovation”, which had been tossed in the back of a bookshelf, and contacted experts in the US and UK, with whom I had been friends for some time. I started to take it down.

In Europe and the United States, which are far ahead of Japan in terms of captives and risk management, I asked for their advice on “what the original captives and risk management required by companies should be” and did some research. This is because the important “captive as a means of risk management” has disappeared, and in Japan, only “tax reduction” is recommended in the Internet search results.

The seminar in Nagoya was divided into three parts: risk management, captives, the basics of captives, application and implementation, and was held in the form of an introduction to practical examples from Europe and the United States. After the seminar, we received a number of requests for individual consulting services and comments such as, “The seminar covered everything from actual overseas discussions to practical risk analysis and management methods. It was the first time for me to hear all of these topics, and I found the seminar very interesting.”

It was 14 years ago, in 2006, that the Securities and Exchange Law was fundamentally amended to incorporate the concept of risk management for the first time, and the name of the law was changed to the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act in order to respond to the complexities of today’s financial services. At the time, I remember many seminars were held on “establishment of internal control systems,” one of the areas of risk management. It is because, after the seminar on internal control and risk management, which I attended, I talked with a couple of people with whom I was very close, and they said, “Internal controls are okay with manual and documented risk management.”

2. Europa (Europe)

It has been a long time since the novel “The Da Vinci Code” written by Dan Brown, which caused much controversy and publicity with the Catholic Church around the world, was made into a movie, with audiences lining up in long lines in front of many movie theaters around the world. It was an excellent film that depicted the genealogy of Christ, the Roman Catholic Church, Christian orthodoxy, and heresy, interweaving with the presence of Leonardo da Vinci, while touching on the relationship between Christianity, which began as a reformation movement within Judaism, and the pagan religions that have existed in Europe since ancient times (indigenous religions).

Until Christianity was sanctioned by the Roman emperor Constantine the Great, the roots of “paganism” widely believed among the people were Greek mythology and Zeus was worshipped as the main god. It is said that Zeus fell in love at first sight with the princess Europa, who was picking flowers in a field, and transformed himself into a white bull, and took her to the island of Crete and made her his consort. According to “Herodotus”(translated by Chiaki Matsudaira in Japanese), the ancient Greek historian,Herodotus named the area where Zeus ran around when he took her away as Europa after her name. It is the origin of the word “Europe” today.

In March 1957, the European Economic Community (EEC) was established in Europe with the aim of unifying the economies of the region, which was then transformed into the European Community (EC) with the aim of unifying all of the economies.

The EU’s currency comes in both paper money and coins. Unlike banknotes, which have a common design in each country, the reverse side of a coin has its own design. Italy is the home of the Vatican, the headquarters of the Roman Catholic Church, and has fused Greek mythology with Roman mythology.The design on the back of that Euro coin is “the one with Europa holding the pen and the European Constitution”.

The word “Universe,” which translates to “the universe, the whole world” in Japanese. While the Japanese word has a sense of “outward emission” or such a “great expanse”, the English word has the opposite etymology. The word is derived from the Latin word “Verse”, which is a prefix to “Union” in the European Union (EU). This is because the word means “revolving around the One” or in other words, “convergence within”.

On January 9 of this year, the British House of Commons passed a bill to withdraw from the European Union (EU) by a majority vote, and on January 31, the UK officially left the EU, known as Brexit. Ironically, however, the “securities trading” that drives the world of capitalism is a system that developed as a result of the transfer of its base from the continent of the EU to the UK and London.

The “stock exchange”, which originated in France around the 12th century, was active in Italy, which gave birth to a wealthy merchant class that led to the Renaissance and nurtured the richest merchant class in Italy, especially in Venetia, the richest trading city-state known for producing Marco Polo in the 13th century. Securities trading by government and public institutions was very active. On the other hand, in the 17th century, the Dutch East India Company, which had also made a great deal of money in foreign trade, was the first to issue “shares”, which were “securities transactions of private companies”. These shares were traded actively on the Amsterdam stock market, but with the decline of the Netherlands’ status as a trading nation and the rise in its status due to the industrial revolution in the emerging United Kingdom, the center of stock trading began to shift to London in the late 18th century, as “specialized stockbrokers began to appear in England”.

3. The London Stock Exchange.

Just as insurance trading has its origins in Lloyd’s Coffee House in the City, so the stock market has its origins in a similar coffee shop, New Jonathan’s in the City. Like Lloyd’s Coffee House, the New Jonathan’s was a hangout for stockbrokers, where securities trading and information was frequently conducted, and it became the basis of the London Stock Exchange as we know it today.

Founded in 1801, the London Stock Exchange, one of the three largest stock exchanges in the world along with the New York Stock Exchange and the Tokyo Stock Exchange, received a merger proposal in 2005 from the U.S. Nasdaq, but it was not until 2007 that the London Stock Exchange’s shares were finally broken up. Subsequently, the London Stock Exchange acquired the Italian Stock Exchange. This trend toward consolidation of the securities markets shows no signs of abating. As if in response to this trend, the idea that “globalization and borderlessness of corporate activities have progressed, and therefore global standards ) are also necessary for accounting standards” was born. Then “International Accounting Standards” were established to unify financial statements on an international basis.

This would allow anyone on the other side of the ocean to clearly understand the activities of a company. The Financial Instruments and Exchange Law strictly requires companies to establish internal controls over financial reporting.The day is coming when the phrase “companies like us in rural Japan don’t care about what happens in other countries” will no longer be valid at all.

And the Nihon Keizai Shimbun (WEB version: “Financial Frontline”) of February 21 wrote: “On February 21, the Tokyo Stock Exchange announced a schedule for listed companies to choose which market to shift to by the end of 2021: the prime market, the standard market or the growth market (each tentatively named). The article stated, “The details of the listing criteria for each market will be presented and companies will be asked to choose by the end of this year.The new market classification will change in April 2022.”

I suspect that the Japanese securities market will become globalized and the day is not far off when the world’s stock exchanges will finally become “Uni”.

Summary of this article

In the last 20 years, dramatic advances in the Internet have made every part of the planet instantly accessible, but the environment for corporate business models, stocks, etc., will change dramatically over the next few years as a result of this trend.

The risk of unification with the rest of the world, which has already reached this point, needs to be assessed and addressed as soon as possible. If a company fails to respond to this risk despite the fact that its business model is clearly undergoing a major change, it will only go into decline.

Risk management will play a very important role in this. If we can set a clearer goal for risk management, such as the establishment of a captive, the items to be done will become clearer, and I believe that the effect will be even greater.

Author/translator: Shinichiro Hatani